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Câu nói gián tiếp

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Tenses (Thì)
1. Simple present ( hiện tại đơn):
* Cách chia: a. I /We / You / They + V : We go to school everyday.
He / She / It + Vs/es : He usually goes to school on
+ Dùng do / does trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn:
He doesn’t often go to school on foot./ We don’t go to school on
Does he often go to school on foot? / Do you go to school on Sunday?
b. Verb BE : I + am : I am in grade 6.
He /She /It + is : He is the best student in my
We /You /They + are : They are Nam’s brothers.
* Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
- adverbs of frequency: always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never…
-adverb phrases of frequency: everyday, every week, every summer, every
Sunday..; once a day, twice a week, three times a year…
* Cách dùng:-chỉ hành động thường xuyên xảy ra, thói quen, sự thật …
-dùng trong mệnh đề phụ chỉ thời gian ( khi mệnh đề chính ở thì tương lai)
We’ll go out when it stops raining
- dùng để nói về thời gian biểu,chương trình,giờ khởi hành của xe lửa,tàu
The concert starts at 7.30 . / What time does the train leave?
2. Present progressive ( hiện tại tiếp diễn):
* Cách chia: I + am + V-ing : I am doing my homework now.
He /She /It+ is + V-ing : He isn’t doing his homework now.
We / You / They+ are + V-ing : Are you doing your homework now?
* Dấu hiệu nhận biết:- now, at the moment, at the present, at this time…;
- câu tiếp theo sau câu mệnh lệnh :
Look! He is running after the bus.
* Cách dùng:- chỉ sự việc đang xảy ra khi nói

- hành động sắp xảy ra trong tương lai gần
He is going on Sunday.
- Chỉ sự thay đổi và phát triển với get and become
The town is becoming busier.
+ Những động từ không dùng ở thì tiếp diễn (động từ chỉ cảm giác,suy nghĩ
):see,smell,feel, taste,hear, believe,think,understand,remember,love,like
* Spelling: come-> coming , run -> running , lie-> lying
3. Simple past (qúa khứ đơn):
* Cách chia : S + Ved / V2 : He visited Hanoi last summer.
S + didn’t + V : He didn’t visit Hanoi last summer.
Did + S + V ? : Did he visit Hanoi last summer?
- Verb BE: I / He / She / It + was : I could play the piano when I was six.
We / You / They + were : They were at Mai’s party yesterday.
* Dấu hiệu nhận biết: yesterday , …ago, last…
* Cách dùng : chỉ sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, xác định thời gian và đã
hoàn toàn chấm dứt
* Sound of the ending ED -> /id / / t / /d /
5. Simple future (tương lai):
* Cách chia : S + will + V ( I / We + shall ; shall not = shan’t )
S + will not + V
Will + S + + V ?
Tomorrow I will be thirteen.
*Dấu hiệu nhận biết : tomorrow, next, in the future,in 3/4/10…days, soon,
* Cách dùng : chỉ sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
I shall be 14 next Sunday.
* BE GOING TO dùng cho thì tương lai để chỉ kế hoạch,dự định,sự sắp xếp...
I am going to buy some books tomorrow ./ Jack is going to play tennis this

+ Chú ý: be going to thường không dùng với động từ go và come
They are coming tomorrow. ( không dùng going to come)
I) Complete the sentenses.Use am / is / are + one of these verbs:
building coming having playing cooking
standing swimming
Listen! Pat.............................. the piano.
They .................................a new hotel in the city center at the moment.
Look! Somebody .............................. in the river.
“You.............................. on my foot”. “Oh.I’m sorry.”
Hurry up! The bus ..............................
“Where are you ,George?” “In the kitchen,I .............................. a meal.”
(On the telephone) “Hello.Can I speak to Ann,Please?” “
She .............................. a shower at the moment.Can you phone again later?”
II) What’s happening at the moment? Write true sentenses.
(I /wash /my hair ) 2.(It / snow)
3.(I / sit / on a chair ) 4.(I /eat )
5.(I / learn / English ) 6.(The sun / shine )
7.( I / smoke / a cigarette) 8.( I /read / a newspaper)
III) Complete the sentenses.Use the correct form of these verbs:
boil close cost(2) go have like meet open smoke speak
teach wash
She’s very clever.She .............................. ..four languages.
Steve.............................. ten cigarettes a day.
We usually............................... .dinner at 7 o’clock.
I .............................. film.I often to the cinema.
Water .............................. at 100 degrees Celsius.
In Britain the banks............................... at 9.30 in the morning.
The City Museum.............................. at 5 o’clock every evening.
Food is expensive. They .............................. at lot of money.

Tina is a teacher.She.............................. mathematics to young children.
Your job is very interesting.You .............................. a lot of people.
Peter .............................. his hair twice a week.
Shoes are expensive.They.............................. a lot of money.
IV) Write the opposite( positive or negative):
1.I understand. 5.He doesn’t smoke.
2.They know. 6.She loves him
3.They speak English. 7.I don’t want it.
4.She doesn’t want them. 8.He lives in Rome.
V) Study this information:

Bob and Ann


How often
do you...?
drink coffee in the morning?
read newspaper?
get up before 7 o’clock?


VI) Put the verbs in the present progressive or present simple:
Excuse me................................... (you/speak) English?
Tom .................................. (have) a shower at the moment.
They ..................................(not/watch) television very often.
Listen! Somebody..................................(sing)
She’s tired.She..................................(want) to go home now.
How often..................................(you/read) a newspaper?
“ Excuse me, but you ..................................(sit) in my place.” “ Oh,I’m sorry.”
“ I’m sorry,I..................................(not/understand).Please speak more slowly.”
“Where are you,Roy?” “I’m in the sitting-room.I ..................................(read)
What time..................................(she/finish) work every day?
You can turn off the radio.I..................................(not/listen) to it.
He..................................(not/usually/drive) to work.He
VII) Complete the sentenses.Use one of these verbs in the past simple:
clean die enjoy finish happen live open play rain smoke
start stay want watch
Yesterday everning I..................................television.
I..................................my teeth three times yesterday.
Ben..................................20 cigarettes yesterday evening.
The concert last night..................................at 7.30 and..................................at
10 o’clock.
The accident..................................last Sunday afternoon.
Today the weather is nice but yesterday it..................................
When I was a child,I..................................to be a doctor.
Mozart..................................from 1756 to 1791.
We..................................our holiday last year it..................................
It was hot in the room,so I..................................the window.
The weather was good yesterday afternoon,so we ..................................tennis.

William Shakepeare..................................in 1616.
VIII) Put the verbs in the correct form of the past ( positive,negative or
I..................................(play) tennis yesterday but I ..................................
We..................................(wait) a long time for the bus but
That is a nice shirt.Where ..................................(you/ buy) it?
She..................................(see) me but she..................................(not/speak) to
“..................................(it/rain) yesterday?” “ No, it was a nice day.”
That was a stupid thing to do.Why..................................(you/do)it?
IX) Use the words in the brackets to write sentenses.All the sentenses are
future.Use the present continuous or present simple:
1.I /not /go / out / tonight. 2.The concert /start /
3.I / meet / my friends this evening. 4.Tom /not /come /
the party on Thursday.
5.The English course /finish /on 10 May. 6.My sister / get /
married next December
7.My train / leave /at 8.45 8.I /not / go / to
London tomorrow.
X) Choose the correct tense:
We’ll go / are going to the theater tonight.We’ve got the tickets.
What will you do /are you doing tomorrow everning? Nothing.I’m free.
I’ll go /I’m going away tomorrow morning.My train is at 8.40.
I’m sure he’ll lend /he’s lending you some money.He’s very rich.
“Why are you putting on your coat?” “ I’ll go out./ I’m going out”
Do you think Claire will phone /is phoning us tonight?
She can’t meet us on Saturday.She’ll work /She’s working.

XI) Complete the sentenses.Use be going to + one of the verbs:
eat give lie rain study walk wash
My hair is dirty.I’m going to wash it.
I don’t want to go home by
John’s university course begins in October.He
Take an umbrella with
you.It .....................................................................................
I’m hungry.I...........................................................this sandwich.
It’s Vaal’s birthday next week.We ................................................................her
a present.
I felel tired. I ......................................................down for an hour.
XII) Put the verbs in the simple present or simple future:
We shall wait until the police..................................(come)
You will be astonished when you..................................(see) the view.
She ..................................(not/come) until you are ready.
We ..................................(send) a telegram before we arrive.
As soon as you buy the book,I..................................(borrow) it from you.
TENSES (Cont.)
1.Past progressive (quá khứ tiếp diễn):
* Cách chia : I / He / She / It + was +V-ing
We / You / They + were + V-ing
At this time yesterday, I was learning my lesson.
* Dấu hiệu nhận biết:- at that time / at…+ past time ( yesterday,…ago, last…, …)
* Cách dùng :
- chỉ sự việc đang xảy ra ở một thời điểm trong quá khứ
At three o’clock yesterday I was having Physical education class.
- một việc đang xảy ra cùng lúc với hành động khác trong quá khứ
While my mom and my sister were cooking dinner, I was cleaning the floor at 4 o’clock

+ Chú ý: sự việc đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ thì có một hành động
khác xảy ra cắt ngang (hành động dài hơn dùng thì QKTD,hành động ngắn cắt ngang dùng thì
When the teacher came in, the studends were playing , they weren’t doing their exercises.
2. Present perfect (thì hiện tại hoàn thành)
* Cách chia: : have/has + past participle ( Ved /V3)
+ I /We /You /They + have (‘ve) + Ved /V3
He / She / It + has (‘s) + Ved / V3
- I /We /You /They + have not (haven’t)+ Ved /V3
He / She / It +has not (hasn’t) + Ved / V3
? Have + I /we/you/they + Ved /V3? => Yes,S + have/has.
Has + he /she / it + Ved / V3? No,S + haven’t / hasn’t.
* Dấu hiệu nhận biết :- since ,for, yet, already, just , recently, so far, up to now,…
- already, just : đứng giữa have/has và động từ chính(Ved/V3)}
* Cách dùng :
- chỉ hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ không xác định rõ thời gian với already,just, yet,
recently, so far, up to now,before,…
I haven’t seen a lion yet.
- hành động còn liên quan đến hiện tại với since ,for
My father has had the motorbike for 10 years.
- hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ nhiều lần với many times,several times...
We have seen that film many times.
* dạng quá khứ phân từ ( past participle) của động từ có qui tắc giống dạng qúa khứ ( thêm -ED)
clean-> cleaned, finish ->finished,stop -> stopped ,study ->studied
* dạng quá khứ phân từ ( past participle) của động từ bất qui tắc : động từ ở cột 3
be- was/were-been go –went –gone
do – did – done speak –spoke-spoken
put – put – put build-built-built

* gone và been
He has gone to Hanoi ( = He is in Hanoi now)
He has been to Hanoi ( = He went to Hanoi but now he is back)
* Have you ever...? (-> present perfect ): present perfect + ever (trong câu hỏi) và never:
- Has Ann ever been to Australia?- No, never.
- Have you ever played golf ? -Yes, once.(= one time)
- My mother has never travelled by air.
- I've never ridden a horse.
* for / since and ago
■ for / since:
- for / since -> how long
How long have you been here? I ‘ve been here for 10 years / since 1996
- for + a period of time ( một giai đoạn): for four days / for two years ...
- since + the start of the period ( bắt đầu một giai đoạn / một mốc thời gian):since Monday /
since 9 o'clock ... )
* So sánh present perfect (I have done) và past simple ( I did )
+ Dùng thì quá khứ với thời gian đã hoàn tất (finished time): yesterday/last week/in 1986/six
months ago....
- I saw Jack yesterday, (not “I have seen Jack yesterday.”)
- Where were you last night? (not “Where have you been last night?”)
- We didn't have a holiday last year. (not “We haven't had...)
- I got up at 7.15. I washed, dressed and then I had breakfast.
- William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a writer. He wrote many plays and poems. (not . . . has
been a writer . . . has written many plays)
+ Dùng thì quá khứ để hỏi When? / What time?
- When did they arrive? (not “ When have they arrived?”)
+ Compare:
present perfect past simple
I have lost my key. but I lost my key yesterday. .
(= I can't find it now)

Bill has gone home but Bill went home ten minutes ago.
(= he isn't here now)
FORMS OF VERBS(Các hình thức của động từ)
* Có 3 hình thức cơ bản của động từ:
nguyên mẫu không có TO (bare inf),nguyên mẫu có TO (to inf) , danh động từ(V-ing)
A- Bare infinitive: ( động từ nguyên mẫu không có to):
a. Sau modals: S + can, could,may might,should, must…+ V (bare inf)
- can / could: chỉ khả năng
- may / might : diễn tả những điều mà người nói không chắc chắn lắm
- should= ought to: diễn tả lời khuyên, bổn phận,lời đề nghị
- must = have to: diễn tả trách nhiệm hoặc bổn phận ( must mang tính bắt buộc hơn)
- will : to make offers ,requests, promises...
- trong cấu trúc: make/have/let + O + V
b.Trong cấu trúc : Let’s + V…
Should we + V …?
Why don’t we + V…?
Would you please+ V …
S + used to + V...

♦ Một số động từ đáng chú ý:
I) WOULD:-Ngoài cách dùng của nó trong câu điều kiện, "would" còn dùng để chỉ một thói
quen trong quá khứ.
Ex: •When I was a child, I would sing folk songs.
- "used to + infinitive" dùng để diễn tả một thói quen ở qúa khứ
Ex: •He used to swim when he was six:
-> ở đây "used to" có nghĩa là "thường, đã từng".
- "be (get) used to + V-ing": quen với, (trở nên quen với).

Ex: • My mother is used to getting up early everyday.
• He got used to walking five kilometres a day because he's lost his bicycle.
- "be (get) used to + Noun"
Ex: Tom has got used to the cold weather since he came here.
- "would rather" cùng nghĩa với "prefer" (thích hơn) nhưng "would rather" đi với động từ trong
khi "prefer" có thể đi với động từ hoặc danh từ.
would rather + infinitive (không "to" ) + than ...
prefer + V-ing ... + to...
prefer + Noun ... + to...
Ex: • I would rather go to the cinema than stay at home.
• I prefer going to the cinema to staying at home.
• I prefer oranges to apples.
-Thể phủ định của "would rather" = would rather + not.
Ex: John would rather not go to class tomorrow.
- "would like" thường được sử dụng trong những lời mời và cũng có nghĩa là "muốn".
"would like" + to-infinitive. ('d like)
Ex: • I'd like to tell you something about myself.
• Would you like to have a walk with me?
Mặc dù "could" được sử dụng trong câu điều kiện, nó còn có thể được dùng để chỉ một "khả
năng". Trong trường hợp này, "could, may, might" đều có cùng một nghĩa, để diễn tả những gì
mà người nói cảm thấy chưa chắc chắn lắm.
Ex:• It might rain tomorrow. It may rain tomorrow. It could rain tomorrow. -> (Ngày mai trời có
thể mưa.)
Người ta cũng có thể nói:
•It will possibly rain tomorrow.
Maybe it will rain tomorrow.

* Possibly, maybe = perhaps: có lẽ, có khả năng
Ex: • I don't know where Lan is. Maybe she is in her room.
• I may go to the beach or stay at home in this summer holidays
VI) WILL / SHALL: You can use I'll ... (= I will) when you offer or decide to do something:
-dùng will khi ta muốn đưa ra đề nghị hoặc quyết định làm một điều gì đó:
•'My case is very heavy.' 'I'll carry it tor you.'
•'I'll phone you tomorrow, okay?' 'Okay, goodbye.'
-Shall I / Shall we ..? = Do you think this is a good thing to do? Do you think this is a good
->dùng trong câu đề nghị:
• It's warm in this room. Shall I open the window?
• Shall I phone you this evening?' 'Yes, please.'
• It's a nice day. Shall we go for a walk?
B- To infinitive: (động từ nguyên mẫu có to)
- want / decide /remember /forget /would like / decide/ intend /begin / start / try / expect / ...+ to
- too + adj + to inf
- adj + enough + to infUNIT 19 Exercises
19.1 Use the words in brackets ( ) to answer the questions.
- It takes + time + to inf
- S + ask / tell / advise / request / teach / allow / encourage / get + O + to inf
- would like / would love+ to inf…?
- S + be + adj + to inf (adj): easy, difficult, impossible,safe, boring, hard, amusing,…
1. Nhóm A: Verb + to inf
hope to do sth intend to do sth decide to do sth promise to do sth agree to do sth
offer to do sth
refuse to do sth expect to do sth would like to do sth want to do sth need to do sth
2.Nhóm B: Verb + (pro)noun + to inf

tell sb to do sth advise sb to do sth encourage todo sth invite sb to do sth
allow sb todo sth
order sb todo sth ask sb todo sth expect sb todo sth would like sb todo sth
want sb to do sth
need sb to do sth require sb todo sth remind sb todo sth persuade sb to do sth
teach sb to do sth
Verb + to inf / gerund :
- like doing sth: thích làm điều gì like to do sth: muốn,quen làm điều gì
- try doing sth: cố gắng làm điều gì try to do sth: thử làm điều gì xem kết quả ra
- stop doing sth: chấm dứt một việcgì stop to do sth: dừng lại để làm gì
- need doing sth: cần phải được làm gì need to do sth: cần phải làm gì
- forget doing sth: quên đã làm điều gì forget to do sth: quên làm điều gì
- remember doing sth: nhớ đã làm điều gì remember to do sth: nhớ làm điều gì
- in order (not) to / so as (not) to + V  chỉ muc đich
C- V-ing: ( Gerund)
- sau các động từ: enjoy, like ,dislike, hate, love,finish,stop,mind,go on, start,begin,keep, avoid,
suggest,practice ...
- prefer + V-ing+ to + V-ing
- What about + V-ing…?
- sau giới từ : of,to,at,in,by,with,without,from,about…,
Ex: He is afraid of staying at home alone. / Try to work without making a noise.
- sau be/get used to,look forward to,spend (time /money)...
Ex: I am used to being criticized.
- khi động từ làm chủ ngữ trong câu.
♦ GERUNDS ( Danh động từ): V-ing
1.Gerund làm tân ngữ của giới từ:
We talk about going to Nhatrang on the holiday.
I’m used to wearing a siut and tie every day.
I look forward to going home next month.

We talked about not going to the meeting.
- Tính từ có giới từ theo sau : Adj + preposition :
interested in
be afraid of + V-ing
accustomed to
excited about
worried about
- Động từ có giới từ theo sau:Verb + preposition :
talk about
look forward to
object to + V-ing
insisted in
thank sb for
appologized to sb for
believe in
2. Theo sau các động từ: VERB + gerund
enjoy mind quit (give up) finish practise avoid discuss (talk about)
suggest keep advise like dislike postpone
3. GO + gerund:
go fishing go shopping go dancing go camping go sailing go jogging go
sightseeing go swimming
go running go skiing

I) Complete the sentenses with SHALL I or SHALL WE.
1. You offer to turn on the light.-> Shall I turn on the light?
2. You suggest going to the library.-> Shall we go to the library?
3. You ask your friend if she wants you to buy a dress.->

.....................................................this dress
4. You offer to make your friend a cup of tea.-> .............................you a cup of tea?
5. You offer to drive your friend to the airport.-> ......................................to the airport?
6. You suggest looking for a hotel. ->......................................for a hotel?
II) Fill in thew blanks with WILL, WON'T or SHALL .
1. Can somebody post the letters? - I.......................................do it.
2. The baby..................................stop crying. Can you sing to her?
3. Don't worry. I.................................drive too fast.
4. .................................we go? - Just a minute, I'm not ready yet.
5. .................................we take the bus or the train?
6. The car..............................start. There must be something wrong with it.
7. Tea or coffee? - I..............................have coffee, please.
8. I...................................listen to any of this nonsense.
9. ..................................I wait for you? - Oh, thank you.
10. Tom and I...............................help you get everything ready.
III) Invite people to do things. Use Would you like to ... ?
1 (invite someone to come to a party next Friday)
2 (invite someone to go to a concert on Sunday)
3 (invite someone to play tennis tomorrow)
4 (invite someone to dance)
IV) Choose the correct form.
1. Do you like / Would you like a cigarette? -Yes, please.-> Would you like is right.
2. Do you like / Would you like a banana? -No, thank you.
3. Do you like / Would you like bananas?'-Yes, 1 love them.
4. What do you like / would you like to drink?-Water, please.
5. Do you like / Would you like to go out for a walk?- Not now. Perhaps later.
6. I like / I'd like ice-cream but i don't eat it very often.
7. I'm tired. 1 like / I'd like to go to sleep.
8. Do you like / Would you like something to eat?-No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

V) What do you say in these situations? Use Can you ... ? / Could you ... ? / Can 1... ?
1 (You are carrying a lot of things. You want me to open the door for you.)
->You say to me: Can you open the door for me ,please?
2 (We are having dinner. You want me to pass the salt.)
->You say to me: .......................................................................'............................................
3 (You want me to turn off the radio.) .............................................................................
4 (You want to borrow my pen.) .....................................................................................
5 (You are in my house. You want to use my phone.) ..................................................
6 (You want me to give you my address.)......................................................................
VI) Supply the correct verb forms:
1. My father advised me (read) this novel.
2. Does she want (become) a singer?
3. Can you help me (find) my mistakes?
4. Nothing will make me (change) my mind.
5. The lord had the gardener (plant) trees (get) shadow.
6. She doesn't like people (shout) at him.
7. Does the city goverment intend (do) anything about pollution?
8. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again (ask) someone the way.
9. When I caught them cheating me, I stopped (buy) petrol there and started (deal) with your
station instead.10.I tried(convince)him that I was perfectly capable of(manage)on my own, but
he insisted on (help) me.
11. Your hair needs cutting. You'd better (have) it (do) tomorrow.
12. I always try (come) in quietly but they always hear me (go) upstairs. It's impossible (climb)
an old wooden
stair case at night without (make) noise.
13. Would you like me (turn) down the radio a bit?
No, it's all right. I'm used to (work) with the radio on.
14. Would your children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I'm trying (fill) a form.
15. I'm delighted (hear) that you can (come) on Saturday. We are all looking forward to (see)

16. They let us (park) motorcycles here but they don't allow us (park) cars.
17. If you want the milkman (leave) you milk in the morning, don't forget (put) a milk bottle
VII)Choose the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences:
1. The teacher decided (accepting/ to accept) the paper.
2. They appreciate (to have/ having) this information.
3. His father doesn't approve of his (going/ to go) to Europe.
4. We found it very difficult (reaching/ to reach) a decision.
5. Donna is interested in (to open/ opening) a bar.
6. George has no intention of (to leave/ leaving) the city now.
7. We are eager (to return/ returning) to school in the fall.
8. You would be better off (to buy/ buying) this car.
9. She refused (to accept/ accepting) the gift.
10. Mary regrets (to be/ being) the one to have to tell him.
Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive (with or without to), or -ing. Sometimes
two forms are possible.
When I'm tired, I enjoy.....................(watch) television. It's relaxing.
Would you like....................(have) something to eat?My family is trying
It started....................(rain) an hour ago. Has it stopped................(rain) yet?
4. We (decide)............................. where to go on holiday.
5. Our teacher made me .......................(answer) all the questions.
6. I've enjoyed...............................(meet) you. I hope.........................(see) you again.

7. I hate ....................(see) a child..........................(cry).
. 8. He used to (smoke)........................ 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up ( smoke)
9. Can you help me.........................(get) the dinner ready?
10. When we arrived,the people next door invited us.............(have) a drink with them.
I) Choose the best word or phrases:

1. You can't stop me (doing/do/to do/that I do) what I want.
2 . I must go now. I promised (not being / not to be /to not be/I wouldn't be)late.
3. Do you want(me coming /me to come /that I come /that I will come) with you?
4. I'm sure I locked the door I clearly remember( locking / to lock /to have locked /lock) it.
6.I like (cleaned /clean /cleaning / that I clean)the kitchen as often as possible.
7. A friend of mine phoned mea (for invite/ to invite / for inviting / for to invite) to a party.
8. a. It is difficult to him understand
b. He is difficult to understand.
c. It is difficult to understand him.
d. He is difficult to understand him.
9. I didn't hear you ( came/ come/ to come /had come)in. You must have been very quiet.
10. I'd advise( to take /you taking /taking / you to take) more exercise.
11.I remember ( the horse is winning / the horse to win/the horse winning/ the horse is to win)
the race.
12.She reminded the papers (me where to leave /me where I must leave/ where I must
leave/where to leave)
13.Someone suggested ( go/ going /of going / to go) for a walk.
14.1 can remember ( hear/ heard/ hearing/ to hear) voices in the night.
15. The police want (we reported /us reporting / us to report / we report) anything suspicious.
16. We weren't sure (should knock/ to knock /whether knock /whether to knock) or just walk
17. It was too cold (for the guests eating/ for the guests to eat/ that the guests should eat / that
the guests eat) outside.
18.1 didn't like it in the city firstly. But now( I'm used to living /I used to live/ I used to living/
I'm used to live)
19.a. It isn't enough funny for him to repeat.
b. It isn't funny enough fur him repeating.
c. It isn't funny enough to him lo repeat.
d. It isn't funny enough for him to repeat.
20. a. I regret to spend all money. I've got none left.

b. I regret spending all money. I've got none left.
c. 1 regret spend all money. I've got none left.
d. I regret spent all money. I've got none left.
II) Make sentences from the notes.
Eva/ like/ read/ stories about Greek heroes
generally/ Mark/ prefer/ stay/ at home/ to/ go/ out
we/ must/ avoid/ waste/ so much time
sometimes/ a country/ refuse/ take part/ in the Olympics.
Chris/ be/ fed up with/ drive/ in the rush hour traffic/ every day
I / really/ detest/ wait/ for buses/ in the rain
the baby/ begin/ cry/ the middle of the night

8. I / found /it / difficult /reach / a decision.
9. the buses/ usually/ stop/ run/ before midnight
10. Sandra/ be used to/ work/ late/ the office
11. I/ can't face/ get up/ at five/ morning
12. last year/ we/ make/ an agreement/ work/ together
13. yesterday/ you/ promise/ carry on/ shoot/ the film
14. my father/ seem/ get/ better/ now 15. 1/ would rather/ stay/ home/ tonight

PASSIVE VOICE (Thể bị động)
- Động từ dùng trong tiếng Anh có hai dạng:
+ Chủ động: Chủ ngữ thực hiện hành động
+ Bị động: Chủ ngữ chịu tác động của hành động
-Hình thức động từ của câu bị động có dạng: be + past participle ( Ved / V3)
* Đổi câu từ chủ động (active voice )sang bị động (passive voice):
Active : S + V + O (Ap) (At)
Passive: S + BE - PAST PARTICILPE + (Ap) by O (At)

-s.present: is /are/am Ved / V3
-s past: was /were
-s future: will be
-present perfect: have/has been
-present cont: is/are/am being
-past cont: was/were being
-modal : modal be
-s present
-s past
-s future
-pre perfect
-present cont
-past cont
Nam opens the door.
Nam opened the door.
Nam will open the door.
Nam has opened the door.
Nam is opening the door.
Nam was opening the door
Nam should open the door
The door is opened by Nam
The door was opened by Nam
The door will be opened by Nam
The door has been opened byNam
The door is being opened by Nam

The door was being opened by Nam
The door should be opened by Nam
* Chú ý khi chuyển chủ ngữ của câu chủ động sang tân ngữ của câu bị động:
Subject <-> Object
I me
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them
I) Turn into passive voice:
They gave the job to Amy and Bob.
They started the work last week.
They finished the kitchen on Saturday.
Somebody calls the president every day.
Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager.
William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century, .
People believe that someone murdered Mr Stone.
We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday.
People think that an apple a day is good for you
1. They can't make tea with cold .water.
2. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant.
3. Somebody has taken some of my books away.
4. They will hold the meeting before May Day.
5. They have to repair the engine of the car.
6. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.
7. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.
8. They may use this room for the classroom.

9. The teacher is going to tell a story.
10. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife.
11. The children looked at the women with a red hat.I
12. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.
13. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.
14. You mustn't use this machine after 5:30 p.m.
15. Luckily for me, they didn't call my name.
16. After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board.
17. You must clean the wall before you paint it.
18. They told the new pupil where to sit.
19.1 knew that they had told him of the meeting.
20. Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness.
21. No one believes his story.
22. A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam.
23. We must take good care of books borrowed from the library.
24. A man I know told me about it.
25. We can never find him at home for he is always on the move.
26. They use milk for making butter and cheese.
27. Science and Technology have completely changed human life.
28. John used to visit Mr Cole at weekends.
29. Weeds cover the river bank.
30. Smoke filled the room.
II) Chuyen cac cau sau sang the chu dong:
1. These exercises were done well.
2. This dress must be washed in cold water.
3. No mistakes have been made in his composition.
4. His painting will be exhibited for the first time by New Arts gallery.
5. This house was built 100 years ago.
6. These artificial flowers are made of silk.

7. The lessons are being written by the students now.
8. This job has to be done at once.
9. These animals at the zoo are fed twice a day
10. The operation is going to be performed by French doctors.
11. All the arrangements have been made.
12. When was this radio manufactured?
13. They couldn't be found anywhere.
14. Is mathematics taught in this school?
15. Fortunately the machinery' wasn't damaged by the accident,
16. Please wait here while your luggage is being examined.
17. How are candles made?
18. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat.
19. Were you taught how to apply this theory by your teacher?
20. Apples are said to be good for our health
21. Don't let the dog be teased by the children.
22\It is believedxthat red is the symbol of luck.
23. What have been done to help the poor in this city?
24. The jewelry must have been stolen while she was out.
25. Where did the treasure use to be hidden by pirates in the old time?
Ill) Nhffng bai tap them ve the b| dong:
1/ Yes - No questions:
1. Do they teach English here?
2. Will you invite her to your wedding party?
3. Did the teacher give some exercises?
4. Is she going to write a poem?.
5. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?
6. Is she making big cakes for the party?
7. Has Tom finished the work?
8. Are the police making inquires about the thief?
9. Must we finish the test before ten?

10. Will buses bring the children home?
2/ Wh- questions:
11. Why didn't they help him?
12. How many games has the team played?
13. Where do people speak English?
14. Who are they keeping in the kitchen?
15. How can they open this safe?
16. What books are people reading this year?
17. How did the police find the lost man?
18. Who looked after the children for you?
19. How long have they waited for the doctor?
20. What time can the boys hand in their papers?
3/ Sentences with two objects:
21. The teacher gave each of us two exercise books.
22. Someone will tell him that news.
23. They have sent enough money to these poor boys.
24. They have given the women in most countries in the world the right to vote.
25. They paid me a lot of money to do the job.
5/Sentences with verbs "Continue and Begin".
36. We'll continue to use this computer.
37. They began to plant rubber trees in big plantations.
38. People can continue to enjoy natural resources.
39. People will continue to drink Coca-Cola in the 21st century.
40. American people begin to love football.
6/ Sentences with Phrasal verbs:
41. They gave up the research after three hours.
42. Someone should look into the matter.
43. Don't speak until |omeone speaks toiyou.
44. A neighbour is looking after the children.

45. Your story brings back pleasant memories.
Romeo and Juliet were written from Shakespeare.
I can't give you a ride because my car is repairing.
I were told that, after been repaired, it will be as good as new.
It thought that many diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.
We were telling to arrive by noon, but we were delay.
It was announce for the company president that large profits had be made.
I) Write sentences from the words in brackets . All the sentences are present.
1. (this room / clean / every day)
->This room is cleaned every day.
2. (glass / make / from sand)
3. (stamps / sell / in a post office)
4. (football / plav / in most countries)
5. (this machine / not / use / very often)
II) Write sentences from the words.in brackets . All the sentences are past.
1. (the room / clean / yesterday) The room was cleaned every day.
2. (this room / paint / last month) This room
3. (these houses / build / about 50 years ago)
4. (Ann's bicycle / steal / last week)
5. (three people / injure / in the accident)
III) Complete the sentences. Use the passive (present or past) of these verbs:
blow build clean damage find invent
make(2) pay invent show speak steal
1. The room is cleaned every day.
2. Two trees ... .......................down in the storm last night.
3. Paper.............................. from wood.
4. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two rooms ..........
5. Many different languages................................in India.

6. These houses are very old. They.......about 500 years ago.
7. Many American programmes .........on British television.
8. 'Is this a very old film?' 'Yes, it........................in 1949.'
9. My car..........................last week. The next day it.........................by the police.
10. The transistor................................ in 1948.
11. She has a very good job. She............... $ 3000 a month.
IV) Where were they born?
1. (Ian / Edinburgh) -> Ian was born in Edinburgh.
2. (Sally / Birmingham)
3. (her parents / Ireland)
4. (you / ???)
5. (your mother / ???)
V) Complete the sentences, using the verbs in passive form
cause employ cover make show hold repair use
1. Cheese _____________________ from milk.
2. The roof was damaged completely. It has to _______soon as possible.
3. Many accidents_______________by careless driving.
4. The meeting____________________next Saturday.
5. It's a big factory. Five hundred people_______
6. Recycled plastic can________to make toys and utensils.
7. A cinema is a place where films__________________
8. Most of the earth’s surface_____________ by water
VI) Change these sentences into the passive voice.
My mother cleans the room every day.
Mr. Robinson teaches us how to speak English properly.
People play football all over the world.
They make these artificial flowers of silk.
They use a computer to do that job nowadays.
They are digging the hole on the wrong side of the road.
He is going to steal your money if you're not careful.

Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem "A visit from Saint Nicholas”
They performed Christmas songs for people in town.
Santa Claus gave children presents on Christmas Eve.
My father decorated the Christmas tree with colored lights.
Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards.
Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival.
They ate all the food before we got to the party.
They held the festival in the communal house yard.
The council leader awarded the first prize to the Mekong team.
My grandfather built this house over 40 years ago.
Our form teacher will hold a class discussion next Monday.
John will collect me at the airport.
Nick will bring the pizzas to our house.
They were cleaning the floor when I arrived.
He has spelt this word wrongly.
The boy has just broken the vase of flowers.
My friends have given me a book.
Your teacher must sign this form.
They used to drink beer for breakfast in England years ago.
I have to finish my homework before bed time every ady.
You can buy discount books in the shop if you are students.

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