Chapter 4 Financial Planning
Business Plan
A business plan is a model of what management expects a
business to become in the future
Financial statements are pro forma
Good business plans are comprehensive
Component Parts of a Business Plan
Typical outline
– Contents
– Executive summary
– Mission and strategy statement
– Market analysis
– Operations (of the business)
– Management and staffing
– Financial projections
– Contingencies
The Purpose of Planning and
Plan Information
Major audiences of business plan
– Firm’s own management
Planning process helps pull management team together
Provides a road map for running the business
Provides a statement of goals
Helps predict financing needs
– Outside investors
Tells equity investors what returns can be expected
Tells debt investors how firm will repay loans
The Purpose of Planning and
Plan Information
Planning process
Roadmap for running the business
Statement of goals
Predicting financing needs
Investor communication
Figure 4-1 Using a Plan to Guide Business Performance
Credibility and Supporting Detail
Shows enough supporting detail to indicate it is the
product of careful thinking
Displays summarized financial projections
Four Kinds of Business Plan
Kinds of planning
– Strategic Planning
– Operational Planning
– Budgeting
– Forecasting
Four Kinds of Business Plan
Strategic Planning
– Addresses broad, long-term issues,
contains summarized,
approximate financial projections
Five-year horizon is common
Concepts expressed mainly in words, not numbers
Firm analyzes itself, the industry and the competitive situation
Four Kinds of Business Plan
Operational Planning
– Translates business ideas (day-to-day operations) into concrete, shortterm projections
– Usually one year or less
– Specifies how much the firm will sell, to whom, and at what prices
Four Kinds of Business Plan
– Short-term updates of the annual plan
Usually Covers a three month quarter
Attempts a precise estimate of company expenses
Mostly financial detail with a few words
Four Kinds of Business Plan
– Very short-term projections of profit and cash flow
Where will the business’s financial momentum carry it in the next few weeks
– Consists almost entirely of numbers
– Cash forecasts are projections of short-term cash needs
Most large firms do monthly cash forecasts
Four Kinds of Business Plan
The Business Planning Spectrum
Broad, long-term planning on one end and numerical short-term forecasting
on other
Relating Planning Processes of Small and Large Businesses
Small businesses tend to develop a single business plan containing both
strategic and operating elements
Figure 4-2
The Business Planning Spectrum
Figure 4-3 Relating Business Planning in Large and Small Firms
Financial Plan as a Component of a Business Plan
Financial plan is the financial portion of the business plan
– A set of pro forma financial statements projected over a time period
– Financials are only pieces of the projection
Planning for New and
Existing Businesses
Hard to forecast a new operation
– No history on which to base projections
The typical planning task
– In ongoing businesses, based on planning assumptions such as
Unit sales will increase by 10%
Overall labor costs will rise by 4%, etc.
Figure 4-4 The Planning Task
Planning Assumptions
Planning Assumptions: expected physical or economic condition
that dictates the size of one or more financial statement items
Concept Connection Example 4-1 Planning Assumptions
This year Crumb Baking Corp. sold 1 million coffee cakes per
month at $1 each for a total of $12 million. Year-end
receivables equal to two months of sales or $2 million.
Concept Connection Example 4-1 Planning Assumptions
Crumb’s operating assumptions for sales and receivables are:
1. Price will be decreased by 10%.
2. As a result unit sales volume will increase to 15 million coffee cakes.
3. Collection efforts increased - only one month of sales in receivables at year
Forecast next year’s revenue and ending receivables balance.
Concept Connection Example 4-1 Planning Assumptions
Three interrelated planning assumptions
– a management action with respect to pricing,
– the expected customer response to that action
– 15 million coffee cakes will be sold at $.90
– Rev = 15,000,000 x $.90 = $13,500,000
Collection activities will be more effective
– one months of revenue in accounts receivable at year end.
A/R = $13,500,000/12 = $1,125,000
The General Approach, Assumptions, and the Debt/Interest
The Procedural Approach
– Financial plans are built line-by-line beginning with revenues
Debt/Interest Planning Problem
– The next items needed are interest expense and debt
– Planned debt is required to forecast interest, but interest is
required to forecast debt
An Iterative Numerical Approach
Solves the debt/interest problem
– Interest: Guess a value of interest expense
– Net Income: Complete the income statement
– Ending equity: Calculate as beginning equity plus net income
– Ending debt: Calculate as total L&E (= total assets) less current
liabilities less ending equity
– Interest:
Average beginning and ending debt then calculate interest
expense on that value
– Test the results:
Compare calculated interest to the original guess
Figure 4-5 The Debt/Interest
Planning Problem