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Mã số đề thi : 321
( Thời gian 45’ )
Chọn từ thích hợp tương ứng với A hay B, C, D để hoàn thành câu ( từ câu 1 đến câu 20)
1/ “ Friends of the Earth” shows people how to protect the environment and save ______ resources.
a natural b naturally c nature d naturalness
2/ The boy prepared his lesson very ______ at home.
a careful b care c careless d carefully
3/ My shoes and ______ are not the same.
a you’re b your c you d yours
4/ Do you find the internet ______ ?
a using b usefully c use d useful
5/ UFO is no longer human’s ______ .
a imagination b imaginable c imagined d imagine
6/ People don’t trust him because he tells lies. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a If he tells lies, people don’t trust him. b If he didn’t tell lies, people would trust him.
c If he told lies, people trusted him. d If he doesn’t tell lies, people will trust him.
7/ If I ____ hungry now, I ____ five sandwiches, but I’m not.
a were - can eat b were - could eat c am - can eat d were - will eat
8/ Which is ____ Greenland or Leyland?
a largest b large c larger d larger than
9/ I just finished a terrible book. It’s ____ book I’ve ever read.
a bad b worst c the worst d the worse
10/ The employees ____ to work very hard.
a forced b are forced c are force d force
11/ This swimming pool ____ by a thousand people each week.
a use b is using c is used d used
12/ His parents aren’t satisfied ______ his behavior.
a about b of c on d with
13/ I was given a beautiful doll ______ my 15

a on b in c at d of
14/ It’s nice ______ you to say so
a to b for c of d on
15/ My little brother is very fond ______ crowded places.
a at b of c in d for
16/ I ____ my family since I ____ to Ho Chi Minh city.
a haven’t seen - moved b didn’t see - moved c am not seeing - moved d don’t see - move
17/ While Diana ____ her favorite television program, there was a power cut.
a watched b is watching c has been watching d was watching
18/ What exactly ____ when I came into your office yesterday
a were you do b are you doing c did you do d were you doing
19/ I would enjoy ____ you in Cairo while you’re studying there.
a visit b to visit c visiting d to visiting
20/ The children seem ____ why they have to stay home tonight.
a understand b to understand c understanding d to understanding
Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại (từ câu 21 đến câu 23)
21/ a worse b horse c sword d order
22/ a dear b hear c fear d wear
23/ a worked b needed c stopped d booked
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng tương ứng với A, B, C, D ( từ câu 24 đến câu 28)
Elizabeth Black Well was born in England in 1921, and emigrated to New York City when she was ten years old. One day
decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After
writing many letters seeking admission to the medical schools. She was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined
was she that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a
serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea.
Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857
Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and

children. Besides being the first female physician and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for
Note : emigrate (v) = di cư seek, sought, sought (v) = tìm kiếm admission (n) = sự nhận vào tuition (n) = sự giảng dạy
medical school (n) = trường y surgeon (n) nhà phẫu thuật infection (n) = sự nhiễm độc abandon (v) từ bỏ
female physician = nữ bác só establish (v) = thành lập
Trang 29 - Mã đề thi 321
24/ Why couldn’t Elizabeth realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?
a She decided to further her education in Paris. b A serious eye infection prevented her.
c She couldn’t get admitted to medical school. d It was difficult for her to star practice in the US.
25/ What main reason almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming a doctor?
a She couldn’t establish her hospital. b She wrote too many letters.
c She couldn’t graduate from medical school. d She was a woman.
26/ How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?
a 36 b 8 c 19 d 10
27/ When Elizabeth became a doctor, she was ______.
a 31 years old b 28 years old c 21 years old d 49 years old
28/ All of the following are “ first” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except:
a She was the first woman surgeon. b She established the first medical school for women.
c She became the first female physician.
d She and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children.
Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vò trí khác với các từ còn lại (từ câu 29 đến câu 30)
29/ a geography b definite c particular d technology
30/ a reliable b expert c employment d consider
Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C hay D) thích hợp với câu sau ( từ câu 31 đến câu 35)
31/ He doesn't run as far as he used to.
a He used to run as farther as he does now. b He used to run faster than he does now.
c He used to run farther than he does now. d He used to run farther than he does now.
32/ This cheque hasn't been signed.
a Someone has signed this cheque. b No one hasn't signed this cheque.
c Someone hasn't signed this cheque. d No one has signed this cheque.

33/ The teacher often blames him for his laziness.
a If he were more studious, the teacher would blame him. b If he isn't lazy, the teacher doesn't often blame him.
c If he were harder, the teacher wouldn't blame him. d It the teacher doesn't blame him, he won't be lazy.
34/ I've never seen such a strange behavior.
a This is the first time for us to see a strange behaviour. b This is the strangest behaviour we've ever seen.
c This is the strangest behaviour we've never seen. d This is the first time we've seen a strange behaviour.
35/ People are lengthening the runways of several airports.
a The runways of several airports are lengthened. b The runways are being lengthened of several airports.
c The runways are lengthened of several airports . d The runways of several airports are being lengthened.
Xác đònh từ hoặc cụm từ (ứng với A, B, C hay D) có gạch dưới là sai cần phải sửa (từ câu 36 đến câu 40)
36/ A dangerously situation was created by the bad roads.
a b c d
37/ Do the teachers in your school give many homework to the students?
a b c d
38/ A number of books on the conservation is in the school library.
a b c d
39/ Students who did not brought pencils to the test were not allowed to take it.
a b c d
40/ While some people say that a lot of time is wasting in shopping for clothes, others feel that it is a relaxing activity.
a b c d
Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau ( từ câu 41 đến câu 50)
Can you imagine if there were no telephone what our life would be (41) ______ ? You could not call up your friends on the
phone and talk to them. If a fire broke out in your house you could not call the fire department. If someone were sick, you could not
call a doctor.
(42) ______ our daily life we need to communicate with (43) ______. We do this mostly by speaking other people and listening
to (44) ______ they have to say to us, and when we are close (45) ______ them we can do this very easily. However, our voices will
not travel very far even when we shout.
The man who (46) ______ this possible was Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847. Bell, a teacher of
visible speech who later moved to Canada, (47) ______ all his spare time experimenting. He was (48) ______ enthusiastic in his
research that he spent (49) ______ time (50) ______ his day-to-day work and at one time was almost penniless.

Note : fire department = sở cứu hoả communicate (v) truyền đạt visible (a) = hữu hình, có thể thấy được
experiment (n) = thí nghiệm enthusiastic (a) = nhiệt tình penniless (adj) = không đồng xu dính túi
41/ a of b as c for d like
42/ a At b With c On d In
43/ a other b one another c you d them
44/ a this b which c that d what
45/ a for b from c with d to
46/ a brought b made c did d had
47/ a wasted b took c cost d spent
48/ a very b too c such d so
49/ a little b much c some d enough
50/ a for b from c on d at
Trang 30 - Mã đề thi 321

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