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16 ielts bài viết mẫu

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Ielts bài viết mẫu
1, Ảnh hưởng của trò chơi điện tử
Task:Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every
aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the
way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
::Sample answer:
::In recent years, the prevalence of computer games has exerted a significant
effect on children's life. As to whether they affect children negatively, there is an
endless debate. Despite the fact that playing computer games is an effective way to
relieve pressure, the problems associated with study and health cannot be
::Clearly, playing computer games is regarded as a main factor leading to poor
academic performance. With the entertaining nature, computer games will easily
distract children from their studious pursuits. With the passage of time, children
will probably fall behind their peers in academic development. In addition, when
children spend too much time playing computer games, they are less likely to
participate in physical activities, which is one reason why many children suffer
from obesity. As a result, these overweight children’s confidence may be
undermined and their health may be negatively influenced as well.
::Despite these disadvantages, the advantages can still not be ignored. First of all,
the latest research shows that game-playing helps children to hone their
communication and interpersonal skills. In many cases, players work together in
teams to achieve goals, competing against other players. Therefore, their social
skills and teamwork spirit are put to the test. Also, computer games can have
positive and therapeutic effects on players. Games provide an opportunity for
children to decompress and tune out of strains and stresses of everyday life. Giving
their mind time to rest is critical for emotional and mental well-being.
::In conclusion, it is not advisable for children to play computer games, for the
reasons that it not only has a negative impact on their study, but also makes them
lose confidence, although computer games provide a form of relaxation.

::(282 words)
2, The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at
school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
::Cooperation has strongly been advocated by many schools, possibly because
good teamwork spirit is regarded as shared trait among successful groups. It is
believed that organizing children to do team sports is the best way to teach
cooperation. My view is that team sports are of great significance to the cultivation
of teamwork spirit, despite the fact that children can learn to cooperate through
many other methods.
::Team sports are known for the ability that it can improve children’s teamwork
spirit. In the team environment, members need to know how to communicate with
each other and discuss strategies to beat rivals, which can prepare students for both
academic performance and career development. If there are no team activities
provided for children, they may feel lonely and isolated from the outside world.
Undoubtedly, introducing more team sports to children contributes to cultivating
their cooperation spirit.
::Another advantage of team sports is that it can encourage children to obey team
rules. When they are playing together, they have to follow some certain
instructions; otherwise activities or games may not be gone smoothly. In addition,
children are more likely to help each other and realize the merits of others id they
are occupied with team sports.
::Meanwhile, it should be admitted that team sports are not the only way to
cooperation. If the team fails, children may blame their teammate, which is
harmful to both teamwork spirit and their friendship. Clearly, there are many other
social activities that can improve children’s cooperation, including singing in a
chorus and participating in unpaid community service.

::To sum up, team sports provide a good environment for children to cooperate
and encourage them to follow instructions, although we have to acknowledge that
some other activities are also the methods leading to teamwork spirit.
::(296 words)
3, Nowadays, most people learn academic study in university, but others think
we should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
::There is an upsurge in practical knowledge in these years and people have seen
many education courses being totally theory-based. Going to college or learning
practical skills, which is better, has been a discussion among public. In my view,
the choice really depends on different individuals’ needs and will.
::When a student is leaning academic knowledge in university, other skills are
also developed. University education will focus on some exceptional abilities like
organization, interpretation, evaluation and communication, which can help
students to be a well-rounded person. A qualified student should also posses some
important skills, such as problems solving and critical thinking.
::Learning fixing or construction or something practical like these also sounds
reasonable. It is well-recognized that every student has to work after they graduate.
They should be equipped with competence which enhances the transition from
school to work. Besides, an excellent student learner is admittedly important to
society, but more important is his or her productivity. However, college education
focuses more on theoretical knowledge instead of practical abilities, which
distances learners from the real life.
::My view is that this choice is according to different people’s needs and will. For
instance, if a doctor spends 3 years in practicing medicine, his experience will be
more than his peers who stay in college after they graduate. Also, in our society, a
doctor’s reputation is based on his skills and experience.to doctors, practical skills

are more important. However, it may be better to pursue further education for a

philosopher until he gets a doctor degree. Meanwhile, different people have
different wills to do different things, which means they can do the personal choice
for themselves.
::Overall, I think the choice is quite personal and people will make the best
decision based on their conditions.
::(294 words)
4, Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local
people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people.
Sample answer:
::Museums and historical sites are the sanctuary where we can acquire historical
knowledge and cultural heritage. However, it has become less attractive to the local
recently. As well as discussing the factors contributing to this trend. This essay will
try to find its solutions.
::It is apparent that many local people assume that they are consciously aware of
their cities. And they feel less fresh if they have appreciated such places ever
before. In addition, many museum and sites are chargeable. As a result. The local
prefer to enjoy their leisure time at home rather than in museum or historical sites.
::The inescapable fact is that Museums and historical sites are always the first
option to many tourists. For one thing, they can pay the least spending as well as
enjoy the most local knowledge and scenery. For another thing, the revenue of
museums and historical sites account for the most local tourism. Governments are
more pleased to attract tourists to these two places rather than to the locals. If this
situation still continues in the future, there will be less local visiting to the
museums and historical sites.

::One main solution is to enrich their diversity of activities. Museums can hold
some larruping activities, such as Healthy Lecture and Civil Sporting Meeting.
These activities will not only arouse the enthusiasm of citizens, but also add some
color to this city. Besides, at some degree, lowing the price to draw more visits is

also a feasible solution.
::To summarise, tourists will continuously choose museum and historical sites as
their must-visits. However, it is still necessary to take some actions to maintain the
local’s visiting.
::(348 words)
5, It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What
are the causes and how to solve it?
:The acceleration of industrialization and the prosperity of economy benefit our
society a great deal. But with the speeding up of economic development, people
are facing more and more pressure from various aspects of their life. This essay
will explore the causes for the heavy pressure and put forward some feasible
::One of the major causes is that people’s living rhythm has been promoted
immensely with the upgrading of new-knowledge and hi-tech. To keep abreast with
the society, people have to work intensively on the one hand and improve their
knowledge on the other. The economic globalization strengthened international
cooperation and expand people’s scope of activity. The fierce social competition
deprives people of their spare time and makes their life more stressful.
::Another factor comes from the pressure of people’s family. People in the current
society have to shoulder the responsibility of family maintenance. On the one
hand, people have to care for their parents, creating for them a happy and
comfortable life. On the other hand, they have to give their children good
education. To earn more money, people have to work very hard to finance their

::If people live in heavy pressure, they will have problems both physically and
psychologically. To relieve the pressure, I think the following suggestions are
feasible and practical. Firstly, people are suggested to go in for some sports games
in their spare time or at the weekend. Sports can build up people’s physique and

make them vigorous. Secondly, people should communicate with others frequently
and confess their trouble and difficulty to others, which is a very magic way to
release one’s pressure. Finally, people have to find a balance between money and
health. Otherwise, one’s health will be overdrawn and spoiled by money earning.
::In brief, good life should not be obtained at the price of the deterioration of
one’s health. People should improve their living pattern and lead a life of high
quality.(337 words)
6, Some people think instead of preventing climate change, we should find
ways to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
:These days, no one would deny the importance of protecting the environment.But
there is no consensus on how to achieve this end. Some people believe that social
members may try to tolerate the changing climate rather than endeavor to make a
difference.I find it really difficult to justify this argument.
::The climate change and its following impacts indeed have already been on the
global scale and people have to admit this undesired social reality. The reasons for
this may involve the recognition that environmental problems are mainly found in
underdeveloped countries, where industrial or agricultural developments are the
top priorities and have to be placed ahead of environmental issues. As a result it is
likely for these nations to explore it excessive natural resource to stimulate the
economic growth . In the absence of facilities or technologies, those countries have
difficulties in balance the economy and the environment. For this reason a large
number of people will unfortunately sacrifice their wishes of living in a
comfortable zone, but accept the degenerated living surroundings.
::However, this doesn't automatically mean that we may simply surrender in the
battle against the climate change. After all the rare effort may contribute to the

even more outrageous climate disasters,including the glacier melting, drought and
flood. In this case,there must be some measures adopted to prevent the regression.
One possible approach to urge government to enforce strict laws.These laws can

punish environmentally destructive activities and determine businesses and
individuals from releasing astonishing amount of carbon dioxide and other kinds of
greenhouse gas, Which can effectively postpone the process of global warming.
Moreover, in coping with this issue countries worldwide may join forces and make
a concerted instead of working individually for inconsistent targets. For example
those economically and technologically advanced nations can provide their aids to
their less-advanced counterparts in order to restore the environment there.
::As analysed above the climate change seems to be inevitable and inextricably
intertwined with the economic development. However if we collaborate with each
other,this phenomenon can be addressed properly.
::(346 words )
7, Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too moneyconsuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.
As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, Olympic Games has been held
consistently in different areas in the past. Many people believe this sports tradition
should remain, because of its positive influences on the host country. However,
others hold an opposite view that a large amount of money spent on it is unwise.
Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be explored as
::The first reason of supporting Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities
for the modernization of social infrastructure a host city, which can leave a lasting
heritage for the whole community. For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of
highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as
an integration of between land and air traffic. Therefore, contributions to this city
this great sporting event made include a smooth operation of internal market, a
reliable and efficient mobility of persons and goods, and an increased cohesion of
north China, socially and territorially.

::Secondly, Olympic Games also plays a role of economic catalyst for local

society. For one thing, during the process of the game, the inflow of tens of
thousands of athletes, coaches, officers, journalists and audience would drastically
boost domestic economy, such as the consumption of hotels, restaurants,
commodities and souvenirs. For another, many sporting venues which are in
operation after the event is over can be city icons and ideal attractions for tourists.
Expectedly, with a consistent thriving of tourism, many kinds of industries and new
job vacancies can be activated.
::However, demerits of Olympic Games should not be overlooked, and the first
concern is so-called white elephant phenomenon of construction. That is to say,
without long-term planning or practicality, many venues which were built only for
sports with little local interest, have now no use, or are crumbling. For example, In
Greek today, the expensive and once-gleaming Olympic legacy has been a set of
decaying structures. Swimming pools are given over to frogs, beach volleyball and
softball arenas are all literally falling apart, baseball fields have been overtaken by
weeds, dirt and trash is collection in the hallway and corners. In other words, the
investment of billions of dollars into these debris is unacceptable and ironical for
Greeks who are now being trapped in the economic crisis.
::In conclusion, I believe its advantages overweigh the disadvantages. Although
some sports facilities might not be used fully, the overall improvement of urban
infrastructure and economic prosperity sparked by Olympic Games holding are
more meaningful and valuable, to a large extent.
::(433 words)
8, Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental
pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is no doubt that people’s health will be influenced directly or indirectly by
the environment and housing condition. Whether governments should focus more
on the environment and estate has triggered a controversy. I feel that individuals

should take more responsibility for their well-being other than government’s
increasing attention.
::Indeed, the environmental problems and housing conditions are two main
sources for illness and diseases. In many large cities in northern China, haze
weather has become a daily killer, especially causing respiratory diseases in winter.
Also, populace will easily access to viruses and bacteria if they live in a poor
housing condition without any advanced sanitation. Therefore, governments should
give more attention and higher investment in these two areas.
::Compared to individuals, governments have more power to arrange a wide
range of social resources to address severe issues; however, it does not mean that
addressing this problem totally depends on governments. The state is an organizer
or a coordinator in our society instead of a responsibility taker. Although
governments can claim people to enhance the awareness of environment
protection, make policy to strengthen the environment management and invest
estate where they need, public health condition is still a personal problem to some
degree. People have the obligation to form and keep a healthy and positive
lifestyle, or they will still face the threat of illness and diseases even environment
and housing condition getting better.
::In conclusion, people can also need to take responsibility of their well-being as
governments only hold a position as organizer and coordinator. The most feasible
solution may be that governments provide a fine setting on one hand and public
should pursue a healthy lifestyle for themselves on the other hand.
::(283 words)
9, In some countries, secondary school aims to provide a general education
across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of
subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is appropriate in
today’s world?
What range of subjects the high school offers can have a stark and profound
influence on students’ future development. I, to be honest, hold the view that the

general education with a wide range of subjects is beneficial to students themselves
in the long run.
::If students have access to more courses, they are likely to have more
opportunities to choose the subject they prefer or are better at. In this way, the
students can learn with more enthusiasm and passionate and will feel less bored
with their classes. With more motivation derived from their inner hearts, students
can give full play to their potentials and achieve better academic performance.
::Besides, the more diverse subject system can also cultivate more well-rounded
students. The knowledge base of different subjects is distinct from each other,
which can help to foster the students in certain perspective. Mathematics and
physics are helpful to students’ logic and abstract thinking; some humanity subjects
such as literature and aesthetics can enhance students’ capabilities of appreciation
and judgment. There is no doubt that students will become more versatile if they
have grasped knowledge of different subjects.
::It is also true that focusing on the narrower range of subjects can bring some
benefits to some extent. Students can concentrate more on limited subjects and are
more likely to become the specialist in certain fields. Youyou TU, the Nobel Prize
winner in medicine, receives specialized education in TCM and chemistry and
devotes all her life to the research of the anti-malaria medicines, making her
become a world-renowned scientist.
::To sum up, a general education with wilder range of subjects should be
accessible to students because of its benefits to a sounder development of students.
::(284 words)
10, Hạnh phúc là gì
:Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious
relationship with the people in our lives.

::It is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. Family, friends

and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, share our experiences, hopes and
dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. Too often, many of us get on the
fast track of life and take each other for granted. As a new millennium approach,
more people disregard their passion and interests and choose careers based on job
security, pay and professional promotion. As a result, they find themselves isolated
and without friends. Loneliness is a common tragedy that destroys lives.
::Actually we were old enough to remember the old saying "Money doesn’t buy
happiness", yet we strive for the material objects and pay a high price. The essence
of happiness is the unconditionally love we have for the people in our lives and
their unconditionally love for us. To live life only for ourselves will bring us
nothing but sadness and misery.
::A self-centered life is an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major block to happiness.
Our feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem cause us to be takers rather than
givers. Our selfishness is often a mask for fear. If we don’t think too much about
ourselves, we have a lot of work to do in order to enhance our self-worth. We must
live for something greater than ourselves. To be happy, we must get out of
ourselves. An unhappy person must turn outward, not inward, to find happiness.
::I truly believe that the happiest people are those who love many things. They
love children, family and friends. They love sunrises and sunsets. They love life.
They have even learned to love pain and despair rather than viewing them the
opposite of happiness.
11, Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society?
In the last decade, there has been considerable debate over the role of free speech
in a free society. Some object to absolute freedom of speech. Others advocate free
speech, arguing that the freedom of speech is the single most important political
right of citizens in a civilized society. Whilst I believe that there are strong
arguments on both sides, I would suggest that freedom of speech should be
protected in all but extreme circumstances.

::The freedom of speech is important at all levels in a society. Yet it is most
important for the governments. A government which does not know what the
people feel and think is in a dangerous position. This is how the communist
regimes of Eastern Europe were toppled in the 1980s. The same is happening again
in other regions of the world today. The governments that muzzle free speech run a
risk of pushing their people to behave destructively or to rebel.
::Furthermore, without free speech no political action is possible and no
resistance to injustice and oppression is possible. Without free speech elections
would have no meaning at all. Policies of contestants become known to the public
and become responsive to public opinion only by virtue of free speech. Between
elections the freely expressed opinions of citizens help restrain oppressive rule.
Without this freedom it is futile to expect political freedom or consequently
economic freedom.
::In conclusion, I believe that the importance of free speech as a basic and
valuable characteristic of a free society cannot be underestimated. It may be
challenging for society to allow differences of opinion out into the open; however,
the consequences of restricting free speech are likely to be more damaging in the
longer term.

12, Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for
young people, while others believe they don’t. Discuss both these points of
views and give your own opinion.
Model Answer:
::People everywhere like watching sports. Many top athletes are admired
throughout their countries, and some even have fans all around the world. Young
people especially, view many athletes as role models and want to emulate the way
these stars dress, act and live their lives. While some athletes aren't deserving of
their "role model" status, others act like role models and responsible community

::Top athletes get the attention of young people. Most children and teenagers like
to follow professional sports. For many of them, star athletes represent heroes, and
children want to be like their heroes. This means they will want to play sports,
which is good for their health. Playing sports also teaches valuable life lessons
such as teamwork, discipline, goal setting, and the realities of dealing with success
and failure. Professional athletes demonstrate the importance of working hard to
achieve a goal, or practicing regularly to become good at something. This is a good
example for children to follow.
::However, professional athletes are not always good role models. For one thing,
when young athletes reach a level of fame, it comes with media attention, large
financial benefits and social attention. This can lead children to believe that money
and fame are an important part of sports. Children might focus more on these
aspects than on the fun of the game or on the challenge of learning how to play
well. Then there are those athletes who behave badly. For example, some cheat to
win their games or take drugs to improve their performance. This kind of
behaviour sends the wrong message to children.
::Athletes are people who are held at a lofty place in the society owing to their
popularity and wealth. These attributes are what makes people want to look up to

them and model various facets of their lives along those of the athletes. We can
thus be led to conclude that professional athletes can be very good role models for
children, as long as they focus on the positive aspects of playing sports.
13, Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no
specialist knowledge of the following topic:
  According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average
'holiday' is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away
place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to
participate in unusual and challenging activities.
  Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:
::Holidays are important because they provide a break from our normal daily
routine and from the world of work. Traditionally, holidays have been seen as a
time for relaxation and as an opportunity to visit another country in order to find
out about its geography and customs. Nowadays, however, it seems that other types
of holiday are becoming popular.
::Some people want their holiday to be a kind of adventure, and find this more
exciting than going to the beach or visiting museums. On an adventure holiday,
you may stay in quite basic accommodation, rather than a luxurious hotel.
Activities may involve things such as bush walking or cycling, or may form part of
an aid project designed to help communities in remote areas. Holidays such as
these are popular with people of all ages and can often help to promote tourism in
rural environments.
::The increasing popularity of dangerous sports has also boosted the number of
adventure holidays; for example, water sports, mountain climbing or paragliding.
These holidays are more popular with the younger generation, as they can be both

physically and mentally demanding. Participants are often seeking the sort of
thrills that they cannot get in ordinary life.
::There is now greater awareness of the damaging effects of mass tourism and
this may be one reason for the changing nature of holidays. This can only be a
good thing. But perhaps people are also discovering that it is just as refreshing to
take an active holiday, as it is to lie on a beach - though that is still a question of
personal preference.
14, Write about the following topic:
  Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on
your children.
  Do you agree or disagree?
Model Answer:

::I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time
spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen
for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young
child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.
::However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract
children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather
violent. The player is usually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can
encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.
::Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting
information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending
time with other children and sharing nonvirtual experiences is an important part of
a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer.

::In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children
cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of
technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information
available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early
age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need
these skills throughout their studies and working lives.
::I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse
computers. Parents must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds of
activity and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtual world.
15, The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as smoking.
do you think mobile should be banned like smoking?

Since the first mobile phone was invented, this technology has already changed our
lives. However, while it gains its popularity, a lot of criticism also follow.
Personally, I believe that it should not be banned.

::We cannot avoid the fact that the mobile phone brings much convenience to our
lives. In the old times, if we want to contact with a friend in a distant place, we
may write a letter, which will take more than half a month before he gets the letter.
But with the help of the mobile phone, we can get the connection with our friends
in less than 10 seconds. In addition, the mobile phone is able to achieve many
features, such as shopping online, GPS, buying tickets and so on, which not only
saves our time and spending, but also brings much more entertainment.
::At the same time, mobile phone industry creates great quantity of business
opportunities. In the past one decade, mobile phones are sold by hundreds, bu
thousand, by million and provides unaccountable jobs in the modern world as well.
For example, according to a survey, Samsung has made great contribution to
Korean’s GDP. However, the mobile phone also has an effect on our physical and
mental health. As we all know, if we insist to play digital games on our phones, we
may suffer some eye diseases unless we realise its harmfulness. To make thins
worse, nowadays many people would prefer to spend their time with some virtual
friends rather than keep their families accompanied in reality.
::In conclusion, I consider it has more benefits than drawbacks. If the mobile
phone is used at a right place and right time, it still can be put into excellent
usefulness.(287 words)
16, Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for
young people, while others believe they don’t.
  Discuss both these points of views and give your own opinion.
Model Answer:

::People everywhere like watching sports. Many top athletes are admired
throughout their countries, and some even have fans all around the world. Young
people especially, view many athletes as role models and want to emulate the way
these stars dress, act and live their lives. While some athletes aren't deserving of
their "role model" status, others act like role models and responsible community

::Top athletes get the attention of young people. Most children and teenagers like
to follow professional sports. For many of them, star athletes represent heroes, and
children want to be like their heroes. This means they will want to play sports,
which is good for their health. Playing sports also teaches valuable life lessons
such as teamwork, discipline, goal setting, and the realities of dealing with success
and failure. Professional athletes demonstrate the importance of working hard to
achieve a goal, or practicing regularly to become good at something. This is a good
example for children to follow.
::However, professional athletes are not always good role models. For one thing,
when young athletes reach a level of fame, it comes with media attention, large
financial benefits and social attention. This can lead children to believe that money
and fame are an important part of sports. Children might focus more on these
aspects than on the fun of the game or on the challenge of learning how to play
well. Then there are those athletes who behave badly. For example, some cheat to
win their games or take drugs to improve their performance. This kind of
behaviour sends the wrong message to children.
::Athletes are people who are held at a lofty place in the society owing to their
popularity and wealth. These attributes are what makes people want to look up to
them and model various facets of their lives along those of the athletes. We can
thus be led to conclude that professional athletes can be very good role models for
children, as long as they focus on the positive aspects of playing sports.

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