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®Ò kiÓm tra m«n : English
Sè ®Ò: .............
Thêi gian : 45’
I./ Chän tõ mµ phÇn g¹ch cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i.
1. A. Farm B. park C. garden D. warm
2. A. O pen B. close C. come D. o ld
3. A. Th ese B. mother C. th ank D. th at
4. A. Teacher B. lunch C. ch ildren D. school
5. A. H our B. h orse C. h ouse D. h oliday
II./ Chän c©u bÞ ®éng ®óng víi c©u chñ ®éng cho s½n.
6. My sister cleans these rooms eveyday;
A. These room is cleaned eveyday B. These rooms are clean eveyday.
C. These rooms are cleaned eveyday D. These rooms were clean eveyday
7. He asked us many difficult questions;
A. He is asked many difficult questions B. We are asked many difficult questions
C. We was asked many difficult questions D. We was asked many difficult questions
8. When does he do his homework?
A. When does his homework is done? B. When is his homework done?
C. When was his homework done? D. When did his homework is done?
9. They raise cats
A. Cat is raised by them B. Cats are raise by they
C. Cat are raised by them D. Cats are raised by them
10. We don’t grow wheat here
A. Wheat are not grown here B. Wheat don’t are not grown here
C. Wheat doesn’t is grown here D. Wheat is not grown here
III./ Chän tõ thich hîp ®Ó ®iÒn vµo dÊu chÊm chÊm....
11. My mother ........... cooking at 5.pm yesterday.
A. Were B. was C. is D. did
12. When I ............a book she........me.
A. Was buying-

B. bought-was
C. Buy-phoned D. buy-phones
13. People were standing........a queue in front of the gate.
A. At B. on C. in D. to
14. I ..........cry when I was a baby
A. am used to B. used to C. use to D. be used to
15. I can’t buy this book because I have ......money.
A. a few B. a litte C. few D. litte
16. My sister used .........early to revise her lesson.
A. To get up B. get up C. getting up D. togeting up
17. The cows are ........... twice a day.
A. Cleaned B. grown C. raised D. milked
18. Linda has just come ...........from her uncle’s house.
A. To B. back C. at D. on
19. They ‘ve got ..........time left to get to the station.
A. Some B. a few C. little D. any
20. For 2 years, we have a festival, so the festival is held...............
A. Twice a year B. every two years C. two times a year D. once two years
21. Children..............playing football at 6.pm yesterday.
A. Is B. are C. was D. were
22. I...............my homework last night.
A. Do B. did C. was doing D. has done
23. Fruits.........on the farm.
A. Is grow B. is grown C. are grown D. is grew
24. We .................TV at 9.00 last night.
A. Watching B. didnt watching C. werent watching D. wasnt watching
25. She.......smoke 5 years ago.
A. Not used to B. wasnt used to C. didnt used to D. doesnt to

26. ..............are the cows milked. They are milked every day
A. How B. how often C. what time D. what often
27. I ........... my homework last night
A. was doing B. did C. do D. done
IV./ Hoàn thành bài hội thoại bằng cách chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống có số.
Grandmother: This is me, Nga .I used to live on a farm when I ......(28)..... a young girl
Nga : what was life like then?
Grandmother: I ......(29)......go to school because I had to stay at home and help my mum. I.......
(30)........ look ....(31)....... my younger brothers and sisters.
Nga : What did Great-grandmother do?
Grandmother: She used to ...(32)..... the meals, clean the house and ....(33)....... the clothes
Nga : That sounds like hard work! What did you do in the evening?
Grandmother: After .....(34)....., Mom lit the lamp and Dad used to tell ...(35)......stories.
28. A. were B. was C. am D. be
29. A. didnt B. wasnt C. dont D. amnot.
30. A. use to B. be used to C. used to D. used
31. A. For B. at C. after D. to
32. A. cooking B. to cook C. cooked D. cook
33. A. buy B. sell C. wash D. make
34. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch D. noon
35. A. they B. we C. us D. she
V./ Em hãy đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi :
On a modern farm today the work of the farmer is less hard because he is helped a lot by
machines that means more food is produced with less labour .His chidren are taken to school by
bus every morning and after they finish school they are sent to colleges or universities at home or
abroad. The famer still has to work hard but his life is improved day by day.
36. Why is the work of the farmer less hard?
A. Because it is helped by people B. Because machines help a lot
C. It is not helped by machines D. It is help by machines
37. That means.................

A. Less food is produced with more food B. More food is less labour
C. Less labour produces more food D. More labour is less food
38. Where are the children send to after they finish school
A. Colleges B. universities C. colleges or
D. schools
39. The life is ............. day by day
A. Sent B. improved C. taken D. helped
40. How are children taken to school
A. By bus B. by train C. every morning D. five times a week

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