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Lecture 27 more glaciers

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Chapter 12:

Glaciers & glaciation

Today’s Lecture:
Chapter 22:
Glacial erosion.

Fig. 22.01 b

Glacial deposition.

Causes of glaciation.



Aspects of global change.

Glacial deposits
 Sediments of glacial
origin are called “drift”.
 Deposits 10-100’s m thick
 Consist of materials

dropped when ice melts.
Deposited by

Unstratifed drift: glaciers
(Called Till or tillite)
Stratified drift:

melt water streams
or lakes.
(Example: Glacial varves)

Fig. 22.21 c
W. W. Norton

Glacial deposits are called drift…

Fig. 22.22 a
Stephen Marshak

Unstratified glacial drift is called till…

Glacial Erratic

Fig. 22.22 c
Courtesy Duncan Heron

Stratified glacial Lake deposits

Fine grained
glacial material
(rock flour)
redistributed by
the wind.

How to find a meteorite…

Fig. 22.14
W. W. Norton

Glacial deposits
● Moraines

end moraine: ridge of till at end of stable glacier.
recessional moraine: a series of terminal moraines
formed when a glacier recedes in steps.
ground moraine: blanket of till left when
a glacier retreats rapidly.
lateral moraine: till deposited along the side of glacier.
medial moraine: formed where two or more
glaciers merge.

Glacial deposits

● Lateral moraines:
formed along
margins of glacier.


Glacial deposits
● Medial Moraines
Medial moraines: Joining of two or more glaciers.

Fig. 22.21 a
W. W. Norton

Glacial deposits
Unstratified drift

● Moraines

End moraine: ridge of till at end of stable glacier
Recessional moraine: all other end moraines

Fig. 22.23 b
W. W. Norton

Fig. 22.24
W. W. Norton. Adapted from
Tarbuck and Lutgens, 1996

Glacial deposits
Stratified drift:

● outwash plains
● kettle lakes
● eskers

Kettle lakes…

Fig. 22.26 a
W. W. Norton

Fig. 22.26 b
W. W. Norton

Glacial deposits
Stratified drift landforms

● outwash plains

● kettle lakes
● eskers

Fig. 22.23 a
W. W. Norton

Fig. 22.27
W. W. Norton


Glacial deposits

Stratified drift landforms

● outwash plains
● kettle lakes
● eskers

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