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Topic some skills in solving language function questions and responses in examinations

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Experience Initiative
School-year: 2016-2017
THANH HOA education and training Department


experience initiative
topic: “Some Skills in solving language function
questions and responses in examinations”.

Teacher : Lê Văn Quân
Specialization: Foreign language

School year : 2016-2017

Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

I. Reason for the study
Language function is an important part of exercise in national examinations,
English test and examinations for gifted students (there are normally from 3 to 5

questions). At first, many students think that these questions are very easy to do.
However, they are the questions making students confused and choose wrong answers.
Used language is to function particular communication such as asking for
information, inviting, advising, thanking, and so on. For that reason, language function
means spoken style and culture of native people. It is these aspects that make
Vietnamese students difficult to choose the correct answers.
Through my own practical teaching in the recent years, I notice that the
textbooks of English 10, 11, 12 give language function and response part in PART B
(Speaking) but not clear and systematically (except Part B–Unit 3–Basic English 12).
In addition, English textbooks in the upper secondary education have very few
exercises of this type designed in the form of the exam questions, so that there is little
chance for the students to practise and get familiar with these exercise.
A number of students at Mai Anh Tuan High School mistake the greeting “How
do you do?”. Their answer to this question is “I do very well or I work very hard”.
They don’t know how to reply this greeting. The response is “How do you do?”
In practice, there are not a lot of useful references for teachers about this kind of
exercise and so some teachers sometimes wonder the key never mind and you’re
welcome in this sentence: “Thanks for your help.”
From the rationales mentioned above, I have decided to write my own
experience initiative on the topic “Some Skills in solving language function
questions and responses in examinations”.
II. Aim of the study
With this experience initiative, I wish to help my students understand more
about the language function and responses of native people. Besides, I would like to
provide the students some knowledge to solve questions of the language function and
responses in a detailed and logical system that is easy for them to learn, to use and to
apply in practice rapidly and productively. Furthermore, through this experience
initiative, I hope to contribute some ideas on issues related to the responses of
language function to the teaching experience sources for my colleagues to use as a
reference in their teaching English.

III. Objective and Scope of the study
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

In this experience initiative, I give basic word phrases and sentences which the
native people often use to reply in daily communication, giving a variety of exercise
systems to help students understand the culture of native speakers more deeply.
The topic was studied in the English programme at high school level (The basic
English textbooks 10, 11, 12) and in tests, exam preparation tests, entrance exams into
university or college designed by the Ministry of Education and Training, English
exams for gifted students in Thanh Hoa and other provinces. It is applied to grade-12
students at Mai Anh Tuan High School in the school-year 2016-2017 to prepare for the
national high – school examination.
IV. Bases of the study:
The experience inititative has been studied based on my own practical teaching
experiences, referring to documents related to the research topic, observing other
teachers’lessons, and consulting my colleagues.

Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

The important point to solve this kind of exercise is you have to understand the
function of communication and spoken style. Thus, if you know how to reply to
different language function, you can do this kind of exercise easily.
Below are some English language functions and responses and some exercises
are given to apply.
1. Yes/ No questions
a. The answer is often (not always) yes, or no, and repeat auxiliary as follows:
Example: A: Do you like classical music?
B: Yes, I do. (Yes, I like.) /
No, I don’t (No, I don’t like.)
b. Sometimes the answer is only “Yes” or “No” and can repeat auxiliary or not.
Example: A: Did you get the tickets?
B: Yes, two days ago. / No, I didn’t. There wasn’t time, I’m afraid. Sorry.
c. Sometimes the answer doesn’t start with “Yes” or “No”.
Example: A: Are you an employee here?
B: Actually, I’m the owner.
A: Is your company opening a branch office?
B: We plan to open one next year.
d. Be careful with negative question.
With negative question, if you agree, your answer is “No”, and if you disagree,
your answer is “Yes”.

Example: A: Haven’t you repaired the car yet?
B: Yes, I did it yesterday.
No, I’m sorry. I haven’t had time.
e. Yes / No question can be used in tag question.
Example: A: He usually gets up late, doesn’t he?
B: Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
f. Sometimes Yes/ No question has specially communicative function.
Example: A: Would you like to come to a party? (Inviting)
B: Yes, I’d love to.
A: Can I carry something for you? (Offering)
B: No, it’s OK, thanks.
1. Harry: “Are you ready, Kate? There’s not much time left.”
Kate: “Yes, just a minute. ______!”
A. I won’t finish
B. I’m coming
C. I’d be OK
D. No longer
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
2. Ann: “Do you need any help?”
Kate: “______.”
A. That’s fine by me
B. That’s all for now
C. I haven’t got a clue
D. No, thanks. I can manage
(UE Examination - A1 by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
3. – “Do you like frog’s legs?”
- “…………..them, I don’t really know.”
A. Never try
B. Not to have try
C. Never having tried
D. Never had tried
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2010 – 2011)
4. Tom: “Wasn't it Mozart who composed Swan Lake?” Jane: “__________.”
A. Yes, he wasn't
B. It's out of question
C. I haven't a clue
D. It's not my favourite
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2014 – 2015)
5. – “Is it far to the international airport from here?”
- “…………….”
A. Yeah, it’s pretty far. B. By taxi
C. None at all D. Sure, no problem
Key: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
2. Choice questions
a. The answer is one of the two options.

Example: A: Are they coming tonight or tomorrow?
B: Tonight. /
They are coming tonight.
b. Don’t use “Yes” or “No”.
Example: A: Are you Chinese or Japanese?
B: I’m Chinese
Yes, I’m Chinese.
No, I’m Japanese.
c. Question with “or” may be an offer.
Example: A: Potatoes or rice?
B: Potatoes, please. / I’ll have potatoes. / I’d like rice. / I’d prefer rice. / Yes, please. /
Potatoes are fine. / I don’t mind.
/ Whichever./Neither.
3. I think so./ I’m afraid not.
a. Use “so” after think, be afraid, believe, expect guess, hope, and suppose.
Example: A: Is Peter coming to the party?
B: I think/ believe/ hope/ expect/ guess so. / I’m afraid so.
b. With negative answer, we only use “so”.
Example: A: Do you think he will get the job?
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

B: I don’t think/ believe/ expect suppose so.
I’m not afraid so.
I don’t guess so.
c. With negative answer, we use “not” only with hope, guess, suppose, believe and be
Example: A: Is Mary coming too?
B: I hope/ guess/ suppose/ believe not./
I’m afraid not.
I think not.
I expect not.
1. John: “Will you be able to come to the meeting?”
Jack: “______.”
A. I’m afraid not
B. I’m sorry not
C. You must be kidding
D. Of course you will
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
2. – “Are my photos ready, please?”
- “…………. We’re having problems with the machine.”
A. I’m afraid not B. I’m afraid so C. I hope so
D. I’m sure so
3. – “Do you think it’s going to rain?”
- “………. I’m just about to go out.”
A. Well, I know not
B. Well, I’m sure not
C. Well, I hope not
D. Well, I expect not
Key: 1. A 2. A 3. C
4. What questions

a. What is used as Subject and Object.
Example: A: What made you angry?
B: His rudeness
A: What would you like to do? We could go and see a film or go swimming.
B: Whatever
b. What……for: indicating purpose
Example: A: What did you buy this computer magazine for?
B: To read about business software.
A: What are these bricks for?
B: We’re going to build a wall.
c. What + be + like:
Example: A: What was the party like?
B: Oh, we had a great time.
A: What’s the place like where you live?
B: It’s pretty quiet.
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

d. What + look + …….. like:
Example: A: What does your friend look like?
B: She’s very tall and blond. /
B: He’s short with brown eyes and curly hair.

e. What is used to ask about job.
Example: A: What do you do?/
What’s your job?
B: I’m a doctor.
f. What combines with other nouns to ask time, colour.
Example: A: What time is it?
B: It’s five o’clock.
A: What colour is your house? B: (It’s) Pink./ Blue/ Yellow/ Green……..
A: What kind of soup is that?
B: (It’s) bean soup.
1. Kim: "What ______ this weekend?"
Sally: "Oh, we're going windsurfing. It's fantastic!"
A. are you doing B. do you go
C. would you do
D. are you going
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
Key: A
2. Ellen: "______?"
Tom: "He's tall and thin with blue eyes."
A. What does John look like
B. Who does John look like
C. How is John doing
D. What does John like
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
Key: A
3. Phil: “I'd like to become a tour guide. What do you think I should do?”
Leonie: “______”
A. I think you should practise spoken English.
B. Yes, a tour guide is a good job!

C. Shall we have a package tour this summer?
D. I don't agree with you.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
Key: A
5. Who(m) / Whose questions
a. Who is often subject asked about a person, people.
Example: A: Who came to see you?
B: Jane and Eric.
b. Negative question.
Example: A: Who didn’t do the homework?
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

B: I didn’t. /
John didn’t. /
It was Mary.
c. Who(m) is often object asked about a person, people. The answer is often a noun,
noun phrase relating person.
Example: A: Who(m) did you see?
B: (I saw) George.
d. Whose + noun
Example: A: Whose book did you borrow?

B: Mary’s./ Tom’s./ Jane’s.
A: Whose book is this?
B: My friend’s./ My cousin’s. / (It’s) Mine. / His./ Hers./ Theirs./ Ours./ Yours.
1. - “Whose briefcase is this?
- “………………”
A. It’s my boss
B. It’s my boss’s
C. They’re probably lost.
D. His luggage is full.
2. – “Who left the lights on?”
- “………………”
A. I’m sure it’s dark outside
B. We always leave them on
C. John turned them off
D. Yes, I know.
3. Tome: Whose bicycle is that?
Mary: ………………………
A. No, it’s over there
B. It’s just outside
C. It’s Jane’s
D. It’s Jance
Key: 1. B 2. B 3.C
6. Which questions
a. Which + noun is used instead of “What + noun”.
Example: A: Which size do you want – small, medium, or large?
B: Medium, please.
A: Which of these coats (What of these coats) is yours?
B: The brown one.
A: You can have a photo. Which one would you like?

B: This one, please.
b. When there are a lot of or few answers, we can use What or Which to ask.
Example: A: Which/ What countries did you visit? / B: France and Scotland.
1. – “Which movie would you like to watch?” - “………………”
A. It begins at 2 p.m.
B. The new one with Sean connery.
C. I think it costs about $7.00
D. The film is rather long
2. – “ Do you remember which gate weleave from?”
- “………………”
A. He told me about it before he left
B. We shouldn’t leave the gate open
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

C. I think it’s gate five
D. We’d like gate five
3. – “Which class do you have on Tuesday morning?” - “………………..”
A. French
B. I don’t like to wake up early
C. We can go together

D. It’s made in France
Key: 1. B 2. C 3. A
7. How questions
a. Aking about process, manner, the answer often contains preposition “by” or an
Example: A: How do you go to school every day?
B: By bike/ car/ bus.
A: How does he drive?
B: carefully./ Carelessly/ Slowly./ Really fast.
A: How did you know about his death?
B: Your sister told me.
b. Asking about situation, quality of something, the response often contain adjectives
such as not too bad, good, fine, excellent, terrible……
A: How’s the soup?
B: Great! / Awful!
A: How was the film?
B: Very good. / Fantastic. / Boring.
A: How’s Ron?
B: He’s fine/ very well.
A: How does she look today?
B: Tired.
c. How + adj / adv to ask about level or quantity.
Example: A: How much money do you have?
B: One hundred dollars.
A: How many people came?
B: Twenty.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m fifteen years old.
A: How far is it from here to the train station?
B: About three kilometers.

A: How soon can you get there?
B: In ten minutes.
A: How fast were you driving?
B: 50 miles an hour.
A: How long have you been here?
B: Three years.
A: How often do you go to the cinema?
B: Once a month./Every Sunday./
Twice a week
1. A: “______ do you go to the movies?”
B: “Once a month.”
A. How far
B. What time
C. How often
D. How much time
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2005)
2. Tom: “How did you get here?”
John: “______”
A. Is it far from here?
B. I came here by train.
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

C. I came here last night.
D. The train is so crowded.
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
3. Kevin: "How far is it from here to the nearest post office?"
Lan: "______."
A. Two kilometers at least
B. Turn left and then turn right
C. No, it's rather far
D. Yes, it's quite near here
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
4. – “How do you like your steak done?”
– “ ______.”
A. Very much
B. Well done
C. Very little
D. I don’t like it much
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
Key: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B
Why usually asks about cause or reason.
a. The reply usually contaims because or due to.
Example: A: Why did he fail the exam?
B: Because he didn’t prepare well enough for it./ It was due to his carelessness.
b. However, the answer is sometimes reason.
A: Why didn’t you come to the conference?
B: I was busy.
c. Question with Why don’t we……..? / Why don’t you……? is, in fact, a suggesting,
so the answer is the response of the suggesting.

A: Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight?
B: That sounds great! / Ok. What time? / Sounds good. Where shall we meet?
9. Where questions
Example: A: Where did you go last night?B: I went to my friend’s house.
A: Where’s Tom?
B: (He’s) Downstairs.
A: Where’s do we go from here?
B: Turn left and go straight.
1. A: “Where is Loan?”
B: “She___________.”
A. is in her room studying
B. in her room is studying
C. studies in her room
D. has in herroom studied
(High – Shool graduation Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in
2. Helen: "Where do you come from?"
Ann: "______."
A. In London
B. Yes, I have just come here
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

C. I’m living in London
D. I come from London
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
3. Linda: "Excuse me! Where’s the post office?"
Maria: "______."
A. It’s over there B. I'm afraid not C. Don’t worry D. Yes, I think so
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
Key: 1. C
2. D
3. A
10. When questions
Example: A: When did you go there?
B: Yesterday
A: When will the war be over? B: Very soon.
* Note: With asking for information, the reply can be:
a. Repeat the question before answering.
A: Where are you going?
B: Where am I going? Home.
A: What does he want?
B: What does he want? Money, as usual.
A: Are you tired?
B: Am I tired? Of course, not.
A: Do squirrels eat insects?
B: Do squirrels eat insects? I’m not sure.
b. Use How should I know?
A: What time does the film start?
B: How should I know? (Làm sao tôi biết

1. Tom : “ When are we leaving for the concert?”
Kyle : “______.”
A. Straight away B. That’s right
C. Certainly D. No problem
(UE Examination -D1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
Key: A (straight away = at once: immediately; without delay)
2. – “When is the next train?”
- “…………….”
A. 5 o’clock
B. Over there
C. It’s going to Chicago
D. It takes about five hours.
3. – “When will they finish the project?”
- “………………..”
A. Next week if they stay on schedule
B. We need a new project
C. It was an expensive project
D. I guess not
Key: 2. A 3. A
Example: A: Can/ Could you open the window, please?
A: Will/ Would you wait here, please?
A: Don you think you could call me tonight?
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

A: Could you possibly meet me after school?
A: Would it be possible for you to help me move this weekend?
1. Agreement
B: Sure. / Of course. / I’d be glad/ happy to. / No problem (used to show
that you are happy to help sb or that sth will be easy to do.) /
Note: The response with agreement starting Would you mind/ Do you mind + V-ing is
always negative as follows:
A: Would you mind opening the window?
B: Not at all. / No, of course not.
2. Disagreement
A: Could you type this letter for me?
B: I’m afraid I can’t. / I’m sorry, but I’m really busy. / I wish I could, but…. /
Actually, it’s a bit inconvenient.
1. Susan: “Can you do the cooking today?”
Bill: “______.”
A. I know that
B. No, thank you
C. Oh, all right
D. Yes, please
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
2. Margaret: "Could you open the window, please?"
Henry: " ______."
A. I feel sorry
B. Yes, I can

C. I am , of course D. Yes, with pleasure
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
3. Sue: “Can you help me with my essay?”
Robert: “______”
A. Not completely. B. Yes, I’m afraid not. C. Why not? D. I think that, too.
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
4. Joan: “Our friends are coming. ______, Mike? ”
Mike : “I’m sorry, but I can’t do it now.”
A. Shall you make some coffee, please B. Would you mind making some coffee
C. Why don’t we cook some coffee
D. Shall I make you like some coffee
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
5. Lora: “Do you mind if I turn on the fan? ”
Maria: “______.”
A. Never mind
B. Not at all
C. Not enough
D. Not for me
(UE Examination -A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

6. Phuong Thao is a student in Ms Lan’s writing class. She is asking for Ms Lan’s
comments on her last essay. Select the most suitable response to fill in the blank.
Phuong Thao: “You must have found reading my essay very tiring.”
Ms Lan: “______. I enjoyed it.”
A. Not in the least B. Just in case C. At all costs D. You are welcome
(UE Examination -D1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
Key: 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B (not in the least = not at all)
1. Agreement/ Permission
Agreeing/ Permitting
Okay if I leave now?
Is it OK if I leave now?
Sure, go ahead.
Can/ Could I leave now?
Sure, go right ahead.
Is it alright if I leave now?
Of course.
Could I possibly leave now, please?
A: Can I/ Could I have a quick look at your paper?
B: Yes, you can. Yes, you could. / Yes, of course, you can.
A: May I use your phone?
B: Yes, of course, you may.
A: Have you got a pen that I could use?
B: Yes, here you are.
Note: the response of the following structure to agree is not or no as follows:
A: Mind if I leave a bit early? / Do you mind if I leave a bit early?
With this structure, the reply telling agreement is always to have not, or no as follows:

B: Not at all.
/ No, of course not. / No, go ahead. / No, please do.
2. Disagreement/ without permission
Example: A: Could I use your phone?
B: No, you can’t. No, you couldn’t. (We don’t use could in the answer.)
(B: Well, I’d rather you didn’t. / Sorry, I’m afraid that I have to use it. / I’m sorry, but
it doesn’t work.)
1. – “Could I borrow your pen?”
- “……………… .”
A. No, please do. You can use it all day if you like
B. Of course. You can use it all day if you like
C. Not at all. You can use it all day if you like
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

D. Yes, you would. You can use it all day if you like
2. – “……………”
- “Not at all.”
A. Is it Ok if I sit here?
B. Would it be possible for me to sit here?
C. Mind if I sit here

D. Can I sit here?
Key: 1. B 2. C
1. Offering help
Example: A: Shall I carry this suitcase for you?
A: Let me carry your suitcase.
A: Let me give you a hand.
B: Thank you very much. / That would be a real help. / Thanks. / Thanks, but I
can manage.
* At the shop
A: May I help you? / Can I help you? / Are you looking for something?
B: Yes, I’m looking for a Swiss watch. / Yes, I’d like to buy some bread. / No,
thanhks. I’m just looking.
2. Offering things
Example: A: Would you like a soft drink? / A soft drink? / Can I give you a soft
B: Yes, please. I’ll have an orange juice. / Yes, please. / No, thanks.
A: Would you like tea or coffee?
B: Tea please. / I don’t mind.
3. Offering to bring something
Example: A: I wonder if I might be able to bring something. / Let me bring
something, will you?
B: It’s enough just to have you come. / Oh, you don’t need to.
1. Helen: “Shall I collect the tickets for the concert for you?”
Peter: “______”
A. Long time no see.
B. It’s kind of you to do so.
C. Make yourself at home.
D. Nice to meet you!

(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
2. Jack: ‘Can I borrow your notes, please?’
Jill: ‘______’
A. Well done!
B. No, thanks.
C. Yes, sure.
D. Yes, I can.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

3. – “Don’t fail to send your parents my regards.”
– “______.”
A. It’s my pleasure B. You’re welcome C. Thanks, I will D. Good idea, thanks
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
4. Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes, please.”
Salesgirl: “______”
A. That’s right, sir. B. By all means, sir. C. I’d love to. D. Why not ?
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
5. “Can I get you another drink?”
Jerry: “______.”
A. Not just now

B. No, I’ll think it over
C. Forget it
D. No, it isn’ t
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
6. Tom: “Can I have another cup of tea?”
Christy: “______.”
A. Allow yourself B. Help yourself
C. Do it yourself
D. Be yourself
(UE Examination – A1 - by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
7. Stephanie: “Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?”
Scott: “______”
A. No, thanks.
B. Yes, I do too. C. No, not at all! D. Yes, sure!
(UE Examination – D1 - by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
8. Jane had difficulty carrying her suitcase upstairs, and Mike, her friend, offered to
help. Select the most suitable response to fill in the blank.
Mike: “Need a hand with your suitcase, Jane?”
Jane: “______”
A. That’s very kind of you.
B. Not a chance.
C. I don’t believe it.
D. Well done!
(UE Examination – D1 - by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
Key: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C (By all means is used to say that you are very
willing for sb to have sth or do sth) 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. A
1. Advising
Example: A: What’s the matter? / What’s wrong?
B: I have a toothache.

A: You should/ ought to/ ’d better see a dentist. / Why don’t you see a dentist? /
If I were you, I’d see a dentist.
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

B: I think I will. / Yeah, that’s a good idea.
2. Warning
Example: A: Don’t push so hard on that toy, or you might / will break it!
B: No, I won’t. / Thanks. I won’t.
A: Watch out! Be careful!
B: OK. I will.
1. Kay: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
John: “______”
A. Wouldn’t you? Why? B. It’s out of the question.
C. I’d rather you didn’t.
D. Would you, really?
(UE Examination – A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
2. – “Why don’t you take a break?”
- “…………………”
A. Because I’m tired
B. I don’t agree

C. sure, go ahead
D. I guess I should
3. – “My husband somkes too much.”
- “……………….”
A. Why don’t you ask him to give it up?
B. No, he won’t
C. Oh, no! I didn’t know that.
D. A or C
Key: 1. A 2. D 3. D
Example: A: Thanks a lot. / Thanks / Thank you. / It’s very kind of you to……. /
Thank you very much for…….. / I’m really grateful to you for………..
B: It’s my pleasure to help. / (It’s) my pleasure. / No problem. / Never
mind. / Not at all. / You’re welcome.
1. Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.”
Hoa: “_______. ”
A. Cheers B. Have a good day
C. You are welcome
D. Thanks
(High – Shool graduation Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in
Key: C
2. Maria: "Thanks for the lovely evening."
Diana: "______."
A. Oh, that's right
B. I'm glad you enjoyed it
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

C. No, it's not good
D. Yes, it's really great
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
Key: B
3. Mrs Black: “Thank you for your help!”
Tim: “______”
A. You’re welcome.
B. The same to you!
C. How do you do?
D. Just for fun.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
Key: A
4. Anne: “Thanks for the nice gift!”
John: “______”
A. In fact, I myself don’t like it.
B. But do you know how much it costs?
C. You’re welcomed.
D. I’m glad you like it.
(University entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2007)
Key: D
5. Liz: “Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!”
Jennifer: “______”

A. All right. Do you know how muc h it costs? B. Not at all. Don’t mention it.
C. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it.
D. Welcome ! It’s very nice of you.
(University entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
Key: B
6. Alfonso: “I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening.”
Maria: “______.”
A. No, it’s very kind of you
B. Oh, that’s right
C. I’m glad you enjoyed it
D. Yes, it’s really good
(University entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011)
Key: C
7. Mary: “Thanks a lot for your help.”
John: “______.”
A. My happiness B. My delight
C. My pleasure
D. My excitement
(UE Examination –D1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
Key: C
8. Mary: “The hat’s so beautiful. Thanks."
Tony: “________”
A. I’m glad you like it. B. Great idea! C. Lucky you! D. The same to you!
(UE Examination –A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
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Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

Key: A
Example: A: Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about….. / Please accept my apologies
for…. / I ‘d like to apologize…../ Sorry about that.
B: That’s quite all right. / It’s not your fault. / Never mind / Don’t worry about
it. / It’s OK. / That’s OK. / No problem. / Forgive it. / Don’t apologize. / It doesn’t
matter. / ˌno ˈharm done (used to tell sb not to worry because they have caused no
serious damage or injury) / Forget it, Dave, no harm done. / Please don’t blame
1. Ben: "______"
Jane: "Never mind."
A. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
C. Congratulations! How wonderful!
D. Thank you for being honest with me .
(University entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
2. – “Oh, sorry.”
- “………………”
A. That sounds nice
B. Actually, I don’t like it
C. My pleasure
D. That’s OK
3. – “Oh, no. Did I do that? I’m sorry.”
- “……………….”

A. Oh, that’s alright. It can happen to anyone.
B. Did I? I’m sorry
C. I’m worried about that
D. No, of course not
Key: 1. B 2. D 3. A
Example: A: I think your hair is very nice. / I really like your hair. / What beautiful
hair you have!
B: Thank you. / Thanks. / Thanks. Yours is even nicer. / Thanks. Yours is nice,
too. / I’m glad you like it. / Thank you, that’s very kind/ nice/ sweet of you (to say so.)
1. Helen: “Congratulations!”
Jane: “______”
A. What a pity!
B. Thank you.
C. I’m sorry.
D. You are welcome.
(High – Shool graduation Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in
2. Mary: “What a nice dress you’re wearing, Jane!”
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

Jane: “______”
A. Never mind. B. That’s too bad. C. Thank you. D. Not at all.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
3. What beautiful eyes _______!
A. does she have
B. she has C. has she
D. she doesn't have
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2006)
4. - Laura: “What a lovely house you have!”
- Maria: “_______.”
A. Thank you. Hope you will drop in
B. I think so
C. No problem
D. Of course not, it’s not costly
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
5. Lora: “Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!”
Helen: “______.”
A. It’s up to you
B. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s
C. I’d rather not
D. You can say that again
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
6. – “Mum, I’ve got 600 on the TOEFL test.”
– “______”
A. Good job!
B. Good way!
C. You are right. D. Oh, hard luck!
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
7. Thanh: “Lan’s the best singer in our school.”

Nadia: “______”
A. Yes, please.
B. That’s OK!
C. I can’t agree with you more!
D. Yes, tell me about it!
(UE Examination –A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
8. Lucy: “You look really nice in that red sweater!”
Sue: “______”
A. How dare you?
B. Thank you.
C. I’m afraid so. D. Don’t mention it.
(UE Examination –A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
9. David: You really have a nice dress, Kathy. I’ve never seen such a perfect thing on
Kathy: …………………… . I bought it at the shop near my house yesterday.
A. I’m sure you like it
B. I suppose it is not bad.
C. I’m glad you like it
D. I myself like it very much
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2010 – 2011)
10. Peter: “I thought your game was much better last night.”
Dave: “You’ve got to be kidding!.................”
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

A. I myself liked it very much
B. I thought it was terrible
C. I’m sure you enjoyed it
D. I supposed it was not bad
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2011 – 2012)
11. Nam: “You are a great dancer, Huong.”
Huong: “……………….”
A. There’s no doubt about it.
B. You shouldn’t have said that
C. You must be kidding
D. Yes. Congratulations
Key: 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C
Example: A: In my opinion/ I believe that / I think that smoking cigarettes should
not be allowed in public places.
1. Agreeing
B: I agree with you. / I agree completely. / I couldn’t agree with you more. / I
think so, too. / There’s no doubt about it.
2. Disagreeing
B: Are you absolutely sure? / Really? / Actualy, I think (that)…./ I don’t agree
with you. / I couldn’t disagreemore. / You’re dead wrong.
1. Henry: “Do you find it very interesting to travel alone?”
Maria: “______”
A. No, not at all.
B. What a pity!
C. Never mind.

D. Yes, you’re welcome.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2010)
2. George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting.”
Frankie: “______”
A. Yes. Congratulations!
B. There’s no doubt about it.
C. What an opinion!
D. You shouldn’t have said that.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2011) / (Examination
for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2012 – 2013)
3. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our
Laura: “______”
A. There’s no doubt about it. B. Well, that’s very surprising.
C. Of course not. You bet!
D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
Key: 1. A 2. B 3. A
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017


Example: A: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? / Let’s go to the cinema
tonight. / Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight? / Shall we go to the cinema
1. Accepting
B: (Yes,) I’d love to. See you then. / Thanhks. I’d love / like to. / That sounds
2. Declining
B: I’d love / like to, but…….. / Sorry, but I don’t particularly like…. / I’m
awfully sorry, but I have other plans. / I’m afraid I can’t.
1. Alice: "What shall we do this evening?"
Carol: "______"
A. Let’s go out for dinner.
B. Oh, that’s good!
C. No problem.
D. I went out for dinner.
(High – Shool graduation Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in
2. Pat: "Would you like something to eat?"
Kathy: "______. I'm not hungry now."
A. Yes, it is B. No, thanks
C. Yes, I would
D. No, no problem
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
3. David: "Could you bring me some water?"
Waiter: "______."
A. I don't want to
B. Yes, I can
C. No, I can't D. Certainly, sir
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)

4. Bill: “Let’s stop for a drink.”
Bruce: “______”
A. Nice to meet you.
B. Sorry, we’ve got little time.
C. Long time no see.
D. You’re welcome.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
5. Jack: “______”
Rose: “That’s a good idea.”
A. What about going to the cinema tonight?
B. Sorry, I’m late.
C. Glad to see you.
D. Excuse me, where’s the post office?
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
6. - Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?"
- Susan: "______."
A. You’re welcome
B. That would be great
C. I feel very bored

D. I don't agree, I'm afraid
(University Entrance Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
7. Mai: “Do you want another serving of chicken soup?”
Scott: “______.”
A. No longer
B. No way C. No comment D. No thanks
(UE Examination – A1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
8. Tom: “______”
Mike: “I won’t say no!”
A. Mike, do you know where the scissors are?
B. What about playing badminton this afternoon?
C. How are things with you, Mike?
D. What’s your favourite, tea or coffee?
(UE Examination – D1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2013)
9. – “Let’s have a pizza.
- “…………………….”
A. Not again
B. It doesn’t matter
C. Not really
D. It’s a good idea
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2013 – 2014)
10. Nam: “I'm having some friends over for lunch this Saturday. Would you like to
join us?”
Huong: “______________________”.
A. Can I take a rain check?
B. Come on. It's your turn.
C. Thanks, but I musn't
D. As a matter of fact, I do.
(Examination for gifted students in Thanh Hoa province, 2014– 2015)
Key: A (take a rain check (on sth) ( informal , especially NAmE ) to refuse an

offer or invitation but say that you might accept it later.
‘Are you coming for a drink?’ ‘Can I take a rain check?—I must get this
finished tonight.’
Key: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. D
Example: A: I’d like you to meet Eva Beck. / I’d like to introduce Eva Beck.
B: How do you do? / Glad to meet you. / Nice to meet you. / Pleased to meet
A: Glad to meet you.
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

B: Glad to meet you, too.
1. Leaving
Example: A: Well, I’m afraid I have to be going./ I really must go now.
B: Thanks for coming.
A: It’s been a pleasure.
B: Yes, I’ve enjoyed it.
A: Maybe we could get together sometime.
B: Sounds good.
A: Got to go now.

B: See you again.
2. Saying goodbye
A: Bye!
A: Bye, Mark.
B: Bye! Have a good day!
B: See you later.
A: Have a nice weekend.
A: Talk to you later.
B: Thanks. You too.
B: Bye! Take it easy.
1. Minh, a student from Hai Phong, is going to take the college entrance exam in
Hanoi next week. His father is seeing him off at the railway station. Select the most
suitable response to fill in the blank.
Dad: “Good luck with the exam, Minh!”
Minh: “______, Dad.”
A. By no means B. I wish so
C. Thank you
D. Never mind
(UE Examination -D1-by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2014)
2. –“ Until next time.”
- “……………..”
A. Goodbye
B. Please to meet you, too
C. Got to go now
D. Sounds good.
3. – “See you later”
- “…………………..”
A. It was fun
B. So long. Take care

C. Hello
D. Well, I’m afraid I have to be going.
Key: 1. C 2. A 3. B (So long = goodbye)
Example: A: I passed my exam!
B: That’s great! Congratulations! / Great! / Fantastic. Congratulations. / Oh,
that’s good! I’m glad to hear that.
A: John has lost his job again.
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

B: I’m sorry to hear that.
* Expressing surprise
B: Oh, really?/ You’ve got to be kidding! / That’s incredible!
1. Jack: “I’m going to take a five-day trip to Rome.”
Jill: “______”
A. Yes, let’s. B. The same to you. C. No, of course not. D. Have a good time.
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
2. – “………………..”
- “Good luck”
A. I don’t like Rock music.

B. I’m taking a test this afternoon.
C. Have a nice day
D. How do you do
3. – “Jonh and Mary are getting married next week.”
A. Congratulations!
B. Really? You’re kidding!
C. Are they? I don’t believe it.
D. B or C
Key: 1. D 2. B 3. D
1. Echo questions
a. Repeat what has been heard.
Example: A: I’m getting married.
B: “You’re getting married?
A: She set fire to the garage.
B: She did What?
b. Reply questions
Example: A: It was a terrible party.
B: Was it?
A: We had a lovely holiday.
B: Did you?
c. Questions that do not expect an answer
Example: A: I can’t find my coat.
B: What’s this, then?
A: Could your wife help us in the office tomorrow?
B: Why should she? She doesn’t work for you.
d. Negative questions that express emphatic agreement
Example: A: It was a lovely concert.
B: Yes, wasn’t it? I did enjoy it.

A: She’s put on a lot of weight.
B: Yes, hasn’t she?
e. Rhetorical questions
Le Van Quan


Hoang Hoa 2 High School

Experience Initiative

School-year: 2016-2017

Example: A: I can’t manage tomorrow evening.
B: Why not?
f. Question word + preposition
Example: A: Have you heard John’s getting married again?
B: Really? Who to?
2. So do I.
Example: A: I’m hungry.
B: So am I. / I am, too.
A: David can’t drive.
B: Neither can Mike. / Mike can’t, either.
3. So it is!
Example: A: It’s raining
B: Why, so it is!
A: Mary’s getting married.
B: Yes, so I heard.
4. Asking people to repeat

Example: A: Mike’s coming home tonight.
B: Sorry? / What? / Pardon?
5. Others
Example: A: The soup’s good.
B: Yes, I made it with lots of garlic.
A: Somebody ought to clean up the bathroom.
B: I’ll ask John to.
1. Sue: “I love pop music.”
Alice: “......................... .”
A. So do I B. No, I won’t
C. Yes, I like it
D. Neither do I
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2008)
2. Peter doesn't like scuba-di ving. ______ does his brother.
A. Too
B. Neither
C. Either
D. So
(HSG Examination by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2009)
3. Mary: “I will never go mountaineering again.”
Linda: “Me ______.”
A. so
B. too
C. neither
D. Either
(UE Examination –D1- by Ministry of Education and Training, in 2012)
Key: 1. A
2. B

I. Study results:
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Hoang Hoa 2 High School
