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ANH 6 TUẦN 2 (1)

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English 6 – Week 2st

School year: 2016 - 2017

Period 4

Unit 1
Lesson 3


PD: 29 /8 /16
TD: 31 /8 /16

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use the present simple and the present continuous tenses correctly
Teaching Aids: Pictures , recording , textbooks
Teacher’s activities
I. Check up:
- Make 2 sentences, using have / do / play / study
- Pronunce 2 sounds /ʊə / and /ʌ / and recognize
sounds in sentences.
II. Warm up: True or False repetition
I live in Da nang city.
He is reading books now.
We studying English today.
Do Miss Nga work in this school?
Look! The girls are playing games.

- Make 2 sentences, using have /
do / play / study
- Pronunce 2 sounds /ʊə / and /ʌ /
and recognize sounds in sentences
- Work as the whole class to guess
- Answer by going to the board to
point out the words

III. New lesson:
1. The present simple:
Formation: a/ Positive: I / You / We / They… +
Verb ( infi. )…
He / She / It… + V-s/ V-es …
b/ Negative: I / You / We / They… + don’t / do not
+ Verb…
He / She / It… + doesn’t / does not + Verb…
c/ Questions and short answers:
Do / Does + S + V… ? _ Yes, S + do / does _
No, S + don’t / doesn’t.
Remember! The present simple verbs with :
he / she / it … need an s/es
Use: When something often happens or is fixed:
The present simple
Example: - I usually go to school by bike.
- Hoa and Hong don’t play tennis after school
1.1/ Write the correct form of the verbs
T introduces: Miss Nguyet is interviewing Duy for
the school newsletter.
Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

Students’ activities

- Try to give out form, use and tell
some adverbs going with the
present simple

- Listen
- Copy down

- Write the correct form of the verb

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

English 6 – Week 2st

School year: 2016 - 2017

Lets Ss write the correct form of the V individually. - Ss write in 4 groups
Feedback: Ss write their answers
- Go to the board to fill in the table
T corrects their answers and gives explaination if
- The rest give comments
1. has

2.Do you 3. love 4. Does 5. ride

Vy walk
7. doean’t 8. reads 9. go
10. do
teaches play
1.2/ Role-play the interview:
- T asks Ss to role-play the interview ( pair work ).
- T observes and helps Ss when and where
- Feedback: 2 pairs act out the interview.
1.3/ Correct the sentences:
- T asks Ss to read the interview and 5 sentences
carefully and correct them.
- T allows Ss to write the sentences in their
notebooks, referring to the interview.
- Feedback: Ss write their answers on the board.
- T checks and corrects their answers sentence by
1/ Duy lives near here.
2/ Duy likes / loves his new school.
3/ Vy and Duy ride to school.
4/ Mr. Quang teaches Duy English.
5/ At break time, Phong reads in the library.
- T asks Ss to learn the rule and use of the present
1.4/ Make questions to interview your partner:
Ss work in pairs to make the complete questions,
using the word given.
Ss practice asking and answering the questions.

T goes round and corrects their mistakes.
2. The present continous:
a/ Positive: S + am / is / are + V-ing …………..
b/ Negative: S + am / is / are + not + V-ing……
c/ Questions and short answers:
Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing? - Yes, S + am / is / are.
--No, S + isn’t / aren’t.
Use: When something is happening now: The
present continous
Example: - I am going to school now.
Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

- Role-play the interview
( pair work ).

- Read the interview and 5
sentences carefully and correct
- Write the sentences in their
notebooks, referring to the
- Write their answers on the board.

- Try to give out form, use and tell
some adverbs going with the
present simple

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

English 6 – Week 2st

School year: 2016 - 2017

- Where are the students playing football?
- Look ! Nam is drawing a big house.
2.1/ Find the present continous form in the
- T asks Ss to listen to the conversation in Getting
started and find the present continous form.
- Ss read the sentences, using the present continous
-Answers: is knocking…, is having…, are wearing..
2.2/ Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs:
- T explains the example:
Yummy! I’m having school lunch with my new
- T asks Ss to write the correct verb forms.
- Feedback: Ss read the verb form in each sentence
and the whole sentence correctly.
- KEY: 1.am not playing 2. are studying
3. aren’t doing
4. am having
5. are riding
- T explains: the differences between the 2 tenses
Example: I often walk to school.
Now I am riding to school.
2.3/ Choose the correct tense of the verbs:

- T asks Ss to choose the correct tense by
- Ss read their answers and tell which tense they
use. - T explains why they use the present simple or
the present continous,
focusing on the context of the sentences.
- Note: - Adverbs of time: now, on Monday and
- The command: Look!,
Key: 1. are having
2. wears
3. starts
4. is watching
5. are skipping
2.4/ Read Vy’s e-mail to her friend:
- T explains the task and asks Ss to do this exercise
at home.

- Listen to the conversation in
Getting started and find the present
continous form.
- Ss read the sentences, using the
present continous tense.

- Write the correct verb forms.
- Feedback: Ss read the verb form
in each sentence and the whole
sentence correctly.

- Choose the correct tense by
- Ss read their answers and tell
which tense they use.

- Take notes

E. Remark:

Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

English 6 – Week 2st

School year: 2016 - 2017

Period 5

Unit 1
Lesson 4:


PD: 29 /8 /19
TD: 31 /8 /16


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- know how to use questions when making friends
- do a class presentation about their classmates
Activities: - Help Ss remember and use the grammar box effectively.
- Help Ss role-play the interview about schools.
Teaching Aids:
Posters , textbooks

Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

Teacher’s activities
I. Old lesson: Chatting
T asks6Ss
– Week
2st about their daily
activities, encourage them to use the present
simple and the present continuous

Students’ activities
- Answer
the questions
year: 2016 - 2017

II. New Lesson:
1. Game: Making friends
- T asks Ss - how they often make frien
- what they often say when they
- Answer these questions.
first meet a new friend
- Read and tick the questions they
- what questions they often ask.
think are suitable to ask a new friend
- Feedback 1: Ss answer these questions.
at school.
- T asks Ss read and tick the
- Discuss in groups of 4.
questions they think are suitable to ask a new - Ss answer
friend at school.
- Write questions on a piece of paper
- T lets Ss discuss in groups of 4.
and share them with the class.
- Ss answer and T may ask why or
why not they tick this or that question.
- T allows Ss some time to write
questions on a piece of paper and share them
with the class.
Example: Where do you live
What’s your telephone number?
2. Friendship quiz:
T shows Ss some pictures about friendship.
- Give qualities of a good friend in
PD: 30 /8 /16

T asks Ss to give qualities of a good friend in class.
01 /9
/16 as
- Ss can write as
Ss can write as many words as possible.
Eg: friendly, generous, helpful, cheerful,
truthful, faithful…….
a/ Ss work in groups of 4 to
interview the other members, using
- Work in groups of 4 to interview the
these questions.
other members, using these questions.
1. Do you remember all your new classmates’ names?
2. Do you help your teacher in the class?
3. Do you share things with your classmates?
4. Do you keep quite when your teacher is talking?
5. Do you play with your classmates at break time?
6. Do you help your classmates with their homework?
7. Do you travel to school with your classmates?
8. Do you listen when your classmates are talking?
- Feedback: Ss answer the questions: Yes /
- Give nice sentences about friendship.
b/ Friendship:

- T encourages Ss to give nice sentences
about friendship.
Ngu Thuy
Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh
- ATrung
good friend
is a good
- Present to the class about their good

English 6 – Week 2st

School year: 2016 - 2017

Period 6

Unit 1:
Lesson 5:


PD: 29 /8 /19
TD: 01 /9 /16

- By the end of this lesson students can read for specific information

about schools, and read e-mails and web pages.
- Express their ideas about the school they like.
- Develop reading skill and speaking skill
Pictures, an extra-board.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warm up
* Chatting: What do you like about our school?
- Listen
What do you dislike about our school?
- Answer the questions
II. Pre – reading
1. Preteach the vocabulary
boarding school (n): trường nội trú
playground (n): sân chơi
equipment (n): thiết bị
- Try to guess the words
join= take part in (v): tham gia vào
- Listen and repeat
club (n): câu lạc bộ
- Copy down
surrounded: được bao quanh
international: quốc tế
creative:(a) sáng tạo
1. Fill in the chart with the information in the texts.
* Guessing:
Name of Location

Years to
- Fill in the chart with the
information in the texts
- Guess by saying out
III. While-reading
- Ask ss to read the texts quickly in 5
minutes to check their guessing and fill in
the chart from one to 3 with the
information in the texts (extra- board)
Name of Locatio Years to Special points
1. PLC

Sydney Kindergar - Only for
Australi ten- Year girls.
- Boarding

Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

- Fill in the chart with the
information in the texts.

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

English 6 – Week 2st
2. An Lac

School year: 2016 - 2017


- Have only 7
classes with
194 students.
- Be
surrounded by

Year 1- - Have big

year 12 building and
- Learn

* Checking technique: Slap the board
Teacher shows the students the three pictures one by
one, then asks ss answers to these questions:
? What is the name of this school?
? Where is it?
? What is special about this school?
- Teacher tells ss to look through the passages, find
the sentences which have the words then guess the
meanings of the words in the passages.
V. Post – reading
- Teacher asks ss to complete the sentences without
looking back the texts
* Speaking
- Teacher tells ss to fill in the chart (point 4) with the
information about their real school (work in groups)
then discuss in groups, choose school they like and
give reasons
- Call some ss to present their group’s idea
V. Homework: - Learn by heart newwords.

- Write the answers in
their extra boards

- Stick the extra boards
to check as the whole

- Answers to these
- Look through the
passages, find the
sentences which have
the words then guess
the meanings of the
words in the passages.

- Complete the sentences
without looking back
the texts

-Discuss in groups, choose
school they like and give

- Prepare for skill 2.
Ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2016
Tổ trưởng duyệt

Ngu Thuy Trung Secondry School

Completed by: Nguyen Ngoc Ninh

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