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TA10-U1- Family Life - communicationculture

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Period 8: Communication & Culture

I. Communication
1. Discussion

1.What is the person in each picture doing?
2.Do you think they are happy? Why (not)?

I. Communication
2. Listen to the TV talk show. Who said that?
1. Mr. Pham Hoang

c, e

2. Mr. Nguyen Nam

b, d

3. Ms. Mai Lan

a, f

a. Women also work to share the household financial burden with
their husbands.
b. Homemaking can’t only be the job of the wife.
c. A woman’s job is to look after everybody in the family and take
care of the house.
d. Both husband and wife should join hands to provide for the family

and to make it happy.
e. In the family, the husband is the provider.
f. Women’s roles have changed.

I. Communication
3. Discussion
1. Whose opinion do you agree with?
2. What do you think the role of the wife and the husband
should be? Give reason(s).

II. Culture
Family life in Singapore and in Vietnam

- (to) join hands
- provider (n)
- nuclear family
- nursery school

chung tay góp sức
người cung cấp (người trụ cột)
gia đình có 2 thế hệ
trường mầm non

- child-minder (n)

người trông trẻ

- nursing home

nhà dưỡng lão

- (to) collaborate

hợp tác

- extended family

gia đình có 3 thế hệ trở lên

- ungrateful (a)

vô ơn, bất hiếu

II. Culture
Family life in Singapore and in Vietnam
1 What type of family is
popular in the country?

In Singapore
In Vietnam
nuclear families extended families

2 Who takes care of young

nursery schools / grandparents /
children when their
a child-minder great-grandparents
parents are at work?
3 Who looks after elderly
4 How do the parents
contribute to educating
their children?

themselves / a
nursing home

young people

help with the
collaborate with housework / give
the school
advice on behavior

- Learn by heart the words / phrases
- Prepare for the next lesson
