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Phßng gi¸o dôc hng hµ
 & 
§Ò kiÓm tra kú II( TiÕt 90)
M«n : Anh V¨n 6
(Thêi gian lµm bµi 45 phót)
I. Choose the best answer.(3,75 marks)
1. “__________are you going to stay here?” “ For two weeks”.
A. How long C. How often
B. How far D. How much
2. I’m going to vistit my uncle_____ Saturday morning
A. in B. on C. at D. about
3. what about _____ a cup of coffee?
A. have B. having C. you have D.do you
4. How is he going to go?
A. on B. in C. with D. by
5. Let’s _____ the movie
A. go B. to go C. going D. is going
6. What do you do ____ your free time?
A. at B. in C. on D. to
7. ____does she go jogging? once a week
A. How often B. How long C. How about D. How
8. He____ to go to the movie everyweek.
A. goes often B. often goes C. go often D. is often
9. What’s the weather____ in the summer? It’s hot.
A. likes B. like C. to like D. is like
10. What are you going to do in Hue?
I’m going ____ the citadel.
11. Why don’ twe ___ to Huong pagoda?
A. visit B. to visit C. visits D. to visiting

12. ____ are you going to stay?
A. How long B. How C. How often D. How old
13. How long are you going to stay? For two weeks
A. week B. weeks C. a week D. weekly
14. ____ are you going to stay?___ two weeks.
A. How long - in B. How often- for
C. How long - for D. How long - at
15. she listen to music___ a week.
A. two times B. twice C. twice a week D. two
II. Choose the wotd different from others.(1mark)
1.A. house B.school C.classroom D. weather.
2. A.hot B. cold C. cool D. chair
3. A. summer B. fall C. winter D. fly
4.A. white B. brown C. yellow D. season
5. A. baminton B. volleyball C. soocer D. teacher
III. Match A with B.(1,25mark)
1. does he goplay soocer in his free time?
2. how often does he go to school?
3. what is he going to do this day?
4. how long are you going to stay?
5. Let’s go camping.
a. six times a week.
b. he is going to visit his
c. for a week.
d. no, he plays tennis
e. yes, good idea.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4____ 5___
IV. Read then choose the best answer.(2,5marks)

There are four_(1)__ in a year. They_(2)_ spring, summer, fall and
_(3)_. In the spring, the weather is usually warm. Sometimes it is cold but not
very cold. There are many flowers in the spring. In _(4)_, the day is long and
the night is short. We often _(5)_ swimming in this season. The fall is the
season of fruit. In the winter, it’s usually very _(6)_. The day is short and the
night is long.
1. A. season B. seasons C. a season
2. A. is B. are C. be
3. A. winters B. winter C. a winter
4. A. a B. an C. the
5. A. go B. to go C. goes
6. hot B. cold D. cool
True or false statement.
1. There are three seasons in a year.
2. The weather is warm in the summer.
3. We often go swiiming in the fall.
4. in the winter, the day is short and the night is long.
V. Put the adverbs of frequency in correct place.(1,25marks)
1. Lan listens to music in her free time? (often)
2. Minh goes fishing. (never)
3. Where does Hoa go on her summer vacation. (sometimes)
4. They are late for school. (always)
5. I want to go to Huong pagoda in summer.
Phòng giáo dục hng hà
Đáp án đề kỳ II( Tiết 90)
Môn : Anh Văn 6
(Thời gian làm bài 45 phút)
Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm

I. 1.A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B
9. B 10. B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14. C 15.B
II. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D
III. 1. D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.E
IV. 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B
1F 2.F 3.F 4.T
1. Lan often listens to music in her free time.
2. Minh never goes fishing.
3. Where does Hoa sometimes go on her summer vacation.
4. They are always late for school.
5. I always want to go to Huong pagoda in summer.

Phòng giáo dục hng hà
Đề thi giữa kỳ II
Môn Thi: Anh Văn 6
(Thời gian làm bài 45 phút)
I.Choose and circle the best answer.
(Chọn và khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng)
1.Would you like_______ chicken? (a/an/some/any).
2. What is your favorite _______ Mai? I like fish.
( Vegetables, drinks, meat, food)
3. She doesnt want_______ meat. (a/an/some/any)
4. I want to buy_______ eggs. (a/an/some/any).
5.______ apple juice is 3000 dong.(a/an/some/any).
6. How______ eggs does he need? (many, much,do).
7. How______ is a bowl of rice at the canteen?It is 3000 dong ( many, much,
8. She is _____ aerobics.( play, plays, does, doing).

9. What do you do _____ your free time? (at. on, in, about)
I playing soccer and go fishing.
10. How______ do you go fishing? Twice a week.( often, many, much)
11. Do you like sports?______
( yes, a lot; I would; No, I like it; yes we are).
12._____ sports does Lan play? (When; where;which,how)
13. She listens to music three times _____ week.( once, a, two,and).
14. My father ______ football. ( Does, likes, doesn t, to play, play)
II. Match the question in A with the answer in B.
(Hãy nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở B)
1. What is Mai doing?
2. How much do you want?
3. How many eggs do you want?
4. Can I help you?
5. Whats your favorite food?
6. How do you feel Hoa?
7. Are there any noodles?
8. What does your mother like?
a. She likes chicken.
b. A dozen, please.
c. Three hundred grams, please.
d. I like fish.
e. Yes, I like some beef please.
f. No, there arent.
g. Im hot and thirsty.
h. She is playing football.
Answers: 1__ 5__
2__ 6__
3__ 7__

4__ 8__
III. Which one is different?(Chọn từ khác loại trong các từ sau)
1. Milk, coffee, fish, meat, chair.
2. Beans, carrots, potatoes, lemonade.
3. Chicken, toothpaste, egg, beef.
4. Cooking oil, kilo, rice, egg.
5. Swim, play, listen, chocolate.
IV. Fill in the blank with a word from the box.
lunch leaves in eleven teacher near goes to
This is my teacher, Trang. She is a_____. She teaches at a small
school__(2)___ the village. She gets up at six. Every morning she ___(3)____
the house at a quarter to seven. The school is not __(4)__ my house, so she
__(5)___ to work by bicycle. Her class starts at seven and finishes at__(6)__.
My sister goes home and has__(7)__ at a quarter __(8)__ twelve.
Answers: 1__ 5__
2__ 6__
3__ 7__
4__ 8__
True (T) or False (F).
1. Trang is a student.
2. She goes to bed at six.
3. She leaves home at a quarter to seven.
4. The school is near her house.
5. She has dinner at a quarter to twelve.
Answers:1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5__
The end
Phòng giáo dục hng hà
Đáp án đề thi giữa học kì II

Môn: Tiếng Anh 6
( Thời gian làm bài 40 phút)
Mỗi câu đúng 0, 25 điểm
I.1. some 8. much
2.food 9. in
3. any 10. often
4. some 11. yes, alot
5. an 12. which
6. many 13. a
7. much 14. likes
II. 1h 2c 3b 4e 5d 6g 7f 8a
III. 1. chair
2. lemonade
3. toothpaste
4. kilo
5. chocolate
IV. 1. Teacher 6.eleven
2. in 7.lunch
3. leaves 8.to
4. near
5. goes
True or false: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F
5. T
Phßng gi¸o dôc hng hµ
 & 
§Ò thi cuèi häc k× II
M«n: Anh v¨n 6
( Thêi gian lµm bµi 40 phót)
I. Choose the best answer.

1. London is_____ than Ho Chi Minh city.
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the bigger
2. Twins Tower is the ______ building in the world.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the taller
3. We shouldn’t waste too much water. We should_____
A. save B. to save C. saving D. to saving
4. He doesn’t need _____ more eggs.
A. a b. an C. some D any
5. _____ language do you speak? I speak Vietnamese.
A. which B. where C. when D. how
6. What’s the wheather like____ the spring.
A. at B. on C. in D. for
7. How often do you watch TV?____ a week
A. once B. one C. a D. an
8. What about____ volleyball?
A. to play B. playing C. to playing D. is playing
9. How____ are they going to stay?
A. long B. often C much D many
10. How_____ milk do his cows produce.
A. much B. many C. long D. often
11. He grows ____ fruit trees.
A. a B. a few C. a little D. little
12. He is ____ aerobics now.
A. playing B. doing C. to do D. do
13. Would you like ____ soda?
A. some B. any C. a D. an
14. Mai ____ a dozen eggs.
A. drink B. need C. needs D. to need
15. Does he like soccer? ____
A. No, he doesn’t B. No, he does D. No, he like not

16. What do you do____ your free time?
A. in B. on C. at D. for
17. ____ oranges are there? There are four.
A. How many B. How much C.How often D. How long
18. You ___ stop. That sign says “stop”.
A. can B. mustn’t C. must D. musts
19. What do you do?
A. you are a student B. she is a student
C. I’m a student D. he’s a student
20. The garden is in front ___ Mai’s house.
A. in B. of C. on D. at
II. Match the question in A with the answer in B.
1.How often does he go to school?
2. Does he fly his kites in his free time?
3. What is the biggest city in the world?
4. Where is Lan from?
5. Where are you going now?
A. We are going to the
B. Mexico city.
C. She’s from France.
D. Everyday.
E. No, he plays badminton
III. Choose one word to fill in the blank.
Mary lives__(1)__ a village in London. Her day starts __(2)__ 4
o’clock. She gets up, and she walks three kilometers to the river. She takes
some water and she carries it back to her house . The water is very__(3)__. It
isn’t clean but there __(4)__ any water in the village. She doesn’t go to
school. She can’t read or write. She __(5)__ her mother to clean the house.

1. A. on B. in C. at D. for
2. A. in B. at C. on D. of
3. A. heavy B. heavily C. heavi D. not heavy
4. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. is D. are
5. help B. helps C. helping D. to help
True or False
T F Mary lives in London
T F she takes some eggs and carries them back to her house
T F There are a lot of water in the village
T F She doesn’t go to school because she can’ read and write.
T F Her mother helps her to clean the house
IV. Which one is different?
1A. wants B. needs C. goes D. fish
2A. thirsty B. hungry C. hot D. vegetables
3A. sometimes B. always C. often D. eat
4A. orange B. apple C. banana D. beef
5A.Warm B. hot C. cold D. feel
Phßng gi¸o dôc hng hµ
 & 
§¸p ¸n ®Ò thi cuèi häc k× II
M«n: Anh v¨n 6
( Thêi gian lµm bµi 40 phót)
1.bigger 11. a few
2. tallest 12. a little
3. save 13. playing
4. any 14. some
5. which 15. needs
6. in 16. in
7. once 17. how many

8. playing 18. must not
9. long 19. I’m a student
10. much 20. of
II. 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A
III. 1. in 2. at 3. A 4. A 5. B
III. 1T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
IV. 1. Fish 2. vegetables 3. eat 4. beef 5. feel
English test 2 (®Ò thi gi÷a k× 2)
Grade 7 (35’)
Question 1: Choose the word in each group that has underlined, italic
part pronounced differently from the rest.
1/ A. set B. between C. get D. met
2/ A. started B. needed C. protected D. stopped
3/ A. ground B. should C. about D. amount
4/ A. durian B. cucumber C. painful D. duty
5/ A. worked B. hoped C. forced D. sailed
6/ A. improve B. coveralls C. gloves D. stomach
Question 2: Complete the sentences with the most suitable words:
1. They don’t drink coffee. …… do their friends.
A. either B. neither C. too D. so
2. She hates fish and …… do I.
A. either B. neither C. too D. so
3. You can buy pineapples and bananas at the …… stall
A. meat B. fruit C. food D. chicken
4. I …… like some spinach and cucumbers.
A. hard B. did C. would D, do
5. What …… the weather like there?
A. does B. did C. was D. will
6. I like …… badminton.
A. playing B. making C. working D. acting

7. Harry is working at a bank …….
A. at the moment B. a year ago C. for a year D. in a
8. Who is …… , Mary or Cathy?
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more
9. The Robinsons always go to Vietnam …… plane.
A. in B. on C. with D. by
10.…… noodle for breakfast yesterday?
A. Did you eat B. Were you eat C. Did you ate D. Do you
11.It took us two hours …… to Hanoi.
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
12.Hoa and her brother ……. at home last Sunday.
A. didn’t are B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. not were
13.Were you absent …… school last Monday?
A. from B. at C. in D. on
14.You …… take a taxi. It is raining out side.
A. would better B. must C. have to D. had
15.She never touches …….. food.
A. healthy B. unhealthy C. good D. delicious
16.…. up late. It is harmful to your heath.
A. Don’t stay B. Not stay C. Not to stay D. Stay
17.Please show me ….. this machine works.
A. what B. how C. which D. when
18.When I saw her, I thought she looked……
A. happy B. happily C. to be happy D. being
19.Shall we go out tonight?

A. Yes, we go B. Yes, I canC. Yes, let’s D. Yes, we are
20.They are good student. They study very ……
A. better B. good C. goodly D. well
Question 3 : Read this passage. Then answer .True or False? Check ( ) √
in the boxes.
Even before it is born, a baby has small teeth under its gums. At about the age
of six months, its first tooth starts to grow. Before the young child is three
years old, it has twenty small teeth. Between the ages of six and twelve a
second set of teeth form in the gum below the first teeth and push them out.
gum (n) : lîi tiny(a) :nhá appear (v): xuÊt hiÖn
T F 1. A baby has teeth under its gums even before its birth.
T F 2. A baby’s first tooth appears as soon as it is born.
T F 3. A three-year-old child has twenty tiny teeth
T F 4. A child’s second set of teeth appear before it is six years old.
T F 5. A child’s second teeth begin to grow while the child still has first
Question 4: Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root
1. Mr. Thanh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache.
A. The stomachache prevent Mr.Thanh from enjoying the meal.
A. The stomachache prevented Mr.Thanh from enjoying the meal.
A. The stomachache prevented Mr.Thanh from enjoy the meal.
A. The stomachache prevented Mr.Thanh in enjoying the meal.
2. What is your daughter’s age, Mrs. Mai?
A. How old is your daughter, Mrs. Mai?
B. How age is your daughter, Mrs. Mai?
C. How old is her daughter, Mrs. Mai?
D. How old is Mrs. Mai’s daughter?
3. Hoa didn’t go to school because of her sickness.
A. Because of Hoa was sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday.

B. Because Hoa was sickness, she didn’t go to school yesterday.
C. Because Hoa was sick, she didn’t go to school yesterday.
D. Because Hoa was sick, she went to school yesterday.
4. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.
A. You’d better not eat too much meat.
B. You’d not better eat too much meat.
C. You’d better not to eat too much meat.
D. You’d better eat not too much meat.
5. How heavy is the chicken
A. What is weight of the chicken?
B. How is the weight of the chicken?
C. What weight is the chicken?
D. What is the weight of the chicken?
Question 5: Which word is odd one out?
1. A. ill B. sick C. sad D. unwell
2. A. sleep B. take care of C. nurse D. look
3. A. hospital B. hotel C. surgery D. clinic
4. A. corn B. papaya C. pineapple D. orange
§¸p ¸n ®Ò thi gi÷a k× 2 – líp 7
Question 1 : 1.5p
1B 2D 3B 4C 5D 6A
Question 2 : 5p
1B 2D 3C 4C 5C 6A 7A 8B 9D 10A
11C 12C 13A 14D 15A 16A 17B 18A 19C 20D
Question 3 : 1.25p
1T 2F 3T 4F 5T
Question 4 : 1.25p
1B 2A 3C 4A 5D

Question 5 : 1.0p
1C 2C 3B 4A
Phßng gi¸o dôc hng hµ
§Ò kiÓm tra häc k× II(TiÕt 90)
 & 
M«n: Anh v¨n 7
( Thêi gian lµm bµi 40 phót)
I. Which one is different?(1mark)
1. A.weight B. height C.width D. heavy
2. A. painful B.tall C. record D. difficult.
3. A. took B. gave C. kept D. called
4. A. balanced B.unheathy C. sensibly D. moderate
5.A education B. definitely C. entertainment D.anniversary
II. Choose the best answer (5marks)
1. We enjoy____ around the world.
A. travel B. to travel C. travelled D. travelling
2. Viet Namese students have ____ vacations than American students.
A. fewer B. longer C. most D. less
3. She needed____ these postcards to her friends.
A. sending B. to send C. sends D. sent
4. My father ____ me a letter two days ago.
A. write B. wrote C. writed D. written
5. Are you scared ____ seeing the dentist.
A. at B. in C of D. to
6. Remember ____ your teeth are teeth.
A. brush B. to brush C. brushing D. brushed
7. Clean teeth are ___ teeth.
A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. unhealth
8. You ____ go to school because of your headache.

A. had not better B. had better not
C. not had better D. better had not
9. I ate bread and eggs for breakfast.___
A. neither did Nam B. so did Nam
C. either did I D. too did Nam
10. You shouldn’t drink coffee____
A. I don’t either B. I shouldn’t either
C. neither shouldn’t I D. I should either
11. _________________
Two days ago
A. When do you bought this dress?
B. When did you bought this dress?
C. When did you buy this dress?
D. When were you buy this dress?
12. __________________
I’m one meter forty five centimeters.
A. How hight are you?
B. How height are you?
C. What is your high?
D. What is your height?
13. Nam bought ____ meat for lunch.
A. many B. a few C. a little D. much
14. Would you open your mouth, please?
A. yes, please B. Yes, let’s C. No, thanks D. yes, I did
15. ____ do they cost? They cost 15.000 dong.
A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How long
16. Why____ you absent yesterday, Hoa.
A. did B. do C. were D. was
17. Your teeth aren’t strong and white. You should _____
A. don’t go to the dentist

B. not go to the dentist
C. go to the dentist
D. went to the dentist
18.I would like____ to the movies tonight?
A. to go B.going C. went D. go
19. A ____ diet is good for your health.
A. balanced B. balances C. balance D. balancal
20. The medicines____ the pain in my chest.
A.relieved B. prevented C. preventing D. protected
III. Read the passage then choose a suitable word and fill in the blank
then do True(T) or False (F)(2,5marks)
You are feeling weak. You’ve got a headche and pain in your back
and limbs. Your temperature is up over 38
C. You may sweat a lot and
don’t want__(1)___. Those symptoms show that you’ve got flu.
There’re no quick cure for flu because when you have flu you have
a virus. You don’t have to see the doctor because medicines can’t __(2)__ the
flu. They just relieve the symptoms. You’ll feel better after a few days. So
what should you do when you’ve got flu? You’d __(3)__stay indoors and
keep warm. Besides, you should have plenty __(4)__cool drinks: water, fruit
or milky drinks. Try to have three light meals a day and rest bed if you can.
And remember __(5)__away from the crowds so that you don’t give flu to
1. A. eat B. to eat C. ate D. did eat
2. A.Be cured B. cure C. did cure D. cured
3. A.Good B. well C. better D. goodly
4. A. in B. of C. for D. from
5. A.To stay B. staying C. stayed D. did stay
6. A. To B. at C. on D. in

True or false
1. One symptoms of flu is aching back.
2. Medicines can cure flu quickly.

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