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Advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee for ISE students

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Advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee for ISE
NGUYEN Thi Thuy Duong


Student ID: 49874

Date of Birth: 23-October -1994

Supervised by Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen

Coffee is not just a product or commodity but a culture familiar intimacy of each
person. Vietnam is one of the largest coffee exporters in the world with exclusive bouquet of
coffee flavors. Every morning millions of people worldwide use coffee to sober maintain
sanity and strengthen the working capacity. Besides the pros, drinking coffee also has some
harmful effects if we are not used properly. Starting from the demand for coffee growing
communities in the ISE, the purpose of this article is to identify why students use more coffee
ISE and benefits as well as the harmful effects of coffee in these students. Based on collected
from online surveys, paper can provide coffee demand of students ISE as well as some
recommendations to help them adjust healthy

Keywords: Coffee, Advantages of coffee, Disadvantages of coffee, caffeine


Modern life is increasingly more human emotional needs. After each breakfast,
or every evening, most people have the habit of drinking a cup of coffee to start your
day or help comfort them forget sleepiness. Coffee is a popular drink nowadays. It is

not only refreshments but also helps people feel excited. Every day to drink a cup of
coffee is good for health, it can prevent some diseases. Go for coffee is an extremely
delicate habit of our Vietnamese people. In addition to culinary matters is purely a cafe
concert brought many emotions, we can help people understand and appreciate each
other more. It would be interesting if the romantic and sipping delicious cup of coffee
inside gentle love songs and deep. The anger, envy, blame is removed, the rest that
love and sympathy more in life.
Besides many benefits, if you drink too much coffee, it also brings some
harmful effects. Coffee is a stimulant so it’s very addictive for people who drink a lot.
In addition, it also causes anxiety, irritability if not used for coffee. The researchers
found that women who drink more coffee per day susceptible to infertility than women
who do not drink or drink less coffee a day.
Coffee is not just popular for the middle class, but now, there are so many
young people liked to drink coffee. Drinking coffee is very popular with ISE students.
They can bring to the class to drink at break time, they can drink in the coffee
restaurant together, they use drink coffee to study…..To learn about the benefits and
harms of coffee, I did a survey with students of ISE. From there, find the pros and

cons of coffee, the effect of coffee drinking on ISE students. Thereby, from this study
can help you protect your health.

II. Literature Review
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the
seeds of berries from the coffee plant. The genus Coffee is native to tropical
Rica, Madagascar, and the Comoros, Mauritius and Reunions in the Indian Ocean. The
plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world and coffee plants are
now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the
Americas, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the

highly regarded Arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and hardier Robusta.
Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee seeds (referred
to as beans) are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Roasted
beans are ground with near boiling water to produce coffee as a beverage.
The fact that coffee contains good stuff does not necessarily mean that
it’s good for us, says James D. Lane, PhD, professor of medical psychology and
behavioral medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C. “It has not
really been shown that coffee drinking leads to an increase in antioxidants in the
body,” Lane tells WebMD. “We know that there are antioxidants in large quantities in
coffee itself, especially when it’s freshly brewed, but we don’t know whether those
antioxidants appear in the bloodstream and in the body when the person drinks it.
Those studies have not been done.”
Regular coffee, of course, also contains caffeine. Caffeine can raise blood
pressure, as well as blood levels of the fight-or-flight chemical epinephrine (also called
adrenaline), Lane says.
Besides the effect is easy to see, coffee has some unwanted damage. Coffee in
caffeine, like any habit, drinking coffee can lead to addiction to coffee. Also because
the caffeine in coffee, it can stimulate the central nervous system causing anxiety and
restlessness. Coffee is a beverage also causes insomnia. Coffee also causes anxiety,
restlessness, and distraction. Therefore, drinking more coffee will take a lot of money
and time of people.

Research methodology

This research paper is based on survey, documents and finding information on
internet, newspapers. The primary data is investigated by a questionnaire to obtain
information from respondents. This is the main method of investigation used with an
audience of student who study in International Study Education. The questions are
based on the information related to learning about age, time drinking coffee, thinking

about the effects and harms of coffee. The survey was carried out with 150 ISE
To clarify the purpose and mission of the research study, I used two main
research methods which are methods of study documents and survey. Using the
combination of different methods such as synthesize, analyze, evaluate, compare to
research documents that are related to the study contents of topic. This is an important

method which helps me understand the topic in different aspects. The purpose of using
the survey is to collect the date from the ISE students who are the objects of the topic.
An online questionnaire survey was conducted to get the information. All the data is
collected and represented through tables and charts. By analyzing these data and
tables, we can find out advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee to ISE
students; from that, drawing knowledge to help them protect their health and become
smart consumer.

IV. Results and Discussion
1. Drinking coffee habits in ISE
With advantages such as easy mixing with other beverages, can drink anytime,
anywhere, anytime desired, coffee is gradually becoming familiar drink to young
people today. It is clearly to be seen that there is an increasing number of the coffee
shops and coffee take away with a certain number of guests. Along with modern life,
the demand for drink activities is more and more, the coffee is an option for many
The result of my survey on the groups of ISE students is that both males and
females are enjoying drinking coffee to meet the demand of relax and making friends.
The numbers of participants of both genders are likely similar which accounted for
54% and 46%. The numbers of ages which accounted for 74.6% from 18 to 25 years
old, 17.5% under 18 years old and 7.9% for people who over than 25 years old. It is

obviously that drinking coffee is regular with all people.
About the evaluation of ISE students about the times they choose to drink
coffee, the results are represented through the below pie chart
Figure 1: Time to drink coffee of ISE students
Source: Author

Most of students in ISE drink coffee whenever they want (54.2%). There are
only a small number of remaining drinking coffees in a fixed time. This found that
coffee is a drink easy to drink, can drink anytime. Precisely because there is no fixed
time to drink coffee, it is easy to make harm for health.
In addition, when surveyed about the number of times a week for coffee, I get
very surprising results are presented in the following chart
Figure 2: Times to drink coffee per week
Source: Author

According to the chart, up to 19.5% of students use coffee and coffee based
drinks daily. 16.1% use Coffee 3-4 times a week. Also, 28.1% use coffee 1-2 times a

week. The collected data proves that there are many students drink coffee, and these
numbers may increase in the future. Coffee has become a familiar beverage
indispensable in the daily life of students.

2. Advantages of drinking coffee to ISE students
The result of my survey about the advantages of drinking coffee in ISE students
are represented through below the pie chart
Figure 3: Advantages of drinking coffee
Source: Author
Most of people think that making people awake is the most important advantage

of drinking coffee. Having 73% person who do this survey agree with this opinion.
Coffee, with caffeine content obviously has ability to keep you awake. A cup of coffee
when tired can help you maintain 4 hours awake. Specifically, after the caffeine will
be absorbed under the blood vessels to the brain and it will block the transmission of a
substance called adenosine – which is produced when neurons burned, and more
substances are production, nervous system becomes tired. Outstanding ability of
caffeine is disguised as the shape and size of Adenosine and into the receptors without
stimulating them. So caffeine has “lock” an effective way of receptors which helps the
brain is in a state of “alert” but if you use too much will cause a Non-greasy. Many
clinical trials in humans have shown that the brain absorbs the caffeine will improve
ordinary witness better performance as storage memory, emotional control. In
addition, the increased ability to react to information and enhance public awareness –
in other words coffee helps you smarter. Through research, British scientists say the
caffeine in coffee has the ability to alter the electrical activity of brain cells. This
finding has been of scientists from the University Birmingham (UK) announced.
Generally, the activities of nerve cells play a major role in the process of receiving
information, but this process with the participation of a brain chemical, adenosine,
with particularly high levels in the elderly. When adenosine associated with the
receiving agency molecule on brain cells, called A1, will reduce the activity of
neurons, affecting memory. But caffeine can prevent the links on adenosine, thus
limiting its effects and enhance memory. With the findings, the researchers confirmed
that regular coffee drinking can increase memory up to 3 times, because caffeine focus
on the brain
There are 16% people agree with coffee is also an antioxidant. Our bodies are
constantly under attack by the reactive molecules called “free radicals.” These
molecules have electrons (e) no neutralization can damage important cellular
structures such as proteins and DNA. This is where antioxidants in. We donate
electrons to free radicals, disable them effectively. This is believed to protect against
aging and disease caused by partial oxidation, including cancer. In addition,
antioxidants may have many other biological effects and are considered very important

for overall health. It is interesting that coffee contains a huge amount of powerful
antioxidants, may raise a few examples, such as acids and polyphenols hydrocinnamic.
Hydrocinnamic acids are effective in neutralizing free radicals and preventing
oxidation significantly. Most people consume about 1-2 grams of antioxidants per day

mainly from coffee and tea. In the diet of people in the West, beverages actually
supply of antioxidants is much bigger than the food. In fact, 79% of the antioxidants
from beverages, while only 21% comes from food. In one study, scientists have
examined the antioxidant composition of different foods according to dietary. Coffee
is ranked eleventh in the list, after a couple of different berries. In studies in Norway
and Finland, the source of coffee showed the greatest antioxidant, providing about
64% of the total amount of antioxidants. In this study, the average amount of coffee
used is 450-600 ml / day, or 2-4 cups / day. In addition, researchers from Spain, Japan,
Poland and France are concluded so far as supply of coffee antioxidants in the diet
In addition, drinking coffee is good for sickness. 11% people agree with this
opinion. Coffee is one of the beverages are widely consumed in the world. Currently,
the ratio of the average coffee consumption per day in the world is one and a half cup;
in the US alone, this ratio is above 3.5 and more than 50% separation Americans drink
2 cups daily. As one of the items of business to be the most in the world, produced in
more than 60 countries and brings the total annual retail sales of over 70 billion
dollars, coffee and more and more research has been identified is related to reducing
the risk of some diseases, especially liver disease and diabetes. Coffee helps prevent
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, thanks to the useful components in
coffee beans as a small amount of minerals and antioxidant substances.

3. Disadvantages of drinking coffee to ISE students
About the evaluation of disadvantages of drinking coffee about ISE students,

the results are represented through the below pie chart
Figure 4: Disadvantages of drinking coffee to ISE students
Source: Author
It is evident that insomnia is the most disadvantage of drinking coffee. The
figure shows that the proportion of people who suffers the situation of sleepless is
accounted for around 43%. Israeli researchers have found that drinking a cup of
caffeinated coffee at the end of the afternoon would make you more difficult to go to
sleep than normal, even sleepless and rolling on the bed. The reason is that this drink
reduces the concentration of melatonin – a hormone that helps the human brain goes to
sleep. LotanShilo and his team at the Sapir Medical Center, Tel Aviv University,
conducted comparing the effects of drinking caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated
coffee in the afternoon in 6 volunteers. Results after taking a cup of genuine coffee
shows: Length of sleep every night is 336 minutes (79 minutes versus reduced after
drinking a cup of coffee). The time it takes to fall asleep for 30 minutes, double than
normal. The rolling while sleeping is greater than normal. In the second phase of the
experiment, the volunteers were woken 3 hours to get the urine. They measured the
levels of 6-sulphoxymelatonin, of melatonin breakdown product in urine. The results
showed that the concentration of coffee when it’s less than 2 times the coffee using
fake. According to ShiloLotan, could caffeine inhibits\ N-acetyltransferase production,
an important enzyme involved in the metabolism of melatonin. Professor Chris
Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment Advisory in London said, people with

insomnia to his hospital examination are advised to stop drinking coffee after noon. He
said: “Normally, the body must take 2-3 hours to metabolize caffeine and reduce the
concentration of this substance in the brain, but if you drink too much coffee at once,
the blood will take more time to decompose. Drink plenty of strong coffee can cause
caffeine to stay in people 15 hours “. According to him, this new study reinforces the
notion that, if someone had problems with sleep, they must stop for coffee in the

afternoon. Professor Ian Hindmarch, University of Surrey – who performed many
studies on the effects of drugs on the brain – that everyone’s response to irritants is
very different. This depends a lot on the mental state at the time of start using
stimulants. According to him, drinking coffee at a time when the brain is awake will
not cause irritation which makes efficient user reassurance. Conversely, if used when
the brain is relaxed in the evening, coffee can cause suffering to all awake. Why coffee
causes insomnia? Of caffeine as coffee or tea alkaloid, caffeine is ranked along with
cocaine and amphetamine group, stimulants heading CNS. Drinks with caffeine are the
most widely used worldwide. When drinking beverages containing caffeine, caffeine
in the gastrointestinal tract cannot be destroyed, rapidly absorbed through the intestinal
lining into the blood (in pregnant women caffeine absorbed through the placenta into
the fetal blood). When caffeine on the brain it increases the secretion of
norepinephrine, neurotransmitters increase, rising stimulate the heart and circulation of
blood vessels, stomach, intestines, kidneys
In addition, Coffee contains caffeine can be addictive so is understandable, with
people who have the habit of using 1 cup of coffee per day at a certain time and just at
that moment if the body does not drink coffee lazily yawned see short-term and miss
cafe. Coffee can be addictive. Having 37% people who do survey agree with this. But
that’s not addictive cafe, coffee addicts who drink to the psychological addiction
depends on coffee and drink with the number growing every day. This syndrome may
include a variety of disorders such as stress, anxiety, heart palpitations, fatigue,
insomnia, impotence, menstrual disorders, hypertension, and stomach ulcers. . With
these objects, the advice given is that drinking vegetable juice variety, hard
campaign ... to avoid dependence on coffee. With this approach helps detoxify both
increases alkalinity in the body help people overcome addictions.
Sometimes, drinking coffee make people feeling worry. Caffeine can stimulate
the central nervous system causing anxiety and restlessness. Drinking more than four
cups of coffee a day can cause damage to the adrenal glands, reducing the resistance of
the nerves in stressful situations and make you more susceptible to disease
Additionally, coffee has some minor damage such as causing dehydration. The

coffee you drink, but you might not know coffee is diuretic beverages, capable of
stimulating the production of urine. Therefore, if you drink too much coffee it will lead
to produce a lot of urine, causing you to lose water leads to dehydration in the body.
Coffee is harmful to the stomach. For coffee in highly acidic, therefore if you drink
much, much acid in the body leads to the reaction is not good for the stomach, which
can cause discomfort, abdominal pain, and indigestion. And if you drink a lot of coffee
and continuously it can lead to diseases such as arthritis, stomach ulcers. And with
women, Affect Fertility: If the coffee is too much abuse it would be very harmful for
the body, it causes one series relating to the reproductive function, excessive drinking

can even cause infertility. If women are in pregnancy, it can lead to affect the weight
of the child
To ISE students, spending too much time on drinking coffee also has bad
consequences on learning. With same time, we can do many exercises, learn about
current events in the country and internationally, spending time with family, cleaning
I did a survey about the money for drinking coffee received the results

Figure 5: Money spent for drinking coffee in one time.
Source: Author
It is obviously to be seen that ISE students spend much money for one time of
drinking coffee. With students, with many times, it can lead to the greater amount of
money spent on drinking coffee. Therefore, drinking more coffee also takes much
money from students

V. Conclusion
Today, in some countries it is considered to have coffee as a drink popular and
served with fruit or fruit cake. In Vietnam, coffee is a popular drink, especially in the

morning. In fact, there are many different opinions about coffee. Some people say that
drinking coffee is unhelpful; some people claim that benefit which depends on the
thoughts and actions of every person. In conclusion, coffee is neither completely
beneficial nor completely harmless. Therefore, you should be aware of the strengths
and weaknesses of coffee to adjust, so that both can enjoy these beverages long
without facing the health problems it causes.
For healthy behavior of drinking coffee, ISE student should drink coffee with a
suitable amount of caffeine, no special phase, and drink coffee in the morning, after
breakfast. For who want to lose weight, it is a taboo when drinking coffee with cream,
or milk. They should only drink black coffee with a little sugar. For people with a
history of stomach problems, they strictly have to avoid drinking coffee, even if noncaffeine also still affects the status of the disease. Instead of drinking coffee regular
and spend a lot of money, ISE students should save money and save time for another
things and try to enjoy other drinks which is helpful for health such as tea, milk or
Although coffee is a good drink, but not so that we get too much coffee, because
coffee drinking will cause more harm to the body. Therefore, this article helps you
understand some of the harmful effects of coffee and how to enjoy properly. You
should follow the recommendations to have a mental clarity, and good health.

[1] Bigenki (no date) Cà phê là nguồn cung cấp chất chống ô xy hóa. Available at:

/>(Accessed: 15 July 2016).
[2] Archcafé (2015) Lợi và hại khi uống cà phê - Archcafé - authentic Vietnamese
coffee. Available at: (Accessed: 16 July 2016).
[3] (No Date) Available at: (Accessed: 15 July 2016).


Là một sinh viên và nhận thức được những ảnh hưởng của cà phê đến giới trẻ, tôi
quyết định chọn đề tài nghiên cứu về tác động của cà phê. Từ đó, hiểu được thói quen
sử dụng cà phê cũng như mức độ ảnh hưởng của nó đến giới trẻ và cung cấp một số đề
xuất để có thói quen uống cà phê lành mạnh, mang lại lợi ích cho sức khỏe. Những
thông tin mà các bạn cung cấp cho tôi sẽ giúp tôi tìm hiểu rõ hơn về những khía cạnh
trên. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ thắc mắc nào trong quá trình khảo sát, đừng ngần ngại, hãy
liên hệ với tôi qua email: Cảm ơn sự hợp tác của
các bạn.

Giới tính của bạn là gì
¨ Nam
¨ Nữ


Độ tuổi của bạn
¨ Dưới 18 tuổi
¨ Từ 18 đến 25 tuổi
¨ Từ 25 tới 45 tuổi
¨ Trên 45 tuổi


Bạn có thích uống cà phê hay các đồ uống làm từ cà phê không?

¨ Có
¨ Không


Thời gian bạnuống cà phê trong ngày là gì?
¨ Sáng (6-9h)
¨ Chiều (14h – 17h)
¨ Tối (19h-22h)
¨ Thích uống lúc nào thì uống


Số lần bạn uống cà phê trong một tuần là
¨ Hàngngày
¨ 3 – 4 lần/tuần
¨ 1 – 2 lần / tuần
¨ Khác


Bạn thường tiêu bao nhiêu tiền cho một buổi cà phê?
¨ 15,000 – 25,000 VNĐ
¨ 25,000 – 50,000 VNĐ
¨ 50,000 – 100,000 VNĐ
¨ Trên 100,000 VNĐ
¨ Khác


Theo bạn, tác dụng của cà phê là gì?
¨ Giúp tỉnh táo
¨ Chống ô xi hóa
¨ Tốt cho tim mạch
¨ Dễ gây nghiện
¨ Gây ra cảm giác lo lắng, bồn chồn
¨ Gây mất ngủ


Bạn có nhận thức được lợi ích và tác hại của cà phê không?
¨ Có
¨ Không

