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I. Multiple Choice
1. ..........is required in order to achieve these aims.
A. Groupwork
B. Pairwork
C. Teamwork
D. Classwork
2. They’re.......at training everybody by the end of the year.
A. pointing
B. aiming
C. trying
D. succeeding
3. The gunman took.......and fired.
A. think
B. focus
C. concentration
D. aim
4. A meeting is a sports........or set of races, especially for horses.
A event
B. occasion
C. position
D. fact
5. He........10.09 seconds in the 100 metres final.
A. set
B. clock
C. clocked
D. gained
6. They were bitterly.......at the result of the game.
A. disappoint
B. disappointed

C. disappointing
D. disappointedly
7. I was very disappointed with........
A. me
B. myself
C. mine
D. my own
8. ........diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December.
A. Informal
B. Official
C. Formal
D. B and C
9. .......knowledge is knowledge of facts about a lot of different subjects.
A. General
B. Whole
C. Ordinary
D. All are correct
10. A........is a long running race of about 42 kilometres or 26 miles.
A. long race
B. mini-marathon
C. marathon
D. B and C
11......is the sound that is made by something repeatedly hitting a surface quickly and lightly.
A. Hitting
B. Pat
C. Patting
D. Patter
12. I heard her feet......along the corridor.
A. hitting
B. pattering

C. jumping
D. knocking
13. A.........is a person who has been chosen to speak or vote on behalf of a group or a person who works for a
company and travels around selling its products.
A. member
B. representative
C. represent
D. leader
14. The painting is not.........of his work of the period.
A. representative
B. represented
C. representing
D. represent
15. is a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc.
A. Arts
B. Masterpiece
C. Works
D. Sculpture
16. We are........competition........four other companies for the contract.
A. with - of
B. in - with
C. at - with
D. at - of
17. We need to work harder to remain......with other companies.
A. competed
B. competitive
C. compatibly
D. competition
18. .........is a competition in which people try to win something.
A. test

B. examination
C. contest
D. survey
19. We encourage students to.........fully in the running of the colleg
A. participate
B. emerge
C. go
D. enter
20. Go and apologize......... her.
A. about
B. to
C. with
D. at

21. We apologize..........the late departure of this flight.
A. about
B. to
C. of
D. for
22. To..........is to pay the costs of a particular event, program, etc. away of advertising or to agree to give
somebody money for a charity if the, complete a particular task.
A. stimulate
B. donate
C. sponsor
D. help
23. Her.........language is Korean.
A. native
B. national
C. international

D. mother
24. We insisted..........a refund of the full amount.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. to
25. The.........of a football team usually wears a colored arm-band.
A. captain
B. forward
C. goalkeeper
D. defender
26. The team which..........more goals wins the match.
A. shoots
B. scores
C. blows
D. kicks
27. Which of these is one of the sports events in the Olympic Games?
A. hiking
B. racing
C. hunting
D. fishing
28. He was considered 'the Man of the Match' because he had..........three goals in that match.
A. won
B. succeeded
C. picked
D. scored
29. Only thirty students graduated............Chinese last year.
A. in
B. of

D. for
30. He graduated..........York with a degree in Psychology.
A. at
B. in
C. from
D. by
II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for you.
0. A. Boil plenty of salty water, and add the spaghetti.
B. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
C. She put some potatoes on to boil.
1. A. There is now intense......between schools to attract students.
B. We'll be able to assess the......at the conference.
C. Are you willing to enter that......?
2. A. Are you interested in economic...............?
B. The streets were noisy and full of......
C. Muscles contract and relax during physical............
3. A. She went to London with the.......of finding a job.
B. Our main.......is to increase sales in Europe.
C. Bob's one.......in life is to earn a lot of money.
4. A. Do you know the.......rainfall of this area?
B. She has finished the.......report of the sales.
C. This year we have an average.......growth rate of 8%.
5. A. We are pleased to...............that all five candidates were successful.
B. Would you...............the guests as they arrive?
C. They...............that the flight will be delayed.
6. A. To........is to reach a particular time or speed.
B. The police........(-ed) her doing over 100 miles an hour.
C. Wind gusts at 80 m.p.h. were........(-ed) at Rapid City.
7. A. I was...........by the quality of the wine.
B. I'm...........in you — I really thought I could trust you!

C. He was...........to see she wasn't at the party.
8. A. 'How do you do?'she said...........
B. The accounts were..........approved by the board.
Although not.......... trained as an art historian, he is widely
C. respected for his knowledge of the period.
9. A. The job will require you to use all your skills to the......
B. The July.......was 30°C.
C. What is the absolute.......you can afford to pay?
10. A He passed the exams with the........of effort.
B. The class needs a........of six students to continue.
C. As an absolute........, you should spend two hours in the evening studying.
11. A. The singer is regarded as a ...... of the youth of her generation.

B. He was the Queen's......at the ceremony.
C. She's our.........in France.
12. A. Traffic is now flowing...............again.
B. The engine was running............
C. The interview went.............
13. A. A...... is a group of people who join together for a particular purpose.
B. Are you a member of the drama........?
C. Do you know the American........of Newspaper Editors?
14. A. There's not much community.........around here, spirit
B. Although the team lost, they played with tremendous........
C. They took away his freedom and broke his..........
15. A. To........ is to make something develop or become more active or to encourage something.
B. The exhibition has........(-ed) interest in her work.
C. The article can be used to........discussion among students.
III. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. The club provides a wide variety of.......including tennis, swimming and squash.

2. Today's...... of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion.
3. The room was......small.
4. To our great.............., it rained every day of the trip.
5. This house needs some more..............decoration.
6. The colours blend......together.
7. This activity may give you some physical...............
8. A.........teacher is the one who is full of interesting or exciting ideas the one who makes
his students feel enthusiastic.
9. Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly..............market.
10. China gains a lot of benefits from their...........priced goods.
IV. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. She spent a lot of money.......cosmetics.
2. She smiled.......me.
3. That piece of news was delightful.......us.
4. It's no good.......her.
5. Mr. Johnson said he was.......favour.......doing the work right away.
6. We are really looking forward.......our ship.......Hawaii and Japan.
7. ......general, that is true. However, there are many exceptions.
8. The teacher said we had to learn all these expressions.......heart.
9. There has been a big increase.......the price of land recently.
10. Don't ask Kevin to decide. He's not very good........ making decisions.
V. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word.
1. He had tried several times to.........up smoking.
2. I am really looking.........to seeing you and your family again.
3. .......he worked hard, he could not achieve success in his career.
4. In our flat, the bedroom is.......to the kitchen.
5. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost.......?
6. He has recovered after a long......
7. In addition.......a full-time job, she also manages to look after her family.
8. Although we ....... many difficulties, we decided to carry on up to til summit of the mountain.

9. We.......to say to you that Flight AZ 107 has been unavoidably delayed.
10. Nowadays smoking is.......in many public places for safety reasons.
VI. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
1............of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
2. The police try to prevent criminal...............
3. The cafe is a popular...........place for students.



4.............is track and field sports that people compete in, such as running and jumping.
5. She was............not to be chosen.
6. It is such a........knowledge quiz.
7. A.......is an activity or a piece of work that lasts a long time and requires a lot of effort and patience.
8. For........effect do the exercises every day.
9. Rain.........against the window.
10. He is very good at the techniques of.........in stone.
11. Obey the........., not the letter (= the narrow meaning of the words) of the law.
12. Parents should give children books that.......them.
13. A..........is a piece of glass in a window.
14. They hold a.......for the leadership of the party.
15. The race organizers are trying to attract...........
16. Website is a place connected to the Internet, where a company or an organization, or an........person, puts
VII. Complete the following sentences in the reported speech.
1. Mary, "John won't like your inferring his business."
Mary said that John wouldn't thank me..................
2. "You should wear a suit when you come to my party, Tom," said Susan.
Susan insisted............................................................................
3. The tourist guide said, 'Don't walk aione in the street at night."
The tourist guide warned against.............................................
4.''I can't go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack," said Mary.
Mary apologized for..................................................................
5. The manager said to the workers, "You have done excellent work this month."
The manager congratulated the workers on...............................

6. "I always want to run my own business," she said to me.
She told me that she dreamed of...............................................
7. "You told a lie, Tom," she said.
She accused Tom.......................................................................
8. "To tell the truth, I haven't insured my car," she said.
She admitted...................................without insurance.
9. "Shall we have dinner somewhere after the theatre?" said Peter.
Peter suggested................................................................
10."I didn't break the windows," Bill said.
Bill denied.......................................................................
11. "You can't run out of the garden," Ms Kelly said to the children.
Ms Kelly prevented the children....................................
12."I feel like seeing you soon, Susan," said her mother.
Her mother looked forward............................................
13. “People have a right to say what they think," she said.
She said we couldn't stop people...................................
VIII. Complete the following sentences, using the idea of the speaker's words.
1. The doctor said to me, "You should lose weight."
The doctor advised me..................................................
2.. He said to me, "You should call a doctor."
He advised.....................................................................
3.. My teacher said, "Youshould study harder."
My teacher advised me...................................................
4. Sharon said, "I think you should go to the National University."
Sharon advised..................................................................
5. Mary said, "Let's go to a movie."
Mary suggested..................................................................
6. Don said, "I think you should see a doctor about the problem."
Don recommended.............................................................
7. Mr. Madison said, "Why don't you buy a motorbike."

Mr. Madison suggested......................................................
8. "Shall we go for a walk?" said Peter.
Peter suggested...................................................................

IX. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about the passage.
The Olympic Games originated in 776 BC in Olympia, a small town in Greece. Participants in the first
Olympiad are said to have run a 200-yard race, but as the Games were held every four years, they expanded in
scope. Only Greek amateurs were allowed to participate in this festival in honour of the god Zeus. The event
became a religious, patriotic, and athletic occasion where winners were honoured with wreaths and special
privileges. There was a profound change in the nature of the Games under the Roman emperors. After they
became professional circuses and carnivals, they were banned in 394 AD by Emperor Theodosius.
The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896 as a result of the initiative of Baron Pierre de
Coubertin, a French educator whose desire was to promote international understanding through athletics. Nine
nations participated in the first Games; over 100 nations currently compete.
The taint of politics and racial controversy, however, has impinged upon the Olympic Games in our epoch.
In 1936, Hitler, whose country hosted the games, affronted Jesse Owens, a black American runner, by refusing
to congratulate Owens for the feat of having won four gold medals. In the 1972 Munich Games, the world was
appalled by the deplorable murder of eleven Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists. The next Olympic Games in
Montreal were boycotted by African nations; in addition, Taiwan withdrew. In 1980, following the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan, sixty-two nations caused great consternation to their athletes by refusing to
participate in the Games.
1. The first Olympic Games were held........
A. for political reasons.
B. as an international competition.
C. as a religious festival.
D. as a professional athletes' competition.
2. Why were the Games discontinued?
A. They had ceased to be sports events.
B. The Romans did not enjoy them.

C. The emperors hated athletes.
D. Winners were getting special privileges.
3. Olympic games are held
A. every decade.
B. biannually.
C. every four years.
D. perennially.
4. The Greek Olympic Games were......in nature.
A. religious
B. national
C. athletic
D. all of the above
5. The Games were resumed in modern times for the purpose of.........
A. aiving amateur athletes a chance to participate. B. promoting goodwill among nations.
C. creating apolitical arena.
D. none of the above.
6. You can infer that Hitler's refusal to congratulate Jesse Owens indicate........
A. national pride.
B. jealousy.
C personal preference.
D. racial discrimination.
7. You can infer that the athletes in sixty-two nations in 1980 were..........
A. terribly disappointed.
B. very happy.
C. participants.
D. boycotted
8 The last three Olympic Games are notorious for their.........
A. racial discrimination.
B. triumphant victories.
C. fidelity to the goals of the Olympic goals.

D. political controversy.
9. The word 'boycotted' means..........
A. shunned
B. cursed
C. attended
D. braved
10. The word 'consensus' means.........
A. congress
B. agreement
C. choice
D. dissension
X. Read the text below, and fill in each with only ONE suitable word.
The London Marathon is one of the best-known long distances races in the world. Some of the
(1).............famous long distance runners have competed in it. But (2).............makes it different from many
other great sorting events is the fact that ordinary people can (3)..............part alongside international stars.
The race was the idea of Chris Brasher, a former Olympic athlete. In 1979, friends told him about the New
York Marathon, during (4).............the runners are encouraged to carry (5).............to the end of the course by
the enthusiastic shouts of the spectators. He flew to the USA to run in the race (6).............was so impressed by
(7).............that he decided to organize a similar event in Britain. Many problems (8).............to be overcome
before the first London Marathon took place in 1981. Chris Brasher still takes a keen interest in the event,
even though he is no longer the organizer.
A total of around 300,000 runners have completed the race, with a record of 25,194 finishing in 1984.
Numbers are limited (9).............the streets of London are narrow to accommodate all those who would like to
run. Each year, more than 70,000 apply for the 26,000 places in the race. Hundreds of thousands of spectators
line the route and at least a hundred countries televise it. Over the years, (10).............the first race was held, an
estimated £75 million has been raised for charity by the runners.
XI. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about passage:

The Tour de France, often called the Tour, is the most popular bicycle race in the world. More than 150

competitors race along a course that covers about 3,200 km of European roads. The Tour usually lasts about 25
to 30 days each . The course of the Tour changes each year. It lies mostly in France, but it has also passed
through neighbouring countries such as Belgium, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland. The final stretch of the
course always runs along the Champs-Élysées, a famous avenue in Paris. Only about half of the cyclists who
enter the Tour finish the race.
The Tour de France is divided into stages. There is a stage almost every day and some stages emphasize a
particular cycling skill, such as climbing hills, sprinting or performance in time-trial races. Cyclists are timed
for each stage. During the race, the cyclist with the lowest cumulative time wears the yellow jersey. In this
way, the yellow jersey indicates the current leader. At the conclusion of the race, the cyclist with the lowest
total time is the winner and receives the yellow jersey as a trophy in a ceremony in Paris.
Each competitor in the tour belongs to a team of nine cyclists. Each team has a leader, who is its best allaround cyclist. Other team members help the leader. They may shield the leader from wind, provide food or
drink, or offer support to the leader while climbing hills. Prize money awarded to winners is usually shared
among the team members.
1. Cyclists entering The Tour de France........
A. race in France.
B. race in neighbouring countries of France.
C. always run along the Champs-Élysées.
D. must cover over three thousand kilometers.
2. Which of the following words is similar in meaning to cumulative?
A. Collective.
B. Increasing.
C. Swelling.
D. Growing.
3. The winners of the race is the one........
A. who is best at a particular cycling skill.
B. who covers the course with the lowest total time.
C. wears the yellow jersey during a stage of the race.
D. who runs along the Champs-Élysées.
4. "Cyclists are timed for each stage" means........
A. The time for each stage of the race is measured by cyclists.

B. Cyclists start riding at the same time at each stage.
C. The time each cyclist runs for the race is measured in each stage and add up later.
D. Each stage has a different time to start for each cyclist.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Competitors in the Tour are divided into teams of nine cyclists each.
B. Team members may offer help to their team leader.
C. Team members share the prize money if their leader wins the race.
D. Each team has a leader, who is the best while climbing hills.
XII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct all the mistakes you can find.
1. Paris has been well-known about its famous monuments, beautiful music, and wonderful restaurants for
over one hundred years.
2 Because there are less members present tonight than there were last night, we just wait until the next meeting
to vote.
3. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable.
4. Sandra has not rarely missed a play or concert since she was seventeen years old.
5. The director has not decided how to deal with the new problems already.
6. The leader emphasized the need for justice and equality between his people.
7. Many of the population in the rural areas consists of manual labourers.
8. Several people have apparent tried to change the man's mind, but he refused to listen.
9. Keith is one the most intelligent boys of the science class.
10. The girls were sorry to had missed the singers when they arrived at the airport.
XIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.
1. Luisa was the only one who didn't enjoy the film.
Everybody.................... Luisa.
2. They are going to demolish that old power station.
That old power station................down.
3. My sister began to learn Russian five years ago.

My sister.................five years.
4. 'Do not answer the phone, Rebecca!' said Mrs. Miniver.
Mrs. Miniver..........................answer the phone.
5. The trip to Chicago was cheaper than 1 had expected.

The trip to Chicago.........I had expected.
6. My watch was so badly damaged that it wasn't worth keeping.
My watch was so badly damaged that.............keeping it.
7. I expect you were exhausted after your long journey.
You...............exhausted after your long journey.
8. It was unfair that the gymnast was given such low marks.
The gymnast............... given such low marks.
9. This bottle is completely empty.
10.My uncle did not learn to drive until he was forty.
My uncle..................................to drive.
XIV. Make sentences based on the given words.
Dear Sir /Madam,
1. I / see / your advertisement / yesterday / "Daily Message".
2. And I / be / interest / piano / you / have / sale.
3. Before / I / arrange / see / instrument / you / please / send me / more information?
4. I / wish / know / if / piano / be / upright / or / grand type.

5. I / also / be / glad / if / you tell / me / age / instrument.
6. And / lowest / price / you / accept / it.
7. I / be / free / visit / you / Thursday / October
8. Kindly / indicate / time / that / be / most convenient / you.
Yours sincerely,
Lam Anh
The End


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D
11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B
21. D 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C
1. competition 2. activity 3. aim 4. annual 5. announce 6. clock 7. disappointed 8. formally
9. maximum 10. minimum 11 . representative 12. smoothly 13. society 14 . spirit 15. stimulate
1. activities 2. announcement 3. disappointingly 4. disappointment 5. sculptural 6. smoothly
7. stimulation 8. stimulating 9. competitive 10. competitively
1. on 2. at 3. to 4. for 5. in – of 6. to - to 7. In 8. by 9. in 10. at
1. give 2. to 3. Although 4. next 5. Anything 6. illness 7. to 8. had 9. regret 10. banned
1. Announcements 2. activities 3. meeting 4. Athletics 5. disappointed 6. general
7. marathon 8. maximum 9. pattered 10. sculpture 11. spirit 12. stimulate
13. windowpane 14. contest 15. sponsors 16. individual
1. Maty said that John wouldn't thank me for my inferring his business.

2. Susan insisted that Tom should wear a suit when he came to her party.
3. The tourist guide warned against walking alone in the street at night.
4. Mary apologized for not going to Jack's birthday party the following Saturday evening.
5. The manager congratulated the workers on having done excellent work that month.
6. She told me that she dreamed of running her own business.
7. She accused Tom of telling a lie.
8. She admitted driving without insurance.

9. Peter suggested having dinner somewhere after the theatre.
10. Bill denied having broken / breaking the windows.
11. Ms Kelly prevented the children from running out of the garden.
12. Her mother looked forward to seeing Susan soon.
13. She said we couldn't stop people (from) saying what they thought.
1. The doctor advised me to lose weight.
2. He advised me to call a doctor.
2 My teacher advised me to study harder.
3. Sharon advised me to go to the National University.
4. suggested going to a movie.
5. Don recommended me to see / seeing, a doctor about the problem.
6. Mr. Madison suggested buying a motorbike.
7. Peter suggested going for a walk.
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. most 2. what 3. take 4. which 5. on 6. and 7. it 8. had/needed / were 9. because 10. since
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D

1. about  for
2. less  fewer 3. for  in
4. not rarely  rarely
5. already  yet
6. between  among 7. Many  Most
8. apparent  apparently
9. one the  one of the 10. to had missed  to have missed
1. enjoyed the film apart from
2. is going to be pulled
3. has been learning Russian for
4. told/instructed/ordered Rebecca not to/ said that Rebecca must/should not
5. was not as/so expensive as
6. there was no point (in)
7. must have been
8. did not deserve to be
9. nothing left in this/the
10. was forty when he learned/started/began
Dear Sir/ Madam,
1. I have seen your advertisement in yesterday's "Daily Message".
2. And I am interested in the piano you have for sale.
3. Before I arrange to see the instrument, will you please send me more information?
4. I wish to know if the piano is an upright or a grand type.
5. I would also be glad if you told me the age of the instrument.
6. And the lowest price you would accept for it.
7. I shall be free to visit you on Thursday, October 12.
8. Kindly indicate the time that will be most convenient for you.
Yours sincerely,

Ancient Olymia Town

Chris Brasher

London Marathon

New York Marathon
