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Unit 12. lớp 8

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Preparing: ...17../3/08
Teaching : ...18/..3/08
Lesson . 4: Period :77
unit 12 : a vacation abroad
Lesson 4:Section : Read.

A/ aims and objectives.
- Developeing reading skill
- Mrs Quyen's tour in USA
- Past progressive
1.Develop reading skill
2. vocabulary :volcano, lava, pour out , carve, situated , mount rushmore
C/ teaching aids: poster , book.caset , tape , OHP
D/ procedure.
I. The class organization : 8A1 8A2
II. Check the old lesson .
Hae Ss to do Ex3 in workbook
III. New lesson .1. Warm up. Chatting
- do you know Mrs Quyen?
- where did she visit?
- what did she see and do in her tour?
* Find someone who
Name of places Belong to (guess) correct
Napa Valley
Fisherman's Wharf
American presidents
Empire State buiding
State of Liberty
The windy city
Kilauea Vocano

Waikiki beach
The Windy city
2. Pre - Listening
Odering Statements
a. Chicago is often called" the windy city"
b. Mount Rushmore can be seen from more than 100
kilometers away.
c. I went shopping
d.Today we went on eight - hour tour which included
fisherman's Warf.
e. The lava was pouring out when we flew overhead
- ask SS to listen to the tape
* vocabulary
- elicit words from Ss
+. Volcano: nói löa
+ carve: cham kh¾c
+lava :dung nham
+be situated: dat o
+pour out : trµo ra . ®æ ra
* Checking : Rub out and remember
Model sentences:
The lava was pouring out when we flew overhead
Eg: she was cooking when I came
He was playing videogames
They were listening to music when I came
Past Progressive: S + was/ were + V-ing
- go with when , while
SS find sentences
3. WHile - Reading
-SS listen to the tape once

-SS read the text ( by eyes)
- Call on some ss to go to the board and write the information in
the grid on the board.
- Give feed back.
Place What she did and saw
a. Hawaii went swimming , visited Kilawea
b. New York
c. Chicago
d. Mount
e. San francisco
Lucky number
a.How did Mrs Quyen go to Kilauea?
b. Luckey number
c. what is special about Mount Rushmore
d. Luckey number
e. What is the other name of Chicago?
4. Post - Listening
Multiple choice
1. Yesterday, I ................shopping and bought a lot of souvenirs
a. going b. am going c. went d. go
2. When I came she....................piano
a. was playing b. was play c. was to playing d. were
3. Yesterday, while my father.................playing chess, My mother cooked
the dinner.
a. is b. were c. was d. are
V. summary
Summaries the taught languages

V. Homework .
- Write the answer into your book
- Do the Ex 8 ,9 in the workbook.

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