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Tiếng Anh B4 Nguyễn Tất Thắng

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(Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học)



Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


MỤC LỤC .................................................................................................................................... 1
ĐỀ CƯƠNG CHI TIẾT HỌC PHẦN ............................................................................................ 4
Unit One: INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY .......................................................................... 8
I. Vocabulary in context: Put the words / phrases into the blanks ............................................ 9
II. Comprehension question: .................................................................................................... 9
III. Vocabulary in new context: Put the words / phrases into the blanks .................................. 9
IV. Grammar review: ............................................................................................................. 11
Unit Two: ATOMS..................................................................................................................... 16
I. Vocabulary in context: ........................................................................................................ 16
II. Vocabulary in new context: ............................................................................................... 17
III. Comprehension questions: Write T if the following statement is true, and F if false....... 17
IV. Grammar: PASSIVE VOICE STRUCTURE .................................................................... 18
Unit Three: STRUCTURE OF AN ATOM................................................................................. 26

I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 27
II. Match words or phrases in column A and column B .......................................................... 27
III. Answer the questions........................................................................................................ 28
IV. Structure: Passive (continued).......................................................................................... 28
Unit Four: PROPERTIES OF ATOMS....................................................................................... 32
I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 33
II. Comprehension questions .................................................................................................. 33
III. Grammar .......................................................................................................................... 34
VI- Writing: ............................................................................................................................ 36
Unit five: ELEMENTS AND SYMBOLS OF ELEMENTS ....................................................... 39
I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 40
II. Vocabulary in new context ................................................................................................ 40
III. Comprehension questions................................................................................................. 41
IV. Grammar: Relative Clauses (review)............................................................................... 41
Unit Six : MOLECULES ............................................................................................................ 49
I. Vocabulary in Context ........................................................................................................ 49
II. Comprehension questions .................................................................................................. 50
III. Grammar .......................................................................................................................... 50
Unit Seven: THE VARIETY OF MOLECULES........................................................................ 55
I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 56
II. Comprehension questions .................................................................................................. 56
III. Grammar .......................................................................................................................... 57
Unit Eight: GASES, LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS............................................................................ 63
I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 64
II. Comprehension questions .................................................................................................. 65
III. Grammar: Verb + ing Structure........................................................................................ 66
Unit Nine: A COMPOUND'S IDENTITY .................................................................................. 72
I. Vocabulary in Context ........................................................................................................ 73
II. Comprehension questions .................................................................................................. 74

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


III. Review on vocabulary:..................................................................................................... 75
IV. Grammar – Preposition .................................................................................................... 75
Unit Ten: IONIC AND COVALENT BONDS ........................................................................... 79
I. Vocabulary in Context ........................................................................................................ 80
II. Vocabulary in new context: ............................................................................................... 80
III. Comprehension Question ................................................................................................. 81
Unit Eleven: CHEMICAL REACTIONS ................................................................................... 94
I. Vocabulary in context ......................................................................................................... 95
II. Vocabulary in new context ................................................................................................ 95
III. Reading comprehension ................................................................................................... 96
Unit Twelve: OXIDATION AND REDUCTION ..................................................................... 101
I. Vocabulary in context ....................................................................................................... 101
II. Comprehension questions ................................................................................................ 102
III. Grammar review ............................................................................................................ 102
Unit Thirteen COMPOUNDS................................................................................................... 106
I. Vocabulary........................................................................................................................ 107
II. Comprehension questions ................................................................................................ 108
III. Review on Vocabulary: .................................................................................................. 109
IV. Review on Grammar: ..................................................................................................... 110
Unit Fourteen: MIXTURES ..................................................................................................... 112
I. Vocabulary........................................................................................................................ 113

II. Comprehension questions ................................................................................................ 114
III. Grammar review ............................................................................................................ 114
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................. 120
REFERENCES:........................................................................................................................ 128

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


Môn Tiếng Anh B 4 – Tiếng Anh chuyên nghành
dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hóa Học
1. Tên học phần: Tiếng Anh B4
2. Số đơn vò học trình: 5 – Tổng cộng: 75 tiết/học kỳ.
3. Trình độ: Sinh viên không chuyên Ngoại ngữ (ngành Hóa Học) năm thứ hai (học kỳ IV)
4. Phân bố thời gian: 6 tiết/ tuần.
5. Điều kiện tiên quyết:
Sinh viên phải thi đạt các học phần trước gồm Tiếng Anh B1, Tiếng Anh B2 và Tiếng
Anh B3 mới được học tiếp môn Tiếng Anh B4 của học kỳ II năm thứ 2.
6. Tóm tắt nội dung học phần:

Tiếng Anh B4 dành cho sinh viên không chuyên ngữ ngành Hóa Học là học phần
được khoa Ngoại ngữ áp dụng đầu tiên vào năm học 2001-2002 và được chỉnh lý bổ
sung và hoàn thiện cho sinh viên ngành Hoá Học. Sinh viên đã học qua Tiếng Anh B1,
B2, B3 và đã được làm quen với các kiến thức cơ bản về tiếng Anh. Tiếng Anh B4 chủ

yếu rèn kỹ năng đọc hiểu đối với các bài đọc mang tính chất chuyên ngành đối với
ngành mà sinh viên đang theo học. Tiếng Anh B4 cho sinh viên ngành Hóa bao gồm 14
bài đọc được chọn lọc từ các tài liệu chuyên môn, giới thiệu các khái niệm cơ bản về vật
lý, kèm các câu hỏi đọc hiểu và một số bài tập củng cố ngữ pháp.
7. Nhiệm vụ của sinh viên:

Tham gia đầy đủ các buổi học, vắng phải có phép. Sinh viên nào vắng không phép quá 4
buổi sẽ không được dự thi.


Chuẩn bò bài trước khi đến lớp.


Chuẩn bò đầy đủ phấn, khăn lau bảng cho giáo viên và các thiết bò khác (nếu cần)


Tham gia thi giữa kỳ và thi học kỳ.

8. Tài liệu học tập:

Giáo trình chính: The World Book of SCIENCE POWER – Version No 1 – Chemistry,
Physics, and Life Sciences, và các tài liệu được cập nhật trên mạng Internet từ các trang
có uy tín và được dộc giả tin cậy.

9. Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá sinh viên:

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


Sinh viên được đánh giá dựa trên những tiêu chuẩn sau.

Dư lớp và phát biểu.

- Thi giữa kỳ.

- Thi học kỳ

10. Thang điểm: 100% quy thành 10

Dự lớp và phát biểu: 10%

- Thi giữa kỳ: 30%

- Thi cuối kỳ: 60%

11. Mục tiêu của học phần:
Học phần Tiếng Anh B4 là học phần tiếng Anh chuyên ngành dành cho sinh viên không chuyên

ngữ năm thứ hai học kỳ II sau khi đã hoàn thành các học phần cơ bản cùng với các kỹ năng thực
hành tiếng cơ bản. Mục tiêu củahọïc phần Tiếng Anh B4 chuyên ngành Vật lý là nhằm:

Giới thiệu những khái niệm cơ bản về hóa học bằng tiếng Anh, như nguyên tử, phân tử,
hợpp chất, v.v.


Cung cấp cho sinh viên một khối lượng từ vựng chuyên ngành: thuật ngữ, khái niệm…


Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu qua các bài đọc mang tính chuyên môn hơn là các bài đọc
mang tính chất kiến thức phổ thông như các học phần trước.


Củng cố kiến thức ngữ pháp qua các bài tập có liên quan đến nội dụng của bài học.

12. Nội dung chi tiết học phần:
Môn Tiếng Anh B4 được học trong 12,5 tuần.



Bài 1

Nội Dung Bài Học
Giới thiệu về Hoá học: các thuật ngữ của
các ngành chính trong nghành Hóa


Introduction To Chemistry

Ngữ Pháp: Ôn tập các thì cơ bản trong
tiếng Anh



Bài 2

Các thuật ngữ về nguyên tử, cấu trúc


nguyên tử và tính vhất của nguyên tử

Bài 3:

Structure Of An Atom

Ngữ Pháp: Thể thụ động, các loại câu căn
bản như câu đơn, câu ghép và câu phức

Bài 4:

Properties Of Atoms

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học



Bai( 5:

Nguyên tố và các ký hiệu nguyên tố

Elements And Symbols Of

Ngữ Pháp: Câu liên hệ


Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học



Bài 6:

Phân tử, Sự đa dạng của phân tử


Ngữ Pháp:

Bài 7:

The Variety Of Molecules

+Cấu trúc song song (both…and, etc)
+ Các cụm từ due to,because of, v.v.


Ôn tập

Ôn thi giữa kỳ


Bài 8:

Ga, Chất lỏng và chất rắn

Gases, Liquids And Solids

Ngữ pháp: Gerund

Bài 9

Đặc tính của Hợp chất

A Compound's Identity

Liên kết ion và liên kết hóa trò


Bài 10

Ngữ pháp: Giới từ

Ionic And Covalent Bonds

Bài 11

Chemical Reactions
Bài 12:

Phản ứng hóa học

Ô xy hóa khử
Ôn tập ngữ pháp

Oxidation And Reduction


12 và 13

Bài 13

Hợp chất


Ôn tập từ vựng

Bài 14:

Hỗn hợp


Ôn tập ngữ pháp và từ vựng

Ôn tập

Ôn thi cuối kỳ

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


Chemistry is the scientific study of the substances that make up the universe.
Chemists investigate the properties of substances and how different conditions
affect the way substances behave. All things – from rock to skin to air – consist of
different combinations of chemical elements. Elements are made up units called
atoms, which are so tiny that billions of them make up the smallest speck. When
atoms combine, they usually form units called molecules, which are the building
blocks of most chemical compounds. An understanding of elementary particles –
atoms and molecules – form the basic of chemistry.
Chemistry seeks the answers to two questions: (1) Of what is matter composed?
(2) How are its transformations from one form into another related to its
composition? The enormous material benefits to all of us, which men customarily
associate with the word chemistry, are largely by-products of the attempt to answer
these two questions about the nature of matter.
Even that branch of science called chemistry is too vast to be thoroughly
mastered by anyone. Therefore, as a matter of convenience, its content is further
subdivided. The branches of chemistry are: (1) Theoretical Chemistry, (2) Inorganic
Chemistry, (3) Analytical Chemistry, (4) Organic Chemistry, (5) Biological
Theoretical Chemistry is primarily concerned with the ultimate goal of
chemistry: the structure of matter, and from this knowledge the explanations of its

transformations from one form into another. Since the examination of energy
changes is helpful in the pursuit of this goal, the term Physical Chemistry is
sometimes used. Theoretical or Physical Chemistry is the investigation of the laws
and theories of all chemistry.
Analytical Chemistry is the experimental foundation of chemistry. Without it
little could be accomplished in any branch of the science. It is concerned with the
separation, identification, and composition of various kinds of matter. For example,
Qualitative Analysis provides methods of finding out whether a given sample of
matter contains lead or gold. It separates and identifies. Quantitative Analysis
answers the question "How much gold or lead?"
Again, merely for convenience, chemistry is frequently divided into Inorganic
and Organic Chemistry. One reason for this division is that one element, carbon,
forms many more compounds than most of the other elements. The chemistry of
carbon compounds is called Organic Chemistry; the remaining is called Inorganic

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học


I. Vocabulary in context: Put the words / phrases into the blanks
experimental foundation - overview - the structure of matter – transformations energy changes - scientific study - carbon compounds – composed atoms - five - molecules
1. Chemistry is the …………………..of the substances that wake up the
2. Elements are work up units called …………….

3. When atoms combine, they usually form units called ………………..
4. Chemistry hopes to know that matter is ………….of, and how its
…………………. from one form into another are relate to its composition.
5. There are ………..subcategories of chemistry.
6. Theoretical chemistry is primary concerned with ………………………….
7. Physical chemistry is concerned with the examination of ………………...
8. Analytical chemistry is the …………………………………. of chemistry.
9. The study of substances containing …………………. is called organic
10. This unit is an ……………….. of a science called chemistry.

II. Comprehension question:
1. What do scientist attempt to investigate in the field of chemistry? …………
2. What are Chemical compound made of, in general? …………………….….
3. What can we benefit from the attempt of scientists trying to study the nature
of matter? ………………………………………………………………………
4. What can scientist obtain if they understand the structure of matter? ………
5. What is the main reason for the appearance of organic chemistry? …………

III. Vocabulary in new context: Put the words / phrases into the blanks
inorganic chemistry – molecules - Analytical chemistry study of chemistry - organic chemistry - elements

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 10 -

1. The ……………………………. is the study every substance, its structure,
its composition and reactions in which it takes part.
2. The over whelming variety of materials occurring in nature are made up
from ninety-two basic ingredients called ………………..
3. Atoms join together to form what we call …………………..
4. Nearly half a million compounds are known to contain the element carbon,
and they are given a branch of chemistry to themselves called ………………...
5. The study of elements other than carbon is called …………………….
6. …………………………. is concerned units the identification of the various
ingredients of a compound (qualitative analysis) and finding out the quantity of
each present (quantitative analysis).

We can sometimes add a prefix to the beginning of some words. In this
case the new word will have the opposite meaning to the original one
Some of the prefixes are: un-, im-, in-, did-, nonExample:
Un- healthy => unhealthy
Smoking is not good for you. It’s unhealthy
Here are some other words with these negative meaning

unimportant, unpopular


impossible, impolite


incomplete, incredible


discontinue, disagree

Non- nonfat, nonsmoking
Circle the letter of the best word to complete each sentence

1. A person who is unfriendly is probably……………….., too.
a. unpopular

b. unusually

2. The service at this restaurant is very slow. It’s …….to have a quick lunch.
a. impossible

b. important

3. The airline will ……..service to that city. It is not a popular place to go.
a. discontinue

b. disagree

4. ………………yogurt is better for you than ice-cream

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học
a. nonstop

- 11 -

b. nonfat

5. Tom’s homework is ………because he felt sick last night
a. inexpensive

b. incomplete

Can you find some other words with those above prefixes? List them in
here: ………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………….. ..

IV. Grammar review:
A. Present Simple tense:
In general, the Simple Present expresses events or situation that exist always,
usually, and habitually; they exist now, have existed, and probably will exist
in the future.
The most frequent tense in science is simple present.
Example :
A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

Electrons spin around the nucleus.
To form the simple present, use the simple form of the verb for most forms.
Add -s or -es only to the third-person singular.
Chemistry seeks the answer to two questions.
Chemists investigate the properties of substances and how different
conditions affect the way substances behave.
Put the verb in the parentheses into correct forms:
1. Electrons (move) …………….along many paths called orbitals.
2. The periodic table (organize) ……………elements in specific vertical
and horizontal rows.
3. Each vertical column of the periodic table (include)……………. element
that are chemically related.
4. Groups of elements in the periodic table (tend)………………. to show
similar properties.

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 12 -

5. Hydrogen (form) ……………… many compounds and (have)
…………..many uses.
6. In a liquid, molecules (move about)………………. easily, but they still
(have) ………… some force that (attract) …………….them to one another

called surface tension .
7. Molecules (occur)……………. in an incredible number of shapes and
8. Liquids (freeze)…………….. and gases (condense)……………… at
certain temperatures.
9. By studying the chemical properties of compound, chemists (be able to)
…………………… create new and useful substance and to understand the
chemical process that take place in nature everyday.
10. Chemistry (be)……………. the scientific study of the substances that
make up the universe.
B. Past Simple tense:
The Simple Past describes actions and events that were complete at a definite
time in the past . The situations and actions way be recent or a long time ago,
habitual, short or long.
* All regular Simple Past verbs end in -ed.
* Irregular verbs have different forms, so you have to learn by heart
Example :
Several philosophers of the Graeco -Roman civilization time proposed
various substances out of which they regarded the universe as having
been constructed.
The principle "elements" suggested were water, air, fire, and earth.
Put the verbs in parentheses into correct form:
1. During the 1600’s, an Irish scientist named Robert Boyle (conduct)
……………. a series of experiments that (disprove) …………… the theory
that air, earth, fire, and water (be) …………. the basic element of matter.
2. Boyle's work (change)…………. the course of chemistry because
scientists (begin)…………. to recognize that certain familiar substances
(can)…………… not be broken down into simpler substances - therefore,
they must be elements.

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Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 13 -

3. During the first 300 years after the birth of Christ, scholars and craft
workers in Egypt (develop)……………….. a chemical practice that
(come)………….. to be called alchemy.
4. Chemists (continue)………………. to have difficulty categorizing the
elements until 1869.
5. Late 1700's Antoine Lavoisier (write)……………… the first modern text
book on chemistry.
C. The Present Perfect tense:
The Present Perfect is used to express past time that is related to the present
in someway. Sometimes the past action is very recent, or it is still continuing
at the present moment, or we don't know exactly when the past action
happened, we only know that it happened sometime in the past.
To form the present perfect, use the Simple Present form of have + the past
participle of the main verb.
Chemists have tried to develop a full understanding of all substances.
Chemistry has been a very important course in school.

verbs in parentheses:

Tim (have)………….. a car.
Tim (have)…………. trouble with his car, so he has to take the bus to work
these days.
This box (weigh)…………… a lot. It’s too heavy for me to lift.
I just handed the box to the postal worker. Right now she (weigh) ……………..
……it to see how much postage it (need) …………….
I (do)……………… this practice at the moment. It consists of both nonprogressive and progressive verbs.
I (think)…………………. about the verbs in this grammar practice right now. I
(think)……………….. all of my answers are correct, but I’ll use the answer
key to check them when I finish to make sure.
Mrs. Edwards is at the market. Right now she (look)…………………. at the
apples. They (look)……………….fresh.

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 14 -

Right now Martha is in the science building. The chemistry experiment she is
doing is dangerous, so she (be)…………………very careful. She (want, not)
…………………to spill any of the acid. She (be, always)
……………….careful when she does a chemistry experiment.
Dennis (drink, usually)……………coffee with his breakfast, but this morning he
(drink)……………….tea instead.
This morning, it (rain)………….. I can see Janet from my window. She
(stand)……………at the corner of 5th and pine. She (hold)……………. Her

umbrella over her head. She (wait)…………………for the bus.
Use either the SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT of the verbs in
1. I (know) ……………….…Tim when I (be)………..…….. a child, but I have
not seen him for years.
2. The company and the union finally (agree)…………….……….on
everything, and the rest of the negotiation have gone smoothly.
3. Mark (take)………………a trip to Asia last October. He (take)…………….
to Asia since he started his own import-export business.
4. Ivan (play)…………………….the violin with the London Symphony since
1985. Last year he (play)…………………..a Beethoven violin concerto at
the concert..
5. When she was in college, Julia (write)…………………….home at least once
a week. Now she has a job and is living in Chicago. In the last six months,
she (write)…………….……only three letters to her parents.
6. Our university (send) …………..………..210 students to study in other
countries last year. In total, we (send) ………..………….846 students abroad
over the last ten years.
7. Maseru is a pilot for France Air Lines. He (fly) ……….…………nearly 8
million miles during the last years. Last years, he (fly)…………..………203
8. Mark missed his physics examination because he (oversleep)………….. He
(oversleep)………………..….a lot since the beginning of the semester. He’d
better buy a new alarm clock.
9. Alex is an artist. He (draw)………………………..many beautiful pictures in
his lifetimes. Last week, he (draw)…………..…………….a beautiful
mountain scene.

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 15 -

10. Jack recently needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he
(call)………………… here four times trying to reach you. He (call)………..
at 9:00, 10:15, 12;15 and 1:45.
11. Janet (wear) …………………….………….her new blue dress only once
since she bought it. She (wear)…………….………………..it to her brother’s
12. The night has ended and it’s daylight now. The sun (rise)…………………at

Nguyễn Tất Thắng

Khoa Ngoại Ngữõ

Tiếng Anh B4 (Dành cho Sinh viên Khoa Hoá Học

- 16 -

All things are made up of basic units of matter called atoms. Atoms vary greatly
in weight, but they are all about the same size-more than a million times smaller
than the thickness of a human hair. Yet tiny as they are, atoms consist of even more
minute subatomic particles. The three basic types of these particles are called

protons, neutrons, and electrons. Proton and neutrons form the nucleus, or center, of
the atom. Nuclei is the term for more than one nucleus. Electrons whirl around the
Atoms are the building blocks of the chemical elements, the simplest substances.
Hydrogen and lead are examples of well-known elements. Each element has a
unique type of atom: Atoms of different elements vary according to their number of
protons. A hydrogen atom, for example, has 1 proton, while an atom of lead has S2.
Electricity binds the parts of an atom together. Protons in the nucleus carry a
positive electric charge, and electrons rotating around the nucleus carry a negative
charge. Neutrons have no charge, and so do not affect the electricity of the atom.
Ordinarily, atoms have the same number of protons and electrons. As a result, there
is a balance in each atom that makes it electrically neutral. But because opposite
charges attract, the atom could collapse in on itself. Additional energy in the
electrons keeps them spinning around, which prevents the atom from collapsing.
And a force called strong nuclear force keeps the protons and neutrons contained
within the nucleus.

I. Vocabulary in context:
opposite charges attraction - strong nuclear force - electricity - negative - number
of protons - neutrons - subatomic particles - electrons - atoms - protons - positive additional energy - no charge - protons and electrons 1. All things are mode up basic units of matter called ……………...
2. Atoms consist of three basic ……………….
3. Three basic types of particles are …………, …………, and ………………...
4. Atoms of different element are different from one another depending on their
5. Protons carry a ……………..electric charge, while electrons carry a ………..
6. Neutrons have …………….., and so do not affect the ……………. of the
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7. Normally, the number of ……………………….is equal.
8. Due to …………………………………, the atom could collapse in itself.
9. Thanks to …………………….……….., electrons can spin around the
nucleus, which prevent the atom from collapsing.
10. The fact that protons and neutrons can stay within the nucleus is thanks to a
force called …………………………………...

II. Vocabulary in new context:
chemical reactions - protons - positive - molecules - atom – nucleus – atoms - a
group of atoms - Atoms - Electrons - protons - neutrons
1. All matter is made of ………….., the smallest bit of each element.
2. A particle of gas could be an ………..or ………………...
3. …………..have energy of motion that we feel as temperature.
4. The motion of atoms or …………….can be in the form of linear motion of
translation, the vibration of atoms molecules against one another or pulling
against a bond.
5. ……………………spin around the nucleus rapidly.
6. Every atom of a particular element has the same number of ……………….
7. Electrons are much smaller than ………………or ………………….
8. The concept of atoms and molecules enables us to understand more fully the
9. The nucleus contains small heavy particles called protons, which possess the
……………….charge and other small particles called neutrons which have the

same mass as the protons but have no charge at all.
10. At the center of every atom lies the core or …………………, which is very
small compared with the size of the atom as a whole.

III. Comprehension questions: Write T if the following statement is
true, and F if false.
1. Atoms are the most basic units of substance _____
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2. A force called strong nuclear fore helps the protons and neutrons stay
together within the nuclear _____
3. Neutrons have positive electric charge_____
4. Protons have positive electric charge_____
5. Electrons go around the nucleus _____
6. Electrons have no electric charge _____
7. An atom could collapse in on itself _____
8. Thanks to an additional energy, electrons can which around the nucleus ___

The passive is most frequently used when we do not know or it is not important to
know exactly who performs an action, or when we want to emphasize the role of the
now used as subject in passive voice.
In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb.

Chemistry is frequently divided into Inorganic and organic chemistry we do
not know and it is not important to know who know divide chemistry into
Elements are made up units called atoms
Passive form is formed as: Noun / Noun Phrase + Be + V pp + (by …)
Turn the following sentences into passive voice:
Without knowledge of analytical chemistry, we could accomplish little in any
branch of the science.
Scientist call the chemistry of carbon compounds Organic Chemistry.
Scientists often compare the structure of an atom with that of the solar system.

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We can beak protons and neutrons down into ever smaller particles called

Electron in the outer shells control the chemical behavior of an atom.
The behavior of the atoms that make up a substance determines the behavior of
that substance.
Since 1964, several groups of scientists claimed that they had created six new
Although molecules are made up of atoms, scientists still consider them
(molecules) one of the basis units of matter.
People usually classify chemical elements as mental or non-mental.
Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first modern textbook on chemistry.
Put the verb in brackets into correct form
1. The three basis types of subatomic particles (call) ______ protons, neutrons,
and electrons.
2. Elements (make up of) ________________units called atoms
3. Theoretical chemistry (concern) ________primarily _________with the
ultimate goal of chemistry the structure of matter.
4. Analytical chemistry (concern) _________with the separation,
identification, and composition of various kinds of matter.
5. The chemistry of carbon compounds (call) _________Organic Chemistry.

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6. All the matter around you (make up) ____________atoms.
7. The electrons associated with atoms (find) ___________to have measurable
properties which exhibit quantization.
8. It (believe) _______________that air, earth, fire and water were the basic
elements of matter.
9. Symbols for the elements (may use) _____________merely as abbreviations
for the name of the element.
10. But they (use) ______________more commonly in formulas and equations
to represent a fixed relative quantity of the element.

Change the sentences into passive forms; make sure the meaning of the original
sentences is the same.
The waiter refilled my glass.
Did Sue knock that vase at the door?
………………………………………………to the floor by Sue?
The pollution I the city was affecting Tim’s breathing.
Had a special messenger delivered the package before you got to the office?
Mr. Snow hasn’t taught that course since 1985.

The city attorney has discovered new evidence.
The voters are going to decide that issue.
Your emotional appeals will not influence the judge.
The best chess player will win the match.
Is a student pilot flying that airplane?
Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Some tenses are active and
some passive
You (notify) ……………………by my secretary next week.
Last night I (remember, not)……………………….to lock the front door.
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At the present time, the oldest house in town (restore) ………………..by the
History Society. When the restoration is finished, the house is sure to be a
popular tourist attraction.
A: What a beautiful old wooden chest!
B: It (build) ……………………….by my grandfather over 50 years ago.
At one time, the entire world (rule) …………………..by dinosaurs. Some
dinosaurs (walk) …………………..on their hind legs and (stand) …………..

as tall as palm trees.
Disney land is a world famous amusement park in Southern California. It
(visit)………………by more then ten million people every year.
Many of us take water for granted in our daily lives, but people who live in the
desert (use, not)…………….……..water carelessly. To them, each drop is
I (agree, not)………………….with people who say space exploration is a waste
of money. What do you think?
Do you really think we (invade) …………………by creatures from outer space
in a near future?
Most insects (live)………………..for less than a year. The common housefly
(live) ………………..from 19 to 30 days.
(You, accept, already)………………………by this university when you heard
about the other scholarship?
I got into a taxi quickly because I (follow)…………………by two strange men.
As soon as o got into the taxi, I (feel)……………a little safer.
The impact of the earthquake yesterday (feel)……………..by people who lived
hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter.
Mark (influence)………………….a lot by his friends, isn’t he? He should be
more independent and think for himself.
WORD STUDY: The prefix re- means ‘to do something again’.
For example: re + do => redo (to do again)
re + read => reread (to read again)
Add the prefix re- to each word. Then choose the correct word to complete each
sentence: arrange, do, order, tell, build, married, take, write
Jose made many mistakes in his first composition. Before he gives it to his
teacher tomorrow, he is going to …………it.
Dave and Susan got divorced 10 years ago. Last year Susan got ……… and
moved to Canada with her new husband.
I think I should ……………the furniture in my apartment. The way I have the

tables and chairs makes the room look crowded.
Children love to hear their grandparents tell stories! They often ask their
grandparents to …………their favorite stories many times.
The new waiter at the restaurant forgot our order for dinner, so we had to ….
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If you do not get good score on the TOEFL exam this weekend, you can ….. it
next month

The Nature of the Problem
The understanding and prediction of the properties of matter at the atomic level
represents one of the great achievements of twentieth-century science. The theory
developed to describe the behavior of electrons, atoms and molecules differs
radically from familiar Newtonian physics, the physics governing the motions of
macroscopic bodies and the physical events of our everyday experiences. The
discovery and formulation of the fundamental concepts of atomic physics in the
period 1901 to 1926 by such men as Planck, Einstein, de Broglie and Heisenberg
caused what can only be described as a revolution in the then-accepted basic
concepts of physics.
The new theory is called quantum theory or quantum mechanics. As far as we
now know this theory is able to account for all observable behavior of matter and,

with suitable extensions, for the interaction of matter with light. The proper
formulation of quantum mechanics and its application to a specific problem requires
a rather elaborate mathematical framework, as do proper statements and applications
of Newtonian physics. We may, however, in this introductory account acquaint
ourselves with the critical experiments which led to the formulation of quantum
mechanics and apply the basic concepts of this new mechanics to the study of
Specifically the problem we set ourselves is to discover the physical laws
governing the behavior of electrons and then apply these laws to determine how the
electrons are arranged when bound to nuclei to form atoms and molecules. This
arrangement of electrons is termed the electronic structure of the atom or molecule.
Furthermore, we shall discuss the relationship between the electronic structure of an
atom and its physical properties, and how the electronic structure is changed during
a chemical reaction.
Rutherford's nuclear model for the atom set the stage for the understanding of the
structure of atoms and the forces holding them together.
From Rutherford's alpha-scattering experiments it was clear that the atom
consisted of a positively-charged nucleus with negatively-charged electrons
arranged in some fashion around it, the electrons occupying a volume of space many
times larger than that occupied by the nucleus. (The diameters of nuclei fall in the

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range of l × 10-12 → 1 × 10-13 cm, while the diameter of an atom is typically of the
order of magnitude of 1 × 10-8 cm.) The forces responsible for binding the atom,
and in fact all matter (aside from the nuclei themselves), are electrostatic in origin:
the positively-charged nucleus attracts the negatively-charged electrons. There are
attendant magnetic forces which arise from the motions of the charged particles.
These magnetic forces give rise to many important physical phenomena, but they
are smaller in magnitude than are the electrostatic forces and they are not
responsible for the binding found in matter.
During a chemical reaction only the number and arrangement of the electrons are
changed, the nucleus remaining unaltered. The unchanging charge of the atomic
nucleus is responsible for retaining the atom's chemical identity through any
chemical reaction. Thus for the purpose of understanding the chemical properties
and behavior of atoms, the nucleus may be regarded as simply a point charge of
constant magnitude for a given element, giving rise to a central field of force which
binds the electrons to the atom.
Rutherford proposed his nuclear model of the atom in 1911, some fifteen years
before the formulation of quantum mechanics. Consequently his model, when first
proposed, posed a dilemma for classical physics. The nuclear model, based as it was
on experimental observations, had to be essentially correct, yet all attempts to
account for the stability of such a system using Newtonian mechanics ended in
According to Newtonian mechanics we should be able to obtain a complete
solution to the problem of the electronic structure of atoms once the nature of the
force between the nucleus and the electron is known. The electrostatic force
operative in the atom is well understood and is described by Coulomb's law, which
states that the force between two particles with charges e1 and e2 separated by a
distance R is given by:

There is a theorem of electrostatics which states that no stationary arrangement of
charged particles can ever be in electrostatic equilibrium, i.e., be stable to any

further change in their position. This means that all the particles in a collection of
postively and negatively charged species will always have resultant forces of
attraction or repulsion acting on them no matter how they are arranged in space.
Thus no model of the atom which invokes some stationary arrangement of the
electrons around the nucleus is possible. The electrons must be in motion if
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electrostatic stability is to be preserved. However, an electron moving in the field of
a nucleus experiences a force and, according to Newton's second law of motion,
would be accelerated. The laws of electrodynamics state that an accelerated charged
particle should emit light and thus continuously lose energy. In this dynamical
model of the atom, all of the electrons would spiral into the nucleus with the
emission of light and all matter would collapse to a much smaller volume, the
volume occupied by the nuclei.
No one was able to devise a theoretical model based on Newtonian, or what is
now called classical mechanics, which would explain the electrostatic stability of
atoms. The inescapable conclusion was that the classical equations of motion did not
apply to the electron. Indeed, by the early 1900's a number of physical phenomena
dealing with light and with events on the atomic level were found to be inexplicable
in terms of classical mechanics. It became increasingly clear that Newtonian
mechanics, while predicting with precision the motions of masses ranging in size
from stars to microscopic particles, could not predict the behavior of particles of the
extremely small masses encountered in the atomic domain. The need for a new set

of laws was indicated
What do we – human being benefit from the understanding and prediction of the
properties of matter at the atomic level?

What does the quantum theory or quantum mechanics concern about?

What are the main differences between Newtonian mechanics and quantum

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What does the theorem1 of electrostatics2 concern?

How does the text end? What does it say about Newtonian mechanics?


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