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luyen tap E 9

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Practice 8
Ex 1: Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhÊt
1. You can't stop me what I want. (doing/ do / to do/ that I do).………………
2. I must go now. I promised late. (not being/ not to be/ to not be/ Iwouldn't be)………
3. do you want ..with you. ( me come/ me to come/ that I come/ that I will ……………
4. I'm sure I locked the door. I clearly remember ..it.( locking/ to lock/ to have …………
locked/ lock)
5. She tried to be serious but she couldn't help ( laughing/ to laugh/ laugh/ that …………
she laughed)
6. I like the kitchen as often as possible.( clean/ cleaned/ cleaning/ that I clean)…………
7. A friend of mine phoned me to a party.( for invite/ to invite/ for inviting/ for to …………
8. a.It is difficult to him understand.
b. He is difficult to understand.
c. It is difficult to understand him.
d. He is difficult to understand him.
9. I didn't hear you in. You must have been very quiet.( came/ come/ to come/ had ………
10. I'd advise the exercise.( to take/ you taking/ taking/ you to take)…………
Ex 2: ViÕt d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc.
1. It took me 2 hours ( do) ..this work.……………………………
2. When did you finish ( paint) .the kitchen?…………………………
3. I began ( learn) English when I was 7.…………………………
4. Some people like ( have) .breakfast in bed, but I don't.……………………
5. Don't forget ( post) .my letter.………………………
6. What do you want ( do) tonight?…………………………
7. I love ( listen) .to pop music.……………………………
8. She continued ( talk) ..during the whole meal.……………………………
9. They spent all morning ( learn) ..the lesson.…………………………
10. I am fond of ( go) to the movie on Sundays.……………………………

Ex 3: ViÕt d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc.
1. We've decided ( go) ..to the beach.…………………
2. did you promise ( take) .the children to the zoo?……………………
3. I can't imagine ( live) in the country.…………………………
4. I stopped ( play) .tennis when I got married.……………………
5. Have the men finished ( repair) .the roof yet?…………………………
6. I'd love ( visit) ..China.………………………
7. You shouldn't avoid ( talk) ..about your problems.………………………………
8. Peter refused ( help) .us.………………………………
9. Why does Peter keep ( talk) about his mother.………………………………
10. I meant ( buy) .some butter, but I forgot.………………………………
11. I remember ( meet) ..her before.…………………………
12. Don't forget ( turn) ..off the lights when you leave.…………………………
Ex 4: G¹ch ch©n tõ ®óng nhÊt.
1. Helen enjoyed / chose to learn French.
2. I really can't stand / afford to travel by plane.
3. Do you mind / want coming back in half an hour.
4. Tina suggested / meant to buy some potatoes, but she forgot.
5. Emily denied / refused opening the office safe.
6. Bill admitted / agreed making a serious mistake.
7. My parents disliked / decided to send me to a different school.
8. I hope / like to get agood job.
9. I won't mind / like looking after the baby while you are away.
10. He suggested / offered to go to the theatre tonight.
Ex 5: ViÕt d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc : to + V hoÆc V.
1. Mr Thomas doesn't let anyone ( smoke) .in his office.…………………………
2. I don't know Jack, but I'd like ( meet) ..him.……………………………
3. The film was sad. It made me (cry) ..…………………………………
4. The cold weather caused the plants ( die) .……………………………
5.She prevented ( sleep) when her mother came in.………………………

6. She wants ( go) to Italy.…………………………
7. He has a lot of homework ( do) .right now.……………………………
8. They went to the post office ( buy) some stamps and envelopes.………………………
9. I hope ( announce) .the winter shortly.……………………………
10. It's easy ( use) this machine.………………………………
Ex6: ViÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau sö dông c¸c tõ cho tr íc .
1. The sudden noise made me jump.
The sudden noise caused…………………………………………………………………
2. She wouldn't let me use her car.
She doesn't allow…………………………………………………………………………
3. I can hear voices upstairs.
I can hear someone………………………………………………………………………
4. I only did it because they made me do it.
I only did it because they forced…………………………………………………………
5. They don't allow us to go out tonight.
They don't let ……………………………………………………………………………
6.Please take a seat .
Would you mind ..?………………………………………………………………………
7. " You stole the jewels," said the inspector.
The inspector accused him………………………………………………………………
8. " You damaged my car, John!"
John was accused of ..……………………………………………………………………
9. We couldn't go to school because of the flood.
The flood prevented ..……………………………………………………………………
10. Would you like to go to the beach?
Do you fancy .……………………………………………………………………………

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