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Fundamentals PDS

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The Fundamentals of
Professional Development
Seminars (PDS)
Adeeb Hamzey-R3 Professional Activities Coordinator
Hamid Vakilzadian-R4 Professional Activities Coordinator
Ed Perkins-Oregon Section PACE Chair
April 26, 2008
Indianapolis, Indiana
IEEE-USA Annual Meeting

What is PDS?
PDS Topics
What are the building blocks?
What time table is needed?
Some do’s and don’ts
Some useful links
Examples of past successful PDS projects

What is a PDS?
PDS: Professional Development Seminars
½ day or a full day Non-technical seminars
Benefits: These seminars address the professional
needs of IEEE's U.S. members and promote member
communication and networking.
Format: Conference, workshop, presentation, tutorial …

PDS Topics
Economic situations – local & national
Employment opportunities
Section member survey results
Requests from members about specific topics
Section leaders attending conferences & meetings
Participating in Region meetings
Discussions in Forums and Virtual Communities
Potential for financial support to sections

Building Blocks of a PDS
Choose program topics – members in mind
Obtain approval of Section Executive Committee
Seek funding from Section and Region
Establish a PDS committee and a chair
Select PDS topic
Have a budget plan
Publicize the PDS
Review check list before Seminar
Plan activities for the day of the Seminar
Post seminar wrap-up

Building Blocks – Choose Program Topic
and Speaker
Evaluate section membership needs

Feedback from members

Research available resources
Subject matter experts
Potential facilities to be used
Other local organizations
Local government
State agencies


Building Blocks – Obtain Approval of
Section Executive Board
Present the plan to Section Officers (6 months ahead)
Discuss plan details with Section Officers
Consider joint activity with other functions
Engineers’ Week
Other Section functions
Obtain approval of Section Executive Committee
Consider holding with neighboring sections or other professional

Building Blocks – Seek Funding
from Regional PACE
Contact the Regional PACE Coordinator
Submit a Project Funding Request Form

Describe project objectives and how they are met
State benefits to section members
List milestones to be achieved
List types of expenses
Provide information about sources of revenue
Signatures: Section Chair, PACE Chair
Approval: Regional PACE coordinator, Regional Director
Final report triggers regional funding disbursement

Building Blocks – Establish a PDS
Committee and Chair
Appoint a Committee Chair as – project lead
Committee members include:
Section treasurer
Solicited volunteers outside Executive board
Local industry representatives as advisors

Draw an action plan
Develop roadmap to execute the plan

PDS Committee Tasks
Plan Meals and Social Hour
Schedule Meeting Location
Identify and Invite Speakers
Organize Publicity
Plan CEUs and PDHs
Handle the Registration
Budget and Records (Treasurer)

Prepare Final Agenda and Prepare Handouts
Arrange Speaker Transportation

Planning Location
Meeting Location
Hotel ($$$)
Meeting Center ($$)
University ($)
Company ($)

Consider PARKING
Consider Ease of Access
Consider Cost of Food/Refreshments

CE Enticements
Continuing Ed Credits – CEU/PDH
Licensing Requirement for PE’s
PDH (Prof. Development Hour)
Certificates (Print on PC)
CEUs - IEEE EAB (1 CEU ~ 10 PDH)
University Certificates (if partner)

Building Blocks – Select Speakers
To select speakers, consider:
Speaker qualifications
Choice of local or national speakers based on your

Speaker travel as shared with Region PACE
Access to the Professional Development Seminar
Speakers List

Contact speakers as early as possible
Assist in their lodging and local transportation

Building Blocks - Finding Speakers
PACE and ECS Committee
Local experts
PACE Speakers
Career coaches
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Service Corps Of Retired Executives (SCORE)

Building Blocks – Budget
Location rental (may be free - Univ. or Company)
Audio/Visual (may be free - Univ. or Company)
Speaker fee, traveling expense, lodging, etc.
Handouts (may be provided by speaker)
Miscellaneous items (name tags, stationary, etc.)

Building Blocks - Pricing

Determine Fixed Costs
Speaker Fee(s)
Determine Variable Costs (incl. speakers)
Misc: Name tags, pens, pads, prizes, speaker gifts

Building Blocks – Revenue
Local Section
Local industry and universities
Ticket sales

Typical Budget

Room rental
Speaker Travel
Speaker expenses




Speaker meals


Speaker gifts




Misc (handout, etc)


Meals (30 x $15)






PACE Project


Registration (30x$25)


Local Section




Building Blocks - Publicity
Publicize and initiate ticket sales
Advertise in Section Newsletter (30–60 days in
Use Section e-mail, blog, virtual communities, etc.
Distribute a PDS flyer/brochure
Ask other professional organizations to include in
their Newsletters
Send press releases to local media (time sensitive)
Get on free community calendars of TV & Radio
(time sensitive)
Advertise CEUs and PDHs

Building Blocks – Check List
Review check list before Seminar
Finalize agenda
Confirm reservation (food, location, A/V, etc.)
Confirm speakers and presentation needs
Produce evaluation forms
Purchase speaker gifts and door prizes (if desirable)
Have IEEE membership applications and senior
member upgrade forms on hand
Prepare certificate for the attendees (CEU/PDH)

Building Blocks – Day of Seminar
Start event ON TIME
Describe location of restroom facilities and
designated smoking areas
Follow program agenda punctually
Collect completed evaluation forms
Recognize speakers, Committee, and attendees
Present gifts and door prizes
Conclude ON TIME

Building Blocks – After the Seminar
Wrap up activities after the Seminar
Review completed evaluation forms and retain for record and
future considerations
Submit a Final Funding Report Form to Regional PACE

Treasurer to follow-up with speakers to get their expense
Send Thank You letters to speakers
Treasurer to ensure all local expenses are reconciled
Committee debriefing and wrap-up
Document lessons learned

Examples of PDS Topics
Leadership Skills
Project Management
Career Transitions
Professional Skills
Job Fairs
PE Related Topics

Example 1-Workshop
Workshop on Active Career Management
Presented by IEEE Oregon Section and
IEEE-USA’s PACE Committee
Time: 7:30AM – 4:00PM
Continental Breakfast and Lunch
Held at University (no room charge)
Cost $25 Members, $35 non-members, $10

Example 1 - Agenda
Workshop on Active Career Management
7:30 am
8:00 – 9:50
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 11:15
11:15 – 12:15
12:15 – 1:15
1:15 – 2:15
2:15 – 3:15
3:15 – 4:00

Doors open
Project Management – Tarek Lahdhiri
Resumes Inside and Out – Don Hill
Networking in Less Than One Hour
Lee Stogner
Lunch / Keynote: Career Shift; dealing with rapid
and progressive changes in the US work-place
Henry Gregor
Career Defense in the Face of Globalization
Adeeb Hamzey
Career Transitions – Don Herres

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