Hanoi Petroleum Trading Center Project Management Board
Hanoi Petroleum Trading
Hanoi, Vietnam
Technical Specification
Hanoi Petroleum Trading Center Project Management Board
Hanoi Petroleum Trading
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hydraulic Services
Technical Specification
Greg Allan
Stuart Adams
Report no:
HS 001 / C
Niall Gilfillan
This specification has been prepared for Hanoi Petroleum Trading Center Project Management Board in accordance
with the terms and conditions of appointment for Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 34 000 579 046 cannot
accept any responsibility for any use of or reliance on the contents of this report by any third party.
Prepared By
Approved By
Concept Issue
Greg Allan
Stuart Adams
Technical Design
Greg Allan
John Koch
Technical Design
Greg Allan
Niall Gilfillan
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1 General Information........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Drawing list.............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Acoustic and Vibration Isolation – All Building Services......................................................2
Atmospheric noise limits for plant (normal operations):.................................................................. 2
Internal noise limits....................................................................................................................... 3
Proposed vibration isolation/structure-borne noise protection........................................................3
General Information...................................................................................................................... 4
2 Works by Others............................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Works by Builder....................................................................................................................1
2.2 Works by Mechanical Services Sub-Contractor...................................................................2
2.3 Works by Electrical Services Sub-Contractor.......................................................................3
2.4 Works by Fire Protection Services Sub-Contractor..............................................................4
3 Works for Others............................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Works for Builder....................................................................................................................5
3.2 Works for Mechanical Services Sub-Contractor...................................................................6
3.3 Works for Electrical Services Sub-Contractor.......................................................................6
3.4 Works for Fire Protection Services Sub-Contractor..............................................................6
4 Description of Works...................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 General...................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Description of Works..............................................................................................................8
4.2.1 Overall responsibilities:.......................................................................................................... 8
4.2.2 Particular responsibilities:...................................................................................................... 9
5 Technical Requirements.............................................................................................................. 14
5.1 General.................................................................................................................................14
Site Conditions............................................................................................................................ 14
Existing Services......................................................................................................................... 14
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Workmanship........................................................................................................................16
Nuisance..................................................................................................................................... 16
Making Good............................................................................................................................... 16
Dimensions................................................................................................................................. 16
Protection Of Polished Surfaces.................................................................................................. 16
Cleaning Of Surfaces.................................................................................................................. 16
Exposed Pipework...................................................................................................................... 17
Fixing & Supporting Of Pipes...................................................................................................... 17
Capping Off................................................................................................................................. 18
Chasing Of Pipes........................................................................................................................ 18
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Core Holes & Sleeves................................................................................................................. 18
Fixtures & Fixture Points............................................................................................................. 19
Laying Of Pipes........................................................................................................................... 19
Restoration Of Surfaces.............................................................................................................. 19
Public Utilities & Existing Services............................................................................................... 19
Pipe Identification........................................................................................................................ 20
Valve identification...................................................................................................................... 20
Water Hammer............................................................................................................................ 20
5.3 Materials...............................................................................................................................21
Supply of Materials...................................................................................................................... 21
Availability Of Materials............................................................................................................... 21
Selection of Materials.................................................................................................................. 21
Rejection Of Unsatisfactory Materials.......................................................................................... 21
Copper & Brass Tubes & Fittings................................................................................................ 21
Galvanised Mild Steel Pipe & Fittings.......................................................................................... 22
PVC Pipes & Fittings................................................................................................................... 22
Nylon Pipes & Fittings................................................................................................................. 22
Vitrified clay pipes & fittings (VCP).............................................................................................. 23
Cross Linked Polyethylene Pipes & Fittings (XLPE).................................................................... 23
High Density Polyethylene Pipes & Fittings (HDPE).................................................................... 23
Stainless Steel Pipe & Fittings for Sanitary Plumbing.................................................................. 23
Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings For Sanitary Plumbing........................................................................ 23
Precast Reinforced Concrete...................................................................................................... 24
Fibre Reinforced Cement............................................................................................................ 24
Fire Seals.................................................................................................................................... 24
Jointing Materials........................................................................................................................ 24
Check Valves.............................................................................................................................. 26
Strainers...................................................................................................................................... 26
Drainage Reflux Valves............................................................................................................... 26
Gas Valves.................................................................................................................................. 26
Water Hammer Arrestors............................................................................................................. 27
Galvanising................................................................................................................................. 27
Cast Iron Surface Boxes............................................................................................................. 27
Fixings........................................................................................................................................ 27
Unions......................................................................................................................................... 27
Flanges....................................................................................................................................... 27
Flexible Connections to Pumps................................................................................................... 28
Flexible Connections to Taps & Gas Appliances......................................................................... 28
Gauges....................................................................................................................................... 28
Water Service Insulation Materials.............................................................................................. 28
Concrete..................................................................................................................................... 29
Pits & Sumps.............................................................................................................................. 29
Covers, Grates & Frames............................................................................................................ 29
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Pump Control Panels.................................................................................................................. 30
5.4 Excavation............................................................................................................................31
Trench Excavation...................................................................................................................... 31
Exceeding Excavation................................................................................................................. 31
Excavation In Existing Pavement & Roadways............................................................................ 31
Timbering Of Excavation............................................................................................................. 31
Precautions & Safeguards........................................................................................................... 32
Use Of Explosives....................................................................................................................... 32
Pipe Support in Unstable Ground ............................................................................................... 32
Bedding Materials....................................................................................................................... 32
Side Support & Overlay............................................................................................................... 32
Backfilling.................................................................................................................................... 32
Tunnelling................................................................................................................................... 33
Restoration of Surfaces............................................................................................................... 33
Excess Spoil............................................................................................................................... 33
5.5 Sewer Drainage....................................................................................................................34
Pipework..................................................................................................................................... 34
Sewer Connection....................................................................................................................... 34
Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) - Basement............................................................... 34
Overflow Gullies.......................................................................................................................... 35
Reflux Valves.............................................................................................................................. 35
Sewer Drainage Pump Pit – Basement ...................................................................................... 36
Sewer Drainage Pumps – Basement .......................................................................................... 36
Sewer Drainage Pump Control Panel – Basement ..................................................................... 36
Drainage Vents........................................................................................................................... 37
Clearouts..................................................................................................................................... 37
Garbage Floor Waste.................................................................................................................. 37
Pits & Sumps.............................................................................................................................. 38
Covers, Grates & Frames............................................................................................................ 38
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 38
5.6 Sanitary Plumbing................................................................................................................39
Generally..................................................................................................................................... 39
Pipework..................................................................................................................................... 39
Branches..................................................................................................................................... 39
Expansion Joints......................................................................................................................... 39
Inspection Openings & Gates...................................................................................................... 40
Traps 40
Offsets........................................................................................................................................ 40
Vent Penetrations........................................................................................................................ 40
Vent Terminal.............................................................................................................................. 41
Acceptance & Responsibility of Sanitary Fixtures........................................................................ 41
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 41
5.7 Grease Waste Plumbing & Drainage..................................................................................42
Generally..................................................................................................................................... 42
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Pipework..................................................................................................................................... 42
Traps 43
Grease Arrestor.......................................................................................................................... 43
Grease Arrestor Remote Suction Pipes....................................................................................... 43
Grease Arrestor Chamber Vents................................................................................................. 44
5.8 Stormwater Services............................................................................................................45
Pipework..................................................................................................................................... 45
Stormwater Connections............................................................................................................. 45
Pits & Sumps.............................................................................................................................. 45
Covers, Grates & Frames............................................................................................................ 45
Downpipes.................................................................................................................................. 46
Rainwater Outlets........................................................................................................................ 46
Inspection Openings.................................................................................................................... 47
Grated Drains.............................................................................................................................. 47
Subsoil Drainage......................................................................................................................... 47
Stormwater Drainage Pumps – Basement .................................................................................. 47
Stormwater Drainage Pump Control Panel – Basement .............................................................48
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 49
5.9 Cold Water & Fire Hose Reel Service.................................................................................50
Pipework..................................................................................................................................... 50
Fire Hose Reels.......................................................................................................................... 51
Pressure Reduction Valves......................................................................................................... 51
Urinal Flush Control Equipment................................................................................................... 52
Backflow Prevention Devices...................................................................................................... 52
Acceptance & Responsibility Of Tapware.................................................................................... 52
Cold Water & Fire Hose Reel Pipe Sizes..................................................................................... 52
Connection To Existing Authority Water Main.............................................................................. 52
Authority Water Meter................................................................................................................. 53
Fire Hose Reel Test Point........................................................................................................... 53
Packaged Water Treatment Plant – Basement............................................................................ 53
Water Storage Tank - Basement................................................................................................. 54
Cold Water Booster Pumps - Basement...................................................................................... 54
Cold Water Pressure Unit - Roof................................................................................................. 55
Water Storage Tank - Roof.......................................................................................................... 56
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 57
5.10 Hot Water Service..............................................................................................................58
Generally..................................................................................................................................... 58
Hot Water Pipe Sizes.................................................................................................................. 58
Hot Water Pipe Expansion Joints................................................................................................ 58
Heat Tracing............................................................................................................................... 58
Hot Water Temperature Control.................................................................................................. 59
Thermostatic Mixing Valves......................................................................................................... 59
Hot Water Units........................................................................................................................... 59
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5.10.1 Hot Water Circulation Pumps............................................................................................ 60
5.10.2 Hot Water Circulating Pump Control Panel........................................................................ 60
Insulation..................................................................................................................................... 61
Automatic Air Release Valve....................................................................................................... 61
5.11 Gas Service........................................................................................................................65
1.1.1 Section 1: Capacity calculation specification........................................................................ 65 Applied Standards ........................................................................................................... 65 Calculation Sheet of Consumed Gas................................................................................ 65
1.1.2 Section 2: Technical Requirement Specification.................................................................. 66 Scope of Work..............................................................................................................66 Requirements for Equipments – Pipework - Fittings..................................................66
I. Equipments.............................................................................................................................. 66
1. LPG cylinders......................................................................................................................... 66
a. General Requirements:........................................................................................................... 66
Liquefied petroleum gas in the cylinders shall have quality suitable to current standards. ..........66
Propane production with higher purity can be admitted if its gas pressure is suitable to design
pressure of the cylinders................................................................................................... 66
The owners of the cylinder have the responsibility of testing, maintenance and periodical
verification of the cylinder as requirements. ..................................................................... 66
After being used, the cylinders shall be given back to its owners. ...............................................67
The cylinders used to charge and contain liquefied petroleum gas must be designed complying
with TCVN 6292 : 1997 (ISO 4706 : 1989)........................................................................ 67
The cylinders must have supports, rings protecting valves and connections. ..............................67
Information and prevention symbols shall be included on the cylinders to recognize complying
with TCVN........................................................................................................................ 67
b. Requirements of LPG volume in the cylinders ........................................................................ 67
Liquefied petroleum gas can be charged into cylinders based on the mass and volume. Charging
based on the volume is only applied for the cylinders which have liquid level meter. ........67
When charging based on the mass, the identification of the greatest charged quantity is based on
two factors: the mass of liquefied petroleum gas volume allowed to charge into the cylinder
and mass error that the charging causes. In order to ensure these two factors, do not
charge too full, remain not less than 5% of cylinder capacity as requirements of the
production. ....................................................................................................................... 67
When charging based on the volume, remain not less than 5% of cylinder capacity at the
standard temperature as requirements of the production..................................................67
When defining the most safe charge level, minimum temperature of the production under the
condition of storage and minimum temperature when charging should be considered. ....67
2. LPG cylinder station................................................................................................................ 67
LPG Cylinder station must be at the convenient location to ease the removal and movement of
LPG cylinders when necessary. ....................................................................................... 67
LPG Cylinder station must be clear and equipped with air suction doors at the lowest level. LPG
cylinders and supports shall not prevent and limit the ventilation flow at air suction doors.
......................................................................................................................................... 67
The floor of LPG cylinder station must be flat and higher the around floor. .................................67
The doors of the LPG cylinder station must be opened to both sides and does not have the
interlock. .......................................................................................................................... 67
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LPG cylinder station must have the equipment to check the propane concentration to detect the
leakage timely................................................................................................................... 67
3. Evaporator.............................................................................................................................. 68
4. Valves - Meters....................................................................................................................... 68
II. Pipework................................................................................................................................. 69
1. Metal pipes.............................................................................................................................. 69
2. Fittings.................................................................................................................................... 70
C. Requirements of Gas Leakage Control System...................................................................... 70
1. Gas alarm panel...................................................................................................................... 70
2. Gas alarm head:...................................................................................................................... 70
3. Control cable:.......................................................................................................................... 70
1.1.3 Section 3: Requirements of Installation Technique..............................................................71 Requirements of Equipment Installation.....................................................................71
I. Evaporator............................................................................................................................... 71
II. Meters, valves and fittings ...................................................................................................... 71
1. Installation of meters............................................................................................................... 71
2. Valve installation..................................................................................................................... 71 Pipe Installation Requirements....................................................................................72
I. Criteria..................................................................................................................................... 72
II. Prohibited areas for installation of gas pipes. .......................................................................... 72
III. Buried services ...................................................................................................................... 73
1. Materials for pipes and fittings................................................................................................. 73
2. Type of joints:.......................................................................................................................... 73
2. Excavation:............................................................................................................................. 73
3. Slope:...................................................................................................................................... 74
4. Pipe channel:.......................................................................................................................... 74
5. Pipe sleeves............................................................................................................................ 74
6. Pipe installation:...................................................................................................................... 74
7. Backfilling:............................................................................................................................... 74
8. Protection against corrosion:................................................................................................... 74
IV. Pipes within building:............................................................................................................. 75
1. Risers...................................................................................................................................... 75
2. Pipes within building................................................................................................................ 76
Requirements of Gas Alarm System Installation........................................................77
Installation of Electrical Supply System......................................................................77
Installation of Fire Protection and Fighting System....................................................77
1.1.4 Section 4: Technical Requirements – Inspection, testing and Commissioning ....................78 Preparation...................................................................................................................78 Procedures of Commissioning – Testing and Adjusting .........................................78
5.12 Sanitary Fixtures & Tapware.............................................................................................79
Generally..................................................................................................................................... 79
Sanitary Fixtures......................................................................................................................... 79
Tapware...................................................................................................................................... 79
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General Information
Drawing list
Legend & General Notes
Inground Hydraulic Services Plan
Basement Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
1st Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
2nd Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
3rd Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
4th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
5th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
6th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
7th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
8th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
9-10th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
11th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
12th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
13th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
14th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
15th Floor Water Supply Plan
15th Floor Water Drainage Plan
16th Floor Water Supply Plan
16th Floor Water Drainage Plan
17th Floor Water Supply Plan
17th Floor Water Drainage Plan
18th Floor Water Supply Plan
18th Floor Water Drainage Plan
19th Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
Roof Floor Hydraulic Services Plan
Domestic Water Supply Piping Schematic
Sanitary Drainage Piping Schematic
Storm Water Piping Schematic
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC1, WC2.
Water Supply Details of WC3 .
Sanitary Water Details of WC3 .
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC4.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC5.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC6.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC7.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC8.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC9.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC10.
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Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC11.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of WC12.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of Kitchen K1.
Water Supply Details of Kitchen K2.
Sanitary Water Details of Kitchen K2.
Water Supply Details of Kitchen K3.
Sanitary Water Details of Kitchen K3.
Sanitary & Water Supply Details of Kitchen K4.
Detail of technical room on the roof floor
Acoustic and Vibration Isolation – All Building Services
Atmospheric noise limits for plant (normal operations):
Overall Plant Criteria
The cumulative atmospheric noise levels(i) from the development, should not exceed the
background noise level(i) at the nearest noise sensitive premises(i) by greater than 5 dB,
during the operating period of the plant.
If the cumulative plant noise level includes tonal or intermittent characteristics which draw
specific attention to itself, the plant noise level should not exceed the background noise
Individual Plant Criteria
No single item of plant should exceed 5 dBA above the background noise level at 5
metres from an outlet/inlet where directly adjacent to normal walkways, open public or
staff areas, or pedestrian areas.
Individual or cumulative plant noise should not result in noise break-back into this
development or any other commercial which exceeds the internal noise criteria (proposed
ahead), e.g. via windows, roof, floor or other indirect paths.
The above criteria can be superseded by local authority by-laws, development/planning
constraints, national policy regulation or guidance.
For standby/ emergency use equipment (generators / UPS etc):
The cumulative atmospheric noise levels(i) from this plant, during testing or in
emergency, should not exceed the pre-existing background noise levelat the nearest
noise sensitive premises(iii) by greater than 15 dBA (if commercial/industrial) and 10 dBA
(if residential), during the operating period of the plant. Further it should not exceed noise
level at the adjacent noise sensitive boundary by more than 65 dBA (if commercial
Industrial), and 55 dBA/45dBA (for residential day/night respectively).
Such plant should cumulatively not result in noise break-back into the development which
exceeds the internal noise criteria (proposed ahead) by more than 10 dBA e.g. via
windows, roof, floor or other indirect paths.
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The above criteria can be superseded by local authority by-laws, development/planning
constraints, national policy regulation or guidance, or alternative criteria agreed with
relevant parties.
Internal noise limits
The following maximum noise levels i are proposed for the various areas within the
Location / Room Type
Noise Limit
Open plan offices
boardrooms etc
Lobbies / Reception Areas and corridors
Meeting Hall
Store rooms
Dining rooms / kitchens
Plant rooms /areas
Car park
Emergency operating generators / fan systems
45 dB (NR40)(v)
40 dB (NR35) (v)
45 dB (NR40)(v)
40 dB (NR35)(v)
45 dB (NR40)(v)
55 dB (NR50) (v)
50 dB (NR45) (v)
85 dBA(ii)
65 dBA
See (vii)
Services which pass across ceiling spaces, through internal walls and along risers should
be considered in terms of their ability to degrade internal sound isolation performance
needs, and methods of closure around or within services would need to be considered in
each specific instance.
Proposed vibration isolation/structure-borne noise protection.
As a principle, major plant and associated equipment should be installed with vibration
isolation selected so as to provide at least 95% isolation efficiency between the plant and
adjacent structure. All such plant should also include a noise stop pad as separation from
the structure in order to attenuate structure-borne noise.
All isolation systems should to be considered in terms of the need to accommodate
suitable seismic restraints / bracing etc. Such systems should be in line with all local bylaws and codes, standards for the area including compliance with Australian Standard
AS1170.4 earthquake loads. Open type mounts are preferred, but may not be possible if
seismic requirements need to be accommodated. All restraints that are included should
not restrict the isolation efficiency of the system supported. Care needs to be taken to
ensure that any super-structure, e.g. for anchor embedment, is in place to accommodate
these needs.
Standby generators should include carefully selected isolators provided by the supplier
themselves or sub-contractor: air spring mounts would be typically anticipated.
It would be expected that:
Large pumps or pump sets would be located on inertia bases at least 1.5 x the weight of
the pump/s. The bases would be supported on open type spring mounts offering at least
25 mm static deflection, and including a noise stop pad.
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Large fans would include open type spring mounts offering 25 mm static deflection. The
unit as a whole would be located on 10-15 mm rubber/neoprene pads or strips, offering
1-2 mm static deflection.
Large pipework within plant rooms or across roofs above staff areas, such as from
standby generators, chilled water pumps etc should include vibration isolation and a
noise stops as appropriate, .i.e. vibration isolation hangers, with noise stops, to soffit
supported pipework; and resilient brackets around roof supported pipes. Large pipework
should be vibration isolated for at least 50 pipe diameters, within plant rooms or over the
sensitive area for which they pass , whichever is the longer.
Air cooled chillers and cooling towers would be isolated from the building structure
appropriate to their type and specific location. They would at least need to be located on
at least neoprene/rubber pads offering 2-3 mm static deflection.
Other fans and system should include proprietary vibration/noise isolation as applicable.
General Information
All fan systems should include sufficient space for either in-line attenuation ( e.g. at least
1.5 m long) and/or lined ductwork for at least 5-10 metres.
Space should be included within the superstructure design to accommodate vibration
isolation supports for plant.
All noise and vibration control measures, attenuator selections etc should be provided to
the acoustic consultant for comment.
All local codes/criteria which differs from that given above, should be confirmed to the
acoustic consultant or appropriate party.
All noise and vibration control measures, attenuator selections etc should be provided to
the acoustic consultant for comment.
All local codes/criteria which differs from that given above, should be confirmed to the
acoustic consultant or appropriate party.
All local codes/criteria which differs from that given above, should be confirmed to the
acoustic consultant or appropriate party.
i.Cumulative noise level should be in terms of the LAeq noise parameter (A-weighted equivalent continuous
noise level) measured over sample periods of not less than 15 minutes.
ii.The pre-existing background noise level should be in terms of the LA90 (A-weighted noise level exceeded for
90% of the period). The LA90 parameter should be determined from a noise survey of the site prior to the
development being undertaken, and undertaken at appropriate locations adjacent to or suitably equivalent to,
the noise sensitive locations. Sample measurement periods should be no less than 15 minutes, and the total
measurement period should encompass the times of plant operations ( i.e. 24 hours). A 7 day survey is
recommended, but not compulsory.
iii. Noise sensitive properties can be residential or commercial or public buildings. This should be determined on
a site specific basis.
iv.The maximum noise level should be in terms of the LAeq parameter measured over a sample period of
typically 2-3 minutes for continuous operating plant or over the longer period for any plant which includes cyclic
changes in noise level. It should be measured when the plant is operating normally.
v.The table also provides a noise limit in terms of NR (noise rating criteria). The overriding criteria is proposed
as the dBA parameter, but an excessive exceedance of the NR criteria at any frequency is not desirable.
vi.Where a plant room is likely to have a noise level in excess of 85 dBA and operate continuously during
normal operations, the room should include a degree of sound absorbent treatment to the surfaces to attenuate
this level.
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vii. Noise from standby generators and associated equipment should be no more than 10 dB above the noise
level in that respective internal area. The noise level during the operation of smoke control systems (including
smoke spill fans and air pressurization fans ) shall not exceed 65 dBA in occupied spaces or 5 dBA above the
ambient noise levels, to a maximum of 80 dBA. Noise levels in fire – isolated exits shall not exceed 80 dBA.
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Works by Others
The following main works associated with the construction works in this building shall be
provided by the other Sub-Contractors and/or trades for the Hydraulic Services SubContractor. It is this Sub-Contractor s responsibility to co-ordinate the execution of these
works with his and other parties’ construction programs. This list is not complete and
shall be used only as a cross referenced list instrumental in the development of full
understanding of the scope of works and responsibilities specified for this Sub-Contract:
Works by Builder
The following works associated with the installation of the Hydraulic Services shall be
provided by the Builder. It is the Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractors responsibility to coordinate the execution of these works with his and other parties’ construction programs:
Duct riser block outs;
Ducts, access panels and inspection panels;
Roof gutters and outlets;
Roof and terrace overflow systems;
Wall gutters and outlets;
Drainage cell system behind basement retaining walls;
All access panels to ceiling space;
Fire Hydrant and Fire Hose Reel Housings and signage;
Supply and installation of sink benches and/or support frames;
Grading of shower recesses;
All plinths within galvanised steel plinth surrounds. Galvanised steel plinth surrounds
supplied and installed in place by the hydraulic services sub-contractor.
Concrete hobs and plinths;
Acoustic treatment of plant rooms, ducts and ceilings where required;
Cutting of all holes in finished surfaces, timber cupboards, false ceilings, vanity
cupboards, shelves etc;
All signage outside the Hydraulic Services cupboards;
Lifting and hoisting of all hydraulic equipment which does not fit into the clients lifts;
Grading of all finished surfaces to drainage grates & outlets.
Grading of roof areas to rainwater outlets.
Waterproofing of all building elements as required including hydraulic services pit
coverings, retaining walls, hydrostatic slabs, Lift pits & roof areas.
Grading of plant room floors to floor waste grates;
Aggregate zone under slabs. Aggregate for bedding and trench backfill by hydraulic
services sub-contractor
Hobs to isolate roof areas from roof plant room;
Access to basement plant room;
Coring and/or cutting, patching, framing up and making good of all masonry, steel, timber
and concrete penetrations required by the Scope of Works of a size larger than 0.07m2
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for the passage of ducts, cables, conduit, etc. All above activities for penetrations smaller
than 0.07m2 shall be allowed for and executed by the Sub-Contractor.
Concrete kerb & gutters.
Construction of required overland flow paths.
Ventilation openings to gas meter, gas regulators, & any other gas equipment enclosures.
All concrete works for grated drains. Trench frames & grates to be supplied by the
hydraulic services sub-contractor.
Erosion, Siltation & Sediment and discharge control of stormwater during construction.
Supply and install permanent protection of all pipes exposed to damage from vehicles,
and the like, including sanitary stacks, fire hydrants, fire hose reels, downpipes etc
Enclosures for fire hydrant booster valve, fire sprinkler booster valve, pumps, and gas
Fire rating of pump and plant rooms.
Concrete sumps and pits that form part of the suspended floor.
Supply & Installation of Liquid soap dispensers.
Supply LPG gas (bottles) located on ground floor within external storage area
Supply and mounting of all kitchen appliances including dishwashers, gas appliances etc.
A nominated subcontractor by the Builder shall provide the following works associated
with the installation of the Hydraulic Services. It is the Hydraulic Services SubContractors responsibility to co-ordinate the execution of these works with his and other
trade’s construction programs:
Landscape Contractor
Suspended Planter box Sub-Soil Drainage (e.g. Drainage Cell)
Sub-Soil Drainage requirements for within plant areas.
Supply and installation of irrigation system including associated pipework and fittings
including any required backflow prevention device(s), pump units, solenoid valves,
master control valves etc.
Supply and installation of all Water Features & Reflection Ponds including construction,
design, and equipment.
Works by Mechanical Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the installation of the Hydraulic Services shall be
provided by Mechanical Services Sub-Contractor. It is the Hydraulic Services SubContractors responsibility to coordinate the execution of these works with his and other
parties’ construction programs:
Condensate drains from Air Handling and Fan Coil Units to sanitary floor wastes and
tundishes within each plant room.
Discharge drains from cooling tower units to hobbed stormwater drainage outlet at roof
Discharge drains from all vertical discharge ducts to nearest sanitary floor waste within
plant room.
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Ventilation to hydraulic services plant rooms as required.
Water supply pipework from valved off water supplies to mechanical equipment on roof
(1x 40dia and 1 x 32 dia)
The Mechanical services sub-contractor shall supply & install all wiring from the hydraulic
services Control Panel & Distribution Board Alarm Signals to the Building monitoring
system, including the following: Water treatment plant Distribution Board – Basement (Alarm);
Cold water booster pump Distribution Board – Basement (Alarm);
Potable Water Tank Levels - High & Low Level - Basement (Alarm);
Stormwater Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement (Alarm);
Sewer Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement (Alarm);
Potable Water Tank Levels - High & Low Level – Roof Plant Room(Alarm);
Cold water pressure unit Distribution Board – Roof Plant Room (Alarm);
Hot water circulator Control Panel - Roof Plant Room (Alarm);
All from volt free contacts. Control panels shall be provided by Hydraulic Services
Works by Electrical Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the installation of the Hydraulic Services shall be
provided by Electrical Services Sub-Contractor. It is the Hydraulic Services SubContractors responsibility to coordinate the execution of these works with his and other
parties construction programs:
Electrical supply and installation of new terminated sub mains to all equipment requiring
power, to control panels & direct to equipment where required including;
Hard wiring to each electric Hot Water Unit within central hot water plant via isolating
switch – Roof Plant Room
Hot Water Circulating Pump Control Panel - Roof Plant Room
GPO to each urinal flushing system - each male amenity area
Stormwater Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement
Sewer Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement
Cold Water Booster Pump Control Panel – Basement
Water treatment plant control panel – Basement
Water storage tank control panel – Basement
Water storage tank control panel – Roof Plant Room
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Works by Fire Protection Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the installation of the Hydraulic Services shall be
provided by Fire Protection Services Sub-Contractor. It is this Sub-Contractors
responsibility to coordinate the execution of these works with his and other parties
construction programs:
Combined fire hydrant / fire sprinkler system throughout the building.
Fire water storage tank and associated valves, overflows etc
Combined fire hydrant / fire sprinkler high flow pump test discharge pipes terminating into
fire water storage tank.
Combined fire hydrant / fire sprinkler low flow pump test discharge pipes terminating to
hobbed stormwater drainage outlet within pump room.
Fire Extinguishers.
Fire Hydrants.
Fire Sprinklers
Wiring of all monitored fire hydrant isolating valves to Fire Indicator Panel;
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Works for Others
The following main works associated with the construction works in this building shall be
provided by Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor for other Sub-Contractors and/or trades.
It is this Sub-Contractor s responsibility to co-ordinate the execution of these works with
his and other parties’ construction programs. This list is not complete and shall be used
only as a cross referenced list instrumental in the development of full understanding of
the scope of works and responsibilities specified for this Sub-Contract:
Works for Builder
The Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor shall provide the following works associated with
the construction works for the Builder:
All required complying and fully certified fire ratings of penetrations for pipes, etc through
walls, ceilings and other fire rated barriers.
Cutting of all penetrations required by the Hydraulic Services installation of a size less
than 0.07m2. Prior to the commencement of any penetration work the Hydraulic Services
Sub-Contractor is required to obtain appropriate approvals from the Structural Engineer.
Supply of Hydraulic services to various completed parts of the building all in accordance
with the construction program.
Co-ordinate and set out on site all required access panels to hydraulic services.
Making good of all Hydraulic Services penetrations.
Disconnection and sealing off of existing redundant hydraulic services.
Provision to drain membrane or water proofed building elements where required
Supply of grated trench drain frames & grates.
Connection of all hydraulic services to mounted kitchen appliances including
dishwashers, gas appliances etc.
The Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor shall provide the following works associated
Builder’s nominated subcontractor. It is the Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractors
responsibility to co-ordinate the execution of these works with his and other trade’s
construction programs:
Landscape Contractor
Capped water supply point to serve Irrigation water systems.
Drainage from all planter drains, tree pits & other plant drain requirements to the
stormwater drainage system.
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Works for Mechanical Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the construction works in this building shall be
provided by the Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor for the Mechanical Services Sub
Sanitary floor wastes and tundishes to receive mechanical condensate discharges within
each plant room.
Hobbed stormwater drainage outlet at roof level for discharge from cooling tower units.
Sanitary floor waste to receive discharge drains from all vertical discharge ducts as
Valved water supplies including reduced pressure zone device (on each) for mechanical
equipment on roof (1x 40dia and 1 x 32 dia).
Terminal strips for collection of BMS points.
Works for Electrical Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the construction works in this building shall be
provided by the Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor for the Electrical Services Sub
Control / Electrical wiring and installation to all hydraulic services equipment from Control
Panels / Isolation Switches where required including;
Control wiring from each electric Hot Water Unit outlet thermostat within central hot water
plant to hot water circulator control panel to register low temperature – Roof Plant Room
Hot Water Circulating Pump Control Panel - Roof Plant Room
Urinal flushing system - each male amenity area
Stormwater Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement
Sewer Pump Pit Control Panel – Basement
Cold Water Booster Pump Control Panel – Basement
Water treatment plant control panel - Basement
Water storage tank control panel – Basement
Water storage tank control panel – Roof Plant Room
Works for Fire Protection Services Sub-Contractor
The following works associated with the construction works in this building shall be
provided by the Hydraulic Services Sub-Contractor for the Fire Services Sub Contractor:
Water supply to the fire water storage tank. Dual supplies discharging within each tank
division via float valves. Water supply to refill tank within a 24 hour period (from empty)
Hobbed drainage outlet for minor flow fire test discharge (max 4 L/s) within fire pump
room - Basement
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Hobbed drainage outlet for minor flow fire test discharge within fire pump room – Level 11
1. Fire Hose Reel system
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Description of Works
The works covered by this specification and the associated drawings are for the design,
supply, engineering, installation and commissioning of Hydraulic Services for Building.
Description of Works
The works described in this section shall include the supply, installation, testing,
commissioning, maintenance and warranty of the Hydraulic Services works at the
premises as listed below.
Overall responsibilities:
Development of the detail design in compliance with the word and intent of this
Supply and installation of all designed services to the Client’s approval.
Supply and installation of all designed services in accordance with the development
Supply and installation of all designed services in compliance with construction program.
Supply of engineering skills required to execute the specified works.
Preparation & submission to authorities of all hydraulic services designs.
Payment of all necessary fees to authorities for design approvals and connections to
authority services.
Obtaining of all necessary approvals and permits.
Co-ordination of the installation with other trades.
Co-ordination of the installation with Architectural, Structural, Civil and Building Services
Co-ordination of the services on site.
Regular issue of design drawings required by the architect and other building designers.
Obtaining approval for equipment & samples from the Client prior to installation.
Issue of “Workshop” drawings for approval prior to construction.
Issue of “As Installed” drawings and Maintenance Manuals.
Testing, commissioning and certification as required of completed installations.
Maintenance of the installation for the period specified.
Compliance with the authority Development Application conditions
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Particular responsibilities:
Design, engineer, document, supply, install and commission all systems described in this
specification and on the associated design & construct drawings i.e.:
Sewer Drainage
The work under this section comprises the complete supply and installation of the Sewer
Drainage services for the project to the satisfaction of the Client and shall include, but is
not limited to: Installation to AS 3500.2, and other relevant authority requirements.
Collect all sanitary drainage fixtures and sanitary plumbing stacks via gravity house
drainage system and discharge to the Authority sewer main via a packaged sewage
treatment plant.
A suitable packaged sewage treatment (PST) plant equal to Kelair Blivet 1500 to enable
acceptable discharge quality to authority sewer main (Flow: 30m3; BOD/SS less than
400mg/L; Grease/Oil/Fat less than 30mg/L)
Sludge suction point located external to building to authority approval.
Dual sewage pumps and pit with alarms located within the basement. Extend sewer rising
main and discharge directly to the authority sewer main.
Floor waste and tundish within each plant room.
All Excavation & Backfilling.
Fixing & supporting of pipework above & below ground.
Inspection pits & manholes.
Garbage floor wastes in loading dock area.
Supporting of pipework in filled ground on concrete raft tied to slab.
Collection of all vertical stacks & sanitary fixtures.
Capped provisions for future connection as nominated.
Arrange for new connections and pay all fees to the existing authority sewer main(s).
Relief Overflow gully.
Reflux valves where required.
Junctions, bends, clearouts, inspection openings and pipework as required.
Sanitary Plumbing
The work under this section comprises the complete supply and installation of the
Sanitary Plumbing services for the project to the satisfaction of the Client and shall
include, but is not limited to: Installation to AS 3500.2, Authority and other relevant authority requirements.
Soil, waste and vent pipes from the sewer drainage connection points to vent terminals.
Fully vented modified sanitary stacks on each floor as nominated for base building and
future connection.
Cast Iron pipe for main aerial drainage pipelines collecting all stacks
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All bends, offsets, expansion joints, branches, brackets, sanitary fixtures and sundry
equipment necessary to complete the installation.
Grease Waste Plumbing & Drainage
The work under this section comprises the complete supply and installation of the Grease
Waste Plumbing & Drainage services for the project to the satisfaction of the Client and
shall include, but is not limited to: Installation to AS 3500.2, Authority and other relevant authority requirements.
In-ground grease arrestor to capture grease waste and oils from kitchen cooking areas
(399 meals per day).
Grease suctions points from each grease arrestor to loading dock area terminated on
labelled manifold.
Excavation & Backfilling.
Fixing & supporting of pipework above & below ground.
Supporting of pipework in filled ground on concrete raft tied to slab.
Collection of all vertical grease stacks & grease fixtures.
Relief overflow gully.
Fully vented modified grease stacks on each floor as nominated for base building and
future connection.
Waste and vent pipes from the grease waste plumbing & drainage system.
All junctions, bends, offsets, expansion joints, branches, brackets, grease fixtures and
sundry equipment necessary to complete the installation.
Stormwater Services
The work under this section comprises the complete supply and installation of the
Stormwater Services for the project to the satisfaction of the Client and shall include, but
is not limited to: Installation to AS 3500.3, and other relevant authority requirements.
Roof drainage systems to collect and discharge the highest peak discharge flows (=>100
year) to in-ground drainage system via gravity downpipe reticulations.
In-ground drainage system to collect and discharge 20% (=>20 year) of the peak
discharge flows with fail safe peak discharge flows via overland flow mechanisms
(roadways, paving levels, kerbs, gutters etc.)
All catchment areas to include site area + 1/3 of vertical building façades.
Stormwater plumbing & drainage systems to the intent of the Hydraulic Services
Sub-soil systems above the water table & tidal level where required.
Basement stormwater pump out system including collection of fire service test discharge
Excavation & Back filling.
Fixing & supporting of pipework above & below ground.
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Hyder Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd