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Các bài viết về mụn trứng cá bằng tiếng anh: acne series

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Don't Just Dismiss That Acne!
Of all the medical problems or conditions that you could have, which would be the worst
for you? Obviously things such as cancer, heart disease, spinal cord injuries, or
something as serious probably comes to mind. At the top of list would also be things that
affect one personally, such as being unable to have a child for those who want a family or
walking with a severe limp for those who are athletic and active.
And of course there are medical conditions and afflictions that aren't as serious but that
still can interfere with one's everyday activities, such as allergies, sinus infections, and so
on. A person could probably put acne on that list, since it's not exactly life threatening
but is still an everyday nuisance.
But before you dismiss acne as being just a minor annoyance, give it some thought for a
moment. There's virtually no time during our everyday activities when our appearance,
especially the appearance of our face, doesn't come into play. Unless your career can be
conducted over the phone and you never want friends or a romantic relationship, people
are going to need to see your face!
And while it may not be fair or accurate, people do judge other people by their looks,
even in innocence. When it comes to one's looks, it's one thing to be just average or
ordinary looking but it's quite another thing to have acne and the resultant scars that come
with it. Those with acne and those dreaded scars are often incredibly self-conscious and
extremely aware of how they look to other people, and what those other people may be
thinking about them.
This may be especially true for teenagers who are of course very self-conscious about
their looks and their appearance as it is. It's difficult enough for any teenager to feel good
about himself or herself, but of course they often must endure the constant teasing from
other kids when they have acne, which makes the situation even worse.
Yes, it's no doubt a more serious thing to have cancer, heart disease, or any other lifethreatening condition, but that doesn't mean that acne should just be dismissed or thought
of lightly. It's a condition that is hard to hide and that can be very frustrating to deal with.
This is good for everyone to understand, especially parents of teenagers with acne who
may want help with treatment. It also means that if you have acne and are embarrassed
or self-conscious about it, there's no need to feel guilty about those feelings. Many who
have this condition feel the same way as you do, and of course there's nothing wrong with

those emotions.
Acne can be addressed and treated, and it can even be cured and prevented, but until that
happens in your case there's no need to beat yourself up because you feel self-conscious
or to assume that your time and energy could be better spent. You deserve to feel good
about yourself, and addressing your acne is part of that.

Why Doesn't Everyone Get Acne?
By now you may be convinced that the reason you get acne is because dirt, oil and
bacteria get trapped in oversized pores and hair follicles. To keep yourself from getting
acne you simply need to keep your face clean so that all that dirt and bacteria don't get
trapped anywhere and you don't get pimples.
This is only partially true, and the reason we can say this with such certainty is that
everyone has dirt and oil on their face, and unless you work in a factory or other
incredibly dirty or dusty place, or live in an incredibly polluted area, acne sufferers have
just about as much dirt, oil and bacteria as anyone else. There's no such thing as a
tremendous amount of dirt and oil that is so overwhelming that the skin can't help but to
hold onto it and push it down into the pores and hair follicles.
So why then do some people get acne and others don't? If everyone has about the same
amount of dirt, oil and bacteria lurking around their face, shouldn't everyone be as acne
prone as everyone else?
The reason that not everyone gets acne even though everyone has dirt and bacteria on
their face is because acne is actually caused by a defect in the skin wherein it forms a
small barrier over those pockets of dirt and oil so that they can't escape. With normal
skin that doesn't have this "defect," all that dirt gets rinsed away in the shower or even
with sweating; it doesn't necessarily sit inside the pores or follicles. But when a person
has this particular condition with their skin that barrier doesn't allow for this rinsing or
washing away, and so everything gets stuck inside the pores where the dirt grows into
what we call a pimple.
It's really this small covering of skin or a skin cell, or an overgrown hair follicle that

doesn't let the dirt and bacteria to escape that causes a pimple, not just the dirt and other
elements themselves. Of course, with some very extreme cases of acne the bacteria get
buried or rooted very deep in the skin, but even in these cases if the skin didn't form that
barrier over it these bacteria would not grow into a pimple.
Breaking the skin open is not the simple solution to this problem as this just causes scars
and certainly doesn't address potential breakouts either. But if a person understands the
real cause of acne, he or she can better understand the best way to address it. Cleaning
too much or too often is not going to really address the main cause of acne and won't
prevent future breakouts. But getting a better understanding of what really causes acne
and what makes some break out while others don't is the first step to really learning about
how to treat this condition.

Are You Sure That's Really Acne?
How many times have you had a bump or defect on your face and put some topical
ointment on it, assuming it was a pimple, with no response or seeming effect on it? Have
you ever done this and had the small bump then get very painful or irritated?
There are many possible reasons for this of course. Some people have very sensitive skin
and so will react painfully to even the mildest cleanser, moisturizer, or topical ointment.
Allergies, certain foods, and things such as this can also cause a reaction to any ointment
and make it ineffective or painful.
But sometimes the problem in not the pimple medication; it's that what you're applying it
to is not really a pimple. There are many skin defects that closely resemble pimples and
so it's easy for some people to be confused, but as with every other physical affliction it's
important to make sure you have an accurate "diagnosis" before you try to treat anything.
As an example, a cyst is something very similar to a pimple in appearance and size, and
they are also very common. People can have cysts not only on their skin but internally as
well. It's not unusual for them to appear on organs of both men and women. A cyst is
just a small closed sac that develops when there is a blockage that doesn't allow the body
to drain fluids or to get rid of solid material the way it should.

Most cysts go away on their own and are not dangerous. Some are more serious,
especially if they've formed in an area where they block circulation or if they grow to a
size that interferes with other functions of the body, and these may require surgery but
this is a typically rare occasion.
Moles and blackheads often resemble one another as well. While it may be obvious
when something is actually a mole, some are small enough or have a particular color that
make them look just like a blackhead, which is a pimple that has no skin covering over it.
Putting topical medication on a mole can make it very painful.
If you've been using any type of medication for your acne and haven't gotten any results
then it's time to see a dermatologist. He or she can not only determine if what you truly
have is acne, they can also advise you on a good skincare regimen and give you
recommendations as to the best treatment options for you personally.

It's Time For You to Be Acne Free!
Are you tired of waking up every morning only to see that dreaded acne still looking back
at you in the mirror?
Are you tired of having people judge you by your acne? Are you tired of being afraid of
meeting new people and of going new places?
Has your acne affected your career, your social life, your romantic relationships, and your
self-esteem in general?
Have you tried every pimple cream and every remedy on the market, and still haven't
gotten the results you want?
If you're tired of dealing with your acne and are frustrated with being constantly
disappointed by those expensive treatments, then it's time you got some real help when it
comes to dealing with your acne.
And that's where we come in!
We can tell you:
 The real reason you get acne - and it's not dirt, oil, bacteria, greasy food, fried
food, cola, or anything else you may have been told!

 Why some people get acne and some people don't - and why this is the most
important thing you can learn about controlling and preventing your acne!
 What your doctors and dermatologists won't tell you about topical medications,
oral medications, and all those harsh and expensive products you can find on the
market today.
There's no reason for you to have acne. Your parents may have passed it on down to you,
but that doesn't mean you're stuck with it! Acne is not the same as your eye color or your
height - there are things you can about your acne to fix it, treat it, and permanently
prevent it!
If you're ready to face the world with confidence, then visit our website at
www.sitehere.com to find out how. We've helped hundreds, even thousands of acne
sufferers just like you discover that beautiful, healthy, radiant skin we all have, and we
can do the same for you. So don't wait another minute - visit our site today, and you
could be acne free tomorrow!

Rosacea and Acne - One and the Same?
Have you been told that you have rosacea, or do you think that you do? What about acne
- are you faced with these chronic and consistent breakouts?
If you've done any research or reading about acne or have even seen a dermatologist
about this condition, you may have heard the term rosacea come up quite often. What is
this condition, is it the same as acne, and what makes them different? Can you treat
rosacea the same as you do acne?
First, consider what acne actually is. Small collections of dirt, oil and bacteria get
collected in enlarged pores or hair follicles. Everyone has dirt and oil on their face and
normally it gets rinsed away in the shower or even when you sweat, but when a hair
follicle or small layer of skin forms over these then it grows into what we call a pimple.
So everyone has dirt, oil and bacteria but not everyone has acne. These pimples can vary
in color and appearance based on what your skin looks like and how much dirt and oil
gets captured.

Rosacea is different from acne in that it's not caused by dirt, oil and bacteria at all. It can
resemble acne somewhat because the skin gets very red and irritated and may have some
peeling. It's also very sensitive to the touch and can be painful when you use any topical
solutions, even those meant for sensitive skin.
While acne is something that is caused by dirt, oil and bacteria, rosacea is closer to a rash
on the skin. Dirt and oil have nothing to do with getting rosacea, which is very important
for those with the condition to remember.
Very often topical ointments for acne are far too rough for those with rosacea; not only
are they ineffective they can also irritate the inflamed area and make it even worse.
If you're not sure whether or not you have acne or rosacea, it's best to consult a
dermatologist. You may also realize it just by what you're applying to the skin - if very
mild acne treatments make your skin even more red and inflamed, it may not be acne.
Rosacea can be treated effectively if you use the right medication and treat your skin the
way it should be treated. Speak to your doctor or dermatologist in these cases so that you
can have that clear, healthy and radiant skin you deserve.

Do You Know What Doesn't Cause Acne?
Many people think they have a good idea about what causes acne, and maybe they've
even been to a dermatologist's office to get treatment and more education about this
condition. But with all the things a dermatologist may tell you about what causes acne,
very often they omit informing their patients about what things don't cause acne. This is
very important for any patient to understand, as thinking that something is causing your
acne when it's not is part of the proper treatment for acne.
For one thing, very cheap makeup brands may cause acne because they usually contain
ingredients that are cheaper for the manufacturers, and these ingredients are usually more
irritating to the skin and face and can clog pores. However, most makeup brands today
are what is called non-comedogenic, meaning that it doesn't clog pores with unhealthy
oils and other ingredients. The more high-end makeup brands usually contain ingredients
that are actually good for skin, such as moisturizers, vitamins, sunscreens, and so on.

While the high-end makeup brands might be a bit pricier, consider them an investment in
your skin's overall health and appearance.
Poor hygiene is rarely the cause of acne, despite what some people may say. This too is
important to understand because often those with acne are told that they just need to clean
their face more often or with some very harsh soap or cleanser. Unfortunately when a
person is overzealous in cleaning this can cause the skin to react by overcompensating
with even more oil than before, in order to protect itself from dryness. Everyone has
about the same amount of dirt, oil and bacteria on their face unless they work or live in an
incredibly dirty or polluted environment, but most people have these elements rinsed
away in the shower or through normal sweating. Those with acne do not just have poor
Sweat is another thing that many people think causes acne when in reality it doesn't. As a
matter of fact, for many people sweat rinses away harmful elements from the face. Sweat
itself does not contain bacteria but does get bacteria caught in it as it travels. If your face
was clean before your workout then it's unlikely that sweating is what's causing your
Understanding all the various aspects of acne - what causes it, what doesn't - is
imperative if you're going to address this condition properly and have that clean, radiant,
youthful skin your deserve.

It's Time to Face the Mirror With Confidence!
When was the last time you were able to look at yourself in the mirror with confidence?
If your answer is that it's been far too long, then it's time you did something about your
You may have been told that your acne is too deep and that you've had it too long for it to
clear up now, and all we can say in response to that is no way!
We have helped hundreds and even thousands just like you to clear up their acne
regardless of what type it is, how deep it is under the skin's surface, and how long they've
had it. And now it's your turn!

You can have clear and radiant skin. You can be free of blemishes every single day.
You can look in the mirror with confidence and face the world with a smile, knowing that
your skin is free of blemishes!
We can tell you:
 The one cause of acne that is true in anyone's and everyone's case - and you'll
never hear this from your dermatologist!
 The biggest mistake that every acne sufferer makes, and not only does this not cure
your acne, it's actually making it worse!
 Why you should never assume that you will outgrow your acne or that it will just
go away on its own - and how this thinking is actually making your condition
If you've seen a dermatologist about your acne, that's great. Doctors are great people.
But they're also busy and overworked people as well, and don't always have the time and
energy to spend helping each individual patient the way they deserve to be helped.
Every case of acne is different but in many ways they're the same. Learning the root
causes of acne, what causes it and what doesn't, is important for any sufferer.
And this is where we come in. Visit our website at www.sitehere.com to find out
everything you need to know about this dreaded condition, including how to fix it! Acne
can be prevented and it can be cured, if you have the right tools and the right information
at your disposal.
You deserve to have healthy, radiant skin. You deserve to look in the mirror with
confidence. And you can, if you visit our site today!

Looking for an Acne Cleanser? Look for These Ingredients!
One of the worst things you can do to your skin when you have acne is to clean it too
often, too roughly, and with products that will just make it worse. It's always better to
opt for natural ingredients in the products you use on your skin, and here is a partial list
of those products to watch out for:
Cocamide Propyl Betaine.

This is an oil derived from coconuts; because it moisturizers naturally it helps to protect
the skin from being stripped of natural oils. It also does not clog pores or follicles and
still allows the skin to "breathe" underneath its moisturizing properties.
Vegetable Glycerin.
This moisturizer attracts and holds natural moisture in the skin without clogging pores.
Because it's made from vegetables it's very natural and less harmful than other
This natural product has antiseptic properties that help to heal dry and chapped skin.
Many doctors have extolled the benefits of chamomile for skin, and many use chamomile
tea bags on their eyes to reduce puffiness and redness under the eyes.
Walnut Husk.
This is a mild antiseptic and natural skin scrub and cleanser that gently exfoliates the
Fennel Extract.
Fennel is very good for soothing the skin, both internally and externally. Many with
digestive disorders take fennel to settle their stomach. Its extract has mild antiseptic
properties which help sensitive skin.
Spearmint Oil.
This oil is refreshing and moisturizing; it actually helps to relax the skin and can even be
used on muscle aches and cramps.
Olive Leaf Extract.
Olive oil is very good for the skin; it not only moisturizes but it has anti-inflammatory
properties, as well as antimicrobial properties. The extract of olive leaf acts as a natural
moisturizer without irritating the skin.

Homemade Remedies for Acne-Prone Skin
Buying products from the pharmacy or getting a prescription from your dermatologist for
acne is a good idea, as many of these products are meant specifically for acne sufferers

and can target problem areas and root causes of acne. However, you can also do much
good with clearing up your skin and making it healthy and radiant overall by using
homemade facial masks on a weekly or monthly basis. Here are a few to try:
Basic cleanser and exfoliant mask.
Mix a heaping tablespoon of baking soda in a half cup of water and add a splash of
hydrogen peroxide; this mixture should be a paste, so adjust your level of soda and water
accordingly. Don't add any more peroxide than just a good splash. Once it's a good
consistency, apply it to the skin, allow it to dry, then rinse it away with cool water.
Simple egg yolk mask.
Eggs are full of protein, vitamin A, and fatty acids that are very good for the skin. You
can take one beaten egg and apply it to the face with a cotton ball, or add a bit of vitamin
E oil to the beaten egg. Let it dry on the face and sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse off
with cool water.
This is a great treatment to try once every week to keep your skin hydrated.
Honey and oatmeal mask.
This mask is probably one of the oldest there's ever been when it comes to home
mixtures. You simply mix honey and oatmeal in proportion to make a paste and apply to
your skin for a good 15 minutes. The oatmeal absorbs excess oils and dirt while the
honey helps to moisturize and condition the skin.
You can even use this as a scrub for exfoliating; simply apply it to your skin and rub in a
very gently circular motion for several minutes, then rinse away.
Mask for oily skin.
Take a fourth of a tomato and peel away the skin, then put it through a strainer to get all
the seeds out. Add two tablespoons of plain yogurt, a few slices of cucumber (mashed), a
quarter cup of oatmeal, two teaspoons of vitamin E oil, and a crushed mint leaf. Mix all
these ingredients together, apply to your face and leave on for about ten minutes. Use a
warm damp cloth to remove.
Be aware of how your skin is reacting to any of these masks; leave them on for only a
few minutes the first few times you use them, and if they cause rashes, irritation, or
otherwise are painful for you, then discontinue their use.

It's Time For You to Be Free of Acne!
Aren't you tired of seeing those dreaded pimples and breakouts every time you look in the
Aren't you tired of being afraid of meeting new people, and of thinking that everyone is
judging you by your acne?
Aren't you tired of trying treatment after treatment and of getting absolutely no results?
Then it's time for you to get the help you deserve! Acne is not some curse that you are
just stuck with; it's a medical condition that can be treated, cured, and prevented if you
know how!
And this is where we come in. We've done all the research for you and have spoken to
doctors, dermatologists, and other skin experts to find out why it is that some people have
beautiful skin and others are always acne prone. We can reveal those secrets to you
quickly, easily, and in terms that you can understand so that you can be of those with
healthy, radiant, glowing skin. And this is true no matter how long you've had acne, how
bad your condition is, or what other remedies you've tried.
We have helped hundreds and maybe even thousands of acne sufferers discover the
beautiful skin they already have but that is just hidden by these unsightly breakouts.
We've explained to them the root causes of acne, as well as what thing don't cause acne.
We've also given them the instructions they need to not only cure and prevent acne, but to
take care of their skin overall so that their face is fresh, glowing, and radiant every single
And now it's your turn. Visit our website at www.sitehere.com to find out how you too
can have skin that is smooth, blemish-free, and that just seems to radiate and glow. You
deserve this; you deserve to face the world with confidence, you deserve to like what you
see when you wake up in the morning.
Don't wait another minute. Visit our website today to have that healthy and radiant skin
as early as tomorrow. Others have done it, and now it's your turn! Visit us today to find
out how.
