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Mã số đề thi : 322
( Thời gian 45’ )
Xác đònh từ hoặc cụm từ (ứng với A, B, C hay D) có gạch dưới là sai cần phải sửa (từ câu 1 đến câu 5)
1/ Five years have passed since I began learning English.
a b c d
2/ One of the worst disease that mankind has ever had is cancer.
a b c d
3/ On the computer system at work, information updates very hour.
a b c d
4/ Unless you behave yourself well, your parents will be happy.
a b c d
5/ Janet is finally used to cook on electric cooker.
a b c d
Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau ( từ câu 6 đến câu 15)
In Britain, a lot of people are out of (6) _________ . Tracey Chapman is 18, and she (7) ________ school a year
ago. She lives in the North East, an area of high (8) _________ unemployment. She hasn't been able to find a job yet.
She has got her unemployment benefit, but that isn't much and she is fed up (9) _____ queuing for it every
Thursday. Her mother gives her a couple of pounds for tights now and (10) _____, but she can't stand (11) _______her
daughter at home all day. Tracey's almost given (12) ____ looking for a job. she buys a local paper every day but she's
really tired of (13) _______ through the "Situation vacant" column. There are 50 applicants for (14) ___ job. She was
interested in being a dentist's receptionist (15) _____ she likes meeting people, but now she'd take any job at all.
6/ a job b profession c career d work
7/ a has left b left c leave d will leave
8/ a younger b young c youngest d youth
9/ a with b off c on d about
10/ a so b then c as d too
11/ a going b looking c seeing d thinking
12/ a over b away c to d up
13/ a watching b looking c seeing d noticing

14/ a every b most c all d both
15/ a despite b because c because of d although
Chọn từ thích hợp tương ứng với A hay B, C, D để hoàn thành câu ( từ câu 16 đến câu 23)
16/ I think you should ____________ .
a have your hair cut. b cut your hair. c have your hair been cut. d have your hair be cut.
17/ Please tell me where _________ .
a is Peter living b does Peter live c Peter lived d Peter lives
18/ He wanted to win the race. He ran _________ .
a faster than he can. b so fast as he can. c fast as he could. d as fast as he could.
19/ The effects of cigarettes smoking ________ to be extremely harmful so far.
a is proved b will be proved c have been proved d are proved
20/ Did they say they ___________ me?
a had telephoned b will telephone c would telephone d have telephoned
21 / Binh is bored ____ his job and wants to change it.
a for b from c at d with
22/ He is now looking ____ a new job. a up b for c at d after
23/ Who ________ this umbrella? - I _________ .
a owns / don’t know b own / don’t know c owns / doesn’t know d is owning / don’t know
Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại (từ câu 24 đến câu 26)
24/ a learning b clearing c searching d earning
25/ a meat b reach c head d teach
26/ a passes b glasses c buses d houses
Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vò trí khác với các từ còn lại (từ câu 27 đến câu 28)
27/ a democracy b television c proficiency d committee
28/ a balloon b cheerio c understand d submarine
Chọn từ thích hợp tương ứng với A hay B, C, D để hoàn thành câu ( từ câu 29 đến câu 33)
29/ The man ____ wins the competition will be presented a gold medal.
Trang 32 - Mã đề thi 322
a whom b which c whose d who
30/ Quynh ____ English for some years now.

a is learning b learned c has been learning d all are correct
31/ Thank you for ____ me a lift.
a gives b giving c give d gave
32/ She is able ____ French very fluently.
a to speak b to speaking c speak d speaking
33/ Now she is thinking about ____ a scholarship ____ abroad.
a get / study b get / to study c getting / to study d getting / studying
34/ My mother paid me a visit at school. That means __________ .
a My mother looked me at school . b My mother visited me at school.
c My mother smiled at me at school d My mother saw me at school.
35/ At present they are visiting all parts of the country. They are doing this ______ .
a all the time b now c in future d for a short time.
36/ David comes from Paris but he is very good English.
a in b on c of d at
37/ He arrived in Hanoi 8:30 yesterday evening.
a to b on c at d in
38/ My brother’s present is different mine.
a for b with c from d into
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng tương ứng với A, B, C, D ( từ câu 39 đến câu 43)
Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter
he was asked to call at the station. Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station
yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had
been found.
Five days ago, the policeman told him that his bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It
is now being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because
he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen.
39/ Ted was worried because ____ .
a he didn’t know why the police wanted him b the police would catch him
c he received a letter d he went to police station yesterday

40/ The policeman who talked to Ted was ____ .
a surprised b pleasant c worried d small
41/ Why was Ted very surprised when he heard the news? ___________
a Because he thought he would never find the bicycle. b Because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago.
c Because the bicycle was sent to him by train. d because his bicycle was found when he was 15.
42/ When was Ted’s bicycle found?___________
a Last Tuesday. b Twenty years ago. c Five days ago. d Yesterday.
43/ Which of the following statements is not true? ____________
a The police asked Ted to go to their station. b Ted is no longer anxious.
c Ted is 35 years old now. d The police told Ted the good news five days ago.
Chọn từ thích hợp tương ứng với A hay B, C, D để hoàn thành câu ( từ câu 44 đến câu 47)
44/ Do you know the woman ____ daughter has won the contest?
a which b whose c who d whom
45/ She has just sent me the book which she ____ many years ago.
a reads b read c have read d reading
46/ The box ____ sweets and toys. a filled with b fills with c could fill with d was filled with
47/ These animals are in danger of _________.
a extinction b extinctive c extinct d extinctly
Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C hay D) thích hợp với câu sau ( từ câu 48 đến câu 50)
48/ He wrote the letter in two hours.
a It took him two hours to write the letter. b It took two hours to write the letter.
c It wrote two hours the letter. d It took him two hours write the letter.
49/ We study English better than they do.
a They don’t study English better than we do. b They don’t study English as good as we do.
c They don’t study English as well as we do. d They study English as well as we do.
50/ No one raised that question at the last meeting
a That question wasn’t raise at the last meeting b That question was raised at the last meeting
c That question wasn’t raised at the last meeting d That question was raised at the last meeting by no one.
Trang 33 - Mã đề thi 322

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