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Ga Anh 8 Bai 4

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Preparing date: October 17
, 2006 Teaching date: October , 2006
Period 21 UNIT 4: OUR PAST
Lesson 2: Speak – Language Focus 4
I. Aim: Speaking about the way things used to be and the way they are now
II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use USED TO to talk about the things they used
to do
III. Skills: Speaking.
IV. Teaching Aids: Textbook, word cards for drilling.
V. Procedures:
Teacher and students’ activitives Contents
1. Warm up
* Jumbled words
- rieletcicty = electricity
- menttaenterin = entertainment
- rkmaet = market
- permasuekt = supermarket
2. Presentation
- Recall the conversation between Nga and her
grandma, then ask:
-Ask: Another word for always lived
- Answer: used to live
- Ask ss to use USED TO to make question and
- Where did Nga’s grandma always live?
-> She always lived on a farm
- Where did Nga’s grandma use to live?
She used to live on a farm.
* Form:

S + didn’t use to + infinitive
Did + S + use to + infinitive?
* Use: used to express a past habit, or an action usually
happened in the past.
* Meaning: đã thường hay làm gì
3. Practice
- Get ss to work in open pairs then close pairs the
word cue drill.
a. Live / Hue / Hanoi
b. Have / long hair / short hair
c. Get up / late / early
d. Walk to school / bicycle.
e. Study / evening / early morning
a. Did you use to live in Hue?
No. I used to live in Hanoi
b. Did you use to have long hair?
No. I used to have short hair.
c. Did you use to get up late?
No. I used to get up early.
d. Did you walk to school?
No. I used to go to school by bicycle.
e. Did you use to study in the evening?
No. I used to study in the early morning
4. Production
-Ask ss to compare 2 pictures on page 40, using
USED TO to talk about the actions in the past
- Elicit some ideas so that ss can talk about them.
a. Where did they live in the past? And now?
- People used to live in small houses. Now they live in
big houses and buildings.

b. How did they travel?
- People used to walk. Now, they can go by cars or
c. What’s about the electricity?
Tiếng Anh 8 – Nguyễn Thò Kiều Vân Năm học: 2006-2007
- Now, there is electricity everywhere
d. What’s about their life / work?
- People used to work hard all the time. Now they have
a lot of time for entertainment.
e. Did children use to go to school?
- Most children used to stay at home. Now, they all go
to school.
f. What’s about their entertainment?
-Children used to play traditional games such as hide
and seek, skip rope….outdoors. Now they have a lot of
modern games- video games
5. Homework
Write about the things you used to do last year.
Last year, I used to get up late. Now, I get up very
early and do morning exercises.
Tiếng Anh 8 – Nguyễn Thò Kiều Vân Năm học: 2006-2007

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