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Name: …………………………………………..……
Class: 11/…….
I. Underline the correct answer. (2.5 pts)
1. My dog will bark if it (hear/ hears/ heard/ had heard) any strange sound.
2. If I (had/ had had/ will have/ have) enough money, I would buy a house.
3. They (won’t let/ not let/ wouldn’t let/ hadn’t let) you in if you come late.
4. If you (not go/ don’t go/ hadn’t gone/ didn’t go) away, I’ll send for a policeman.
5. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago. If his mother (come/ comes/ will come/ came) home, he
(will has/ will have/ has/ had) a lot of presents.
II. Supply the correct form of verbs. (2.5 pts)
1. I'll go out if it (not rain) _____________________.
2. If she (read) ___________________ in bad light, she’ll ruin her eyes.
3. If I had known that there was a test yesterday, I (study) ________________________ the lessons carefully.
4. If I spoke two languages last year, I (get) ___________________ a good job.
5. I (make) __________________ a film with him if I (be) _____________________ a famous director, but I was not.
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the words provided. (5 pts)
1. It rained hard yesterday, so they didn’t go to beach.
If ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Sue wouldn’t speak English well if she didn’t have more practice.
Unless ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. He said, “I will go to study in America next year if I have much money.”
He said that he _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
If Jack ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. “If you happen to be in our area, drop in and see us,” they said to me.
They told __________________________________________________________________________________
---THE END---


Name: ………………………………………………
Class: 11/…….
I. Underline the correct answer. (2.5 pts)
1. If I knew his address, I (go/ will go/ would go/ went) round and see him.
2. If you (hadn’t been/ weren’t/ aren’t/ wouldn’t be) so busy, I would have shown you how to play.
3. It (will be/ would be/ were/ been) quicker if you use a computer.
4. If we have some eggs, I (made/ makes/ will make/ would make) you a cake.
5. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we (arrive/ arriving/ arrived/ had arrived) early.
II. Supply the correct form of verbs. (2.5 pts)
1. Had you told me earlier, I (give) _____________________ it to you.
2. If he (be) ________________ fine next week, we (have) __________________________ a picnic.
3. If I’m free on Saturday, I (go) ____________________ to the mountains.
4. If I made a promise, I (keep) _____________________ it.
5. If last year he (study) __________________ harder, he (pass) _____________________ the graduated exam.
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the words provided. (5 pts)
1. Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information.
2. We didn’t have enough rain, so we wouldn't grow rice
If__________________________ _________________________________________________________
3. “If you have time, wash the floor,” he said to Hoa.
He told _______________________________________________________________________________
4. “You don’t hear what I say so you can’t understand it,” my mother said.
My mother told me that I ________________________________________________________________
5. Without your help, I wouldn’t have finished the work in time.
If you ________________________________________________________________________________
---THE END---


Name: ……………………………………………………
Class: 11/……
I. Underline the correct answer. (2.5 pts)
1. It (will/ would/ can/ may) be a pity if she married Fred.
2. She (will has/ had/ will have/ have) a nervous breakdown if she goes on like this.
3. I know I’ll feel better if I (will stop/ stopped/ stop/ had stopped) smoking.
4. If I (am/ were/ will be/ had been) you, I would help him.
5. I could have understood him if he (speaks/ spoke/ had spoken/ would speak) more slowly.
II. Supply the correct form of verbs. (2.5 pts)
1. He would give you the money if he (have) ____________________ it.
2. If we (work) _______________ tomorrow, we (finish) ______________________ in time.
3. If I (be) ________________ you, I (tell) ___________________ her the truth.
4. I was busy. If I (have) __________________ free time, I (go) ____________________ to the cinema with you.
5. If she (come) _________________ late again, she (lose) _____________________ her job.
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the words provided. (5 pts)
1. His friends were late, so they missed the train.
If __________________________________________________________________________________
2. Unless you water these plants everyday, they will die.
If _________________________________________________________________________________
3. I don't have enough money with me now, so I can’t buy that coat.
If __________________________________________________________________________________
4. 'If the baby is a girl what will they call her? she said.
She asked ___________________________________________________________________________
5. “I didn’t know it because I wasn’t here yesterday,” she said.
She said that if ________________________________________________________________________
---THE END---


Name: ……………………………………………
Class: 11/……….
I. Underline the correct answer. (2.5 pts)
1. If this dress costs much, I (would have bought/will buy/bought/would buy) a small one.
2. If she (drive/drove/had driven/driven) more carefully, she wouldn’t have had so many accidents.
3. If you (make/makes/made/ had made) that mistake again, the teacher will get angry with you.
4. If I spoke English, my job (was/were/will be/would be) a lot easier.
5. If you (not go/don’t go/hadn’t gone/didn’t go) away, I’ll send for a policeman.
II. Supply the correct forms of verbs. (2.5 pts)
1. What _____________ we (do) _______________ if they (not/ come) _________________ tomorrow?
2. If I (have) __________________ enough time now, I (write) ____________________ to my parents.
3. If you (not go) ____________________ away, I (send) _______________________ for a policeman.
4. If I (eat) __________________ breakfast yesterday, I (not/ get) ___________________ hungry during class.
5. If I (be) ________________ nice today, we (go) ____________________ to the zoo.
III. Rewrite the following sentences with the words provided. (5pts)
1. The teacher will explain the lesson to you. You’ll ask him.
If __________________________________________________________________________________
2. He will be completely broken if nobody helps him.
Unless ______________________________________________________________________________
3. "If I were you, I would go to the doctor now,” Peter said to Mary.
Peter told ___________________________________________________________________________
4. You didn’t write down Mary's directions last week, so this happens now.
Peter told me that _____________________________________________________________________
5. Carol didn't answer the phone because she was studying.
If Carol______________________________________________________________________________

---THE END---

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