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The transformed school counselor chapter 14

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Preparing All Students to Become
Career and College Ready
The Transformed School Counselor
Chapter 14

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
copyright laws.

Succeeding in the Global
The ability to navigate the complex life and
work environments in the globally competitive
information age requires students to pay
rigorous attention to developing adequate life
and career skills such as: flexibility and
adaptability; initiative and self-direction; social
and cross-cultural skills; productivity and
accountability; and leadership and
responsibility (Partnership for 21st Century Skills,
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Preparing Students for their
Future Means

increasing their awareness of career options
and educational opportunities;
helping them know who they are, where
they are going, and how they will get there;
ensuring that they acquire the attitudes,
knowledge, and skills to compete in a global
economy; and,
helping them develop a career plan as part
of the school curriculum.

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Theoretical Underpinnings
How do these 4 theorists help us to construct ageappropriate career oriented systems that consider
developmental life stages, personality influence,
learning experiences, and self-confidence to best
prepare today’s youth for the careers of
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Using a Systemic Approach to
Career Development
Career development crosses the lifespan and
informs and influences the various stages of
educational and personal growth.
Associations (ASCA, NCDA, NASSP, NACAC)
encourage school counselors to provide every
student with the necessary help and direction to
be successful in school and, ultimately, in life.
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is
in violation of copyright laws.

School Counselors: Critical Players
in Career Development
The career development process can be
approached systematically and intentionally,
or, it can be approached haphazardly and
Which approach have you observed?
What changes would you propose?

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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School-based Career
Influencers: Are You Surprised?

Decisions Without Directions, 2002
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Student Career Influencers
(Source: Decisions Without Directions, 2002)

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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How does Career
Development support
school improvement
and increased student
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Achieving School Improvement Goals
Through Career Development


link educational aspirations to career
acquire the skills needed on business,
industry and community
motivate students to reach their
dreams and raise their aspirations
acquire academic and affective
prepare students for the challenges of
global economy

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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ASCA Career Development Standards
Career A: students will acquire the skills to
investigate the world of work in relation to
knowledge of self and to make informed career
Career B: students will employ strategies to achieve
future career goals with success and satisfaction.
Career C: students will understand the relationship
between personal qualities, education, training,
and the world of work.
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
copyright laws.

Delivering the Career Development
career counseling
career awareness
career exploration
career guidance
career planning
career assessment
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Why Is Career and Academic
Advising Important?

raises student aspirations.
motivates students to achieve high standards.
encourages students to develop short and long term
educational and career goals;
motivates students to get involved in career
exploration and research;

expands every student’s awareness of career
provides an opportunity for students to record their
educational and career development; and,
documents achievement of the ASCA Career
Development Standards and/or the National Career
Development Guidelines.

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Career Planning and College
Access: Beliefs and Behaviors
Children of poverty perceive career options
differently than more privileged youngsters
 Cultural norms and family expectations can
influence career goals and limit a student’s
choice of options after high school or create
a discord between the student and family.
What is the school counselor’s role?

©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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All Students: College and Career




Graduate from
High School





Complete at Least
Some College





Obtain at Least a
Bachelor’s Degree





The Condition of Education 2010 (NCES 2010)

What does this data tell you?
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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The Eight Components of College
and Career Readiness Counseling
1. College Aspirations
2. Academic Planning for College and Career Readiness
3. Enrichment and Extracurricular Engagement
4. College and Career Exploration and Selection Processes
5. College and Career Assessments
6. College Affordability Planning
7. College and Career Admission Processes
8. Transition from High School Graduation to College

How can you put these in place?
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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Equity and Access
It is time to “own the turf.” If not you, who? Who
in the school is responsible for helping students
nurture their dreams for bright futures and for
helping them create successful pathways to those
dreams? All of our students need school
counselors to champion their cause. Each one of
them is entitled to a rigorous education that
prepares them to successfully attain their college
and career goals.
(National Office for School Counselor Advocacy, Patricia
Martin, 2010, p. 6)
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
copyright laws.

Career and college readiness is a
school-wide effort…….. and
everyone’s responsibility
Don’t go it alone and reach out to
teachers, college/university
partners, and community
organizations to develop and
implement a collaborative career

and college awareness program.
©2012 Cengage Learning. These materials are designed for classroom use and can be used for educational purposes only. Reproduction for commercial use is in violation of
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