Period 83: Getting started
I .Aims and objectives:
- Language content: +To introduce some forms of communication and communication technology.
+ To review the future continuous and present V+ to- infinitive.
- Language function:
+ By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to know the names of some forms of
communication and communication technology and will be able to use some lexical items related to some
forms of communication and communication technology.
- Educational aims: -To help Ss recognize the benefits of some multimedia and know how to behave
properly online.
II. Language contents:
a. Vocabulary: words to describe forms of communication and communication technology.
b. Structure:
- The future continuous
- V+ to-inf
III. Techniques/ activities: pairwork, individual work, rub out and remember, using pictures,
brainstorming, guessing game, matching
IV. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio, pictures, real objects.
V. Procedures
Teaching steps
3ms I. LEAD-IN:
Prepare two photos: one of people talking to each other face-to-face using verbal language,
guestures, facial expressions, body language etc, and one of people communicating with
animals. Ask ss to guess the topic of this unit. Then have them work in pairs to list down as
many ideas as they can about how people communicate.
10ms *Activity 1: Listen and read
Ask Ss to open their books and look at the pictures but cover the conversation. Introduce
Phuc and Nick talking on the phone and the other pictures of Phuc, Mai and Nick.
Brainstorm questions with Ss and write the on the board. Questions may include:
What do you think Phuc and Nick are talking about on the phone?
Where are Mai and Phuc in the first picture?
Whare are they doing there?
Whare is Nick in the second picture? Whar is he doing there?
What is it in the second picture? What does it mean?
What is a possible connection between pictures 1,2 and 3?
Tell ss they are going to listen to the conversation between Phuc and Nick. Play the
recording. Elicit the connection between the pictures.
1a. New words: Find words or phrases in the conversation that mean:
Tell Ss they can uncover the text. P;ay the record again . Have Ss work individually the in
pairs to pind the words/phrases
If time allows, encourage Ss to explain the words/phrases in the conversation. For example,
Ss may say “Phuc is saying “We were waiting for ages” and this means he and Mai hat to
wait for Nick for a very long time.”
1. wait for ages
2. show up
3. get through
4. “My battery was flat”
5. “Are you kidding?”
6. “We can try again.”
2. Grammar:
- The future continuous
- V+ to-inf
* There are no grammar points related in the dialogue, so T can teach them in “A CLOSER
LOOK 2” section.
*Activity 1: Listen and read
b. True or False:”
Have Ss work individually the in pair to compare answers with each other. Correct the task
as a class and encourage Ss to explain for both T and F options.
1. True
2. True
3. False (Nick was waiting outside the wrong cinema.)
4. True
5. True
6. True
Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four and discuss the questions. For a more able class,
ask the group to paly the roles of Phuc, Mai and Nick. What would they do if they were
They couldn’t see the film together because Nick went to the wrong cinema. They didn’t
communicate clearly the name and address of the cinema beforehand. The they were not able
to contact each other because the battery of Nick’s mobile phone was flat.
*Activity 2: Match words/ phrases with the photos
Ss work in pairs to complete this task. After they have finished, go through each item as a
whole class. Ask Ss to futher explain the meaning of the worlds/phrases in the box, and/or
how thay work. Allow Ss to use Vietnamese if necessary
1. having a video
2. emailing
3. video chatting
4. metting face to face
5. using social
6. using telepathy
5. sending letters (snail
*Activity 3: Fill the gaps
- Draw Ss’ attention to the words/phrases from the word box in 2 again. Tell them to do this
task by first underlining the cues in each item. Also remind Ss to consider the part of speech
of the missing words (where applicable). Explain the Look out! box
1. Using social media 2. meeting face-to-face 3. emailing, sending letters/snail mail
2. Using telepathy
4. video chatting
6. have a video conference
*Activity 4:
Ss work in groups. Set a time limit and ask Ss to write down as many different ways they
have communicated so far today as they can. The person with the most ideas is the winner.
Alternatively, this can be a competition between groups where they collect information from
each member and collate it to find the winning group with the most communication ways.
- Learn by heart new vocabularies.
- Practice reading “Listen and read”
- Do exercises in the workbook (C. Speaking)
-Prepare new lesson: A closer look 1.
Date of preparing : March 6, 2016
Date of teaching: March 11, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 84: A
Closer Look 1
1. Objectives
- Language content: + To introduce sts to forms of communication and communication technology.
+ To help sts use lexical items related to the topic “communication forms and communication”
+ To help sts pronounce the words ending in –ity and in –itive correctly in isolation and in context.
- Language function:
+By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce three - syllable words with correct stress in
isolation and in context and use lexical items related to the topic “communication forms and
- Educational aims: + To educate sts to use means of communication technology properly and politely.
2. Language contents:
+ Vocabulary: words related to the topic“communication forms and communication technology”.
+Pronunciation: stress in words ending in –ity and in –itive
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games (guessing game,…), using pictures,
gap filling
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio, pictures, real objects.
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
I. WARM UP: Networks
Ways of communication
- Ask sts to look at the words/ phrases and the photos about ways of communication on page
39 (st’s book).
- Have Ss work in groups, writing words/ phrases related to the topic in 2 minutes.
- The group with the most words/ phrases is the winner.
- Move on to the lesson which focuses on the other ways of communication and the stress in
words ending in –ity and in –itive
-> Today we are going to learn some more about how to use lexical items related to the topic
to “communication” and how to pronounce words ending in –ity and in –itive.
Use techniques( translation, guessing from situations), pictures, and real objects to present
+ verbal (adj) spoken rather than written → verbal language(antonym): non-verbal language
+ multimedia (n): đa phương tiện → (translation)
+ message board (n): a place on a website where you can leave messages for other people to
read: diễn đàn trên mạng
+ snail mail(n): letters or messages that are not sent by email, but by regular post
+ landline phone (n): điện thoại bàn → (translation)
2. PRONUNCIATION: stress in words ending in –ity and in –itive
- For thewords ending in –ity and in –itive, place the stress on the syllable before the suffix.
Example: opportunity /ˌɒp.əˈtjuː.nə.ti/ ; positive /ˈpɒz.ə.tɪv/
*Activity 1:
Ss work individually first the in pairs. Encourage them to describe how the communication
happens in each picture.
For a more able class, ask Ss to describe how each way of communication is different from
the others.
1. using music
2. using sings
3. leaving a note
4. paiting a picture 5. communicating non-verbally with animals
6. using code
7. sending
8. using body language
*Activity 2:
Prepare some photos of the technology mentioned.
Show Ss an example of how these communication channels work, especially a chat room and
a message board.
Ss then work individually or in pair to complete the exercise. Similar to exercise 1, after
giving corrections, T can share with Ss some of their own experiences of using these
1. d
2. e
3. b
4. c
5. a
*Activity 3:
This task can be done in groups where Ss discuss and write down their ideas. Encourage Ss to
think of all communication forms they have learnt, or the ones they know, and put them in the
correct categories.
*Activity 4:
T can arrange a debate where two teams compete with each other. Each team is assingned one
form of communication. The rest of the class will be the audience. The two competing teams
have to try every way possible to convince the audience their communication form is better.
Then the audience will decide which team is the winner.
For a less able class where debating might be too challenging, this can be done as pair work.
Ss discuss each of the communication pairs and decide which one is better. Tell Ss they will
need to think about both the advantages and the disadvantages. Back as a class, elicit some
ideas from pairs of Ss, or ask for a show of hands about which mode of communication is
better. Then elicit why.
*Activity 5: Listen
Ss work individually then in pairs to compare their answers. Tell Ss to mark the word stress.
Play the recording and have Ss check the answers. Have Ss practise these words.
1. com’petitive
2. in’finitive
3. re’petitive
4. ‘positive
5. a’bility
6. possi’bility
7. curi’osity
8. natio’nality
*Activity 6:
Ss work individually then compare the answers with their partners. Play the recording for Ss
to check. Allow them plenty of time to practise these sentences with correct stress.
1. nationality
2. repetive
3. competitive
4. possibility
5. ability
IV. FREE – PRACTICE: *Activity 4:
T can arrange a debate where two teams compete with each other. Each team is assingned one
form of communication. The rest of the class will be the audience. The two competing teams
have to try every way possible to convince the audience their communication form is better.
Then the audience will decide which team is the winner.
For a less able class where debating might be too challenging, this can be done as pair work.
Ss discuss each of the communication pairs and decide which one is better. Tell Ss they will
need to think about both the advantages and the disadvantages. Back as a class, elicit some
ideas from pairs of Ss, or ask for a show of hands about which mode of communication is
better. Then elicit why.
? Learn by heart all the new words and practise pronoucing stress in three- syllable words
? Do Ex A1,2, 3+ B1,2, 3( workbook )
? Prepare: A Closer Look 2
Date of preparing : March 13, 2016
Date of teaching: March 15, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 85: A
Closer Look 2
1. Objectives
- Language content:
+ To help sts review the future continuous and understand and use verb + to-infinitive correctly and
- Language function: +To help the students use the future continuous and verb + to-infinitive to do the
exercises and to talk about some real situations.
- Educational aims: + To educate sts to be aware of the ways how to use the social media properly.
2. Language contents:
+ Grammar: - the future continuous
- verb + to-infinitive
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games (guessing game,…), using pictures,
gap filling, comparison.
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio, pictures, real objects.
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
*Activity 1:
Remind Ss of the conversation in GETTING STARTED
Ask Ss what Phuc and Nick decided on the phone about they would try it again this Sunday
Write “2.30p.m. show” and “4.15p.m. show” on the board. Ask Ss if they remember which show
Phuc and Nick chose and why.
Play the recording and ask Ss to answer the two questions.
* Key:
1. He will be having his Vietnamese class.
2. They will be watching a film at the cinema.
Today we are going to use the future continuous and verb + to-infinitive to talk about ways of
communication in the future .
1. The future continuous
-Ask Ss to look at the table and explain how the future continuous tense is used and how it is
formed. Then let Ss read the example. Explain that a definite point of time in the future can be
expressed by words/ phrases like tomorrow, this time next week/ month/ year…
2. Verb + to-infinitive:
*Activity 2:
Draw Ss’ attention to the Look out! Box. Then ask them to underline the specific time expression
in each item. Ss work individually the in pairs to compare their answers.
* Key:
1. Will he still be sleeping; will be studying
4. Will she be staying; will be writing
2. will be having
5. will be playing
3. will be eating
6. will be learning
*Activity 3:
- Have Ss work in groups to decide which year to put in the gaps. Then go through each sentence
with Ss, asking each group to call out their choice. If there is any difference in the answers among
the groups, ask themfor an explanation for their particular choice
*Activity 4:
Ss work individually to complete the task. Write on the board:
I also wanted to call you want to do something.
Ask some volunteers to write the rest on the board in a similar way.
Tell Ss to look at the Watch out! Box.
Provide the list of common verbs such as love, hate, prefer can be followed by both a gerund or
to-infinitive without significant change in meaning.
Tell Ss they may want to look at Unit 1 again for more verbs that can be followed with both a
gerund and to-infinitive.
If time allows, ask Ss to practice making sentences with these verbs.
*Activity 5:
Ss work individually then in pairs making sentences with thes verbs.
* Key:
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
*Activity 6:
Remind Ss of the different ways of communicating from beginning of the unit. Draw their
attention to the time expression (year 2050) and ask them which verb tense should be used. Give
an example if necessary. Then Ss work in pairs and share their ideas with other pairs to make a
“dream List”. If it is possible, this task can be done as a mingle activity where one pair has to talk
to at least three other pairs. Remind them to use full sentences.
? Review Grammar
? Do Ex B3,4,5,6 P32,33 ( workbook )
? Prepare: Communication
Date of preparing : March 13, 2016
Date of teaching: March 18, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 87: Communication
1. Objectives
- Language content:
+ To introduce sts to some extra vocabularies related to the topic “communication”.
- Language function: +By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the reaosns why
communication to break down and how to avoid it.
- Educational aims: + Educate sts to think of a future technology idea that will help avoid
communication breakdown .
2. Language contents:
+ Grammar: Review
+ Vocabulary : extra vocabularies related to the topic “communication”.
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games (guessing game,…), using
pictures, Take a survey, chatting.
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, pictures, charts.
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
5ms I.
LEAD-IN: Introduction
- Have sts guess what they think communication breakdown means. Refer to the Look
out! Box. Remind sts of what happened in the conversation in GETTING STARTED. A
sts why they think this communication breakdown happened and how to avoid it.
- T can share with sts an experience of communication breakdown that T has had.
Extra vocabulary:
- Language barrier: rào cản ngôn ngữ→ (translation)
- Cultural difference: khác biệt văn hóa → (translation)
- communication channel: kênh giao tiếp→ (translation)
shrug: (v) (explanation): to raise your shoulders and then lower them in order to say you do not
know or are not interested → Eg: He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that there was nothing
he could do about it.
- glance(v): to give a quick short look→ Eg: She glanced around/round the room to see
who was there.
*Activity 1:
- Do the first items with sts. Then sts work in pairs to complete this task.
- Encourage sts to add some more reasons and examples.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
*Activity 2:
- Elicit from sts what body language is.
- Explain that understanding body language can help people avoid communication breakdown.
- Ask sts to cover the sentences and just look at the pictures. In pairs sts work out the messages
from the pictures. Then sts can uncover the sentences and do the matching.
- Confirm the correct answers.
* Key:
1. c
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. d
*Activity 3:
- Write on the board some of the language for online communication learnt in Unit 1 and ask sts
if they can read them in the full form.
- Explain that using abbreviations for online chatting and texting is not always easy to
understand .
- Work in pairs to complete this task.
1. Where are you? We are at Lotte on the second floor.
2. I’ll be 5 minutes late. See you soon.
3. Do you want to see a movie this weekend?
4. Please call me right back. Thanks.
5. Hi! What are you doing tonight?
6. Did you see it? Laugh out loud!
5ms *Activity 4:
Have sts work in group to make their group’s Ideas Bank by discussing a technology solution
that will help people avoid the communication breakdown mentioned in 1. the group then
make a short presentation of their ideas to share with the class to make a big Ideas Bank.
3ms - Asks the sts to:
- Learn the vocabulary by heart and practice using abreviations for online chatting and
- Do exercises in the work book
- Prepare Skills 1
Date of preparing : March 20, 2016
Date of teaching: March 22, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 88: Skills
1. Objectives
- Language content:
+To introduce some words related to the topic “communication”.
+To supply some information about communication in the future.
- Language function:
+ To help sts practise reading for specific information communication in the future.
+ To help sts ask and answer qs about communication at present and in the future.
+ To help sts practice speaking about communication at present and in the future.
- Educational aims: + To help sts to realize the importance of communication in every day life
2. Language contents:
a. Vocabulary: words related to the topic “communication”.
b. Structure: - the future continuous
- Verb + to-infinitive
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games (guessing game, chain game,
crossword …), using pictures, Take a survey, brainstorming.
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, pictures, charts.
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
I. WARM UP: Networks
1. Networks: name some types of communication you’ve learnt
Types of
2. Introduction:
Communication is really important in every day life. We expressed our feelings, thoughts,
ideas and desires. We can use different ways to communicate. Some people love f2f
communication while others pefer sth more technological like twitter.
What is your favourite way of communication? Why?
-> Today we are going to read a text about ways of communication in the future.
- Ask sts when was the last time they sent sb a real letter, or to whom, and on what occation.
- Have them look at the photos. Explain that these are the letters sts from two schools in VN
and Sweden sent each other in a penfriend project.
- Ask sts to brainstorm the reasons why they think these sts chose this way to communicate
with each other.
- Then ask sts what they think is happening in the two other photos in the text in 2.
*Activity2: Teach some new words:
- Ask sts to read the text quicky for the first time.
- Ask them to pay attention to the highlighted words and do the matching task.
1. in real time 2. interact 3. three-dimentional images 4. cyberworld 5. network
* Activity 3:
- Ask sts to read the text again and find the answers individually first then compare the
answers in pairs. Once they have agreed on the answers they can practise asking and
answering the qs with a partner.
1. They love to write real letters. One st likes to send sweets with the letters as well.
2. They are telepathy and holography. Telepathy uses a tiny device in our head to
communicate by thought over the network. Holography gives three-dimentional images and
we will be able to interact with each other in real time.
3. She prefers to use real, face-to-face communication because she thinks this makes life
more interesting.
*Activity 4:
- First ask sts where in the text the author’s opinion is expressed. Then they work in pairs or
small groups to tell each other if they agree with the author’s opinion or not, explain why.
- Then call on some pairs/ groups to share what they have discussed.
*Activity 5:
- This can be done as a mingle activity where sts can stand up and talk to diferent classmates
to complete the survey. Otherwise, sts can do it in groups of five/ six where each member
completes the survey himself/ herself and shares it with the group. The group leader will then
report to the class either the ways of communication that are most mentioned or the ways of
communication that the group likes best.
- Read the passage at home.
- Practice talking about the ways of communication at present and in the future.
- Do the exercises in the notebook (Reading and Speaking)
- Prepare Skills 2
Date of preparing : March 27, 2016
Date of teaching: March 29, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 89: Skills
1. Objectives
- Language content: +- To introduce some words related to the topic “communication”.
+To help sts develop listening skill for specific information about netiquette.
+ To enable Ss to practise writing a short email using the netiquette they have learnt.
- Language function: + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop listening skills and to
write a short email using the netiquette they have learnt.
+ To help sts improve and develop listening and writing skills.
- Educational aims: + To educate sts to be aware of the importance of communication and to know the
main rules of netiquette when communicating with people online.
2. Language contents:
a. Vocabulary: words related to the topic “communication”
b. Structure: review
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games, chatting , using pictures,
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio, pictures, charts, .
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
I. Pre-lisrening (Activity 1):
- Have Ss look at the message board. Ask them who posted the message and who they think
the message is for.
- Ask them to try to identify what problems in terms of communication politeness they think
the message has.
- Let them share their answers with the whole group.
- Present some new words
+ netiquette (n): the set of rules about behaviour that is acceptable when writing an email or
talking to people in a chat room (= an address on the Internet where people can talk to each
other using email)
Eg: It's considered bad netiquette to use capital letters in an email because it looks
+ CAPS LOCK (KEY)(n): a key on a computer keyboard that you press to make any letters
you type appear as capital letters until you press it again
+ shorthand (n): a system of fast writing which uses lines and simple signs to represent words
and phrases
Eg: Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary.
II. While- listening
* Activity 2:
Write on the board “netiquette” and ask sts what they think it means.
Explain they are going to listen to a researcher talking about the way we communicate
- Explain CAPS LOCK in the box if necessary.
- Have sts look at the the qs first. Encouage them to give some answers .
- Play the recording.
- Have sts work individually then in pairs to compare their answers.
1. The word is a combination of “net” “etiquette”. It’s a set of rules for behaving properly
2. Don’t say and do unpleasant things online, just like in real life.
3. It’s how we communicate with each other online.
* Activity 3:
- Ask sts to look at the grid and try to complete it with as much information from the
recording as they can remember.
- Elicit the answers from sts.
- If their answers are correct, move to the next activity. Otherwise, play the recording again.
1. Use CAPS LOCK in emails,
posts, and comments
2. Check your emails for
mistakes or errors
3. Use a lot of shorthand
4. Respect discussion rules and
use polite language.
Should Shouldn’t
Why/ Why not
It looks like you are shouting
It shows respect for your readers.
This may confuse your readers.
People may not know who you are
but you’re judged by the quality f
your writing.
III. Post- listening: Activity 4
- Have Ss work in pairs to complete this task. Call two/ three pairs to write their versions of
the message on the board and the class votes for the best one.
* Lead in: In this writing part, you are going to write a short email to your teacher to submit
your group homework for this week.
I. PRE – WRITING (Activity 5)
- Draw attention to the REMEMBER box.
- Illustrate each of the bullet points mentioned by an example you find from the internet, or
those that you create yourself.
- Ask Ss to complete the email independently, using the phrases (e-f).
- Let Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other.
- Call some Ss to give the answers.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
*Activity 6:
- Have Ss work in groups to discuss what information they would include in the email. They
may look at the email in 5 for ideas. Then sts work individually on this task.
- Ask them to pay attention to the netiquette they have learnt.
- When sts have finished, they swap the writing with their partner.
- Have Ss display some writings on the wall
- Ask the other students to give comments
- Give comments and correct mistakes
? Rewrite the paragraph at home.
? Do Ex E 1,2 ( workbook )
Date of preparing : March 27, 2016
Date of teaching: March 29, 2016
Class: 8A2
Period 90: Looking
back & project
1. Objectives
- Language content: +To review some words related to the topic “communication”.
+ To help sts review:
a. Vocabulary: words related to the topic “communication”.
b. Structure: - the future continuous
- Verb + to-infinitive
- Language function:
+ To help sts consolidate what they have learnt in the unit.
+To enable sts to use lexical items related to the topic “communication”and the future continuous, Verb
+ to-infinitive to do the exercises given.
.+ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about forms of communication.
- Educational aims: + To educate sts to be aware of the importance of communication.
2. Language contents:
+ Grammar: - the future continuous
- Verb + to-infinitive
+ Vocabulary : words related to the topic “communication”
3. Techniques / activities: Group/ pair work, individual work, games (guessing game, chain game,
crossword …), using pictures, Repetition, gap filling, matching.
4. Teaching aids: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio, pictures, charts, .
5. Procedures
Teaching steps
I. WARM UP: Groupwork
- Have Ss work in groups to give the ways of communication they have learnt (in 1 minute).
- Each group chooses a representative writing on the board in 2 minutes. The group with the
most communicative ways is the winner.
-> Today we are going to review some more about how to use lexical items related to the
topic to “communication” and how to use the future continuous and Verb + to-infinitive to
do the exercises given.
+ Grammar: - the future continuous
- Verb + to-infinitive
+ Vocabulary : words related to communication
*Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences by using the support from the pictures, the letter cues, and
the meaning of the sentences.
- Have sts work individually first and then compare with a partner
1. body language
2. Multimedia
3. face-to-face
4. cultural differences
5. telepathy
6. netiquette
*Activity 2:
- Challenge sts to try this task without looking back at COMMUNICATION. Have two or
three Ss write their answers on the board.
1. Thx 4 ur gift
2. BTW, wot r u doin this wkd?
3. Pls call me rite now
4. LOL
5. CU 2nite
*Activity 3:
- Have Ss work in pairs for this task. Remind sts that these are non-verbal ways of
communication. Then call some pairs to report their talk.
*Activity 4:
- Ask Ss to do this task individually.
- Have Ss compare their answers with a partner.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
Key: 1. will not be sleeping 2. will be playing
3. will he be doing
4. will be waiting
5. will not be using/ will be using 6. will be raining
*Activity 5:
- Ask Ss to do this task individually.
- Have Ss compare their answers with a partner.
- Check and confirm the correct answers.
- If time allows, encourage sts to think of other verbs that are followed by gerunds and by toinfinitives and make sentences using them.
Key: 1. talking
2. to use
3. to show
4. communicating 5. chatting
6. to have
*Activity 6:
- Have Ss discuss this task in pairs. Remind sts that they can choose to talk about forms of
communication people will be using in the year 2100 and they should give the reasons why
they think so.
- Ask Ss to complete the self- assessment box. Identify any dificulties or weak areas and
provide further pratice.
D. PROJECT: “Action. Take one! Action. Take two! ”
Remind Ss of:
- the reasons for communication breakdown in COMMUNICATION.
- different ways of communicating in GETTING STARTED and A CLOSER LOOK 1.
Put Ss into groups and ask them to think of a sketch or a role-play of a communication
breakdown. Give them time to brainstorm some ideas. Move around the class, giving help
where necessary.
Asks the sts to:
- Revise all the vocabulary and grammar in the unit
- Do Exercises ( in the workbook )
- Prepare Unit 11: Getting Started