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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
Wednesday, february 24, 2007
Unit 11: Traveling around vietnam
Lesson: 1 Period:66 Section: Getting started
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some
expressions to express their interest.
II. Contents: - Vocabulary
- Structure:
III. Teaching Aids: Text book, posters.
IV. Anticipated problems:
V. Proceduces:
1. Warm up: * Jumbled Words:
- Write the topic on the board: Places of interest
- Put the chart with jumbled words on the board.
Harbor Gate Halong
Nha rong Ngo mon
The templeBay
- Ask each team to connect the words to make the right phrases for places of
interest and write them on the board as fast as possible.
Answer Key:
Ngo Mon gate, Halong Bay, The Temple Literature, Nha rong Harbor.
* Getting Started:
- Ask students to open their books and match the names with the pictures.
- Call on some students to give their answers.
Answer Key:
a. Ngo Mon Gate b. Nha Rong Harbor
c. The Temple Literature d. Ha Long Bay
2. Pre – Reading :
1. Pre – teach Vocabulary .

- Elicit the words from students.
1, (a) crop ( translation/ explanation)
2, (a) sugar cane
3, (a) water buffalo ( translation)
4, (a) forty – minute drive ( explanation)
Example: The drive takes 40 minutes
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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
- Ask students to notice that a plural noun must be changed to the singular form
when preceding the noun it modifies in a noun phrase.
- Have students drill some more:
1. The vacation lasted 3 months.
It was a 3 month vacation.
2.The boy is 13 years old.
He is a thirty - year - old boy.
- Have students copy down.
Checking technique: Bingo.
- Get students to brainstorm a list of 8 words and write them on the board.
Crop, sugar cane, water buffalo, rice paddy, a 40 minute drive, a 6 letter word,
a five - dollar note, a 200 - page book.
- Ask students to choose any 4 words/ phrases and copy them on their paper.
- Call out the words untill someone shouts “bingo”
2. Pre - questions :
- Set the scene.
- Put the chaert with the questions on the board.
1, Where does Hoa meet the Jones?
2, Is it the first time the Jones have visited Viet Nam?
3, How do they travel to Ha Noi?
4, What do they see along the road to Ha Noi?

5, What would Tim like to do?
- Check if students understand the questions and have them a few minutes to
think about the questions.
- Ask students to listen to the tape while reading the dialogue.
- Have students work in pairs to answer the questions.
- Call on some pairs to give their answers.
Answre key.
1, Hoa meets the Jones at the airport.
2, Yes, it is.
3, By Taxi.
4, They see a boy riding a water buffalo, rice paddies, corn and sugar
cane fields.
5, He’d like to take a photo.
3. While - Reading:
3. True / False Statements.
- Ask students to listen and say out True or False.
- Read the sentences aloud and wait for students answers.
a. This is the first time Hoa has met Tim

s family.
b. Hoa helps Mrs Jones with her luggage.
c. The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus.
d. Shannon has never seen rice paddies before .
e. The car is travelling past farmland.
f. Only rice and corn are grown around Ha Noi.
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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
- Ask some students to correct the false sentencesand have students write in their

Answer Key:
a. True b. True c. False d. True e. True f. False.
4. Post - Reading:
4. Discussion:
- Ask students to read the dialogue again, discuss with them and ask them to pick
out the sentences containing the situations mentioned below.
* To express interest:
+ I’d like you to meet my parents…….
+ It’s nice to meet you….
+ It’s great to be in Viet Nam.
+ I’d like to sit with Tim…..
* To express a request:
+ Would you mind sitting in the front seat….
+ Would you mind if I took a photo?
5. Homework:
- Practise the dialogue in group of 5.
- Do the exercises in the Workbook.
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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
Unit 11: Traveling around vietnam
Lesson: 2 Period:67 + 68 Section: Speak
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond
to formal requests using “mind” and make suggestions.
II. Contents: - Vocabulary
- Structure:
III. Teaching Aids: Text book, pictures, poster.
IV. Anticipated problems:
V. Proceduces:
1. Warm up: * What does it say?

- Choose a students and ask him/ her back to the board so that he/ she cannot see
what is written on the board.
- Write the information on the board..
- Ask the rest of the class try to help the student guess what is written on the
board by asking questions until he / she says out right the words on the board.
Ex: On the board: Yes, I do.
Students ask: Do you like your teacher?......
On the board: Everyday.
Students ask: How often do you have a shower?
2. Presentation:
1.Pre - teach Structures.
- Set the scene.
Remind students of exchanges between Hoa and Mr. Jones and between Hoa
and Tim in the Last dialogue and elicit the sentences from students.
Model Sentences:
1. A: Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi?
B: No problem.
2. A would you mind if I toke a photo?
B. Not at all.
* Concept checking:
Use: To make and respond to formal requests.
Form: 1. Would you mind / Do you mind + V-ing?
2. Would you mind if I + V(past)?
Do you mind if I + V(ifn)?
Responses: * Agreement: no I don’t mind/ no of course not/ not at all/ please do….
* Disagreement: i’m sorry, I can’t ; I’m sorry it’s impossible………..
3. Practice:
2. Cardboard Drill:
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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
- Prepare 4 cards with cues including checks(V) and crosses(X)
Ex: Would you mind moving your car?
- Go on with the same stepts for the second cue.
- Ask students to work through the rest of the cues.
4. Production:
- Demonstrate how to put the exchange together, using a good student.
Teacher: Would you mind moving your car?
Students : No, of course not.
- Open pairs:
- Closed pairs:
3. Mapped Dialogue:
- Set the scene:
You are a tourist on vacation in HCM city. You want to visit a market. This is the
conversation between you and tourist officer.
- Put the dilogue chart on the board.
- Open pairs:
- Closed pairs:
- Students in pairs should be assigned to work on different information each.
5. Homework:
- Choose information and write down 2 complete dialogues, using your own words.
- Do the exercises on the workbook.
Unit 11: Traveling around vietnam
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