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School violence

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School violence has been occurring all over the world at all levels of the
school. School violence not only occurs in boys but also in girls; Not only
between students and students, but also between students and teachers and
In Vietnam, the latest data from the Ministry of Education and Training
(MOET) show that in the school year, there were nearly 1,600 cases of students
fighting inside and outside the school. According to the Ministry of Education
and Training, about one in five (5,200) pupils had a fight; More than 11,000
students have been forced out of school for fighting; At every 9 schools there is
a school where students fight. School violence has become a concern of many
families, schools and the concern of the whole society by the consequences. The
importance that it causes. This article will give us a better insight into the
aftermath of school violence against families, the school and the students
According to the report of the student body, Vietnam Academy of
Education, the subjects involved in fighting are the majority of pupils at the
lower secondary school and upper secondary school. This is the age where
physiological children have many changes, think bravely, prefer to resolve the

conflict themselves, easily attracted and badly manipulatedby friends.


Violence in school has been normal in the past with simple forms such as
verbal or insulting insults, humiliation or stigmatization of human dignity,
mental harm with words.
Or another form of beatings of physical torture directly affects the body's
health, and violence can only occur through kicking or sticking actions. But
nowadays, school violence is much more bold with guns such as knives, which
make it more likely that the injuries will result in physical injury, bleeding,
panic, psychological shock.
In addition, the girl also has the form of violence is extremely tragic dignity
that is stripped shirt, filming clips to humiliation .. v.v..v
This is also a warning bell for domestic education today. Better education is
needed for students.


In the course of research on issues related to school violence, many
researchers have come up with different perspectives on the concept of school
Abroad, besides the term school violence, people often refer to the term
bullying school. School bullying is also part of school violence and even more
commonplace is bullying and school violence.
Dan Olweus, in his book "Bullying in Schools, What We Know and What

We Can Do" has given the definition in the most general way, bullying in
schools as a " Repeatedly, there is the ill intent of one or more students to
directly fight a student who has difficulty in protecting himself. "
Milton Keynes (1989) defines: "Bullying is a repetitive, aggressive act of
deliberate mental or physical harm to another person. Bullying is characterized
by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over others. "


Another notion that school violence is any form of violent activity or
activities within school facilities. It includes bullying, physical abuse, verbal
abuse, scuffles, shoots, etc. Bullying and material abuse are the most common
forms of violent violence-related violence. Street. However, extreme cases such
as shootings and murders have also been listed as school violence.
Although there is no unified definition in the field of research to date,
however, with such definitions we can understand: school violence is intentional
behavior, use of force or authority Student or teacher force for students, teachers
or others and vice versa. It could be physical violence, emotional violence,
sexual violence, language violence, financial constraints or other behaviors that
may cause physical harm. Mental or physical harm to the victim.
*Affect the students themselves
Both the victim and the perpetrator of the violent act have no consequence.
In many cases of violence, a number of violent incidents have caused serious
physical consequences. Gently may be bruises but may also be serious injuries
to the hospital treatment. Worse yet, many of the violent crimes have killed the
lives of innocent students leaving the pain and suffering not only physically but
spiritually for students and their families.
Children who suffer from violence, especially emotional violence, often








depression ... Fear or obsession with how to deal with violence Bullying of
bullies can make children stressed. Even this condition can last a lifetime. They
do not dare go out or go to school, can not focus on learning.
According to some studies in the United States, bullies are often isolated so
they do not want to go to school because other friends will be alienated by not
wanting to "be together with the haters" or "join with the weak" to him/her self
can also become a victim of bullying. Long-term bullying, in addition to

adversely affecting learning, is also damaging to the development of children,
both socially and emotionally. They are prone to depression and always have a
down-to-earth feeling, which will make it difficult for their lives even as adults.
Even those who only witness, not engage in violent acts are also affected.
Witnessing violent behavior makes them feel scared, and if the perpetrators of
violence are not punished, the witnesses can also crowd in favor of this

behavior, and have More likely to become violent in the future. Surveys in the
United States have shown that those who witnessed silence are 33% feeling
angry but helpless, claiming that they should have done something but did not
dare; 24% said it had nothing to do with them; This if prolonged and repetitive
creates a group of people who are indifferent to the injustice or pain of others.
Many studies conducted in North America, some European countries, and
Asia have shown a strong correlation between the behavior of an individual's
constant childhood bullying behavior Delinquent or inability to maintain good
relationships later in adulthood. At the same time, a student bullied often can go
to suicide or rebellion for revenge.
More serious is the consequence of acts of sexual violence. Not only
physical injury, but mental damage is also very difficult to overcome.
Psychological crisis, mental breakdown, panic, suicidal tendencies, sexual
misconceptions, aversion to friendship - love or misconceptions about life,
revenge Life or to seek forgiveness in the other evils is a particularly serious
consequence. The damage from sexual violence has a long lasting impact, which
when young, they have not figured it out. By the time of marriage, adulthood is
still obsessed with clinging, causing misfortune for the victim's life.
The consequences that school violence causes both physically and mentally
will also directly affect students' learning and futures without timely
intervention. With the effects of health along with psychological anxiety, stress,

fear, students can not learn with the best possible results. Even psychologically
excessive stress can force students to finish their studies, or possibly because of
the violent behavior that the student must receive disciplinary action for
expulsion. Since then, their future turn to another turning point is not very good.
In particular, children who commit acts of violence, abuse of authority from an
early age, grow up to commit more serious offenses than other children.

Children involved in violent behavior, whether in this role or role, are at risk for
alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
*Affect the family
Student behavioral violence will not make parents happy. If the children
fight with you, the school sanctioned by the victim's parents to speak, the most
common way to be treated by parents is to curse, reproach, even beat their
children. That means that they add to their children anger and cause conflict
between parents and children. Family atmosphere will become tenser if parents
blame each other on the management and education of children. No one is to
blame for themselves, spouses arise conflicts only for children. In addition, if
the student's violent acts leave a serious physical consequence, the family must
take a large amount of money to deal with the consequences. That is not to say,
recent school violence has led to the tragic death of innocent schoolchildren.
That pain for any family can not compensate. In the face of severe school
violence, the anxiety of parents is on the rise. Not only worry about learning but
also worry about the safety of the children, worry about the future and the lives
of their children.
*Affect the school
Violent behavior not only affects the victim but also causes the school
atmosphere to become heavy, stressed with fear and insecurity. Adults, both
teachers and parents, sometimes do not even know it, as a natural part of their
adolescence, so that they can solve it themselves (unless the behavior goes too
far). It is not known that repetitive acts of violence will cause physical or

psychological harm to the victim, and adversely affect the overall learning
environment because the students do not perceive them. Safety in the school
itself. Many students refuse to go to school because of fear of being teased by
their friends. This shows that the school environment is no longer healthy,

attractive and fearful of students.
In addition, the student's violent behavior will affect the performance of the
class, the school, and the reputation of the school as well as the teachers. Also
not to mention the violent behavior of the teacher makes the educational
environment at school lose the normality, prestige, honor of the lower teacher
and of course the effectiveness of teaching will not be achieved. As expected.
That is not to say, the violent behavior of the teacher can make students feel
anxious and scared when coming to his class.
* Affect the society
Vietnamese society is deeply influenced by Confucian culture with rituals,
rules and ethical standards. It is thanks to those rituals that the society is always
stable. These cultural traits are ingrained in the minds of each Vietnamese
people with the respect of their father, brothers, teachers and friends. However,
since the country was moving towards a market economy, with the globalization
trend, the country opened up integration, the traditional culture has gradually
changed. These precious moral standards have gradually faded, instead of the
modern culture, hybrid. Cultural adventures are unavoidable, but unsuitable
cultural traits and obscure cultural traditions are not a good thing. Nowadays,
there are students boldly argue teacher, even beat teachers on the podium to the
level of faint; Friends punching, puncture each other occurs quite often. It was
these actions that overshadowed the traditional culture of society, reflecting a
moral decay and alarming behavioral behavior.
Along with influences on the traditional culture of society, violent behavior
in school is also an important part of social disorder. School violence is not just

happening on school grounds but is mostly happening outside the school. School
violence can be between a student and a student, but these can also be "boardwork" behaviors and school-based violence involving outsiders. The social
disorder that it causes is not small. Once school violence takes place, it makes

the social environment no longer healthy, without preventive measures, the
"pollution of the social environment" will be increasingly widespread and
Affects the life, culture and society of the whole country.

For those who cause school violence: try to expand awareness:
- Keep your heart warm with love.
- Hell, by us, paradise is created by our own consciousness of action and
the consequence of the action that he himself has made.
- The coldest place is not the arctic but the place where there is no love.
Recognizing the role of the power of humanity.
- Society needs to have synchronous solutions, closely educate people in
families, schools, the whole society; Attach importance to teaching life skills,
reaching for good deeds.
- There is a decisive attitude to criticize deterrence, education reform,
punishment resolutely set an example for others.
Four urgent solutions to eradicate school violence.
The whole society needs to consolidate and improve the quality of the
social and civilized environment. Measures should be taken to effectively
manage, prevent and remedy the activities that harm the socio-cultural
environment. Violent games are strictly forbidden.

Interested in improving family culture. In each family, adults must be role
models, communicate well behaved, bravely condemn and eliminate violence
away from family life.
Develop a mechanism to closely coordinate the three educational
environments: family - school - society. Press agencies should pay due attention

to the cultural, ethical and legal aspects of the people.
Society and the education sector need to redefine the teacher's role,
position, authority, and responsibility in the moral education of students.
Teachers and schools must be protected in honor and have sufficient
mechanisms to deter students.
The school needs to bring into full play the responsibility of the teachers of
the homeroom teacher to timely grasp the heart, aspirations of individual
Love, responsibility is the most effective remedy to prevent school
"Do not lose faith in people. Mankind is an ocean. If a few drops of water
in the ocean are dirty then the whole ocean is not so dirty. "(Mahatma Gandhi).
This phenomenon is only a very small part of society so it is not that we
lose faith in people in the younger generation. Need to multiply the noble heart,
example good people typical good -> Form the attitude of empathy, sharing,
love to help people in general, the young in particular to the beauty of
personality Charity, promote the traditions of humanity, humanitarian from the
ancients before we have to deal with disease insensitivity


It can be seen that the consequences of school violence are increasingly
evident in the psychological lives of students, the family, the school and society,
which is a warning bell for those who are really concerned. Mind the young and
the future of the country, it will take time, effort and wealth to solve the problem

of school violence. However, in order to do so it is necessary to have a proper
understanding of school violence, a high resolution of school violence, the
education sector, inter-branch levels, The related forces, of the family, the
school, the teacher and the students.

Certified by the unit heads.

Thanh Hoa ,May 20, 2017
I sweat that I do not copy this content
from other owner.

Writer: Vũ Thị Ngọc


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