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First and second language acquisition 2

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HS: Language and the Mind
Prof. R. Hickey
SS 2006

First and Second Language Acquisition
Tatiana Prozorova (HS/TN)
Irina Novikava (HS/TN)
Alexandra Wolek (HS/LN)
Vanessa Hollands (HS/LN)
Verena Scheulen (HS/LN)
Nadiya Sowa (HS/LN)
Kirsten Leicht (HS/TN)


Instruction and Second Language Acquisition
Variation in Child Language
Psychosocial Aspects of Language Acquisition
Social and Discourse Aspects of Interlanguage
Psycholinguistic Aspects of Interlanguage
Contrastive Linguistics

Instruction and Second Language

Tatiana Prozorova
Irina Novikava


main theories dealing with instruction in L2 acquisition
effectiveness of instruction
key principles for an effective instruction
instructions appropriate to each acquisition stage
ten things the teacher can do to improve instruction for
ELL students


Grammar Translation Method

Audiolingual Method

non-communicative approach that relies on reading and
translation, mastery of grammatical rules and accurate writing
non-communicative approach that involves heavy use of mimicry,
imitations and drill. Speech, not writing is emphasised

Communicative Language Teaching

is based on the assumption that learners do not need to be taught
grammar before they can communicate but will acquire it
naturally as part of the process of learning to communicate

Basic theories of L2 acquisition

"Comprehensible Input" hypothesis (by Stephen Krashen)

"Comprehensible Output" hypothesis (by Merrill Swain and others)

learners acquire language by "intaking" and understanding language that

is a "little beyond" their current level of competence

providing learners with opportunities to use the language and skills they
have acquired, at a level in which they are competent, is almost as
important as giving students the appropriate level of input

Affective Filter hypothesis (by Krashen and Terrell)

individual’s emotions can directly assist in the learning of a new language

Basic theories of L2 acquisition

Basic interpersonal communications skills (BICS) and
cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)

Context-embedded communication

Context-reduced communication

provides fewer communicative clues to support understanding

Cognitively undemanding communication

provides several communicative supports to the listener or
reader(objects, gestures, vocal inflections)

requires a minimal amount of abstract or critical thinking

Cognitively demanding communication

requires a learner to analyze and synthesize information quickly
and contains abstract or specialized concepts

Four key principles for an effective

Increase Comprehensibility

Increase Interaction

language skills are used in real-life situations

Increase Thinking/Study Skills

involves the ways in which teachers can make content more
understandable to their students

advanced thinking skills are developed

Use a student’s native language to increase

Examples of Instructional Strategies

Silent/ Receptive Stage I

Use of visual aids and gestures
Slow speech emphasizing key words
Do not force oral production
Write key words on the board with students copying them as they are

Use pictures and manipulatives to help illustrate concepts
Use multimedia language role models
Use interactive dialogue journals
Encourage choral readings
Use Total Physical Response (TPR) techniques

Examples of Instructional Strategies

Early Production Stage II

Engage students in charades and linguistic guessing games
Do role-playing activities
Present open-ended sentences
Promote open dialogues
Conduct student interviews with the guidelines written out
Use charts, tables, graphs, and other conceptual visuals
Use newspaper ads and other mainstream materials to encourage
language interaction
Encourage partner and trio readings

Examples of Instructional Strategies

Speech Emergence Stage III

Conduct group discussions
Use skits for dramatic interaction
Have student fill out forms and applications
Assign writing compositions
Have students write descriptions of visuals and props
Use music, TV, and radio with class activities
Show filmstrips and videos with cooperative groups scripting the
Encourage solo readings with interactive comprehension checks

Examples of Instructional Strategies

Intermediate /Advanced Proficiency Stages IV & V

Sponsor student panel discussions on the thematic topics
Have students identify a social issue and defend their position
Promote critical analysis and evaluation of pertinent issues
Assign writing tasks that involve writing, rewriting, editing, critiquing
written examples
Encourage critical interpretation of stories, legends, and poetry
Have students design questions, directions, and activities for others to
Encourage appropriate story telling

Ten Things the Teacher Can Do To
Improve Instruction


Enunciate clearly, but do not raise your voice. Add gestures, point
directly to objects, or draw pictures when appropriate
Write clearly, legibly, and in print—many ELL students have
difficulty reading cursive



Develop and maintain routines. Use clear and consistent signals for
classroom instructions
Repeat information and review frequently. If a student does not
understand, try rephrasing or paraphrasing in shorter sentences and
simpler syntax. Check often for understanding, but do not ask "Do
you understand?" Instead, have students demonstrate their learning
in order to show comprehension

Ten Things the Teacher Can Do To

Improve Instruction



Try to avoid idioms and slang words
Present new information in the context of known information
Announce the lesson’s objectives and activities, and list instructions
Present information in a variety of ways
Provide frequent summations of the salient points of a lesson, and
always emphasize key vocabulary words
Recognize student success overtly and frequently. But, also be
aware that in some cultures overt, individual praise is considered
inappropriate and can therefore be embarrassing or confusing to the


The main theories dealing with instructions in L2 acquisition
have been considered
Instruction can be both successful and non-successful
Four key principles for an effective instruction have been
pointed out
Examples of concrete instructions appropriate to each
acquisition stage have been introduced

/>Rod Ellis Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press

Thank you for your attention!


Language and the Brain
Prof. R. Hickey
SS 2006

Variation in child language

Aleksandra Wolek (Hauptstudium LN)


Characteristics considering first language acquisition
Basic requirements for first language acquisition
Variation in child language
 Variation in rate
 Variation in route
Types of variation
Direct & indirect influences

Characteristics considering first
language acquisition :

It is remarkable for its speed
In normal conditions language acquisition generally
Small differences in a range of social and cultural factors
have, according to various studies, no meaning
Belief that there is some “innate” predisposition of
human child to acquire language exists
TRUTH: each human child posses a language

Basic requirements for first
language acquisition

Biological aspects must be fulfilled

This process requires interaction

Language must be culturally trasmitted

Variation in child language
Variation in rate

 Variation in route

Types of variation:
Inherited attributes:
Sex, intelligence, personality and learning style
Social background:
Family structure,
environment, social
group affiliation

Child's linguistic
Style of linguistic
interaction: interpersonal
relations etc.

Situation: setting,
activity, number of

Direct & indirect influences

Indirect influence:

Social background

Direct influences:

Inherited attributes
Style of linguistic interaction

Inherited attributes:

no genetic superiority of girls
correlation between language and intelligence
strongly related to environmental variation
Personality and learning style
no strong evidence for such relationship, still
demands researching
