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Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút;
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Mã đề thi 359

Họ, tên thí sinh:..........................................................................
Số báo danh:...............................................................................

Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words
in each question
Câu 1:
A. maritime
B. marathon
C. material
D. masculine
Câu 2:
A. commuter
B. computer
C. compliance
D. competent
Câu 3:
A. parentheses
B. industrial
C. accidental
D. participant
Câu 4:

A. contour
B. consul
C. conceal
D. contraband
Câu 5:
A. manicure
B. malevolent
C. satellite
D. pasteurise
Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
sentence to be correct
Câu 6: The Englishman was desperate to obtain another passport because he had lost
one he had and he urgently needed to go back to England.
A. desperate
B. one
C. another
D. urgently
Câu 7: I managed to talk to Carol just while she was leaving.
A. While
B. managed
C. leaving
D. to
Câu 8: Get in touch with me when you need my help. You’ve got my phone number
and address, have you?
A. and
B. in touch.
C. when
D. have you
Câu 9: Polio, one of a group of spinal inflammations, causes fever and paralysis often
resulting in disabled and deformity.

A. a group
B. disabled
C. causes
D. resulting
Câu 10: May I ask who was that man who was leaving the office when we came in?
A. who
B. when
C. Who was that man
D. may
Choose the best answer from the four options(A, B, C or D)
Câu 11: Some psychiatrists argue that in the final… parents are to blame for their
children’s behavior.
A. case
B. collapse
C. experiment.
D. analysis
Câu 12: From the hotel there is a good… of the mountain
A. vision
B. view
C. picture
D. sight
Câu 13: Do very young children really.. Foreign travel?
A. benefit
B. evaluate
C. appreciate
D. delight
Câu 14: The exam was much easier than we expected, in fact, it was a piece of...
A. pie
B. candy
C. Cake

D. bread
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Câu 15: She worked really hard this year so she was given a 10% pay…
A. inflation
B. extra
C. decrease
D. increase
Câu 16: Try something sharp-smelling under her nose, that might… if she’s still

A. bring her about B. put her forward. C. get her over
D. bring her to
Câu 17: Boy: “What is your greatest phobia?”
Girl: “_________________”
A. Probably people who smoke.
B. Worms, definitely!
C. I haven't made up my mind.
D. I'm afraid not.
Câu 18: Many educationalists feel that continue… is fairer than formal examinations
A. judgement
B. assignment
C. assessment
D. cramming
Câu 19: I’m…. of her moaning about the job, if she doesn’t like it she should leave.
A. clean and tidy
B. high and dry
C. sick and tired
D. prim and proper

Câu 20: When he retires at sixty, he’ll get a very good…
A. salary
B. wage
C. pay
D. pension
Câu 21: She set… some money each month for her holiday
A. aside
B. back
C. up
D. about
Câu 22: Well done!, Sarah! You are top… the class.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. on.
Câu 23: “I’m having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join
us?” -“_________”
A. Thanks, but I mustn’t.
B. Can I take a rain check?
C. Come on. It’s your turn.
D. As a matter of fact, I do.
Câu 24: ….. you to change your mind about handing in your notice, we would be happy
for you to stay with us
A. if
B. unless
C. should
D. Were
Câu 25: After six months of convalescence in a nursing home, Simon is finally on
A. mend

B. go
C. run.
D. top
Câu 26: Jenny: “Thank you very much for your donation, Mr. Robinson.”
Mr. Robinson: “______________”
A. Delighted I was able to help
B. I see.
C. You can say that again.
D. You are right
Câu 27: He never had much property, and when his house was broken into by thieves,
he had …. still.
A. few
B. less
C. a little
D. little
Câu 28: The… told the candidates to turn over the question paper and begin
A. tester
B. assessor.
C. inspector
D. invigilator
Câu 29: Tom: “I thought your performance last Sunday was wonderful.”
Laura: “______________”
A. Don’t tell a lie. I thought it was terrible.
B. I completely agree with you. It was terrific.
C. You must be kidding. It was not as good as I had expected.
D. No doubt!
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Câu 30: His doctor advised him to…. himself to three cigarettes a day.

A. cage
B. limit
C. border
D. keep
Câu 31: It has been conclusively… that smoking causes many diseases.
A. admitted
B. approved.
C. declared
D. established
Câu 32: We all make mistake, no one is…
A. unmistakable
B. falliable

C. mistaken

D. infalliable

Câu 33: During the height of the season, tourists arrive in…. to see Shakespeare’s

A. loads
B. flocks
C. shoals
Câu 34: The new law will…. effect in six months.
A. have
B. bring.
C. take
Câu 35: This clock…on two small batteries
A. moves
B. goes

C. works

D. droves
D. give
D. runs

Read the passage then choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete each
Much of pre-prepared food we eat today contains additives of one (36)_____ or
another. (37)____ of these additives are harmless, some are not so harmless and some
are even dangerous. In Europe, permitted additives are given a number which is
prefixed by an “E”. Additives are used by food processing manufactured to improve
taste, thicken or preserve the food.
(38)____ are also used to make the food look more inviting. Even fresh food from
the greengrocer may contains residues of pesticides and other chemicals.
It is often argued that adding chemicals to food somehow makes our diet less
wholesome than it was in the past, before the effect of such additives was discovered.
Is this really (39)_____? In 1872 a pioneer in investigating adulterated food, Dr Hassal,
discovered that a variety of toxic chemicals and contaminates were to be found in
(40)_____ foodstuffs. He found, among other things, alum and chalk added to bread,
and copper and lead added to other foods, to give colour. Even poisons such as
strychnine were used. Foods consumed by the well-off, such as ice cream, were (41) as
bad and were often contaminated with foreign material.
E-numbered chemicals (42)_____ as food additives have to be listed on the
labels of processed food, so at (43)_____ the consumer has a choice nowadays whether
to have the product or not. The Victorians had no such choice and the poor, especially,
suffered. Many of the poisons (44)_____ up in their bodies, causing chronic gastric
irritation, food poisoning or death. In 1862, it was estimated that one fifth of all meat in
England and Wales came from animals that had died of disease. E-numbered chemicals

have received (45)_____ of publicity, most of it bad. The fact is, though, without them
the freshness, colour and flavour of our food would suffer.
Câu 36:

A. class

B. sort

C. division

D. thing

Câu 37:

A. various

B. little

C. some

D. few

Câu 38:

A. shades

B. tints

C. colourings

D. paints
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Câu 39:

A. exact

B. true

C. truthful

D. proper.

Câu 40:

A. frequent

B. usual

C. general

D. common

Câu 41:

A. only

B. quite.

C. just

D. about

Câu 42:

A. made

B. used

C. put

D. applied.

Câu 43:

A. most.

B. least

C. once

D. first

Câu 44:

A. made

B. set

C. built

D. put.

Câu 45:

A. much

B. a lot

C. a few.

D. more

Read the passage then choose the best answer for each question
The Creators of Grammar
No student of a foreign language needs to be told that grammar is complex. By
changing word sequences and by adding a range of auxiliary verbs and suffixes, we are
able to communicate tiny variations in meaning. We can turn a statement into a
question, state whether an action has taken place or is soon to take place, and perform
many other word tricks to convey subtle differences in meaning. Nor is this
complexity inherent to the English language. All languages, even those of so-called
'primitive' tribes have clever grammatical components. The Cherokee pronoun system,
for example, can distinguish between 'you and I', 'several other people and I' and 'you,
another person and I'. In English, all these meanings are summed up in the one, crude
pronoun 'we'. Grammar is universal and plays a part in every language, no matter
how widespread it is. So the question which has baffled many linguists is - who
created grammar?
At first, it would appear that this question is impossible to answer. To find out how
grammar is created, someone needs to be present at the time of a language's creation,

documenting its emergence. Many historical linguists are able to trace modern
complex languages back to earlier languages, but in order to answer the question of
how complex languages are actually formed, the researcher needs to observe how
languages are started from scratch. Amazingly, however, this is possible.
Some of the most recent languages evolved due to the Atlantic slave trade. At that
time, slaves from a number of different ethnicities were forced to work together under
colonizer's rule. Since they had no opportunity to learn each other's languages, they
developed a make-shift language called a pidgin. Pidgins are strings of words copied
from the language of the landowner. They have little in the way of grammar, and in
many cases it is difficult for a listener to deduce when an event happened, and who did
what to whom. [1] Speakers need to use circumlocution in order to make their
meaning understood. [2] Interestingly, however, all it takes for a pidgin to become a
complex language is for a group of children to be exposed to it at the time when they
learn their mother tongue. [3] Slave children did not simply copy the strings of words
uttered by their elders, they adapted their words to create a new, expressive
language. [4] Complex grammar systems which emerge from pidgins are termed
creoles, and they are invented by children.
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Further evidence of this can be seen in studying sign languages for the deaf. Sign
languages are not simply a series of gestures; they utilize the same grammatical
machinery that is found in spoken languages. Moreover, there are many different
languages used worldwide. The creation of one such language was documented quite
recently in Nicaragua. Previously, all deaf people were isolated from each other, but in
1979 a new government introduced schools for the deaf. Although children were
taught speech and lip reading in the classroom, in the playgrounds they began to invent
their own sign system, using the gestures that they used at home. It was basically a
pidgin. Each child used the signs differently, and there was no consistent grammar.
However, children who joined the school later, when this inventive sign system was

already around, developed a quite different sign language. Although it was based on
the signs of the older children, the younger children's language was more fluid and
compact, and it utilized a large range of grammatical devices to clarify meaning. What
is more, all the children used the signs in the same way. A new creole was born.
Some linguists believe that many of the world's most established languages were
creoles at first. The English past tense - ed ending may have evolved from the verb
'do'. 'It ended' may once have been 'It end-did'. Therefore it would appear that even
the most widespread languages were partly created by children. Children appear to
have innate grammatical machinery in their brains, which springs to life when they are
first trying to make sense of the world around them. Their minds can serve to create
logical, complex structures, even when there is no grammar present for them to copy.
Câu 46: In paragraph 1, why does the writer include information about the Cherokee

A. To demonstrate how difficult it is to learn the Cherokee language.
B. To show how English grammar differs from Cherokee grammar.
C. To prove that complex grammar structures were invented by the Cherokees.
D. To show how simple, traditional cultures can have complicated grammar
Câu 47: What can be inferred about the slaves' pidgin language?
A. It was based on many different languages.
B. It was created by the land-owners.
C. It was difficult to understand, even among slaves.
D. It contained complex grammar.
Câu 48: All the following sentences about Nicaraguan sign language are true
A. The language is based on speech and lip reading.
B. The language was perfected by younger children.
C. The language incorporates signs which children used at home.
D. The language has been created since 1979.

Câu 49: In paragraph 3, where can the following sentence be placed ___________.
It included standardized word orders and grammatical markers that existed in
neither the pidgin language, nor the language of the colonizers.
A. (2)
B. (4)
C. (1)
D. (3)
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Câu 50: 'From scratch' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________________.
A. from the very beginning
B. in simple cultures
C. by using written information
D. by copying something else
Câu 51: 'Make-shift' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______________.
A. private and personal
B. complicated and expressive
C. simple and temporary
D. extensive and diverse
Câu 52: Which sentence is closest in meaning to the highlighted sentence?

Grammar is universal and plays a part in every language, no matter how
widespread it is.
A. All languages, whether they are spoken by a few people or a lot of people, contain
B. The grammar of all languages is the same, no matter where the languages
C. Languages which contain a lot of grammar are more common that languages that
contain a little.

D. Some languages include a lot of grammar, whereas other languages contain a
Câu 53: All of the following are features of the new Nicaraguan sign language
EXCEPT ______________.
A. New gestures were created for everyday objects and activities.
B. The hand movements were smoother and smaller
C. All children used the same gestures to show meaning
D. The meaning was clearer than the previous sign language.
Câu 54: Which idea is presented in the final paragraph?
A. English was probably once a creole.
B. The English past tense system is inaccurate.
C. Children say English past tenses differently from adults.
D. Linguists have proven that English was created by children.
Câu 55:
The word 'consistent' in paragraph 4 could best be replaced
A. predictable
B. imaginable
C. natural
D. uniform
Read the passage then choose the best option (A, B,C or D) to complete each space
Occasionally a young child with very advanced (56)____ abilities is admitted to
university. These children are of course genius, or prodigies. Typically, they began
their (57)____ studies at university before they are fifteen years old. After finishing
their first (58)____ - they usually (59)____ it in a year or two- they continue to do
(60)____ studies in a specialised field of medicine or science. Many of these talented
youngsters receive (61)____ from very prestigious educational institutions to help pay
for their studies.
Some of the older students dislike being taught in seminars with a child prodigy.

They find it rather annoying when someone so young (62)____ at the subject so easily
while they (63)____ over their course. Others, however, benefits from the experience
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of (64)____ their subject with a child prodigy. The (65)____ who runs the seminars,
however, generally enjoy having such gifted students.
Câu 56:

A. illiterate

Câu 57: A. prep.

B. academic

C. theoretical.

D. co-educational

B. undergraduate

C. comprehensive D. public

Câu 58:

A. degree

B. certificate

C. qualification

D. skill.

Câu 59:

A. set out.

B. sail through

C. get down

D. work out

Câu 60:

A. technical

B. apprentice

C. practical.

D. postgraduate

Câu 61:

A. schedules.

B. service

C. licence

D. scholarship

Câu 62:

A. excels

B. enjoys

C. achieves.

D. experiences

Câu 63:

A. reflect

B. hesitate

C. study.

D. agonise

Câu 64:

A. discussing

B. arguing.

C. talking

D. chatting

Câu 65:

A. markers

B. trainers

C. tutors

D. examiners.

Read the passage then choose the best answer for each question
There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greek. The one most
widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The
argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning human beings viewed the
natural forces of the world, even the seasonal changes, as unpredictable, and they
sought, through various means, to control these unknown and feared powers. Those
measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated
until they hardened into fixed rituals. Eventually stories arose which explained or
veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the
stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.
Those who believed that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites
contained the seed of theatre because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost
always used. Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances, and
when the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made
between the “ acting area” and “ auditorium”. In addition, there were performers, and
since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of
rites. Religious leaders usually assumed that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they

often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the
desired effect- success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun-as an
actor might. Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious
Another theory traces the theatre’s origin from the human interest in storytelling.
According to this view, tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually
elaborated, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator
and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely
related theory traces theatre to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and
gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sound.
Câu 66: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The origins of theatre
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B. The variety of early religious activities.
C. the role of ritual in modern dance
D. The importance of storytelling
Câu 67: The word “they” in line 4 refers to
A. human beings
B. natural forces
C. Seasonal changes
D. theories
Câu 68: What aspect of drama does the author discuss in the first paragraph?
A. The connection between myths and dramatic plots
B. The importance of costumes in early drama.
C. The seasons in which dramas were performed
D. The reason drama is often unpredictable
Câu 69: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common element of theatre

and ritual?
A. magic
B. music
C. costumes
D. dance.
Câu 70: The word “considerable” in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. thoughtful
B. ceremonial.
C. relational
D. substantial
Câu 71: The word “enactment” in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. season.
B. authorization
C. establishment
D. performance
Câu 72: The word “they” in line 16 refers to
A. mistakes.
B. performers
C. costumes
D. animals
Câu 73: According to the passage, what is the main difference between ritual and
A. Ritual has a religious purpose and drama does not.
B. Ritual requires fewer performers than drama
C. Ritual use music whereas drama does not
D. Ritual is shorter than drama
Câu 74: The passage supports which of the following statements?
A. No one really knows how the theatre began
B. Dramatic activities require the use of costume.
C. Myths are longer represented dramatically

D. Storytelling is an important part of dance.
Câu 75: Where in the passage does the author discuss the separation of the stage and
the audience?
A. Line 12-14
B. line 8-9
C. line 19-20
D. Line 22-24.
Choose the sentence that has similar meaning to the original one
Câu 76: Most people would be pleased if they got a windfall.
A. Most people are happy to receive a wind in autumn
B. Most people are pleased if they have a chance to experience a windy storm
C. most people are happy to get an amount of money unexpectedly
D. Most people like a windy day in autumn
Câu 77: My cousin is extremely tight-fisted.
A. He likes wearing tight clothes
B. He doesn’t want to spend his money
C. He is very thin
D. He is very strong
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Choose the sentence that indicates different meaning to the original one
Câu 78: I am sure it was by mistake that he took your calculator.
A. It is certain he didn’t take your calculator on purpose
B. He must have taken your calculator by mistake
C. I am sure he didn’t take your calculator deliberately
D. It is a mistake that he took your calculator
Câu 79: It would be a good idea if you went and asked her yourself.
A. I suggest you go and ask her yourself
B. I advise you to go and ask her yourself

C. You went and asked her yourself and that was good
D. Why don’t you go and ask her yourself?
Câu 80: For fear of waking up the child, Tom tiptoed upstairs.
A. The child feared when Tom tiptoed upstairs
B. Tom tiptoed upstairs because he didn’t want to wake the child up.
C. Tom tiptoed upstairs lest the child should be woken up
D. Tom tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the child up.

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