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MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Unit 1: Traveling
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 1)
Fred: Hey, Angela! Can you believe summer __________ is ________ ________ _____? What are you and your family
___________ ___ ____?
Angela: Hey, Fred! I know! I am _________ _______. My family and I are going caravanning this summer. We are
_________ _______ ___ ____ ________.
Fred: What a ____________! My family and I are going ______________ too, but we are going in the ___________.
Angela: That ________ ____ nice. I went to the ___________ last year. I really like caravanning.
Fred: Me too! It is a lot more _____________ and __________ than camping outdoors. Also, you don’t have to
_________ ________ getting ____ ____ _____________.
Angela: Exactly. Hey, ______ ______ is your family’s caravan?
Fred: It is _______________ – a good ____ for the size of our family. It ________ about 4 people. It is pretty
________ though. We don’t have any of those _________ ________ like big TVs or _____________. How about
Angela: Ours is really big – but we need all that space. It has _______ ____ all 6 of us, and a ________ of cool stuff.
We have a TV, ____________, stove, ___________ and ________.
Fred: Wow! That sounds __________. Well, have a ______ __________!
Angela: You too!
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 2)
1) Backpacking is a ________ _____ ____ young people to _______. Backpackers ______ all their ____________ in
one big backpack and normally stay in cheap ______________ like youth hostels.
2) Camping is a ________ _____ ____ outdoor ____________ to travel. Campers travel to ________ parks or
mountains, _____ ___ a tent outdoors, and sleep there.
3) Caravanning is a ________ _____ ____ families to travel. Caravanners ________ ______ to wherever they want
and ________ ___ their caravans.
4) Jet _________ is the way very ________ people travel. ___________ travel to ________ places __ ________
______ and stay in _______ hotels.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 3)


MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Hello, everyone. Welcome __________ on this beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon. Today is day one of our fiveday _____________ ________. I hope you are all as excited ___ ____ _____. We will _________ today ___ 3 PM,
________ ___ the Bahamas tomorrow afternoon, and ________ here to Florida on Friday at 5 PM. Please remember:
There will be a _____________ _________ ______ at 5 o’clock today on the eighth and nineth floors. Also, dinner is
________ every day on the fifth floor _________ 5 and 9. If you want to do any ___________, there is a list of
excursions on the ___________ _________ in your room. When you have _________ the excursions you like, please
________ your _______ at the excursion ___________ ______ on the third floor. We ________ _____ and all
_______ _______ ______. If you have any questions, ________ ______ the information desk. The number is 5555673. It is our __________ ___ ________ you during the cruise. Please do not be _____ to ask any questions you
might have. Have fun and ________ _____ ______ _____ ____!
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 4)
Angela: Hey, Billy. I think I _____ ______ _________ ___ ____. Does he work for the Travel _________?
Billy: Hi, Angela. Yeah, he does. He started working there ______ ____ __________. He has the coolest job. I am
really _________.
Angela: What exactly does he do?
Billy: Well, you saw him on the program Adventure Seekers, right?
Angela: Yeah, that sounds right.
Billy: OK. Well, he and three other guys ________ ________ _____ ________ and do lots of exciting stuff.
Angela: _______ _______?
Billy: They do stuff like bungee jumping, sky diving, mountain ___________, and ________ snowboarding.
Angela: Whoa. Do they do ____________ ______ exciting?
Billy: Hmm. They also eat lots of _______ _______. Last week they ate ________ _______ in Peru.
Angela: Wow! I will have to watch it more.
Billy: You should. It comes on ______ ___________ ___ 8 PM.

Unit 2: The Best Mountains around the World
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 5)


MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Karen: This place is ____________, Brad. Thanks for taking me here.
Brad: No problem, Karen. I am happy you could come.
Karen: How did you _______ _____ about this mountain _________?
Brad: I read about it in my ___________ ___ Korea.
Karen: What is the name of the _____________ again? It is ______ _____ ___ to remember.
Brad: ___ ___ ________ Seorak Mountain.
Karen: Oh, that’s right. Well, it is the most _________ mountain I’ve ______ _______ ___.
Brad: _______ ________ we actually start hiking. This park is ________. They have Buddhist __________,
___________, huge rocks, and beautiful ________.
Karen: I am really excited! ______ ________ ________ have you been here?
Brad: This is my _______ ______. But the park is so big, I _______ _____ _______. And it is even more beautiful in
the fall. All the ________ _______ ________, and the place is just __________.
Karen: Wow. I will ask my friends if they want to come in the fall then.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 6)
1) Mount Everest is the ________ ___________ ___ ____ _________. It is _________ in Nepal and Tibet, and it is
8,850 meters tall. The first successful ________ was in 1953.
2) Mount Kilimanjaro is the ________ ___________ ___ Africa. It is __________ in Tanzania, and it is 5,895 meters
tall. The first ________ ___ ________ was in 1889.
3) Annapurna is the most ___________ ____________ in the world. It is _________ ___ Nepal, and it is 8,091 meters
tall. The first year climbers ______ ___ ___ ____ _____ was in 1950.
4) Mount Blanc is the ________ __________ ___ Western Europe. It is _________ ___ the ________ ___ France and
Italy, and it is 4,807 meters tall. The first _______ ___ _______ was in 1786.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 7)
This is a special _____________ ____ all mountain lovers in Asia. Are you looking for a new and ___________

_______? The Japan Tourism Group would like to _______ ____ ___ come and climb Japan’s most famous mountain,

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain ___ _______, and it is __________ __________. It _______ ___ just
over 3,770 meters high. Most climbers do not actually climb the whole thing though. They start at the fifth station,
which makes the climb only around 1,500 meters. To reach the ________ _____ the fifth station normally ________
around 5-7 hours, and if you want, you can _______ ___________ on top of the mountain in a ____. The ________
climbing ________ is from July 1st to August 27th, and the mountain __ ______ __ ________ by ________
______________. It is located 62 kilometers ____________ of Tokyo, and it takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to reach ___
_____ ___ ________. We hope to see you all there this summer!
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 8)
James: Welcome to the Banff Visitor Center. Is this your _______ _______ ______ at Banff National Park?
Meredith: Yes. Well, I _________ ____________. So it is my first ______ _______, but the second day.
James: Great. ___________ ____ our park! What do you think so far?
Meredith: This place is great! The Canadian Rocky Mountains are really beautiful, and the skiing and snowboarding
are awesome. I ________ ______ _______ ______ to Canada years ago!
James: I’m ______ ___ ______ you are having fun. Do you know any of the history of this park?
Meredith: Hmm. _____ ________. I _______ a few things, but I forgot all of them.
James: Well, the park was __________ ___ 1885. It started _________ _________ in the early 1900s, and now it is
one of the most popular parks __ ___ _________.
Meredith: Cool. Hey, you _______ ___ _______ a lot about this place. Which mountain is the tallest mountain __
____ __________ __________?
James: That would be Mount Robson. It is 3,940 meters tall.
Meredith: Wow! I will have to go ______ __ _________ ___ that later. Oh, sorry, I have to go; I’m meeting my friend
___ __ _____ ___________. Thanks for all the information.
James: ____ __________. Have fun!

Unit 3: The Best Beaches around the World
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 9)
Ryan: Mom, what are you reading?
Mom: Hey, Ryan. It’s a ____________ _________ about the best ___________ in the world.

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Ryan: Which beach _______ __ _____ is the best?
Mom: The _________ ________ actually say one is the best. It just talks about three of the ________ ____________.
His favorite three are the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand, Playa del Carmen ___ _________, and Corfu in Greece.
Ryan: What is _______ ___________ beach, Mom?
Mom: Ryan, you know I haven’t been to many beaches. But ______ _____ ____ _________ I’ve seen, I think the
beaches of Bora Bora Island are the best.
Ryan: Is Bora Bora __ _________ in French Polynesia?
Mom: Yep!
Ryan: Why is it your favorite?
Mom: Because it has the _________ _______ of any place I have ______ _______. And I heard the ___________
_______ is amazing.
Ryan: Maybe if we are really nice to Dad, he will take us one day.
Mom: __ ________ ___; you know how Dad ________ ________ beaches; he won’t even take us to the beach __
_______ ______.
Ryan: I know.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 10)
1) Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is _____ ___ ____ _______ beaches in South America. It is _________
_____ its beautiful _________ and ________. The best months to ______ Ipanema Beach are September and
2) White Sand Beach on Boracay Island in the Philippines is _____ ___ ____ _______ beaches __ _______. It __
________ _____ its beautiful white _______ and great scuba diving. The best time to ______ Boracay is from

October to December.
3) El Palmar in Southern Spain is _____ ___ ____ _______ beaches in Europe. It is ________ ____ its beautiful
_________ _____ and being a great beach for children. The best time to visit El Palmar is _____ May ___ August.
4) Bondi Beach in Sydney is _____ ___ ____ _______ beaches __ ____________. It is ________ ____ having a great
surf ________. The best time to visit Bondi Beach is from March to May.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 11)
Are you _______ ___ work or school? Are you _________ ___ ________ a vacation to someplace warm, __________,
and fun? Well, why don’t you _________ and come down to sunny Miami Beach, Florida? Miami Beach is the
________ __________ ____ your next vacation. Why? Well, there are ___________ ___ _________, but let me tell
you the top five. To start, we have hot and sunny weather ________ __________. That means you can come

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

___________ _____ _______. Second, we are the perfect place for a __________ __________. We have fun stuff to
do for both _________ and _________. Third, the _______ _________ here are some of the _______ ___ ____
_________. We have incredible _____________ __________ all types of __________ _________. Fourth, we have a
_________ _________ ____ wonderful hotels. There are lots of business hotels, family hotels, and even _________
hotels to _________ _______. The fifth, and the most _________, is we have the most beautiful beaches in all of
________ ___________! When you see the white sand and beautiful ______ _______, you _____ never want to
leave! So ______ ___ ___ 555-8679, and _______ ______ ______ _________!
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 12)
Frank: I love New Zealand ___ ______, Michelle. Auckland is one of the _________ ______ I have ever seen!
Michelle: I ________ _______, Frank. Auckland is great. I say we go _____________ _____ tomorrow _______.
Frank: Where do you want to go?
Michelle: Let’s ________ ___ to the north ________ and check out Ninety Mile Beach.
Frank: What! There is a beach here that is _________ _______ ______?
Michelle: Actually, it is only 55 miles long.

Frank: So _____ ___ ___ ________ Ninety Mile Beach then?
Michelle: It is called Ninety Mile beach __________ the people who _______ __ made a __________. At that time
there were no cars, so people _________ the beach ___ ________. And because the horses traveled __________ ___
the sand, it took the horses the same amount of time to ________ 55 miles on the beach as it would take them to
travel 90 miles ___ ______ ________.
Frank: Oh. So people _________ they had traveled 90 miles when they had really only traveled 55?
Michelle: Exactly.
Frank: ____________.

Unit 4: World Mysteries
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 13)
Jenny: Hey, Fernando. Have you ______ _________ ________ the Bermuda Triangle?
Fernando: Hmm. I’m ____ _______. What is it?
Jenny: It’s a _____________ _______ in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Fernando: Why is it mysterious?

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Jenny: A lot of __________, ships, and people have ___________ there.
Fernando: Oh, yes. I’ve heard of that place. I heard it was _________ a lot of those stories were _____.
Jenny: Yeah, it was __________ ______ some of the stories were lies, but _____ _____ ___ ________. And there are
still a lot of people who think it’s a ____________ ______.
Fernando: Well, what do you think _________ ___ ____ _________ things __________ there? Aliens? _________
__________? __________? Mysterious _____ _________?
Jenny: Hmm. It’s ________ ___ _____. I think ________ have __________ ___ ___ _____ it. I read this article on the
________ that said there is a group of aliens that live in the Bermuda ___________, and they __________ people to
do ___________ on them.
Fernando: Jenny! That is nonsense. You know the Internet is full of ______ ________.

Jenny: No. I think this one was real. It had a lot of ___________ __________.
Fernando: Sure, Jenny. ___________ _____ _____.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 14)
1) Area 51 is a ___________ and mysterious ________________ _________ ________ in Nevada. Some people think
it is used to research ________ ____________.
2) ______ ________ are mysterious ________ that ________ in large farm ________ _____ the night. Some people
think they were _________ ____ aliens.
3) The Loch Ness Monster is a ____________ _________ that ___________ lives in the Loch Ness Lake in Scotland.
Some people say it is over 10 meters long.
4) Bigfoot is a __________ _______ that _________ _____ in the mountains of North America. Some people say he is
over 3 meters tall and _____ more than 220 kilograms.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 15)
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Death Valley _____________ Center! My name is Anna, and I am a ___________
__________ here at the center. Today, we are going to talk about a _____________ ____________ that happens in
the California _______: sailing stones. __________ ________ are stones that move without humans or animals
_________them. They are not a ______. They are a real ___________ that scientists have been studying ____
_______. The stones are found in the desert and do not move very often - normally only ________ _________ _____
to three years. They are not just small stones; some weigh ___ ______ ____ 36 kilograms. Scientists know the stones

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

move because they _________ _______ or marks in the ________. Also, scientists have _______ _________ stones
and recorded their ___________ over time. Scientists are still trying to figure out _____ ___ __________. One
__________ is that ice forms on the desert ________, and high winds push the stones. But this theory is still being
_______, so nobody knows for sure.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 16)
Devin: Hey, Sarah. Did you see that _______________ ___ TV last night?

Sarah: Hey, Devin. No, what documentary?
Devin: It was about the Amityville House. Have you ever ________ ___ it?
Sarah: Nope. What is the Amityville House?
Devin: Well, it’s a house on Long Island, New York that is said to be __________ by ghosts.
Sarah: Oh. What’s the story?
Devin: Well, in 1974, a man named Robert DeFeo shot and killed 6 _________ of his family in a house. A year later, a
new family, the Lutzes, moved in.
Sarah: Uh huh.
Devin: OK. So the Lutz family lived in the house for one month, but moved out because they said it was haunted.
________ _____ ________, they claimed a lot of really weird and scary stuff happened.
Sarah: Like what?
Devin: They said the kids had lots of ___________; the house doors opened and closed during the night; strange
green _________ came out of the door locks; and stuff hanging on the house walls _________ ________ down in the
Sarah: Wow. Do you _________ all that stuffed happened?
Devin: Maybe. The family took a lie ___________ ______ about the stories and passed.
Sarah: That is _______.

Unit 5: Extreme sports
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 17)
Jim: Hey, Gina. Did you hear about the _________ going on at the beach this __________?
Gina: No. What’s going on, Jim?
Jim: A ________ ___ professional wakeboarders, ____________, and speedboat drivers are going to _____ ___ a big
Gina: No way! How cool! Is it on __________ or Sunday?
Jim: It’s on both days. Saturday is just for ______________ and kitesurfing, and Sunday is for speedboats.

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Gina: Oh, I ____________ _______ ___ go on Saturday and see the wakeboarding and kitesurfing. I can’t go on
__________ ________. I have something ___ ___ ______ my family.
Jim: Yeah, I can’t go Sunday ________. Do you want to ________ ____ Saturday morning and ___ _________?
Gina: Sounds great. How about 10 a.m.?
Jim: The show starts at 10:30 a.m., so that ________ ___ _________!
Gina: Great. I will _____ _____ ________.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 18)
1) Skydiving is an _________ ______ ___ ________ a person _______ out of an airplane wearing a ____________.
The _______ for the longest skydive free fall is _______ ___ Joseph Kittinger. He ________ ______ an __________ of
31,300 meters, and his free fall _______ _____ 4 minutes and 36 seconds.
2) Motorcycle racing is an _________ ______ ___ ________ people ______ ______ _______ around a track on
motorcycles ___ _______ _________. The _______ ____ the fastest motorcycle ride is _______ ____ Chris Carr. He
drove his motorcycle 590 kilometers per hour.
3) Skateboard jumping is an _________ ______ ___ ________ skateboarders use _______ to jump far ____________.
The _________ _____ the longest skateboard jump in history is ______ ____ Danny Way. He ________ a jump of 24
4) Jetsprint is an _________ ______ ___ ________ people drive _____________ ______ really fast. The _______
____ the fastest jet sprint is _______ ____ Ken Warby. He drove his boat 510 kilometers ___ _______.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 19)
Hello, my ________ skydivers. Welcome to our ___________ __________ on trends and _____________ in skydiving
sports. I want to tell you about a new kind of __________ that is getting __________: wingsuit flying. Wingsuit flying
is skydiving with a _________ _____ called a wingsuit. The wingsuit _________ _____ and lets the wearer ______
_____ he or she is flying. The feeling is like being a _____. It is really incredible. ____________, the sport is _____
____ ____________. Only skydivers with a lot of ______________ can try. If you want to try wingsuit flying, it is
_____________ _____ you have done ___ _______ 500 _________ skydives. That is because it is __________
____________. Even a lot of experienced skydivers have had ____________ and ______ using wingsuits. Oh, and this
is important. If you do want to try wingsuit flying, remember this: While wingsuit flying ________________ _______

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

______ your skydive, you will still need to open a _____________ _________ __________. If you don’t, you will ____
the _________ too fast and die.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 20)
Lauren: Hey, Greg. Aren’t you cold? You’re only ____________ a light jacket.
Greg: No, I’m fine, but thanks for ________, Lauren. Today is _________, and I always _____ _____ on sunny days
________ ____ ______ snowboarding.
Lauren: No ___________ _______. Well, are you going on the ______ ______ today?
Greg: Of course. I love the half pipe! _______ _______, I __________ my first big jump on it. Of course, I ______ like
30 times before I landed it, but when I _________ ____, the feeling was ________.
Lauren: Nice! I can’t do any jumps yet. Who ________ _____ to do jumps?
Greg: Nobody taught me. I ________ _________. I just watched the other snowboarders and _______ _________
_______ I landed one.
Lauren: Wow! I am _________ ___________. I wish I could ___ _______ on the half pipe.
Greg: Why don’t you try today? Just _______ _____. The _____ ___ ___________. If you practice enough, you will be
Lauren: OK. But I don’t want to fall.
Greg: Well, you will ______________ _____, but falling is part of ____________. Don’t worry about falling, and
______ ___ ____ ___.
Lauren: OK. I will _____ ____ _______.

Unit 6: Martial Arts
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 21)
Helen: Hey, Jason! You _______ _______. Where have you been?
Jason: Hey, Helen. I just _______ _______ _______ Brazilian jiu-jitsu class. It was ___________.
Helen: What is Brazilian jiu-jitsu?
Jason: It is a __________ ______. We learn different forms of __________, ___________, and ________________.

Helen: __________ art? Like karate?
Jason: _______ ___. There are many martial arts, but each one has different _______ and ____________.
Helen: Cool. But I have a question. Aren’t most _________ _____ from Asian __________? How was one _________
in Brazil?

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Jason: Well, Brazilian jiu-jitsu _________ its _______ back to Japan. Back in 1914, a famous Japanese martial art
_________ named Mitsuyo Maeda ________ __ ________. He began teaching a Japanese _________ ___ _________
called judo to Brazilians. The sport became popular and the name changed to jiu-jitsu.
Helen: Cool. Hey, I have always wanted to _________ a _________ ____. Can girls ______ in Brazilian jiu-jitsu too?
Jason: Of course! If you want, you can come to our next class and _________. That way you can see if you really want
to ______.
Helen: That sounds great!
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 22)
1. Kalaripayattu is an _________ Indian __________ _____. It is one of the oldest fighting systems ___
____________. Some Kalaripayattu ________ are the ____ ________, elephant stance, snake stance, and fish stance.
2. Karate ____________ in the islands which are now known as Okinawa, Japan. It became popular in ____________
Japan in the 1920s and ______ all over the world. Some Karate skills are the ______ _______, ________ hand,
_________ punch, and inside block.
3. Muay Thai is a _________ _____ that is popular in Thailand. It is a very important part of ________ ___________,
and it is the __________ __________ sport of Thailand. Some Muay Thai skills are the upper-cut, hook, ____, and
__________ _______.
4. Savate, also known as French kickboxing, is a _________ ______ that ____________ in France in the early 19 th
_________. The name means “old shoe” because that is the type of _________ that ___________ wear during fights.
Some savate skills are the round-house kick, ______ ______, low kick, and __________.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 23)

Good afternoon, __________ ____ _____________! Welcome to the World Taekwondo _______________ here in
Copenhagen, Denmark. We would like to ________ everyone for coming. It is a _________ here at the World
Championships to give the _________ a brief ___________ about taekwondo history and culture. So, here we go.
Taekwondo is a martial art that _________ __ Korea. It _______ its roots ___ ____ ____ _______ to the Goguryeo,
Silla, and Baekje ____________ of ancient Korea – starting around the 1 st century. ___ ______ _______, the martial
art was called taekkyeon. It was __________ throughout Korean history up until modern times. In 1955, the name
was changed to taekwondo. Then, in 1959, the Korean Taekwondo ______________ was formed. _________
_______, taekwondo made its debut _____________. Today, taekwondo is the most popular martial art worldwide. It
is practiced in over 123 ___________ and has over 30 million _____________. It is also an __________ Olympic
________. Thank you for __________, and I hope you enjoy today’s championships.

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 24)
Sally: Whoa, Tim. What is that thing?
Tim: Hey, Sally. You mean this?
Sally: Yeah. Is that a ________?
Tim: Nope. This is called a foil. I know it looks like a sword, but it’s not sharp or ____________. I use it for my fencing
Sally: What is __________?
Tim: It is the sport of _______ _________. We __________ fighting each other using foils. It is really a lot of fun.
Sally: Oh, wait. I know what fencing is. I have seen it on the Olympics. It looks like two people _______ ________
Tim: Exactly. The sport is actually one of the ________ __ _________. There is ________ that people practiced
fencing back in Egyptian and Greek _______.
Sally: Wow. How long have you been fencing for?
Tim: This is my second year. I _______ ______ ___ though. I want to be a ___________ fencer one day and
__________ in the Olympics.

Sally: Well, practice hard and good luck!

Unit 7: Qualities for Occupations
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 25)
Ms. Reynolds: OK, students. _________ ________ up. We are going to ______ __ very important ______ today.
Peter: What! Ms. Reynolds! That is ____ ______! You never said we had a test today.
Ms. Reynolds: _______ ________, Peter. This is not an English test. It’s a personality ______ test.
Peter: ______ _____ ____ _________ a personality test? This is English class.
Ms. Reynolds: I know. But since we are talking about _____________ today, I thought it would be ______ _____
_____________ to know their personality type. That way, you can learn what _____________ you will be
___________ doing in the future.
Peter: How will a personality test _______ ____ that?
Ms. Reynolds: Well, __________ ____________ _________ certain personal qualities. For example, sales people
should be ___________ and like working with people. __________ teachers should be _________ and like teaching

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

children, and _________ should be good __________ and organizers.
Peter: Oh, I get it. And then we can read ________ ___________ are the best for people with our personalities, right?
Ms. Reynolds: Exactly.
Peter: Well, what are the ____________ personality traits for __________?
Ms. Reynolds: Firemen. Hmm. Firemen need to be ________, and they cannot be _______ ___ taking risks.
Peter: Oh, good. I am not scared of anything!
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 26)
1) A _________ is someone who is an _________ ___ the law and ___________ people in court. Lawyers need to be
good at __________ ______ people and be ________ ________. Bill Clinton was a famous lawyer who went on to
become ___________ of the United States.
2) A __________ ____________ is someone who _______ ___________ ____________ and ______ them. Computer

programmers need to be __________ and ________. Jerry Yang is a famous computer programmer who helped start
the ________ ________ _______ site yahoo.com.
3) A ____________ ________ is someone who _________ the _______ that __________ say on TV. Television writers
need to be __________, funny, and good at working _______ _________. David Cohen is a famous TV writer who
wrote for one of the most successful TV ___________ ___ ____ ________, the Simpsons.
4) A _________ ________ is someone who works to help ______ _________ feel better. Doctors need to be
_________, ___________, and be able to remember a lot of ____________. Christiaan Barnard was a famous doctor
who _________ the world’s first heart ____________.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 27)
Hello! This is an important _______________ ______ Big Image Studios in Los Angeles, California. We are _________
_____ new computer ___________ ___ ______ our company. Computer animators are people who are _________,
_________, _____________, and good at computers. They _______ their days working with fun and __________
_______. Computer animators are the artists who make all the fun ____________ we see in new cartoon movies.
Movies like Shrek, Cars, and WALL-E were all _______ ____ computer animators. If this sounds like an interesting job,
and you want to ________, please __________ Danny Kim at our head office. We are ________ ________ 50 new
animators this month. It is OK if you don’t have any ___________; we will ________ ______! The number to our
office here is 310-555-7575. We hope to ______ ______ ______ today!
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 28)
Wendy: Hey, Tony. I have kind of a __________ _________.
Tony: What is it, Wendy?

MSBS BOOK3 Dictation Activity

Wendy: Do you think I am __________, _________, and funny?
Tony: Are you serious, Wendy? You are very funny, ________ ____________, and incredibly artistic.
Wendy: OK, just _________.
Tony: Why do you ask?

Wendy: Well, I have always wanted to be ___ __________, and I just read in this ____________ that those are the
three most __________ _____________ needed.
Tony: Wendy, you already know you are __________ ___ ___ a successful actress. You have had the _______ ______
in every school play for 3 years ___ __ _____! And, you went to that famous ________ summer camp last summer.
Wendy: Yeah. I know. But I’m still ___________. I also read in this magazine that 85 ________ ___ ________ ____
___________ are _____________. That means only the best ones are ___________.
Tony: Yeah. But Wendy, you will be _____ ___ _________ 15 percent ____ _______ ___. I can feel it.

Unit 8: If I were president…
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 29)
James : Mom, what are you _________ ___?
Mom: It is a _________ ___ the president.
James: What is he talking about?
Mom: The _________ ______. Presidents always talk about the same three things: the __________, _____________,
and ____________.
James: What do they say about those things?
Mom: How they _______ ___ ________ them better and more ___________. But they normally never do anything.
They are all a bunch of _______ ____________.
James: Well, all that stuff sounds ________ __________. If I were president, my __________ would be a lot more
Mom: Oh, really? And just what _________ you talk about ___ _____ ______ the president, James?
James: I would talk about all the cool stuff I would do to ______ ______ _________ for kids. Things like building new

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____________ ______, giving kids more ______ _____ from school, and making ___________ ________.
Mom: OK, James. If you _________ ____________, you can talk about __________ you want. But you aren’t yet, so
now you need to go _________ ______ _______.

James: Fine. But when I am president, nobody will _______ ___ ___ _____________.
Mom: OK. Sounds good, James. ______ _____ when you are finished.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 30)
1. Nelson Mandela was a __________ __________ ______ South Africa. He won the _______ _________ Prize in
1993 for ________ the foundation for a new ___________ in South Africa.
2. Yasser Arafat was a __________ __________ ______ Palestine. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for
____________ ________ in the Middle East.
3. Kim, Dae Jung was a __________ __________ ______ South Korea. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 for
_____________ ____________ and human _______ in South Korea and East Asia in general.
4. Al Gore was a __________ _________ __________ ______ the United States. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in
2007 for ________ _________ how humans have helped ________ ________ __________.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 31)
Good afternoon, _______ __________. Thank you for _________ ___ ________ to my speech. My name is Sally
Fields, and I want to be _________ your class __________. At our school, there are a lot of things that need to ___
_________. If you ________ ___ president on April 10 th, I will try my best to _______ those changes _________. You
are probably ___________ what changes I am talking about. _____ ____ _______ them to you now. First, I want to
__________ our school’s ________. We don’t have enough new books. That puts us at a ____________ for learning,
and it is not fair. Next, I want to ________ the food in the school ___________. The food ________ is ______
_______, boring, and ________. We should have more _______ ____ _______. Third, I want the school to _________
the computer _____. All of our computers are slow and _____________. Having up-to-date computers is important
for any good school. If you like my ideas, please ______ _____ ____, Sally Fields, on April 10 th.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 32)
Billy: Hey, Christina! Have you ever _________ _______ what you would do if you were _______ __________?
Christina: Hey, Billy. No, I guess I _______ _______ __ be president.

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Billy: Why wouldn’t you want to be president? It would be the ________ _____ in the world.
Christina: It seems too _________ ____ me. Everyone is always ______ ___ the president. Plus, people ________ him
to solve problems he can’t _________. I think it’s _______.
Billy: Hmm. I guess I never thought about it _____ ______. But you have to ______, presidents get to do a lot of
interesting things, and they get to meet a lot of interesting people!
Christina: That is ____________ ______. Well, what about you? What _________ ____ ___ if you were president?
Billy: Hmm. One thing I would do is make school ______ ____ ___________. If everybody got a ________ ___
________, then the country would be a better place to live
Christina: That is a good idea. Anything else?
Billy: I would also make a _________ so more students could ______ ________. That way, students could have new
__________, learn new ideas, and ______ _____ _____ here.
Christina: Those are great ideas, Billy. I think they would be ___________ to __________ though. But if you ever run
for president, I will ______ ____ you.
Billy: Thanks.

Unit 9: If I won the lottery…
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 33)
Julie : I can’t believe it. This is ________! Fred, you have to come see this!
Fred: Julie, what are you so ________ ______?
Julie: I just almost won the ________.
Fred: How do you ________ _____ the lottery?
Julie: I was only _____ _________ ____. My ticket number was 1443, and the winning ticket was 1444.
Fred: So, _____ _______ _____ ______.
Julie: Yeah, I lost. But I was really close!
Fred: I have to _______ that is pretty exciting. Where did you buy the ticket?
Julie:From the _____________ store on Johnson Street. That is where I _______ _____ my lottery tickets.
Fred: Cool, ___________ next time you will actually win.
Julie: I hope so! And if I win, I will buy you a new bike.
Fred: Oh! That ___ _______ ___ ______. What would you get for __________ if you won?
Julie:Hmm. I would buy a big-screen TV, some new clothes, and a lot of video games!


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Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 34)
1) Evelyn Adams won the New Jersey _________ ________ for a total of 5.4 million dollars. However, in a ____ years,
Adams had lost all her money to _________ and ______ friends. Three years later, she was very poor and living in a
tiny _________ _____.
2) Janite Lee won 18 _______ dollars in the Missouri lottery. ________ ____ ____, everybody called her and ______
____ money. Janite Lee never learned to say no, and in eight years, she was ______ and had to _____ ____
3) Ken Proxmire won 1 million dollars in the Michigan lottery, but he _____ ____ ____ _______ to bad business
__________. Five years later, he _____ ________ and returned to his old job as a factory ___________.
4) William Post won 16.2 million dollars in the Pennsylvania lottery. Among other things, he _________ an airplane, a
____________ in Florida, a boat in Mississippi, and a mansion in Pennsylvania. Just a few years ______, William was
broke and had __ ______ most of his stuff to ____ ____ _______.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 35)
Hello, Students! My name is Greg Simpson, and I want to talk to you about money ____________. I won the lottery
ten years ago. I had read in the newspaper about _______ _________ who went from having millions to being
__________, so I wanted to learn from their ____________. My ___________ was small __________ ___ others. I
won about 300,000 dollars, but instead of spending it, I ________ it. Today, my 300,000 dollars is worth over 2
million. What I want you students to learn is that you need to ___ ________ ______ your money. The first thing I did
after I won the lottery was ______ ____ ____ ____ _______ I had. Then, I _________ ______ _____ _______ over
with the bank and made a lot of _______. I did not buy a new house or a new car. I did not _____ my job either. I
continue to work and save. Now, I _____ __ ________ ______ and don’t have to stress about money. That lottery
money will _____ ____ my kids to go to university and help me ________ a little early.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 36)
Emily: Hey, Jim. You _____ ________. What are you thinking about?

Jim: Hey, Emily. I was _________ ______ all the stuff I could buy if I won the lottery.
Emily: Jim, you aren’t _____ _________ to play the lottery. You are only 15!
Jim: I know, ____ ___________ it’s fun just to think about it.

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Emily: So, what stuff would you want to buy?
Jim: Well, first, I would buy a _____ ________ to play in all by myself.
Emily: What else?
Jim: Hmmm. Then, I would build an ____________ ______ in the backyard with roller coasters and ______
Emily: Oh, that would be fun. Anything else?
Jim: Yeah! After that, I would buy a ________ _____ _______ car to drive around in.
Emily: Wouldn’t you want to _____ __ __________ _____ your good friend Emily? Or any of your other friends?
Jim: Hmmm. No, _____ _________.
Emily: Jim!

Unit 10: My Luckiest Moment
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 37)
Julie: Brian, I had the most ________ ____________! I must be the __________ ______ in the world.
Brian: What ___________, Julie?
Julie: Well, I went with my dad on ___________ ___ ______ ___ my mom from the airport. When we got to the gate,
there were tons of paparazzi there with cameras.
Brian: What was going on?
Julie: That is what I wanted to know. So I went and _______ one of the guys, and he said that David Beckham was
________ ___ _________.
Brian: Are you _________?
Julie: Nope! I waited __ ____ _______ to see if it was true, and about five minutes later, Beckham _________ ______

___ the airplane.
Brian: What did you do?
Julie: I _________ “David I love you.”
Brian: __________?
Julie: Yep. Then he saw me and came over and _______ __ __________ _____ ___. I have the picture right here to
________ __!

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Brian: Wow! That is so cool! I wish I had a picture with David Beckham!
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 38)
1) My name is Kimmy, and my __________ _________ __________ at the mall last summer. I was there buying a tshirt, and as soon as I ______, the lady told me I was the 1 millionth __________. I won 1,000 dollars!
2) My name is Rick, and my __________ _________ __________ last fall ___ _________. I was __________ out of a
group of 50 students to take a month-long trip to France for a _________ ________. It was the best _______ ___ my
3) My name is Cindy, and my __________ _________ __________ two weeks ago ___ _______. I have always wanted
to be a _______ _________, and for my birthday, my aunt _________ me ice skates and skating _________. I was so
4) My name is Jim, and my __________ _________ __________ last summer _________. My family and I were
_____________ in Hawaii, and we saw a big group of _______ playing in the water. Our _______ ______ seeing
dolphins was very _____, so I felt really special.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 39)
Hey, guys. My name is Danny, and I want to talk to you about ______ ______. For years, my mother ________
______ me to wear a ________ when I ride my bike. And for years, I ______ ________. That moment changed on
July 22nd last year. It was 9 am, and I left my house to go to school __ ____ _______. As usual, I did not wear a helmet.
But when I was 5 minutes _______ ______ my house, I had a ________ ________ that I should _______ _________
and ______ ___ my helmet. So I did. I went home, put on my helmet, and __________ ___ school. About 10 minutes

later, I was _________ ___ ______ on my bike and was ____ ___ __ speeding ____________. I ______ into the air
and _______ _______ on my back and head. It ______, but I was not ________ ________. At the hospital, the doctor
said if I hadn’t been wearing a helmet, it could have been ______. It was one very lucky day. Ever since that day, I
always ______ ____ _________. I _________ all of you do too.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 40)
Samantha: Hey, Matt. Did you hear ______ _________ ___ James ______ the summer?
Matt: Hey, Samantha. No, I _______. What happened?
Samantha: Well, did you know James’s brother, Tim, is an ______ ___ __________?
Matt: Yeah, I heard about that. He is an _____________ star, right?
Samantha: Totally. Anyway, Tim just got the ________ ______ in a big action movie that is going ___ ___ _____ in 2

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Matt: Cool.
Samantha: But ________ ___ _______. James has always been __________ ___ his brother because James really
wants to be an actor too.
Matt: Yeah, I remember James said he goes to acting summer camp every year.
Samantha: Well, James and his parents were out ________ Tim, and they got to meet the __________ of Tim’s new
Matt: OK.
Samantha: This is the good part. _______ the director met James, he really liked him and _________ him a _______
______ in the movie.
Matt: No way!
Samantha: Yep. James is really happy; he ______ it was the best thing to ever happen __ ______. He gets to
_________ 6 weeks in California and is going to be in a _____ _____________ _______. How cool is that?
Matt: So cool! I am really _________ ____ ______.

Unit 11: Running Your Own Business
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 41)
Jake: Hey, Cindy! I was thinking we should ___ _______ ___________ this summer. You know, ______ ______
Cindy: Are you _________, Jake? We are only 14. And what do you mean by business? Do you want to ______
____________ on the street or something?
Jake: Cindy, ________ _____ ________. This is the 21 st century. Kids don’t sell lemonade ___ ____ __________
anymore. I am talking about a real business.
Cindy: OK, Jake. So, what is your idea?
Jake: Well, I read a story about this kid who _____ ______ selling t-shirts ___ ____ _________. Maybe we could do
the same thing, but ______ _____.
Cindy: OK. So, you ________ ___ ______ hats on the Internet?
Jake: Yep.
Cindy: What kind of hats?
Jake: __________ caps. We could _____ our customers ________ them. The customers could ________ us what they
wanted, like a name or picture, and we would _______ __ ____ the hat. I _________ know a guy who can make
Cindy: Hmm. It sounds like you have it ____ _______ _____, Jake. What do you need _______ ____?
Jake: 200 dollars.

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Cindy: I don’t have 200 dollars! Sorry, Jake. Maybe you should ask your dad ________.
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 42)
1) Harrison Gevirtz started __________ ________ buying and selling ________ on Internet ________ ______ when
he was only 12. Today, he ________ around the world and teaches people how to make money with _______
2) Leanna Archer started _________ her own ______ ______ __________ at age 9. Today, her hair products are a

______ ________, and Leanna has been ___________ ___ newspapers, magazines, and on television shows.
3) Richie Stachowski _________ Water Talkies®, ______________ you can use ____________, at age 13. He won the
______________ of the Year Award, and his product is sold to kids at many different ______ _________.
4) Elise and Evan Macmillan ________ __________ their homemade _______________ chocolates at the ________
________ when they were 10 years old. Later, they started their own business, The Chocolate Farm, and _______
__________ ____________ all over the United States.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 43)
Hello, everyone. Welcome to our first day of __________ _______. Today, we will talk about how to ____ __
__________ _____________. If you are going to ______ __ ____________, you need to remember 5 very important
_____. They are the most important rules in business. The first rule is your __________ ___ _________ needs to be
_______. If there are a lot of ___________ that have the same product, nobody will want to buy yours. Second, you
need to have a good _______ ___ _________. If you work with smart people and _______ _________, you are more
likely to be successful. Third, your business needs to be _______________. You need to _________ _________, and
__________ ________. Fourth, you need to be __________ and have a strong _________ ______. If you don’t have a
plan for your business, you will surely fail. Finally, and most importantly, you need to ________ ______ ___________.
Because remember, ________ ___________, you don’t have a business.
Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 44)
Kyle: Jenny, why do you look so _______?
Jenny: Hi, Kyle. I’m upset ________ in our business class we are __________ how to run a business.
Kyle: Why does that ______ ____ _______?
Jenny: Well, we all had to _____ ____ and run _________ Internet businesses, and so far, my business has been
_______ ___________!
Kyle: What kind of business is it?
Jenny: It’s an _______ _______ shop. Customers buy flowers and cards from our ________, and we send them to

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their friends and family.
Kyle: That sounds like a great idea. _____ _____ __ _______ doing terribly?
Jenny: ___________ ___ my teacher, the business has three main problems: too many ____________, too much
__________, and not enough ____________. She also said I need to find a way to make my flower shop ________
from others.
Kyle: Wow. I guess running a business is ________ ______.
Jenny: Yeah. I’m working to _____ ____ __________, but things aren’t _______ _____ better. My teacher says it’s
________ to have problems _______ ________ a business. She said around fifty __________ of all businesses
______ ______ their first 4 years.
Kyle: Ouch! Those are not very good _____. I hope that doesn’t happen to me when I run my _____ __________.

Unit 12: Heroes and Villains
Listening Practice 1 (CD1, Track 45)
Ralph: Veronica, do you ever _______ ______ _______?
Veronica: Of course, Ralph! I ______ ______ books!
Ralph: Me too! Sometimes, I think about all the ____________ I would want to have if I were a super ______.
Veronica: What ___________ would you want to have, Ralph?
Ralph: Obviously, I would ______ __ _____. But I would like to be _______ __ _______ walls and ________ _____
too. With those three powers, I think I would be _________ ____________.
Veronica: Yeah. Those are some pretty cool powers.
Ralph: How about you? What superpowers would you want to have?
Veronica: I would want to be _______ ___ _______.
Ralph: What does that mean?
Veronica: To _______ _______ to change or ____________ _____ different shapes. Like one second I could _______
_____ a person, and the next second _______ _____ a dog.
Ralph: That would be awesome! _________ ______ _____ want to have that superpower?
Veronica: I _____ __ ______ do it in a comic book once. He could morph into any ________. He was a _______
though. He would morph to look like a bank worker, and then he would _______ ______ ______ the bank. Then,
when the _______ came, he would morph to look like a police __________ Nobody could catch him. It was

Ralph: Wow! That sounds cool. Too bad we aren’t _______ ________ and super villains.

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Veronica: I know. We aren’t even ________ _________ students yet!
Listening Practice 2 (CD1, Track 46)
1) Ted Smith is a __________ _____ in his __________ of Adelaide, Australia. Every Saturday and Sunday, he
_________ ___ the Senior Center there. He spends his time playing games and talking with __________ _________.
2) Dr. Kim is a __________ _____ to the people of Shianoukville, Cambodia. Every year, he spends two months there
_________ a ________ ______ for poor people. He gives people health ___________ and ___________ ________.
3) Andres Segovia is a hero __ ____ ________ of Quito, Ecuador. He _________ two million dollars to help build
schools and _________ ______ there. Thousands of people have __________ ___ _______ ___ _______ because of
his gift.
4) Teddy Allison is a __________ _____ to the people of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He ____________ a ___________
program for Ethiopian university students to study at top universities in the US and Europe. Because of his program,
many Ethiopians have been able to _______ _________.

Listening Practice 3 (CD1, Track 47)
_______ ____ _______ heard the story of Robin Hood? He is a _________ _________ who ________ ________
_____ the rich and gives it to the poor. In the United States in the 1930s, there was something called the Great
___________. During that time, a lot of people ______ their jobs, and people stopped _________ money. Because of
this, many banks closed and did not give people back the money they had put in the bank. A lot of people ______
____ ___ the banks, and some of them _______ ___ _______. John Dillinger was one of those people. He and his
________ went around the United States __________ _______. They stole over $300,000 dollars. Some people
____________ Dillinger to be a modern-day Robin Hood. They said the banks stole from __________ ________, so
they were happy to see an ___________ person steal from banks. __________, Dillinger was _________ and killed by
police. And while some people __________ Dillinger to be a hero, to the police and the banks he _______ _____, he
was a very bad villain.

Listening Practice 4 (CD1, Track 48)
Gillian: Hey, Jeff. Why do you think some people _____ ____ _______________, and other people turn out
Jeff: Hey, Gillian. What do you mean?
Gillian: Well, I was watching a TV program __________ about famous _________ villains and real-life heroes. The
show was asking different _____________ why some people turn into heroes, and other people _______ ______
villains and _________.
Jeff: Hmm. I guess I have never really _________ _____ it. What did the ____________ say?
Gillian: There are two ___________: one is that people are born either ______________ or bad-natured, and they

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_________ _______. The other is that people are born ________, and they learn to be _______________ or
____________ _____ their friends, family, or other things in life.
Jeff: Hmm. Well, I guess I think people are ______ ________, and learn to be good-natured or bad-natured ___
_______. What about you, Gillian?
Gillian: I think people are ______ born good-natured or bad-natured. That is why in some _________ one kid is really
good, and the other one is really bad.
Jeff: Hmm. This is an interesting ___________. I am going to ask my mom and see what she thinks.

Review 1 Units 1 to 12
Listening Review 1.
John: Hey, Cindy. Did you hear about the ___________ ________ ___ this week?
Cindy: Which one, John? The one that’s going on at the ___________ _____?
John: Yeah, that one.
Cindy: Well, I heard there was something going on there ___ __________ and Friday, but I don’t know much about it.
John: Oh. Well, it is a cool ___________. There is going to be a snowboard half pipe show, ski jumping, and

____________ ____ ________. We were _________ if you wanted to come?
Cindy: Hmmm. Well, I am pretty busy on those days. Plus, I _____ _______ _____ mountain sports. Thanks anyway
John: Oh, OK. ____ _________. There is also another _________ _______ on at the beach this summer. Would you
be _________ ___ that?
Cindy: Totally! I love ________ sports. When is it?
John: I don’t know the _________ _______ yet. I’ll call you when I know more. Does that sound OK?
Cindy: Sounds great. Thanks, John.
Listening Review 2
1) Pink Sands Beach on Harbor Island in the Bahamas is _____ ___ ____ ______ ________ __ the Caribbean. It is
_______ ____ its unusual pink sands. The best time to visit Pinks Sands Beach is between March and July.
2) Nungwi Beach in Zanzibar, Tanzania is _____ ___ ____ ______ ________ __Africa. It is _______ ____ its crystal

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clear water and ________ rock formations. The best time to visit Nungwi beach is from July to October.
3) Lanikai Beach in Oahu, Hawaii is _____ ___ ____ ______ ________ __the United States. It is _______ ____ being a
great place to go sailing and windsurfing. The best time to visit Lanikai Beach is from April to October.
4) Turtle Island has _____ ___ ____ ______ ________ __Fiji. It is _______ ____ its exclusivity; only 30 people are
________ on the island at any given time. The best time to visit Turtle Island is ________ March and November.
Listening Review 3
Dave: Mary, why do you look so happy?
Mary: Hi, Dave. I’m happy because I just ___ a 100% on my business class ___________.
Dave: Wow! What was ___ ___________ ____?
Mary: We all had __ _____ ___ and ___ _________ Internet businesses, and my business _____ _______!
Dave: What kind of business was it?
Mary: It was an _________ ______ ______. ___________ bought books and magazines from our website, and we
sent them to their homes.

Dave: That sounds like a cool idea. Were there any ________ reasons it was so successful?
Mary: ___________ ___ my teacher, the business had three main strong points: a ________ work team, good
_____________, and ______________.
Dave: It sounds like you would be a really good business owner.
Mary: Thanks, I want to be an _____________ when I _______ ___.
Listening Review 4
Lauren: I can’t believe it. This is insane! Dean, you have to ______ ____ this!
Dean: Lauren, what are you so ________ ______?
Lauren: I just won the ________.
Dean: What do you mean you _____ ____ ________?
Lauren: I mean I ______ ____ the lottery. Look at the TV. What does it say?
Dean: It says the _________ ________ ______ number is 12846
Lauren: Now, look at this lottery ticket, ______ ______ __ _____?
Dean: 12846
Lauren: See! I can’t believe this. The _______ is only 5,000 dollars, but this is still exciting!
Dean: Wow! Lauren, 5,000 dollars, ______ ___ ________! What are you ________ ___ ___ ____ the money?
Lauren: Hmm. Well, I am going to _______ most of it with the bank. That way, the money will ______.
Dean: That’s smart. Will you buy anything?
Lauren:Hmm. I’ll buy some new ________ and a new cell phone, but that‘s it.
Dean: Good idea. You should have a little fun. Well, ____________!


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