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Môn thi: TI.NG ANH – H. 7 nãm
1. THI CHÍNH TH.C Th.i gian làm bài: 60 phút; 50 câu tr.c nghi.m (d. thi có 03 trang)
Mã ð. thi 367
Ch.n t./ c.m t. thích h.p (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) ð. hoàn thành m.i câu sau.
Câu 1: Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?
Carol: “Oh!________.”
A. I hope not B. I don’t hope so C. I don’t hope D. It’s hopeless
Câu 2: I don’t mind________ you with it if you can’t find anyone else.
A. help B. helped C. to help D. helping
Câu 3: The Second World War________ in 1939.
A. has started B. starts C. start D. started
Câu 4: That’s the house________ he used to stay.
A. of which B. on which C. in which D. which
Câu 5: Mary________ in London for 15 years.
A. was living B. lives C. is living D. has lived
Câu 6: Many Vietnamese people are fond________ watching football.
A. in B. about C. of D. with
Câu 7: My sister had a baby girl yesterday, and this is my first________.
A. daughter B. son C. niece D. nephew
Câu 8: We are not used________ on the left.
A. driving B. to driving C. to be driven D. to drive
Câu 9: Peter ________ at the moment, so he can’t answer the telephone.
A. works B. worked C. is working D. has worked
Câu 10: There is________ water in the bottle.
A. a little B. a number of C. few D. many
Câu 11: There are________ planets in the universe that we cannot count them.
A. such B. so many C. so D. so much
Câu 12: Dora: “What’s your name?”
Helen: “________”
A. OK. B. Forgive me. C. Really? D. Pardon?

Câu 13: The house caught fire while they________.
A. have slept B. were sleeping C. sleep D. are sleeping
Câu 14: We agreed________ Mr. Wilson was a good teacher.
A. that B. what C. which D. if
Câu 15: Don’t read that book. It’s________.
A. boring B. bore C. bored D. boredom
Câu 16: He was looking for an eraser________ he could erase a mistake in his composition.
A. however B. therefore C. because D. so that
Câu 17: The animals gathered closely together for________.
A. warm B. warmth C. warmed D. warmly
Câu 18: Could you________ me how to use this new mobile phone?
A. say B. show C. direct D. explain
Câu 19: Yesterday was the day________ they celebrated their 21st wedding annivesary.
A. which B. then C. what D. when
Câu 20: In our school library, there are several large tables________ we can sit to read books.
A. where B. that C. which D. when
Câu 21: This house, ________ he bought in 1990, is being repaired at the moment.
A. who B. which C. what D. that
Câu 22: If I________ ten years younger, I would do yoga everyday.
A. have been B. were C. are D. am
Câu 23: French________ in Quebec, Canada.
A. is spoken B. has spoken C. speaks D. is speaking
Câu 24: The librarian told us not________ reference books out of the library.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
Câu 25: Thank you for ________ me.
A. invited B. inviting C. invitation D. invite
Ch.n t. (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) có ph.n g.ch chân ðu.c phát âm khác v.i nh.ng t. còn l.i trong
m.i câu sau.
Câu 26: A. teach B. beach C. heat D. breath
Câu 27: A. done B. none C. bone D. tongue

Câu 28: A. moon B. food C. good D. noodle
Câu 29: A. grapes B. hats C. chairs D. roofs
Câu 30: A. worked B. caused C. forced D. stopped
Xác ð.nh t./ c.m t. có g.ch du.i (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) c.n ph.i s.a ð. nh.ng câu sau tr. thành
chính xác.
Câu 31: How age is your elder sister?
Câu 32: Last summer my family went camp in Do Son.
Câu 33: The room is such dirty that it needs cleaning immediately.
Câu 34: Have you finished reading the book which I lend you last week?
Câu 35: Marie Curie, whose discover of radium made her famous, was a French physicist.
Ð.c k. ðo.n vãn sau và ch.n phuong án ðúng (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) cho m.i câu t. 36 ð.n 40.
Out in the Pacific Ocean, 3,700 kilometres from Los Angeles, are the islands of Hawaii, the fiftieth
state of the United States, with its area of 16,700 square kilometres.
The first Hawaiians arrived from other Pacific islands sometime around 100 A.D. Then in 1778,
Captain Cook visited Hawaii. He put the islands on his maps of the Pacific Ocean. Then more ships knew
Hawaii and began stopping there for supplies.
In 1820, a small group of people from the eastern United States came to teach the Hawaiian people
about Christianity. They started farms to grow sugar cane and pineapples. Because there were not enough
people to do all the farm work, farm owners brought in Asians – Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos. Later
Koreans, Protuguese, and Puerto Ricans also came. More people came from the U.S. mailand and from
other Pacific islands, and Hawaii became an island with traditions from several countries. People from the
various national groups have married each other, so today the groups are partly mixed.
Hawaiians are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They celebrate traditional Chinese,
Japanese, and Filipino holidays as well as holidays from the United States. Hawaii is known as the Aloha
State. “Aloha” means “hello”, “goodbye”, and “I love you” in Hawaiian.

Câu 36: Hawaii is ________ square kilometres in area.
A. 3,700 B. 1,820 C. 16,700 D. 2,500
Câu 37: More ships knew Hawaii through________ and stopped there for supplies.
A. Japanese visitors. B. Christopher Columbus
C. Captain Cook’s maps D. Christians
Câu 38: In the early 19th century, many Asians were taken to Hawaii________.
A. to go fishing B. to be holidaymakers
C. to visit attractions D. to do the farm work
Câu 39: Today the various national groups are________.
A. completely mixed B. living in different societies
C. partly mixed D. completely separated
Câu 40: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Captain Cook came to Hawaii in 1778.
B. All Hawaiian people have come from Asia.
C. Hawaii is the fiftieth state of the United States.
D. Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean, 3,700 kilometres from Los Angeles.
Ð.c k. ðo.n vãn sau và ch.n phuong án ðúng (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) cho m.i ch. tr.ng t. 41 ð.n
Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years. She is a responsible employee and gets on well
with the other members of the department. We have all found her to be an excellent (41)_________. She is
always on time for work. She is an extremely (42)_________ staff member who is able to work
independently. I can always rely on her creative thinking. Her students often tell me how kind she is. She is
always ready to help with a smile and she is cheerful to all of them. In private, she is not very talkative
(43)_________ seems rather shy. Her work is excellent, and she is determined to (44)_________. She is
also quite ambitious and has applied for the position of Director of Studies. I think that you can count (45)
_________ Ann to make your school a success and I recommend her for the post of Director.
Câu 41: A. employer B. student C. adult D. colleague
Câu 42: A. selfish B. lazy C. reliable D. stubborn
Câu 43: A. and B. as C. so D. therefore
Câu 44: A. help B. succeed C. fail D. use

Câu 45: A. with B. to C. for D. on
Ch.n phuong án ðúng (.ng v.i A ho.c B, C, D) ð. hoàn thành m.i câu sau.
Câu 46: Although the sun was shining, _________.
A. but it was very hot B. it was very hot C. it wasn't very hot D. yet it was very hot
Câu 47: He walked slowly _________.
A. because of his bad leg B. in his bad leg C. so his leg was bad D. so that his leg was bad
Câu 48: They took the robber to the police station _________.
A. quickly as possible B. as quickly as they could
C. so quick as they were D. very quick as possible
Câu 49: Do you know when _________?
A. did the accident happen B. was the accident happening
C. the accident was happening D. the accident happened
Câu 50: _________ your relatives in England?
A. How often do you visit B. What do you often visit
C. How often you visit D. What often you visit
