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Wish Câu điều ước câu giả định câu điều ước

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B. Wish/If only

I wish you
were here
If I had a nose, I could
smell the flower.

I wish I
were him.

What do you know about wish and if only
 Diễn đạt ước muốn (if only mạnh mẽ và rõ
ràng hơn wish).

I wish (that) I were a movie star.
If only
noun clause
Sau wish và only là một mệnh đề chỉ sự ao ước một ĐK
không có thật . Mệnh đề sau wish và if only được xem như
một mệnh đề danh từ.

Sau wish/only có 3 loại mệnh đề được dùng để
chỉ sự ao ước ở hiện tại, quá khứ và tương lai.

- I don’t have a car.
 I wish (that) I had a car.
 He wishes (that) he haddn’t changed his job.
 She wishes (that) she would get maried to a
good man.

1.Ao ước ở hiện tại (present wish) .
Uses: diễn đạt mong ước về một điều không có
thật hoặc không thể thực hiện được ở hiện tại .
 Form:
 S + WISH (s/es) + S+ V(past subjunctive)
E.g. He feels sorry that he works out door.
 He wishes he worked in-door.
Note: Be  were cho tất cả các ngôi.
 She wishes she were a boy.

Some more examples.
 If only I lived nearer. Then we could
meet more often.
 (I'm sorry that I don't live nearer)
 Lan wishes she had blond hair.
(Lan is sorry that she doesn't have blond
 You're brilliant. If only I were able to
play the guitar like you.
(I'm sorry that I can't play the guitar like you)

Your examples?


2.Ao ước ở quá khứ (past wish)
Uses: diễn đạt mong ước, hối tiếc về một điều
đã hoặc đã không xảy ra trong quá khứ.
 S + WISH(e/es) + S+ V (past perfect
1. I'm sorry that I told him my secret.
I wish I had never told him my secret.
2. Ba regrets spending so much money last night.
 Ba wishes he hadn't spent so much money
last night.

2.Ao ước ở quá khứ (past wish)
Chúng ta có thể dùng could have + V(PII)
để vao ước về quá khứ khi chủ ngữ trước
và sau wish là một người hay một vật.
 I wish I could have been at your
birthday party. (But I was so busy.)
 He wishes he could have won the
game. (But in fact he failed.)

he would sing
in a world famous

3.Ao ước ở tương lai(future wish)
 Uses: mong muốn điều gì đó xảy ra hoặc không
xảy ra hoặc muốn người nào đó làm hoặc không
làm điều gì đó.
 Form:
 S + WISH(s/es)/IF ONLY + S+
would/could/might + V(bare-infinitive)
- I wish it would stop raining.
- I wish Mark would call me back.
- He wishes more people would read his blog.


Wanting to change the present
- Days are so short in winter
 I wish days were longer
- She’s sorry she never wins a match
 She wishes she won a single match

- He works very little
 I wish he worked harder

Regretting the past
Very few people came to my party.
 I wish more people had come.
John failed his driving test.
 Tom wishes he had passed his driving test.
I got ill after eating lobster.
 I wish I hadn’t eaten lobster.

More for U!
She’s sad because she lives alone.
 She wishes she didn’t live alone
What a pity I can’t speak English!
 I wish I could speak English
I read less than I’d like.
 I wish I read more

He’d like to give up smoking but he can’t.
 He wishes he could give up smoking.
I get up very early. I hate it.
 I wish I didn’t get up very early
Why do you spend money on stupid things?
 I wish you didn’t spend money on stupid things
I’d like to have a better car.

 I wish I had a better car
I don’t like living in a big city.
 I wished I lived in a small city
We don’t see each other very often.
 I wish we could see each other more often

I lent John my tennis racket and he broke it.
 I wish I hadn’t lent it to him.
I got sunburnt because I didn’t use sun cream.
 I wish I had used sun cream.
Mary’s wedding was a disaster because it rained
cats and dogs.
 She wished it hadn’t rained.
The plane was delayed because there was a strike
at the airport.
 I wished there hadn’t been a strike.

She drank too much at the party.
 She wishes she hadn’t drunk too much at the
She had her hair cut really short.
 She wishes she hadn’t had her hair cut really
I did what they told me to.
 I wish I hadn’t done what they told me to.
She never locked her car and it was robbed

 She wishes she had locked her car.
