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Mintel Comperemedia
Making “Knowledge Marketing” Work
Don Jackson
John Coleman
Eric Joyce
JCG Direct Marketing Forum
September 16, 2008

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Topics Covered:

1)Marketing Footprints
2)Product Features & Pricing
3)Credit Scoring for Marketing
4)Estimated production budgets
5)Creative Positioning


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

So What is Mintel Comperemedia?
• Web based media monitoring system that captures
direct mail, e-mail, and print advertising
• Covers Financial Services sectors, with including the
US and Canadian Insurance Markets.
• Hi-resolution, full-color scans are like having the

campaign in-hand
• Includes even the smallest details included about
offers, incentives, and pricing
• News and exclusive editorial give you the big picture
• Powerful reporting and analytical tools keep our
customers in touch with critical trends and
competitors’ changing strategies

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Insurance Coverage

Agent/Producer Panel
1,000 independent agents returning direct
mail, email and fax communications from
insurance companies, including
commission schedules, rate tables,
sales incentives, and agent newsletters.

Small Business Panel
1,000 small businesses
across the US return the
insurance offers they receive.

Print Advertising
Comperemedia monitors the top 100
national newspapers, including the top

50 insurance and investment
publications. Mintel also monitors 12
producer industry publications.

Comperemedia Online Database
Consumer Email Panel

Consumer Direct Mail Panel
Comperemedia has the largest consumer direct
mail panel available. With access to over
200,000 households, Comperemedia provides
clients with an abundance of direct mail
communications that can be segmented by any
of the 100+data points we collect, including
company, zip code, age, offer, estimated mail
volume etc.

Comperemedia receives over
25,000 emails per month from our
panel of 1,000 online consumers.
Clients can compare competitive
rate quotes to individual consumers,
view customer post-purchase
communication streams, and better
understand competitive email

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Mintel Comperemedia

Comperemedia Users Can:
 Increase Sales and Response Rates.
$ Identify & Monitor Competitive Rates, Premiums
and Fees.
Understand how Competitors are
communicating with Producers and Consumers.
 Improve Campaign Effectiveness.
 Protect Your Market.
 Regulatory Compliance.


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Marketing Footprints


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Product Features and Pricing


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Credit Scoring


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Estimating Competitive Spend


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Trend Analysis
• How can I attempt to estimate Competitor’s Spend?
– 3 Approaches

• How are my competitors trending across Insurance
Types, Geographic Locations or Mailing Types?


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Creative Review – Focus on Geico


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Direct Mail Landscape
Top 20 Acquisition Mailers, Jan – May 2008

GEICO mail dominated mailboxes nationwide as the company
mailed nearly three times more acquisition campaigns than the
second top mailer, State Farm.

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Email Landscape
Top 20 Acquisition Mailers, Jan – May 2008

GEICO ranked #2 among acquisition emailers in the Auto
Insurance category (48 unique email campaigns) behind The
Hartford (62 unique campaigns) from January to May 2008. “Not
specified” was removed as the #1 position in acquisition mail.

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Geico Executive Summary

•GEICO continues to rank as the top acquisition direct mailer, while
ranking #2 in the email channel behind The Hartford. State Farm ranks
as the #2 direct mailer.
•In review of the direct mail control packages from GEICO,
Comperemedia found that none of the top 5 campaigns utilized the
gecko. On the other hand, the gecko was used heavily via the email
channel (follow-up acquisition mailers). Also, GEICO used the same
control packages in 2007 and 2008 via direct mail.
•GEICO diversified their mailing types in 2008 by moving into Win-Back,
Loyalty, and Renewal Mailing offers
•For 2008, GEICO is not currently using incentives to attract new
customers (although they have in previous years)
•GEICO’s top 5 control campaigns strongly drove readers to geico.com


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Geico Executive Summary
•Comperemedia began tracking the acquisition “Caveman” campaign
from GEICO in February of 2006 within Direct Mail and in December
2007 for email. This acquisition direct mail campaign has really come on
strong since April 2008. With nearly 1 million campaigns in 2006,
Comperemedia saw a lull in 2007 and a surge in 2008 with nearly 2
million campaigns mid-year. GEICO uses the caveman in customer
communication emails only!
•In the first two quarters of 2008, Comperemedia saw an uplift in the
amount of Watercraft/Motorcycle/RV/Aviation mail from GEICO. The
volumes more than doubled in Q1 2008 compared to Q1 2007. Also,

GEICO used the Caveman icon heavily in these mailings.
•As you will see, GEICO segments the market with direct mail, but not
obviously through the email channel. In 2008, the gecko is the mascot of
choice within acquisition emails. 72% of all acquisition emails from
GEICO contained the gecko.


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Control Campaigns


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

New Home


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Youth Segment


•GEICO relates to the youth
market in this campaign through
the use of images (skiing), pie
charts and compassion: “Living
on a budget can be tough”
•First seen in August 2006 (test),
this campaign was sent mainly in
2007 and was recently picked up
again in March/April 2008
•Media ID 20060915-645


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

•Comperemedia has recorded over 5
million pieces for this GEICO
campaign which has run from July
2007-April 2008

Hispanic Segment

•While GEICO does change strategy
when marketing to the Hispanic
segment, they did not send any
Spanish or English/Spanish

mailings to prospects or clients (as
they have in years past).
•They use only a few phrases in the
Spanish language, such as
“Remember, any way you say it,
everybody wins with GEICO”
•Comperemedia noticed that the
gecko mascot appeared more to the
Hispanic segment compared to the
general market
•Media ID 20070817-1953


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

New Home/Move

First seen in February 2008,
Comperemedia continues to track the
campaign sent to recent movers/new

Media ID: 20080325-11230

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Caveman Campaign
•While GEICO sent the Caveman
campaign to PROSPECTS via direct
mail only, the company used the icon
within customer communications
through the email channel.
•Comperemedia reported that GEICO
has sent over 1.7 million mailings of
Media ID 20080505-1949 to households
across the country to date
•The Caveman campaign was most
recently seen in June 2008.
Comperemedia first saw this campaign
in April 2007. The campaign has come
on strong since April 2008.

Media ID: 20080505-1949

© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

Innovative Creative

Media ID: 20070209-264


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.


© 2007 Mintel International Group. All rights reserved.

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