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Teacher : Quỳnh
A. Câu phát biểu. (statements in reported speech)
1/ Ví dụ :- He said : “ I have lost my pen this morning.”

He said that he had lost his pen that morning.
- She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.”

She told him that she would go with him the next day.
2/ Ghi nhớ : muốn đổi một câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta phải :
+ Giữ nguyên động từ giới thiệu said hoặc đổi said to thành told nếu có túc từ.
+ Thay đổi đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu… theo qui tắc sau : Ngôi thứ 1 đổi
thành ngôi thứ như chủ từ ở mệnh đề chính. Ngôi thứ 2 đổi thành ngôi thứ của túc từ.
Ngôi thứ 3 giữ nguyên không đổi.
+ Thay đổi thì của động từ trong câu trực tiếp bằng cách cho lùi về quá khứ một
bậc. Cụ thể như sau :
+ Thay đổi một số từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn.
- now

- then
- today / tonight

- that day / that night
- tomorrow

- the following day / the next day
- yesterday

- the previous day / the day before
- next week / month…

- the following week / month…
- last week /month…

- the week before /the month before…
- ago

- before
- tomorrow morning

- the following morning
- last Tuesday

- the Tuesday before
- right now

- at once
- here

- there
- this / these

- that / those
- He said : “ I’ll come here to take this book.”

He said that he would come there to take that book.
- They said to us : “You must do this work right now.”

They told us that we had to do that work at once.
Chú ý :* Khi câu trực tiếp biểu thò một tập quán, một sự thật hay một chân lý thì

khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp thì của động từ không thay đổi.
- The lecturer said : “The earth moves round the sun.”

The lecturer said that the earth moves round the sun.
* Khi câu động từ giới thiệu ở hiện tại đơn, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp
không đổi và các từ chỉ thời gian hoặc nơi chốn vẫn giữ nguyên.
- The doctor says to her : “You will have to stay here until tomorrow.”

The doctor tells her that she will have to stay here until tomorrow.
B. CÂU HỎI. (Questions in reported speech)
1/ Ví dụ :- She said to me : “Do you like swimming ?”
Teacher : Quỳnh

She asked me if I liked swimming.
- Tom said : “Has she finished her home work ?”

Tom wanted to know if she had finished her homework.
- He asked me : “Why did you come home so late last night?”

He asked me why I had come home so late the night before.
- Mary said : “ What’s he doing now?”

Mary wondered what he was doing then.
2/ Ghi nhớ :
+ Đổi said thành asked (có hoặc không túc từ theo sau), wondered hay wanted to
know (không có túc từ).
+ Bỏ dấu hai chấm (:), dấu ngoặc kép (“…”) và dấu chấm hỏi (?) và giữ lại question-
word (như what, where, how…) nếu là câu hỏi nội dung (Wh-questions) hoặc thêm if
(hay whether) nếu câu hỏi có hay không (Yes-no questions).

C. CÂU MỆNH LỆNH. (Commands in reported speech)
1/ Ví dụ :- The teacher said : “Go to the blackboard, John.”

The teacher told John to go to the blackboard.
- He said to them : “Don’t be late tomorrow.”

He told them not to be late the next day.
2/ Ghi nhớ :+ Đổi said hay said to thành told hay asked và buộc phải có túc từ theo
+ Dùng to để thay thế cho dấu hai chấm và ngoặc kép khi là câu mệnh lệnh xác
đònh và dùng not to khi là câu mệnh lệnh phủ đònh.
Tóm tắt Câu gián tiếp (reported speech)
(Câu phát biểu)
* S + said + (that) + clause
* S + told + O + (that) + clause
(Câu mệnh lệnh)
* S + told + O + to infinitive
* S + told + O + not + to infinitive
(Câu hỏi nội dung)
* S + asked + (O) + wh-… + clause
* S + wondered + wh-… + clause
* S + wanted to know + wh-… + clause
Yes-no questions
(Câu hỏi có không)
* S + asked + (O) + if / whether + clause
* S + wondered + if /whether + clause
* S + wanted to know + if / whether + clause

EXERCISE I : Put into the reported speech :
1/ Tom said : “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : “I once spent a summer in this village.”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ The nurse said : “The patient in this room didn’t obey your orders, Doctor.”
- _________________________________________________________
4/ They said to me : “You taught us English last year.”
Teacher : Quỳnh
- ________________________________________________________
5/ Mr.Brown said : “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : “ I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ My father said to them : “My secretary is going to finish this job.”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ They said : “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”
- _________________________________________________________
9/ My mother said : “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”
- _________________________________________________________
10/ He said : “Your car has been stolen, John.”
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE II : Change to the reported speech:
1/ Mr. Smith said : “Where are you going on your vacation this year ?”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ She said : “Did the mechanis finish repairing your car ?”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ She said : “Why has David been looking so miserable lately ?”
- _________________________________________________________

4/ I asked my friend : “Was anyone hurt in the car accident last month ?”
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She asked me : “How old are you now ?”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ He said to her : “Have you been to town today ?”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ John said : “How long does it take you to get to London, Mary ?”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ The policeman asked the little girl : “What’s your name ?”
- _________________________________________________________
9/ Mr. Green said to his secretary : “Who did you talk to a few minutes ago ?”
- _________________________________________________________
10/ Paul said : “Can you swim, Mary ?”
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE III : Turn into the reported speech:
1/ The manager said : “ Come into my office, please.”
- _________________________________________________________
2/ The teacher said ro us : “Don’t make so much noise.”
- _________________________________________________________
3/ Mr.Green said : “Please come to our dinner tonight, Bill.”
- _________________________________________________________
4/ Susan said to Tom : “Don’t call me again at this late hour.”
- _________________________________________________________
5/ She said to the boy : “Show me what you have in your hand.”
- _________________________________________________________
6/ The policeman ordered : “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything.”
- _________________________________________________________
7/ The old lady said : “Will you please water these flowers for me.”
- _________________________________________________________
8/ She said : “Don’t leave your coat on this chair.”

- _________________________________________________________
9/ She said to him : “Don’t speak to me like that and behave yourself.”
- _________________________________________________________
Teacher : Qunh
10/ Peter said : Would you mind lending me your dictionary till next Monday.
- _________________________________________________________
EXERCISE IV : Rewrite the following sentences:
1/ The flight attendant said : Dont forget to fasten your seat belts.
The flight attendant reminded _________________________________
2/ The policeman said to her : Show me your driving licence.
The policeman ordered ____________________________________
3/ He said : Did you see Mary yesterday ?
He wanted to know ______________________________________
4/ He said : Would you mind telling me the time ?
He told _______________________________________________
5/ I said to my friend : When did you buy your new car ?
I asked ________________________________________________
6/ My friend said to me : We have known everything about that.
My friend told ___________________________________________
II. Multiple Choice.
1. Do you like this book?
a. My father wanted to know if I did like that book
b. My father asked me if I liked that book
c. My father told me if I liked that book d. My father said if I liked that book
2. Lets go out for a walk, shall we ?
a. She suggested going out for a walk b. She suggested to go out for a walk
c. She suggested not to go out for a walk d. She suggested go out for a walk
3. His wife said to him , Write to me as soon as you can .
a. His wife told him to write to her as often as he can .

b. His wife told him to write to her as often as he could .
c. His wife told him writing to her as often as he could .
d. His wife told him writing to her as often as he can
4. May I see Mr.Pike ? the guest asked.
a.The guest asked to see Mr.Pike. b.Mr.Pike wanted to see the guest.
c.The guest invited Mr.Pike to see. d.Mr.Pike wanted the guest to see.
5.The lift-girl said to me, I m sorry. I cant take you up in the lift
a.The lift-girl invited to take me up in the lift.
b. The lift-girl agreed with me by taking me up in the lift.
c.The lift-girl told me to take her up in the lift. d.The lift-girl refused to take me up in the lift.
6. I will do it for you, Mary, Peter said.
a.Peter advised Mary not to do it. b. Peter advised Mary to do it.
c.Peter promised to do it for Mary. d.Peter wanted Mary to do it.
7. Susan, can you remember to buy me some sugar? said Billy.
a.Billy advised Susan to buy him some sugar.
b.Billy reminded Susan to buy him some sugar.
c.Billy reminded Susan to buy me some sugar.
d.Billy invited Susan to buy me some sugar.
8. Dont talk in class, the teacher said.
a.The teacher told his student do not talk in class.
b.The teacher told his student did not talk in class.
c.The teacher told his student not to talk in class.
d.The teacher told his student not talking in class.
9. It is you that stolen my purse,Mr.Pike said to the young man.
a.Mr.Pike told the young man that it was you that stole her purse.
b. Mr.Pike denied the young man of stealing her purse. ( tửứ choỏi ,phuỷ nhaọn )
c. Mr.Pike accused the young man of stealing her purse.
d. Mr.Pike asked the young man of stealing her purse
10. Thank you very much for your help, John,said Daisy.
a.Daisy thanked John for helping her. b.Daisy told John to help her.

c.Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks. d.Daisy would like John to help her.
11. You cheated in the exam,the teacher said to his students. ( gian laọn )
a.The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam.
b. The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam.
c. The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam.
Teacher : Quỳnh
d. The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam.
12. “Please give me some more money, Mum,”Daisy said.
a.Daisy protected her mother from giving her some more money
b.Daisy insisted her mother on giving her some more money.
c.Daisy dreamed of her mother giving her some more money.
d. Daisy looked forward to giving her mother some more money.
13. “ Why didn’t you answer my phone last night?”
a.He asked me why he hadn’t answered my phone last night
b.He asked me why I didn’t answer his phoned the night before
c..He asked me why I hadn’t answered his phone the night after
d..He asked me why I hadn’t answered his phone the night before
14. “What would you do if you were a billionaire ?” the man said to the woman
a. The man asked the woman what would she do if she were a billionaire.
b. The man asked the woman what she would do if she were a billionaire.
c. The man asked the woman what you would do if you were a billionaire.
d. The man asked the woman what would you do if you were a billionaire.
15. “ If I were you, I wouldn’t lend her any money”
a. He advised me if he had been me ,he wouldn’t have lent her any money
b. He advised me to lend her any money c.He advised me not to lend her any money
d. He advised me lend her any money
16. “Leave it there if you don’t like it”
a.He asked me to leave it here if I didn’t like it b.He told me to leave it there if I not to like it
c. He asked me to leave it there if I didn’t like it

d. He told me to leave it here if I didn’t like it.
17. “Tell me what is happening to you”
a. He told me to tell him what was happening to me
b. He asked me to tell him what is happening to me
c. He asked me to tell me what was happening to him
d. He asked me to tell him what was happening to me
18. “ What were you doing last night , Mr. John ? “ the police asked .
a. The police asked what were you doing last night , Mr. John .
b. The police asked Mr. John what he had been doing the night before .
c. The police asked Mr. John what he had been done the night before .
d. The police asked Mr. John what had he been doing the night before .
19. “ I have seen that film twice”
a. Tom said that he had seen this film twice b.Tom told that he had seen that film twice
c. Tom said to me that he had seen that film twice
d. Tom said that he had seen that film twice
20 .”Would you mind opening the window?” I said to him
a. I said to him if he would mind opening the window
c. I told him to mind opening the window b. I asked him to open the window
d. I asked him to mind opening the window
21. 'You broke my glasses,' said the woman to me.
a.The woman insisted on breaking her glasses.
b.The woman advised me to break her glasses. c.The woman told me to break her glasses.
d. The woman blamed me for having broken her glasses
22. 'Let me pay for the coffee. I really want.'
a.Jenny is asked to pay for the coffee. b.Jenny suggested paying for the coffee.
c.Jenny insisted on paying for the coffee. d.Jenny told me to pay for the coffee.
III. Choose the best answer to each question by circling a, b, c, or d :
1. “Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They -------her to spend the weekend with
them. a.advised b.ordered c.invitedd.begged
2. “Could you open the window please?” She ---------him to open the window.

a.reminded b.ordered c.asked d.warned
3. “Go to bed immediately!” Mary’s mother ---------her to go to bed immediately.
a.advised b.begged c.asked d.ordered
4. “Don’t forget to post the letter!” He ----- me to post the letter.
a.reminde b.ordered c.begged d.asked
5. “Park the car behind the Van.” The instructor ----him to park the car behind the Van.
a.offered b.told c.asked d.ordered
6. “Please, turn down the radio!”Mark’s sister --------him to turn the radio down.
a.reminded b.ordered c.asked d.begged

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