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Bài mẫu essay IELTS chất lượng, dễ hiểu (phần 1)

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Essay 1:
It is true that these days youngsters increasingly admire famous people as their role
models.Although, this tendency contributes to several difficulties, societies can take steps to deal
with these issues.This essay will examine the problems and suggest some approriate solutions.
There are a number of potential problems that can be anticipated.One of the primary issues is
that celebrities likely have many harmful impacts on fans’ health.With the help of media, young
people are able to easily read and watch, listen about many famous people who are addicted to
drugs or they sometimes smoke cigarettes in public. This leads to the curiosity of young
adults.As a result, they might imitate their role models and it usually affects their
health.Furthermore, several impossible standards of beauty are sometimes created by celebrities,
so their supporters tend to feel less confident and more anxious, dissastified with their looks.
However, some solutions can be taken to address the problems desbribed above.Firstly,
youngsters’ role models should take part in some meaningful activities such as preserving the
environment and doing charity,therefore they can get close to their supporters.
Consequently,their portrayal can be enhanced. Secondly, famous people could change the way
they act and behave, which makes fans believe in them.For example, Ben Affleck, who is a
famous actor, achieved renewed career success when he won an Oscar, despite his alcohol issues.
In conclusion, this situation can be remedied in some practical ways,though it has great impacts
on young supporters.

Essay 2:
People have different opinions about whether or not the use of parts of animals for medicines in
Vietnam should be prohibited, although it is an essential value of Vietnamese custom.Personally,
I agree that this tendency ought to be banned.
There are several reasons why people in Vietnam tend to use animals’ bodies for drugs.Firstly,
using parts of animals for medicines has become a cultural value of Vietnamese people for a long
time.Their ancestors used to produce drugs from these materials and taught their children the
benefits of traditional medicines that are made from animals.This leads to high demands for
these substances.Secondly, a majority of people believe that medicines that produced from parts

of animals can be used to cure chronic and acute diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. For
example, a growing number of individuals recently think that rhino horns can treat some
incurable heath problems like obesity and high blood pressure, which contributes to massive
consumption of these kinds of drugs.
It seems to me that Vietnamese government should ban the use of animal body parts for drugs
due to some nagative consequences.When the demand of animals’ bodies rises, people might
search for them, especially endangered creatures like tigers,elephants and bears.Consequently,

these animals can be at risk of extinction.The next issue is that this trend likely increases the
crime rates because of illegal trading activities of parts of rare animals for medical purposes.For
instance, bears often are imprisoned after that dealers kill them to collect their organs to sell for
food and medicines.This leads to a dramatic fall in the total population of some rare breed of
In conclusion,although producing medicines from animal body parts is one of the cultural parts
of Vietnamese people, I strongly suggest that there is a need for a ban for those activites.
Esssay 3:
It is true that some governments invest a huge national budget to improve people’s health.
However, it is said that more should be spent on guiding people how to avoid getting sick,
therefore stopping a health problem before it happens, which is better than curing. While I accept
that money spent on health is beneficial in some ways, I believe health education should be
invested in more.
For a variety of reasons, the government often spends an enormous amount of money on
health.Firstly, today mankind often suffers from a wide range of epidemics such as malaria and
Ebola, HIV/AIDS, which have killed millions of people for centuries.For that reason, many
medical organisations tend to find out the solutions and causes to cope with them.Secondly, there
is a shortage of well-trained medical staff in rural areas in some states.Inhabitants often spend a
lot of money to access medical care in cities,therefore more hospitals and drugs are likely
founded to support them.Consequently, it is usually a huge expense.
However, I suppose that providing citizens with heath education is more efficent in some

practical ways.Raising people’s awareness of health issues is essential.For example, schools stick
posters on the walls that are related to health so that students can probably observe and
follow.Furthermore they can teach students about first-aid as a core subject at schools.Secondly,
if the authorities provide people with sufficient information, they will likely suffer less from
acute and chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.Finally, beter educated
people report spending fewer days in bed or not at work because of illnesses, and they have
fewer functional limitations.
In conclusion, I do not think that financial investments in heath are more helpful than educating
citizens how to protect themselves from diseases.Governments in the world should teach their
inhabitants deeply about heath to save more lives.

Essay 4:
There is no doubt that climate change has become one of the most serious problems that human
beings face today and it is an international issue.It brings people some undeniable reasons and
negative effects.
To begin with,there are some causes of global warming. Firstly, people often benefit from the
advancement of transportation, therefore many kinds of cars, motorbikes and trucks can be easily

seen of the roads.However, they usually release exhaust fumes, which contaminate the
environment with an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Secondly, industrial activities
affect the environment seriously.Waste is sometimes not treated before disposing and it is usually
released directly into the air that contains a lot of poisonous chemicals. Consequently, both
factors contribute to air pollution which is a main factor of climate change.
These reasons described above link to several negative consequences. The primary effect is that
sea levels increase in some regions in the world. The Mekong Delta, for example , which is a
productive rice-growing area , is suffering from floods and soil erosion. The next result is that
extreme weather is often experienced in some states.Taking Japan as an example.In 2011 this
country confronted two unpredictable tidal waves which killed thousands of citizens.In additon,
extreme weather has sometimes occurred in China, Russia and America in recent years.As an

consequence, climate change is leading to a number of natural disasters.
In conclusion, the causes and results of global warming are examined.Although it is an acute
problem, I think that governments and individuals can take steps to mitigate this situation.

Essay 5:
There is no doubt that avanced technology brings mankind undeniable benefits.However, some
people think that this tendency isand harmful to our lives.While I accept that the development of
advanced technology support people’s lives positively, I believe it also has several negative
On the one hand, there are a number of advantages of advanced technology.Firstly, it assists
users in faster communication.In the past people used to write leeters or telephone to
communicate with their friends or relatives.With the development of communication,there are
many faster ways such as E-mail and social networks.For example, a person who is in America is
able to send an e-mail to Vietnam in one second.Secondly, education is often improved
significantly if people use new teaching methods like videos, music providing students tablets to
study.Taking some universities in The U.S for an example, these schools upgrade more labs and
up-to-date machines to help students comprehend more efficiently.As a result, they cannot only
learn theory but also practical knowledge.This allows them to broden their horizons.
However, I suppose that this trend has some drawbacks. Today a growing number of children are
overweight because of a lack of exercise. They tend to spend a lot of time playing computer
games and some of them often have no time to eat healthily or play sports.Furthermore, some
environmental problems are caused by the advancement of technology. To meet the demand of
high technological products, companies usually use natural resources to produce them,therefore
the environment is deteriorating.In addtion, E-waste is also a factor since this kind of garbage is
difficult to recycle and costs a great deal to resolve.Consequently, advanced technology is not
likely environmentally friendly for some reasons.

In conclusion, despite having many advantages, the advancement of technology also brings
human beings some drawbacks.I am of opinion that people should use less advanced

technological products to avoid disadvantageous that it creates.
Essay 6:
There is no doubt that an increasing number of people tend to move to urban areas to live.While
I accept that living in the cities brings its inhabitants several benefits, I believe country life is less
stressful and more healthy in comparision with city life.
On the one hand, living in the cities has a number of undeniable advantages.Firstly, there are
more employment opportunities with suitable payments due to the competitive job market in
urban areas.Furthermore, a wide range of occupations is offered,therefore people find it easier to
look for appropriate jobs.Secondly,residents are usually able to access education and healthcare
easier,as there are various institutions and hospitals located in the cities.Finally, inhabitants can
spend their spare time on many kinds of recreational activites such as watching movies and
practicing extreme sports after working or studying.
On the other hand, I suppose that it is better for those who choose to live in rural areas for some
reasons.The first benefit is that the cost of living in rural areas is often cheaper than city
life.country dwellers normally do not have to pay high expenses for housing and transportation,
education fees.In addtion,country life is likely peaceful ,since the crime rate in the countryside is
sometimes lower.Finally,the air quality is usually fresher, because it does not suffer from
pollution much compared to city life.Consequently,city life is not cleaner and safer than in the
To conlude,although there is an increase in the number of individuals living in the cities,in my
view,it is better for inhabitants to reside in the countryside due to several positive aspects.
Essay 7:
It is true that these days a vast number of youngsters tend to move to cities to find
occupations.Although this tendency leads to many negative consequences for both urban and
rural areas, authorities and societies can take steps to mitigate these potential issues.
There are several complications related to migration to the cities of junior citizens.As the cities
have more competitive job market, young people often migrate to and work in urban
areas,therefore there is not sufficient accommodation for them to reside.Taking some cities in
China as an example,because of this trend,some workers cannot find a place to live,so they often
sleep in basements under skysrapers and sometimes pay high costs for housing.This contributes

to poor living coditions for young workers in many cities.In addition,rural areas also face several
difficutlies.The primary issue is that when young people leave the countryside for
jobs.Consequently,there is a shortage of labour in rural areas.For example,there are a few schoolage children live with parents while their brothers or sisters are away from home ,because some
areas do not provide adequate jobs.As a result, the economy in those areas and the workforce
does not usually grow.

However, there are several appropriate solutions to tackle these issues.Firstly,Governments
should upgrade infrastructure in the cities and build more places for workers to live such as
affordable apartments, which they are able to pay for the expenses.The next measure which can
be taken to deal with this trend is that the authorities in rural areas ought to create more
employment opportunities with suitable wages,therefore those jobs can attract them to reside and
work.Finally,vocational skills should be enhanced by governments to provide sufficient
workforce for both areas,which enables young workers to accquire enough working skills to
work more effectively and efficiently.
In conclusion,despite the fact that a growing number of junior citizens migrate to urban areas for
looking employment that is the cause of numerous challenges for society,it would be alleviated
by taking some solutions.
Essay 8:
The bar chart illustrates the number of people who travelled to Nha Trang from Vietnam and
other states in the period between 1996 and 2003.
It is clear that both categrories experienced quick increases from 2000 to 2002.However,they
declined rapidly at the end of the period.
In 1996,the number of passengers from Vietnam travelling to Nha Trang decreased moderately to
10 million.Subsequently,it began rising sharply over a 3-year period from 10 to approximately
35 million.Eventually, there was a quick fall in the figure for Vietnam in 2003 to over 15 million.
Initially,the quantity of foreign tourists visiting Nha Trang dropped to under 10 milliom in
2000.Afterward,having witnessed a dramatic increase between 2000 and 2002,the figures for
other countries dropped significantly to nearly 15 million.
Essay 9:

The line graph shows the proportion of people who listened to the radio and wachted television
in The UK in the period from October to December 1992.
It is evident that people listened to radio from 5.30 a.m to 1 p.m more than they watched T.V,
whereas they prefered watching tevevision in the evening more than listening to the radio.
At the beginning of the period, radio audiences remained unchanged at 1 a.m until 6
a.m.Afterward,there was a remarkable increase in the percentage of people who listened to the
radio and peaked at approximately 26% at around 8 a.m.From that time on,there were less radio
listeners and it declined gradually to 5% at the end of the day.
Initially, TV audiences experienced a small dip at 11 a.m.The figure for TV viewers grew
dramatically and the highest point as at 45% at 9 a.m at night.Finally, there was a rapid fall until
the end of the given period.

Essay 10:
Today a growing number of youngsters are often addicted to computer games.This tendency has
several causes ,leading to some negative consequences.This essay will examine the reasons for
and effects of this problem and suggest an appropriate measure to the addiction to computer
There are some reasons why young people are becoming addicted to computer games.The first
factor is that these days game companies tend to create more games with slendid graphics and
attractive sounds,therefore youngsters are often in favour of these games and spend more time
playing them.The next cause of addiction to computer games is that a variety of competitive
games are published.These games enable gamers to compete together.Consequently,more effort
might be made to enjoy the games.
Being addicted to computer games contributes to a number of serious effects.Firstly, as young
gamers usually play games a lot, it leads to their bad academic performances at schools that
might affect their future.For example, a lot of students in Vietnam drop out annually, because
they tend to play games more than concentrate on studying.Secondly, massive amounts of time
used for playing computer games sometimes result in less time for young gamers to have a
balanced diet or they often lack exercise.This trend leads to some health problems such as

obesity,diebetes and short-sightedness,which has a great impact on young people who are
addicted to computer games.
In conclusion, the causes and results of addiction to computer games described above might be
solved by adopting some suitable solutions.One of the them is that authorities and families ought
to restrict the amount of time that young gamers spend on playing games,therefore it can help
them have better habits and lifestyle.
Essay 11:The line graph illustrates the percentage of people who watched T.V and listened to the
radio in The U.K in the period from October to December 1992.
It is clear that people preferred listening to the radio to watching T.V at the beginning of the
period.However, the figure for T.V viewers increased dramatically from 4 to 8 p.m.
Initally, there was a quick rise in the number of radio listeners to a peak of 28% at 8
a.m.Subsequently, it saw a gradual decrease to nearly 15% who listened to the radio fell steadily
until the the end of the period,although there were minor fluctuations.
Meanwhile, at 6 a.m , the percentage of T.V viewers began increasing to 6% at 8 p.m before
dropping slightly at around 11 a.m.Subsequently,it grew significantly and peaked at just under
50% at around 7 p.m.Afterward, the number of people who watched T.V decreased sharply to
just over 2% at 3a.m and stayed at the same level.
