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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( THÅÌI GIAN LM BI :45
I.Chn âạp ạn âụng nháút v khoanh trn a, b, c, d ( 2âiãøm )
1. what................your father favorite drink?
a. does b.do c.is d.are
2.what..................he like ? -he likes orange juice.
a..does b.do c.is d.are
3.many people .................. to eat fish for lunch.
a. like b. likes b b b b c.liking d.doesn’t like
4. I .................. like tea, I like orange juice
a. isn’t b. aren’t c.doesn’t d. don’t
5. there aren’t ................. oranges on the table
a. a b.an c.some d.any
6. ....................... are there pens ? - 10,000 dong
a. how many b. how much c. how old d. where
7. .......................... any trees in your garen ?
a. how many b. how much c. is there d. are there
8. how much ................. does she want ?
a.beef b. bananas c. eggs d.
cans of peas
II. näúi cạc cáu hi våïi cáu tr låìi âụng ( 2âiãøm )
A.how much is that book 1. A dozen
B.are there any clocks in your classroom ? 2. no, there isn’t
C.what is she doing now ? 3. it’s 15, 000 dong
D.how many eggs does she want ? 4. she is watching TV now
III. sỉí dủng dảng âụng ca âäüng tỉì trong ngồûc âãø hon thnh cạc cáu

sau. ( 2âiãøm )
1. she often ( go) . .......................... to school at 6:30 every morning
2. what . .......................... you ( do ) . .......................... in your free time ?
3. at the moment, they ( do ) . .......................... their homework.
IV. âc âoản vàn sau räưi tr låìi cạc cáu hi ( 2âiãøm )
Lan lives in the countrysite, it is very quiet and peaceful. Her house has a very big
garden with many kinds of vegetables and flowers in it. Every day, Mr. Lam - her
father gets up very ealy to look after the garden. Once a week he takes vegetables to
the market to sell them. Lan often helps her father when she has free time, Lan loves
her house vary much.
1. where does Lan live ?
2. who is Mr. Lam ?
3. what does he do every morning?
4. what does Lan di in her free time ?
V. hon thnh cạc cáu sau dỉûa vo tỉì gåüi cho sàơn ( 2âiãøm )
1. I / have / Math / literature / Tuesday / Friday.
2. now / Mr. Minh / drive / his car / to / farm.


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