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Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Đak Lak
Trường THPT Lê Hồng Phong
Name: ……………………………………
Code: 543

ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II (2015-2016)
Subject: English
Time: 45 minutes
Class: 10……

I .Choose the best answer (6ms):
1. Which word has the different sound?
A. employed
B. regarded
C. concerned
D. injured
2. You may put your money in a small coin bank _________ keep it safe.
A. so that
B. in order that
C. in order to
D. so as
3. If I had known you were in hospital, I __________to see you
A. will go
B. would go
C. went
D. would have gone
4. Hoa doesn’t cook
her mother.
A. as bad as
B. as good as

C. as quick as
D. as well as
5. We live in ________ old house near ________ station.
A. an/the
B. a/ the
C. _ / the
D. the/the
6. - “
do you like classical music? ” - Because it helps me relax
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Why
7. Living in the countryside is
than in cities.
A. less peaceful
B. more peaceful
C. most peaceful
D. as peaceful
8. Didn’t you think it was an ________ play?
A. amuse
B. to amuse
C. amusing
D. amused
9. Which word has the different sound?
A. plays
B. reads
C. listens
D. stops
10. Their father set the machinery in

A. move
B. movement
C. motion
D. moving
11. Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final match. Germany was the
in the 2002 World Cup.
A. champion
B. winner
C. runner-up
D. second rank
12. Which word has the different sound?
A. knife
B. keyboard
C. knee
D. knock
13. It was not until __________ that I met her.
A. next week
B. last week
C. week
D. the week
14. Which word or phrase is not correct?
The(A) World Cup considered(B) the most(C) popular sporting event in the world(D).
15. Quoc Tu Giam was established on the grounds of Van Mieu.
A. set up
B. taken up
C. made up
D. got up
16. We just have the house

A. paint
B. to paint
C. painting
D. painted
17. She is representative of Vietnamese women, devoted and faithful.
A. attractive
B. traditional
C. educated
D. typical
18. It was a long and
journey so we all were too
to enjoy it.
A. tired-tiring
B. tired-tired
C. tiring-tiring
D. tiring-tired
19. Which word has the different sound?
A. game
B. engine
C. together
D. guest
have overcome many of the challenges by using modern devices.
A. Scientists
B. Scientific
C. Science
D. Scientist
21. Which word or phrase is not correct?
It's impossible (A) for (B) me telling (C) a lie to (D) her.
22. Water

most of the earth’s surface.
A. covers
B. is covered
C. being covered
D. is covering
23. The earth is being ___________ and the future books bad.
A. threatening
B. threat
C. threaten
D. threatened
24. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film
B. scriptwriters
C. cinematographers
D. directors

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms):
Early World Cups were given to countries at meetings of FIFA’s congress. The choice of location was highly
controversial, especially between South America and Europe, the two centers of strength in football. The
decision to hold the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930, for example, led to only four European nations
competing. The next two world cups were both held in Europe. The decision to hold the second of these, the
1938 FIFA World Cup, in France was controversial, as the American countries had been led to understand that
the World Cup would rotate between the two continents. Both Argentina and Uruguay, thus, boycotted the
After the 1958 FIFA World Cup, to avoid any future boycott or controversy, FIFA began a pattern of
alternation between the America and Europe, which continued until the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The 2002 FIFA
World Cup ( hosted jointly by Japan and South Korea) was the first one to be held in Asia, and in 2010, South
Africa became the first African nation to host the World Cup. The system evolved so that the host country is

now chosen in a vote by FIFA’s executive committee. This is under a single transferable vote system. The
decision is currently made six years in advanced of the tournament.
New words: - controversy (n) : sự tranh cãi
- rotate (v): luân phiên nhau
- boycott (v) : tẩy chay
- alternation (n) : sự luân phiên
1. Which country hosted the first World Cup?
2. What did FIFA begin a pattern of alternation between the America and Europe for?
3. When was the World Cup held in Asia?
4. Was the World Cup held in Africa?
III. Rewrite the sentences (2ms)
1. They didn’t begin to learn English until 1980. (Using It was……)
2. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job. (Using If ……… )
3. My parents have two cars. (Make Wh-question)
4. Tom will visit his parents next month. ( Rewrite in passive voice)


Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Đak Lak
Trường THPT Lê Hồng Phong
Name: ……………………………………

Code: 520

ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II (2015-2016)
Subject: English
Time: 45 minutes
Class: 10……

I .Choose the best answer (6ms):
1. Quoc Tu Giam was established on the grounds of Van Mieu.
A. made up
B. taken up
C. set up
D. got up
2. It was a long and
journey so we all were too
to enjoy it.
A. tired-tiring
B. tired-tired
C. tiring-tiring
D. tiring-tired
3. Which word has the different sound?
A. guest
B. engine
C. together
D. game
4. Their father set the machinery in
A. movement
B. move

C. motion
D. moving
5. Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final match. Germany was the
in the 2002 World Cup.
A. champion
B. runner-up
C. winner
D. second rank
6. Which word has the different sound?
A. knife
B. knee
C. keyboard
D. knock
7. Which word or phrase is not correct?
The(A) World Cup considered(B) the most(C) popular sporting event in the world(D).
8. We just have the house
A. to paint
B. paint
C. painting
D. painted
9. She is representative of Vietnamese women, devoted and faithful.
A. attractive
B. traditional
C. educated
D. typical
10. Which word has the different sound?
A. employed
B. regarded
C. concerned

D. injured
11. You may put your money in a small coin bank _________ keep it safe.
A. so that
B. in order to
C. in order that
D. so as
12. Water
most of the earth’s surface.
A. covers
B. is covering
C. being covered
D. is covered
13. The earth is being ___________ and the future books bad.
A. threatening
B. threaten
C. threat
D. threatened
14. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film
B. scriptwriters
C. cinematographers
D. directors
15. If I had known you were in hospital, I __________to see you
A. will go
B. would go
C. went
D. would have gone
16. Hoa doesn’t cook
her mother.
A. as bad as

B. as good as
C. as quick as
D. as well as
17. We live in ________ old house near ________ station.
A. a/the
B. an/ the
C. _ / the
D. the/the
18. - “
do you like classical music? ” - Because it helps me relax
A. How
B. Why
C. Which
D. What
19. Living in the countryside is
than in cities.
A. less peaceful
B. more peaceful
C. most peaceful
D. as peaceful
20. Didn’t you think it was an ________ play?
A. to amuse
B. amuse
C. amusing
D. amused
21. Which word has the different sound?
A. plays
B. reads
C. listens
D. stops

have overcome many of the challenges by using modern devices.
A. Scientist
B. Scientific
C. Science
D. Scientists
23. Which word or phrase is not correct?
It's impossible (A) for (B) me telling (C) a lie to (D) her.
24. It was not until __________ that I met her.
A. next week
B. last week
C. the week
D. week

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms):
Early World Cups were given to countries at meetings of FIFA’s congress. The choice of location was highly
controversial, especially between South America and Europe, the two centers of strength in football. The
decision to hold the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930, for example, led to only four European nations
competing. The next two world cups were both held in Europe. The decision to hold the second of these, the
1938 FIFA World Cup, in France was controversial, as the American countries had been led to understand that
the World Cup would rotate between the two continents. Both Argentina and Uruguay, thus, boycotted the
After the 1958 FIFA World Cup, to avoid any future boycott or controversy, FIFA began a pattern of
alternation between the America and Europe, which continued until the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The 2002 FIFA
World Cup ( hosted jointly by Japan and South Korea) was the first one to be held in Asia, and in 2010, South
Africa became the first African nation to host the World Cup. The system evolved so that the host country is
now chosen in a vote by FIFA’s executive committee. This is under a single transferable vote system. The
decision is currently made six years in advanced of the tournament.

New words: - controversy (n) : sự tranh cãi
- rotate (v): luân phiên nhau
- boycott (v) : tẩy chay
- alternation (n) : sự luân phiên
1. When was the first World Cup held?
2. Was the 2002 World Cup held in Europe?
3. Where was the 2010 World Cup held ?
4. How is the host country of the World Cup chosen today?
III. Rewrite the sentences (2ms)
1. They try their best. They don’t want to lose the game (Using to-inf to join two sentences)
2. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend it myself. (Using If………)
3. She felt better after she took a nap. (Make Wh-question)
4. They didn’t tell the new student where to sit. ( Rewrite in passive voice)


Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Đak Lak
Trường THPT Lê Hồng Phong
Name: ……………………………………
Code: 598

ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II (2015-2016)
Subject: English
Time: 45 minutes
Class: 10……

I .Choose the best answer (6ms):
1. Living in the countryside is
than in cities.
A. less peaceful
B. more peaceful
C. most peaceful
D. as peaceful
2. Didn’t you think it was an ________ play?
A. amuse
B. to amuse
C. amusing
D. amused
3. If I had known you were in hospital, I __________to see you
A. will go
B. would go
C. went
D. would have gone
4. Hoa doesn’t cook
her mother.
A. as bad as
B. as good as
C. as quick as
D. as well as

have overcome many of the challenges by using modern devices.
A. Scientists
B. Scientific
C. Science
D. Scientist
6. Which word or phrase is not correct?
It's impossible (A) for (B) me telling (C) a lie to (D) her.
7. We live in ________ old house near ________ station.
A. an/the
B. a/ the
C. _ / the
D. the/the
8. - “
do you like classical music? ” - Because it helps me relax
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Why
9. Which word has the different sound?
A. employed
B. regarded
C. concerned
D. injured
10. Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final match. Germany was the
in the 2002 World Cup.
A. champion
B. winner
C. runner-up
D. second rank
11. She is representative of Vietnamese women, devoted and faithful.

A. attractive
B. traditional
C. educated
D. typical
12. It was a long and
journey so we all were too
to enjoy it.
A. tired-tiring
B. tired-tired
C. tiring-tiring
D. tiring-tired
13. You may put your money in a small coin bank _________ keep it safe.
A. so that
B. in order that
C. in order to
D. so as
14. Which word has the different sound?
A. plays
B. reads
C. listens
D. stops
15. Their father set the machinery in
A. move
B. movement
C. motion
D. moving
16. Which word has the different sound?
A. knife
B. keyboard

C. knee
D. knock
17. We just have the house
A. paint
B. to paint
C. painting
D. painted
18. Which word has the different sound?
A. game
B. engine
C. together
D. guest
19. Water
most of the earth’s surface.
A. covers
B. is covered
C. being covered
D. is covering
20. The earth is being ___________ and the future books bad.
A. threatening
B. threat
C. threaten
D. threatened
21. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film
B. scriptwriters
C. cinematographers
D. directors
22. It was not until __________ that I met her.

A. next week
B. last week
C. week
D. the week
23. Which word or phrase is not correct?
The(A) World Cup considered(B) the most(C) popular sporting event in the world(D).
24. Quoc Tu Giam was established on the grounds of Van Mieu.
A. set up
B. taken up
C. made up
D. got up

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms):
Early World Cups were given to countries at meetings of FIFA’s congress. The choice of location was highly
controversial, especially between South America and Europe, the two centers of strength in football. The
decision to hold the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930, for example, led to only four European nations
competing. The next two world cups were both held in Europe. The decision to hold the second of these, the
1938 FIFA World Cup, in France was controversial, as the American countries had been led to understand that
the World Cup would rotate between the two continents. Both Argentina and Uruguay, thus, boycotted the
After the 1958 FIFA World Cup, to avoid any future boycott or controversy, FIFA began a pattern of
alternation between the America and Europe, which continued until the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The 2002 FIFA
World Cup ( hosted jointly by Japan and South Korea) was the first one to be held in Asia, and in 2010, South
Africa became the first African nation to host the World Cup. The system evolved so that the host country is
now chosen in a vote by FIFA’s executive committee. This is under a single transferable vote system. The
decision is currently made six years in advanced of the tournament.
New words: - controversy (n) : sự tranh cãi
- rotate (v): luân phiên nhau

- boycott (v) : tẩy chay
- alternation (n) : sự luân phiên
1. When was the World Cup held in Asia?
2. What did FIFA begin a pattern of alternation between the America and Europe for?
3. Which country hosted the first World Cup?
4. Was the World Cup held in Africa?
III. Rewrite the sentences (2ms)
1. Tom will visit his parents next month. ( Rewrite in passive voice)
2. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job. (Using If ……… )
3. My parents have two cars. (Make Wh-question)
4. They didn’t begin to learn English until 1980. (Using It was ……)


Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Đak Lak
Trường THPT Lê Hồng Phong
Name: ……………………………………
Code: 517

ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ II (2015-2016)
Subject: English

Time: 45 minutes
Class: 10……

I .Choose the best answer (6ms):
1. Which word has the different sound?
A. knife
B. knee
C. keyboard
D. knock
2. Which word or phrase is not correct?
The(A) World Cup considered(B) the most(C) popular sporting event in the world(D).
3. She is representative of Vietnamese women, devoted and faithful.
A. attractive
B. traditional
C. educated
D. typical
4. Their father set the machinery in
A. movement
B. move
C. motion
D. moving
5. Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final match. Germany was the
in the 2002 World Cup.
A. champion
B. runner-up
C. winner
D. second rank
6. Which word has the different sound?

A. employed
B. regarded
C. concerned
D. injured
7. You may put your money in a small coin bank _________ keep it safe.
A. so that
B. in order to
C. in order that
D. so as
8. Quoc Tu Giam was established on the grounds of Van Mieu.
A. made up
B. taken up
C. set up
D. got up
9. It was a long and
journey so we all were too
to enjoy it.
A. tired-tiring
B. tired-tired
C. tiring-tiring
D. tiring-tired
10. If I had known you were in hospital, I __________to see you
A. will go
B. would go
C. went
D. would have gone
11. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film
B. scriptwriters
C. cinematographers

D. directors
12. Hoa doesn’t cook
her mother.
A. as bad as
B. as good as
C. as quick as
D. as well as
13. Which word has the different sound?
A. plays
B. reads
C. listens
D. stops
14. It was not until __________ that I met her.
A. next week
B. last week
C. the week
D. week
15. We just have the house
A. to paint
B. paint
C. painting
D. painted
have overcome many of the challenges by using modern devices.
A. Scientist
B. Scientific
C. Science
D. Scientists
17. Which word or phrase is not correct?

It's impossible (A) for (B) me telling (C) a lie to (D) her.
18. - “
do you like classical music? ” - Because it helps me relax
A. How
B. Why
C. Which
D. What
19. Water
most of the earth’s surface.
A. covers
B. is covering
C. being covered
D. is covered
20. The earth is being ___________ and the future books bad.
A. threatening
B. threaten
C. threat
D. threatened
21. We live in ________ old house near ________ station.
A. a/the
B. an/ the
C. _ / the
D. the/the
22. Living in the countryside is
than in cities.
A. less peaceful
B. more peaceful
C. most peaceful
D. as peaceful
23. Which word has the different sound?

A. guest
B. engine
C. together
D. game
24. Didn’t you think it was an ________ play?
A. to amuse
B. amuse
C. amusing
D. amused

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions (2ms):
Early World Cups were given to countries at meetings of FIFA’s congress. The choice of location was highly
controversial, especially between South America and Europe, the two centers of strength in football. The
decision to hold the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930, for example, led to only four European nations
competing. The next two world cups were both held in Europe. The decision to hold the second of these, the
1938 FIFA World Cup, in France was controversial, as the American countries had been led to understand that
the World Cup would rotate between the two continents. Both Argentina and Uruguay, thus, boycotted the
After the 1958 FIFA World Cup, to avoid any future boycott or controversy, FIFA began a pattern of
alternation between the America and Europe, which continued until the 1998 FIFA World Cup. The 2002 FIFA
World Cup ( hosted jointly by Japan and South Korea) was the first one to be held in Asia, and in 2010, South
Africa became the first African nation to host the World Cup. The system evolved so that the host country is
now chosen in a vote by FIFA’s executive committee. This is under a single transferable vote system. The
decision is currently made six years in advanced of the tournament.
New words: - controversy (n) : sự tranh cãi
- rotate (v): luân phiên nhau
- boycott (v) : tẩy chay
- alternation (n) : sự luân phiên

1. How is the host country of the World Cup chosen today?
2. Where was the 2010 World Cup held ?
3. When was the first World Cup held?
4. Was the 2002 World Cup held in Europe?
III. Rewrite the sentences (2ms)
1. They didn’t tell the new student where to sit. ( Rewrite in passive voice)
2. She felt better after she took a nap. (Make Wh-question)
3. They try their best. They don’t want to lose the game (Using to-inf to join two sentences)
4. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend it myself. (Using If………)

