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past simple mẫu slide

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1. Huỳnh Thị Huyền
2. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Ngân

I. Usages of the simple past
1. Regular verb
2. Irregular verb
3. Tobe
II. Forms of the simple past
III. Pratice and excercises

I .Usages of simple past (Cách sử sụng thì
Quá khứ đơn)
Ex: (a) They graduated from college in 2010

(b)We went to the cinema yesterday

(c) My younger sister watched Tv for six
hours last Sunday

Activities or situations began and
ended in past.
(yesterday, ago, last night, in 2010 )

Verbs in the Simple Past
1.Regular verb: động từ có nguyên tắc
2.Irregular verb: động từ bất nguyên tắc
3.Tobe : động từ “to be”

1. Regular verbs: (động từ có quy tắc)
Ex: (a) He watched the movie last night
(b) Marry answered the question yesterday.
watch + ed => watched
answer + ed => answered
2. Irregular verbs (động từ bất quy tắt )
Ex: He met his old friend near his house yesterday
My sister came home late last night

Some irregular verbs:



3. Tobe
Ex: I was sick last Sunday
They were in Amerca last year

Simple past form of “ be ”
=> was & were

Forms of simple past
S + V(ed)


S + did not + V-inf
Did + S + V-inf ?


S + was/were +……

To be

S + was/were + not +…..
Was/Were + S + ….?.

For example:

A: What did they do in this morning?
B: They cooked the meal in this morning.

A: Did they do the gardening
B: No, they didn’t.

Exercise 1: choose A, B, C, D for each sentence
1. Last year…….. 22, so she is 23 now
A . Is
B. wasn’t C . Was D. were
2. Where …… You this moning? I looked for you everywhere?
A. Are B. were C. did
3. We ……happy with the hotel. The room was very dirty.
B. Were B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. was
4. …….. You watch Tv last night?
A. Do

B. did
C. were D. was
5. Where did you …… last holiday?
A. Stayed B. stay C. were D.staying

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B. 5.B

6. I saw Peter, but I …… John
A . didn’t see B. didn’t saw C. did see
D.did saw
7. Mai ….. some new clothes yesterday_two shirts and a coat
A. Buy
B. bought
D.didn’t bought
8.We were tired, so we …. long at the party.
A stayted
B. didn’t stay C.didn’t stayed D. were
9. It was very warm in the room, so I ….. A window.
B. Did opened B.open
C. opened
D. don’t open
10. Did you …. to the supermarket this morning?
No, I didn’t have time.
A. Went
B. to go
C. going
D. go
6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D

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