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On tap english thi cao hoc GTVT

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Final REVISION (TONG ON TAP) – PostGraduate Course 18 – by Nguyen
Thi Mo

UNIT 1- TENSES (cac thoi cua dong tu)
1. Present Simple:
(+) I/We… + V +…
She, He, It + V-s/-es
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V
(?) do/does + S + V ?

Use/ Examples:
- I live in Vietnam but she lives in France.
- We don’t understand because Jim doesn’t explain.
- Do you like music? – Yes, I do.
Where does your father work?
Clues: every day, every morning, always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,
Ex1: She ….. to school every day.
A. walk B. walking C. walked D. walks
Ex2: My father and my brother ….. overtime.
A. don’t usually work B. usually don’t work

2. Present Continuous:
(+) S + is/are/am + V-ing
(-) S + isn’t/aren’t/ ’m not + V-ing
(?) Is/Are?Am + S + V-ing ?
Note: is = ’s are = ’re am = ’m
3. Past Simple:

(+) S + V-ed
(-) S + didn’t + V
(?) Did + S + V ?
Note: was/were + adj/ pre/ noun…
(‘to be’ khong the di cung V-infinitive)

4. Past Continuous:
(+) S + was/ were + V-ing
(-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + V-ing
(?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing ?

Use/ Examples:
- Look. The river is flowing very fast today.
- The students are studying English now.
- It isn’t raining at the moment.
- What are you doing now?.
- I’m playing football tomorrow afternoon.
Clues: now, at the moment, at present, this month, today.
Use/ Examples:
- She worked for Pentax from 1998 to 2004.
- We went out for a drink yesterday evening.
- It was warm last month.
- I didn’t know your phone number but now I do.
- Where did you live five years ago?
Clues: yesterday, last, ago,....

Note: I, She, He, It (was)

Use/ Examples:
- When I came home, my mother was cooking.
(Khi toi ve nha, me toi dang nau)
- What were you doing at 9 o’clock yesterday morning? (- the
police asked)
Clues: when, while, at… (mot hanh dong dang dien ra o qua khu)

5. Present Perfect:
(+) S + have/ has + P.P.
(-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + P.P.

Use/ Examples:
- I’ve learned English for 7 years.
- She has just bought a coat.

(?) Have/ Has + S + P.P. ?
Note: She, He, It (has + P.P.)
Have = ’ve has = ’s
6. Present Perfect Continuous
(+) S + have/ has + been + V-ing.

7. Past Perfect
(+) S + had + P.P.
(-) S + hadn’t + P.P.
(?) Had + S + P.P. ?

Note: had = ’d
8. Futher ‘will’
(+) S + will + V
(-) S + won’t + V.
(?) Will + S + V ?
Note: will not = won’t
Will = ’ll
(sau Tro dong tu (Modal verbs) thi V
phai de nguyen the)

- We’ve been friends since 1988.
- This is the most interesting book I’ve ever read.
- This is the first time I’ve read such an interesting book.
Clues: for/ since, just, already, recently, so far, lately, all my
life, …
Use/ Examples:
- Mr Jahno has been working here for a long time.
(Mr Jahno started working here a long time ago and now he is
still working here.) (action and time duoc nguoi noi nhan
manh/ cau nay co the dien ta bang Present Perfect cung duoc)
- Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you since this
early morning.
Clues: nguoi noi muon nhan manh mot hanh dong xay ra qua
lau ma van con tiep dien, mot hanh dong da va dang xay ra.
Use/ Examples:
- When I arrived, she had left.
(Khi toi den noi, co ay da ra ve roi)
- The old man had died before the doctor came.
Clues: mot hanh dong xay ra truoc mot thoi diem trong qua

Use/ Examples:
- My brother will be 17 years old next month.
- They will finish this project in five years.
Clues: next, tomorrow, in,
if..., will (Type 1 – Conditional)

9. Modal Verbs: S + Modal verb + V
ought to
had better
Should = ought to = ’d better
You may see litter everywhere. (Ban co the thay rac khap moi noi)
She’d better not go out at night. = She shouldn’t go out at night.
People mustn’t break the law.
I’d rather listen to music than watch TV.

would rather (…than)


O + To be + P.P. + place + by S + time
The robber

was arrested
to be P.P.

in the street

by the police
by S

yesterday morning.

- To be phai bien doi phu hop voi O va hop Tense
Change these sentences into Passive voice:
a) People play football all over the world.
b) My mother is picking apples at the moment.
c) The students did all the work.
d) They had finished the dinner when I came.
e) They will not mention your mistakes.
f) People must obey the traffic rules.
g) My sister has eaten three hamburgers since 7.a.m.
h) They have just grown a small tree in the square.
i) When he asked, I had typed all the documents.
j) I have my mother tidy my room.
k) Did they make you do what you didn’t want to?

l)People say that Jim is rich.
m) People say that the Smiths have a big house.
The Smiths……………………………………….
n) People think that he wants to be a film star.
o) People say that he worked for a big company.

People say that = It is said that
S is/are said to V
S is/ are said to have Pp


Rule 1: Lui thi (present → past, past → past perfect)
Rule 2: Thay doi Time/ Place neu can thiet
This – that, here – there, these – those, today – that day, now – then, three weeks ago – three weeks before,
yesterday – the day before, last weekend – the weekend before, next week – the next week, tomorrow – the
next day.
Rule 3: Yes-No questions, Wh-questions, Requests
Yes-No questions
Wh- questions

S1 asked (sb) if S2 + V lui thi

S1 asked (sb) wh_ S2 + V lui thi

asked (wondered, wanted to know,
didn’t know)
‘Are you working for IBM, John?’
the man asked.
‘Did you miss the train this
morning?” – the teacher asked me.

asked (wondered, wanted to know,
didn’t know)
“Where do you live, Anna?” Peter
Peter wanted to know ………….
“How many books will you buy?”
I asked her.
I didn’t know …………………….

if = whether
can →could,
may →might,
will →would,
must→ had to,
is →was,
are →were,
am →was,

would→ would,
should →should,
could→ could
might→ might,
ought to →ought to,
have to → had to
has to → had to

S told sb to do sth
S told sb not to do sth
told (asked, advised, warned,
“Give me the keys of the house,
you are not old enough to keep
them.” → The father asked his
daughter ………………………….
“Don’t eat too much.” The doctor
said to him.

“Why don’t you apply for this
job?” My friend said.
S suggested + V-ing.
S suggested (that) S2 (should) V
‘Let’s go out for dinner.’ My sister
→ My sister suggested going out
for dinner.
→ My sister suggested that we
should go out for dinner.
(My sister suggested we go out for


1. Equal comparison: So sanh ngang bang : as…..as, not so ….as
My book is as interesting as yours.
His car runs as fast as a race car.
He is not so tall as his father.
2. Comparatives: So sanh hon: ….+ER, ….. MORE…….THAN
Today is hotter than yesterday.
He speaks Spanish more fluently than I do.
I have less money than my brother. (less >< more)
He visits his family less frequently than she does.

3. Superlatives: So sanh nhat: (the)…+EST, ... (the) MOST …..
July is the hottest month of the year.
These shoes are the most expensive of all. (>< These shoes are the least expensive of all)
This one is the prettiest of the three shirts.
TYPE 1 (kha thi): If + Present Simple, S + will
If it rains tomorrow, she will not come.
You will pass the exam if you work hard.
TYPE 2 (khong thuc te): If + Past Simple, S + would + V
If I were you, I would marry her.
If today were Sunday, we would have a day off.
What would you do if someone gave you a rose? – I would say ‘thanks’.
If I found some money in the street, I would keep it.
TYPE 3 (nuoi tiec qua khu): If + Past Perfect, S + have P.P. (gia ma….thi da….)
If I had arrived sooner, I would have seen her. (Neu toi den som hon, toi da gap duoc co ay roi.)
(Gia ma toi den duoc som hon thi toi da gap duoc co ay)
Luyen tap chuyen cau voi Unless: Unless = If not (Tru khi, neu khong…), sau Unless ta nen dung menh de
khang dinh vi ban than unless da mang nghia la neu khong roi. Khi chuyen, mot trong hai menh de cua cau If
se phai nguoc lai.
Vi du: If it rains tomorrow, she will not come. (Unless…)
→ Unless it rains tomorrow, she will come.
(Ta quan sat, menh de ‘it rains tomorrow’ duoc giu nguyen vi day la menh de Khang dinh (+), vi the chi co
mot ve nguoc lai, will not chuyen thanh will.)
If you don’t run, we won’t wait.
= Unless you run, we won’t wait. (Chung toi se khong doi tru khi ban chay).
(Ghi nho: chi 1 trong 2 menh de cua cau tren mang nghia nguoc lai).
If you didn’t watch the film, you missed an interesting thing.
Unless ………………………………………………………..
There won’t be enough school classes for children if the birth rate increases rapidly.

I wouldn’t have applied for the job unless the salary had been higher.
Ghi chu: ‘If I were you, I would stop smoking’ – my friend said to me.
= My friend advised me to stop smoking.
Otherwise: nếu không thì (He must work harder. Otherwise, he will fail the exam again.
Provide that = if
As long as = if
Unless = If … not

Relative pronouns: which, who, whom, whose, that, where, when, why
Which: thay the cho do vat, su viec
Who/Whom: thay the cho nguoi (whom thay the cho tan ngu)
That: co the dung giong nhu which/ who hoac whom nhung trong menh de khong the tu bo, nghia la ‘that’
khong dung sau dau (,)
Whose: thay the cho tinh tu so huu (vd: his, her, my father’s…)
Where: thay cho ‘in’, ‘on’, at,…+ dia diem
When: thay cho ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘at’… + thoi gian
Why: ….the reason why…(ly do tai sao)
- What is the name of the person who first landed on the moon? (who = the person = he) (that)
- All students whose names are from A to K stay in this class room, those whose names are from L to Z have
to move. (whose = their)
- The girl with whom I fall in love is from Asia. (I fall in love with her)
- My mother, who is a teacher, has many books.
(Menh de nay co the bo di ma khong toi nghia, vi the phai co hai dau (,), khong the dung ‘that’ thay cho who
trong truong hop nay.
- The car which she drives to work is very expensive.

- We work from early morning to late night, which makes us very tired. (which thay the cho 1 menh de)
- Vietnam, which is in South East Asia, has a population of 80 million.
- Last week we visited Peru where my girlfriend lives. (my girlfriend lives in Peru)
Last week we visited Peru which is a small but rich country. (Peru is a small but rich country)
(Ta phai phan biet duoc where va which trong nhung truong hop tuong tu)
*Reduced relative clauses: Menh de quan he bi luoc bo
**) (Ta quan sat thay dong tu sau who/which… la chu dong)
Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday?
→ Do you know the boy breaking the window yesterday?
The man who is sitting next to Jane is my brother.
→ The man sitting next to Jane is my brother.
All the students getting mark zero will not be allowed to attend the examination.
(getting = who get)
**) (Ta quan sat thay dong tu sau who/which… la bi dong)
Do you know the boy who was arrested by the police yesterday?
→Do you know the boy arrested by the police yesterday? (P.P.)
Students who are punished by teachers are lazy and dishonest.
→ Students punished by teachers are lazy and dishonest. (P.P.)


I. Choose the right answer to make the correct answer. (10 pts)
1. I’ve been in this city for a long time. I ……….here sixteen years ago.
A. have come
B. was coming
C. came
D. had come

2. I ……….the flowers in the garden yesterday morning.
A. had been watering B. watered
C. had watered
D. was water
3. I don’t feel good. I ……….home from work tomorrow.
A. am staying B. stay
C. will have stayed D. will be stayed
4. Could you turn off the stove? The potatoes ……….for at least 30 minutes.
A. are boiling B. boiling
C. have been boiling D. were boiling
5. This is the second time he …………..a mistake.
A. made
B. makes
C. is making D. has made
6. My friend ……….when the lesson started.
A. hasn’t arrived
B. wasn’t arrived
C. hadn’t arrived
D. wasn’t arriving
7. If he ………..his promise, she ……….speak to him again.
A. break/ would never
B. break/ will never C. broke/ will never D. breaks/ will never
8. He ……….on the bank fishing when he ……….a man’s hat floating down the river.
A. has sat/ had seen B. sat/ was seeing
C. was sitting/ saw D. was sitting/ has seen
9. I ……….some money when I ……….shopping yesterday.
A. lost/ was going
B. was losing/ went C. lost/ went D. had lost/ went
10. I ………. you back the money as soon as I ……….my salary.
A. will pay/ will get B. will pay/ get

C. pay/ will get
D. paid/ got
II. Look at the sign in each question and circle the letter among A, B, C, or D for the correct
explanation. (5 pts)






III. Read the following passage and then circle the letter of the best answer. (10pts)
Many professional athletes reach high levels in their sport. They make large salaries and earn more from
advertising contracts. They attract attention from people around the world. They are often role models and
heroes for their young fans, and children want to be like them. But when you hear stories about some of their
actions off the playing field, you might doubt whether these athletes should be role models. Sometimes they
act badly and attract negative attention. However, there are many athletes who have decided to do good
work. They want to help others.
Didier Drogba is one athlete who wants to have a positive effect on society. He is a soccer player from
the Ivory Coast, a country in West Africa. He plays for Chelsea, a soccer club in England. He
gets angry and argues with other
players on the soccer field. But Drogba also does a lot of charity work.
In 2007, he started a foundation to help poor people who cannot afford healthcare. He is also building a

hospital in his hometown of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Another example is Mia Hamm. She has won many
awards. She is one of the best women’s soccer players in the world. In 1997, Hamm’s brother died of a blood
illness. She started a foundation that has two areas of focus. First, it helps patients and families in situations
like her brother. Second, it gives young women more opportunities in sports as they grow up.
There are many more athletes like this. There are athletes who take time to help homeless people,
improve health and education around the world, or help families with sick children. Many stories in the news
are about famous athletes who act badly. But it’s really the athletes who do good work who stand out. The
athletes who use their money and fame to improve our world should be our role models.
Choose the correct answer to each question
1 What is the topic of the passage?
A. Athletic role models

C. Didier Drogba and Mia Hamm

B. Models do good things for their fans

D. Famous people

2 What does the word ‘them’ in line 3 refer to?
A. young fans

B. children

C. role models

D. stories

3 How many examples of athletes who have a good impact on society are mentioned in the text?

A. four

B. two

C. three

D. many

4 What was the reason for the death of Hamm’s brother?
A. poverty

B. a difficult situation

C. his family D. a disease

5 Who are role models like?
A. their fans

B. the athletes who help homeless people

C. professional athletes

D. the famous and wealthy athletes who participate in improving the world
IV. Fill each gap with one of the words given. (5 pts)

The earth is one of the time (1) ……….in the solar system. It is the only planet (2) ……….the ‘home’ of
human beings. From space, the earth looks like a big blue marble with white clouds above blue oceans.
About 71 percent of the earth’s surface is (3) ………. The rest (4) ……….land, mostly continents that rise
above the oceans.
Unlike the other planets, the earth supports life. It is neither (5) ……….hot, like Mercury, the closest planets,
nor too cold, like distant Mars and the even more (6) ……….outer planets – Jupiter, Sturn, Uranus, Neptune
and tiny Pluto. The earth’s atmosphere has gases that trap heat (7) ……….the sun and helps block radiation
harmful to (8) ……….from it.
In the second (9) ………of the 20th century, there were more advances in the study of the earth and the solar
system. Human beings were able to study and (10) ……….the earth from the space with satellites equipped
with scientific instruments.
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (15pts)
1. I can’t buy that new car because it is very expensive.
That new car…………………………………………………………………………………..
2. The sun rose high. The fog disappeared quickly.
The higher……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. “Are you interested in this language center?” asked my sister.
My sister asked………………………………………………………………………………..
4. “Shall we go to London for the weekend, Peter?” Ann asked.

Anna suggested………………………………………………………………………………..
5. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is the first…………………………………………………………………………………
6. “If I were you, I would go somewhere warmer for a change”, the doctor said to me.
The doctor advised……………………………………………………………………………..
7. My back ached so much because I tried to move this heavy box.
If I ………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Nobody in the team plays as skillfully as she does.
She is the………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house.
We can only get………………………………………………………………………………….
10. The thief has broken into his house three times recently.
His house…………………………………………………………………………………………
II. Write a complete letter, using the words given.
Dear Mr. Wayner,
1. I/ write/ thank/ you/ spend/ summer/ we.
2. It/ nice/ you/ come/ teach/ how/ use/ computer.
3. You/ helpful/ because/ it/ easy/ follow/ you/ lesson.
4. Before/ you/ come/ computer/ strange/ we.
5. Now/ we/ know/ how/ use/ them/ support/ study.
6. As/ you/ see/ I/ use/ computer/ write/ letter/ you.
7. All/ us/ regret/ when/ summer/ pass/ fast.
8. We/ can’t/ wait/ next summer/ when/ you/ return.
9. Once again/ thank you/ much/./ we/ love/ you/ bottom/ heart.
10. I/ look/ forward/ hear/ you/ soon./
Yours truly,
Thomas Alkins


STRATEGIES (Chien luoc)
1/ GRAMMAR: Rat nhieu cau lien quan den ngu phap, vi the ta phai hoc ky ngu phap tu Unit 1 den Unit 6.
Cac muc ngu phap nay lien quan den 10 cau dau tien, 30 cau writing. (40 pts)
2/ READING: (buoc 1) Doc luot qua cac cau hoi (khong doc A, B, C, D); (buoc 2) Doc luot bai va tra loi lan
luot cho tung cau hoi, khi tra loi, ta phai biet ro thong tin de tra loi o dong nao, doan nao.
Close Test: ta doc 15 tu cho san, xac dinh loai tu (n, v, adj, prep…), doc luot bai mot lan de
khai quat, doc lai va xu ly tung cho trong, cho trong nay can loai tu gi, voi y nghia gi, tim cho den khi thay
phu hop thi tiep tuc cho trong tiep theo.
3/ WRITING: khong duoc bo trong!!! (I): Passive, Reported speech, Comparisons….(II) su dung Verbs
chinh xac, Prepositions (gioi tu) chinh xac la cung duoc tinh diem roi.
4/ LISTENING: (I) Ta doc ky cau hoi muon hoi gi roi quan sat tranh (ghi nho: quan sat – chon, quan sat –
loai tru); (II) Trong 10 cho trong, nguoi ta se lap lai khoang 3 tu, ta chi viec xac dinh tu do o dau xung quanh
va bo vao cho trong. Mang theo pencil (with eraser) vi chang may neu viet vao test, ta chi viec tay di la xong.
5/ RULES: (1) No mobile phones, (2) No moving, (3) No writing in the test paper, please write in the
Answer Sheet, (4) Remember to write Test Number (Test No.) in the Answer Sheet, if not, you’ll get zero.
I/ Sentence transformation:
1. That boy has never seen such a wonderful picture in his life.
This is ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I have never read such an interesting book.
This is the first……………………………………………………………………………….
3. The train left and then he get to the station.
By the time…………………………………………………………………………………..
4. His father went fishing and then he went home.
When he……………………………………………………………………………………..
5. The soup was too hot for us to drink.

We couldn’t …………………………………………………………………………………
The soup was so……………………………………………………………………………..
6. I’m not tall enough to get into the police.
If I……………………………………………………………………………………………
7. I couldn’t vote because I was too young.
I wasn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………
8. It took us a lot of time to make a decision.
We spent……………………………………………………………………………………
9. Somebody has cleaned the room but it is still in a terrible mess.
The room……………………………………………………………………………………
10. Liza is using the computer in the library at the moment.
The computer……………………………………………………………………………….
11. People will complete the projects by July next year.
The projects………………………………………………………………………………..

12. Did the teacher punish all the students?
13. People should keep dogs indoors at night.
14. They discovered gold in California in the 19th century.
15. “I have something to show you right now.” I said to her.
I told her that……………………………………………………………………………………
16. “I can’t live on my basic salary,” said Peter “I’ll have to offer to do overtime.”
Peter said that…………………………………………………………………………………..
17. “The ice will soon be hard enough to skate on,” said Tom.
Tom said ……………………………………………………………………………………….
18. “I’ve just bought a car, but it’s not been insured yet so I can’t take you for a drive,” he said.

He told me that…………………………………………………………………………………
19. “Why are you looking through the key hole?”, he asked me.
He wanted to know……………………………………………………………………………
20. “Whose car did you borrow last night to get home?”
She asked him…………………………………………………………………………………
21. “Can you answer the headmaster’s questions?” the teacher asked.
The teacher asked us………………………………………………………………………….
22. “Did you see that car, the black one over here?” he asked me.
He asked me………………………………………………………………………………….
23. “Stop talking, Joe.” The teacher said.
The teacher told………………………………………………………………………………
24. “Don’t watch late-night horror movies,” her father said.
Her father warned us…………………………………………………………………………
25. “Why don’t you go to the dentist, Maggie?” I said.
I advised………………………………………………………………………………………
26. I have no more time, so I can’t come to your party.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
27. Why don’t you apply for that job?
If I were………………………………………………………………………………………
28. If you don’t work hard, you will fail the exam.
29. You will only get a good mark if you revise the lessons well.
30. Unless you answer all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.
31. You didn’t tell me the truth about John, so I believed him.
If you……………………………………………………………………………………….

32. I came to the party late and I couldn’t see her.
If I…………………………………………………………………………………………..
33. Peter is the tallest student in my class.
34. It is easy to learn because you are young.
The younger………………………………………………………………………………..
35. Jane is intelligent, but her sister is more intelligent.
Jane is less…………………………………………………………………………………
36. He is a careful drive and so is his father.
He drives as………………………………………………………………………………..
37. My mother made me drink a lot of milk when I was small.
My mother used to ………………………………………………………………………..
38. I couldn’t hear them because they were speaking too softly.
They were speaking…………………………………………………………………………
39. She doesn’t usually go out at night.
She is not used ……………………………………………………………………………..
40. It’s not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
I’m not used to……………………………………………………………………………..
41. It is a pity I don’t have a car.
I wish………………………………………………………………………………………
42. It is a pity I didn’t come to your party.
I wish………………………………………………………………………………………


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