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OB3 Leadership Skills Report

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OB3 Leadership - October 2016 Trần Khoa
by Khoa Trần




16- NOV- 2016 11:33AM




7 38102989


4 180


Iindiivudiuall !ev,alllll~rthJIf1I:


I am 'team members: a leader is the person who has the' abrutllwttyo stead up and g,et:

8,nd {il'ov'ren the Job TOr each M em her, a person w~111Il1le1',1da the gr'o'up to s U (012:$$. So I
II)catJo[nJas a [uwme'mbemIb"e'cause' I f.ee,11th1 at I don't have' enough of a Illead,er ,of the' glo'OUiP, did
not: have' 'enoug'h confid enoe to stand a mongst tille' ,c[ti"Owd to in spillre' th e' Illwstell1e[r',don II't:halve'
the aibii~iitvto g'Dvern mnthe grou p,



I ' -

ck of confidence wlhle'lUl,ists,lI1ding in front of the crowd to
convlnce people about hls presentatlon,
My (iOmr[mlrunicat:i'on English slkmilimms. not gocd
my presentations sheuld not be ~lluem::yand also many errors when reading ElIlglish"
D'iiffi,cullt IP,rCl,bllelm:isn, the process ,of wo,rlkai'lll= some' diffi,cilJltlli,es I encountered durii[i1~ thms
time was the first time do not yet a'IPlpnJ'p'[rliiat'eto tlhe work gn]IIJIP sih,ouilid I slso encountered
some dini,clIJltffi'eson the job sea[r',eh1~lI1fmlmlatio0r[n1fI the Web ,a,ndfllnboob" 8,e'cause English
skill ~salso we'ak~ sihouilid I stm~b1e1'1mlitl he job, I do not have enough oQnfide'nc,e to e'xp'lress
and not ve't fluent whelil.standm[ng ln front of the' ,c[n:lwd.

to s ulPPleme nt tih,emr Enlillish skill, ilt will help me' be' ,confilident
wlh,en standilng in frent owthe crowd tOI express tlllJe[lfl'tl.~. yLeader and the te,a[mlmembers
Som~ :slollut~Q'li1IsI: have

helped me lin fiilnding lnformatlon wlhl'e[n~[ntrouble: peopte help me Ir~'filnr,emlnrf,o[rmaUOIfioIund
mn tihe' workinlil process, I need help from the' leader and eve[ry'o[i1,ewhen lt's diffif:ult to have

experience mliwl ork. for pr'es'e[lfItat:i(D<[fJ1.

Author Bill rr.easurer wrote' the' book OJur,alge' goes to w,o[rik and mentioned the lrnpcrtance of
II ,and strength when people
I responses t'D a iclhalh~mg'€!l'e; ,adelrs

~~~~~~?J.~;~iiS~~i~~t~~~~;~~e~~S~"~~'lmJ ' ~

n d them, ~[ndl iIle


1'1hreetypes, 0" ciourage: There are three tylP,es ,oT OOlur,dlge'
a'lli'ld use to t:a1pthe aOIU[v',algoef Tolllillowe[rsas tlih,est[reng1l:h of the m to work mere effeetl vely:

the knowledge, experience and work eut for them the abffillliiitv to terminate enemies
adlml~itted lmI~stakes,
2" Trust rcourage: a good I,eadelu willi I trust the folillower:s and get back the' trust frOIMI
ilfoll~lowem'S"~lid the I,e,adelts wi 1111[1I1i,~rveto build tli'u,n In critical tOlrrileSbV ,hL mur:a~
Joll[[llowelus,Ib,e~lng honest, kind and courteous, 81lnd know tlhe emotional

The' imleanrnng r!J,f1m1l11lode'l,icnogll"m:!18'lsis the dsY,silloprment of indMdual
lead ers , As
Treasurer, To help! f'oll[[low~r:s Ire'Cil)grnruazrend d~'V~'lrOIPtheir courage, leaders must recognlre

and develop th~'miU rOWn rCOU ra ge firstly.
During the Working Glrrl)UIP'I$[1[~'€JrdrershipIl. have discovered 1~'iiY w~,allklnesse's. Thein, h,e has,
'sstabli~shed a pl.t\lJitl1 ofr my work s'o I cain easy make tlhs WrQlrlkow the gro1up', ~ut is stl]illle'xist thes's
prrobh:!lmls but he a[llways 1m1l11l'otiym,aete',and the members rof th,e groupi must attempt to be ,211011113'

to l,ea,rrn,rriu,~,~1w,"'."·" Sk" illlilisand e")<,p,',,enr~,(',r:e'~,,",lJJfiiJ3d~it!p!lt' h,e Ille!a,~,er~fthe 'Gro'o~P!1,815rO
~ut,f~'iltlh" in,"us $,0 much, He, accepted those, risks 8ilrlm1,
design urban plllanrne'iIf
slides of P"owerpr'oillflt for the talsk of each Member, FiilnaUy,.to itm,pr,o've ,coln'f1~deltJ1ic~enthe
telling, he made the presentatlon exeretse ,a few days before presentation. In ,additi'Q,aliliways
,ern!coilJr,al~'edus to sp,e,alilkout: personal perspectives about: wmk groups silJrclhas tlhe mvms~ionrof
work, Ihis m.aln,al~e'rmlelnJstty-Ille" wrcm~ dO~lng of leaders, mistakes of ,.lmUM-;ir-I--'"'~....p.u.:
~e,erdba'cllkis rre'Crordedwithout tlhe blllame~r:.eioJI::.e.IJje_e~ readershiilPhav
,of cmJlrage iiimIlmlV groUIP.

OB3 Leadership - October 2016 - Trần Khoa





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Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art


Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his wo

Article Error

wo rd.

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his

Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t

his wo rd.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his wo rd. Co ns ider us ing t he art

icle t he

Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art


Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art


Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his wo


Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.


Yo u may be us ing t he wro ng prepo s it

io n.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art



T his verb may be inco rrect . Pro o f read t he s ent ence t o make s ure yo u have us ed t
he co rr f o rm o f t he verb.



T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o co mbi t
hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

Missing ","


Yo u may need t o place a co mma af t er t his wo rd.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art icle.

Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art icle.

Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his wo rd.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o remo ve t his art icle.

Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

Article Error

Yo u may need t o us e an art icle bef o re t his wo rd.

Coord. Conjunction

T hes e s ent ences begin wit h co o rdinat ing co njunct io ns . T ry t o
co mbi t hem wit h t he s ent ences t hat precede t hem.

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