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Instructors: Mr. Tran Ngoc Thinh. Ph.D
Group 3:
• 13070223 – Võ Thanh Biết
• 13070229 – Lưu Nguyễn Hoàng Hạnh
• 13070232 – Nguyễn Duy Hoàng
• 13070243 _ Trần Duy Linh
• 13070244 – Nguyễn Thị Thúy Loan
• 13070251 – Phạm Ích Trí Nhân
• 13070258 – Nguyễn Anh Quốc
• 13070269 – Lê Thị Minh Thùy
• 12070558 – Cao Minh Vũ


Multi processor

What is a multiprocessor system?

What category can it be in the Flynn Classification?

Synchronization: state some techniques: spin lock, barrier, advantage/disadvantage.
Synchronization for large scale multiprocessor

Memory consistency: state the relaxed consistency models

Multithreading: how to multithreading improve the performance of a uniprocessor without
superscalar? With superscalar?

Cache coherent problem in multicore systems

Why keeping cache coherence on multiprocessor is needed

Brief explain directory-based protocol? Where is it most applicable

Explain snoopy-based protocol? Where is it most applicable

Listing some popular protocols in modern processors

What is MESI protocol



What is a multiprocessor system ?

Multiprocessing is a type of processing in which two or more
processors work together to process more than one program

Advantages of Multiprocessor Systems:

Reduced Cost

Increased Reliability

Increased Throughput

Flynn classification

Based on notions of instruction and data streams

SISD (Single Instruction stream over a Single Data stream )

SIMD (Single Instruction stream over Multiple Data streams )

MISD (Multiple Instruction streams over a Single Data stream)

MIMD (Multiple Instruction streams over Multiple Data stream)

Flynn classification


Why Synchronize?

Need to know when it is safe for different processes running on
different processors to use shared data

Load sharedvar
Modify sharedvar
Store sharedvar

Load sharedvar
Modify sharedvar
Store sharedvar


Hardware support for synchronization

Atomic instruction to fetch and update memory (atomic operation)

Atomic exchange:


tests a value and sets it if the value passes the test


interchange a value stored in a register for a value stored in a memory location representing
a lock

returns the value of a memory location and atomically increments it after the fetch is done

Atomic Read and Write for Multiprocessors

load-linked(LL) and store-conditional(SC)


Initial Implementations


Current Trends

Spin Locks

Condition Variables

Read-Write Locks

Reference Locks


spin locks: locks that a processor continuously tries to acquire,
spinning around a loop until it succeeds
/*some computation on shared data(critical
Acquire based on primitive: Read-Modify-Write


spin locks:


Spin locks : (using test and set)
void spin_lock (spinlock_t *s)
while (test_and_set (s) != 0)
while (*s != 0) ;


void spin_unlock (spinlock_t *s)

s = 0;


Synchronization for large-scale multiprocessor:

For large scale MPs, synchronization can be a bottleneck; techniques to reduce contention and latency of


Ex: 20 processors spin on lock held by 1 proc, 50 cycles for bus
Read miss by all waiting processors to fetch lock (20x50) 1000
Write miss by releasing processor and invalidates


Read miss by all waiting processors (20x50)


Write miss by all waiting processors
one successful lock (50) & invalidate all copies (19x50)

Total time for 1 proc. to acquire & release lock



Each time one gets a lock, it drops out of competition, so avg.=1525
20 x 1525 = 30,000 cycles for 20 processors to pass through the lock
Problem is contention for lock and serialization of lock access: once lock is free, all compete to see who gets it


spin lock with exponential back-off
queuing lock


Barrier Synchronization

A very common synchronization primitive

Wait until all threads have reached a point in the program before any are

allowed to proceed further

Uses two shared variables

A counter that counts how many have arrived

flag that is set when the last processor arrives

Barrier Synchronization

Simple Barrier Synchronization

if(count==0) release=0;

/* First resets release */

count++; /* Count arrivals */

/* All arrived */

count=0; /* Reset counter */
release = 1;
}else {

/* Release processes */

/* Wait for more to come */


/* Wait for release to be 1*/


Barrier with many processors
Have to update counter one by one – takes a long time

Solution: use a combining tree of barriers

Example: using a binary tree

Pair up processors, each pair has its own barrier

E.g. at level 1 processors 0 and 1 synchronize on one barrier, processors 2 and 3 on another, etc.

At next level, pair up pairs

Processors 0 and 2 increment a count a level 2, processors 1 and 3 just wait for it to be released

At level 3, 0 and 4 increment counter, while 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 just spin until this level 3 barrier is released

At the highest level all processes will spin and a few “representatives” will be counted.

Works well because each level fast and few levels

Only 2 increments per level, log2(numProc) levels

For large numProc, 2*log2(numProc) still reasonably small


Contention even with test-and-test-and-set

Every write goes to many, many spinning procs

Making everybody test less often reduces contention for highcontention locks but hurts for low-contention locks

Solution: exponential back-off

If we have waited for a long time, lock is probably high-contention

Every time we check and fail, double the time between checks

Fast low-contention locks (checks frequent at first)

Scalable high-contention locks (checks infrequent in long waits)

– Hardware support

Cache Coherence

In a shared memory multiprocessor with a separate cache memory
for each processor, it is possible to have many copies of any oneinstruction operand.

One copy in the main memory and one in each cache memory. When
one copy of an operand is changed, the other copies of the operand
must be changed.

==> Coherence ensure reading a location
should return the latest value written to that


Cache Coherence

Cache Coherence
Condition Coherency:

P writes X (becomes Xp), no other writes, P reads X => P gets

Q writes X (becomes Xq), no other writes, P reads X => P gets

P writes X (Xp),then Q write X(Xq). R,S,T reads X => they all
get Xq

Snooping protocol

Used in systems with a shared bus between the processors
and memory modules

Rely on a common channel (or bus) connecting the processors
to main memory.

This enables all cache controllers to observe (or snoop) the
activities of all other processors and take appropriate actions
to prevent the processor from obtaining old data.

Cache Coherence

Cache Coherence

Cache State Bits: describe the state of every cache line
(invalid, valid, shared, dirty…)

Bus Monitor: monitoring hardware that can independently
update the state of cache lines,

Bus Cache Cycles: broadcast invalidates or updates. They
may or may not be part of bus read/write cycles

Cache Coherence
Two possible solutions:
1.Update copy in the cache of processors. (Write-Invalidate)
2.Invalidate copy in the cache of processors.

Cache Coherence

Cache State Bits: describe the state of every cache line
(invalid, valid, shared, dirty…)

Bus Monitor: monitoring hardware that can independently
update the state of cache lines,

Bus Cache Cycles: broadcast invalidates or updates. They
may or may not be part of bus read/write cycles
