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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí





Mã đề thi 207

NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
This rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban industrial circumstances of the
last half of the 19th century were accompanied by the development of a national literature of great
abundance and variety. New themes, new forms, new subjects, new regions, new authors, new
audiences all emerged in the literature of this half century.
As a result, at the onset of World War I, the spirit and substance of American literature had
evolved remarkably, just as its center of production had shifted from Boston to New York in the late
1880s and the sources of its energy to Chicago and the Midwest. No longer was it produced, at least
in its popular forms, in the main by solemn, typically moralistic men from New England and the
Old South; no longer were polite, well-dressed, grammatically correct, middle-class young people
the only central characters in its narratives; no longer were these narratives to be set in exotic places
and remote times; no longer, indeed, were fiction, poetry, drama, and formal history the chief
acceptable forms of literary expression; no longer, finally, was literature read primarily by young,
middle class women.
In sum, American literature in these years fulfilled in considerable measure the condition

Walt Whitman called for in 1867 in describing Leaves of Grass: it treats, he said of his own major
work, each state and region as peers "and expands from them, and includes the world ... connecting
an American citizen with the citizens of all nations." At the same time, these years saw the
emergence of what has been designated "the literature of argument," powerful works in sociology,
philosophy, psychology, many of them impelled by the spirit of exposure and reform. Just as
America learned to play a role in this half century as an autonomous international political,
economic, and military power, so did its literature establish itself as a producer of major works.
Câu 1: The word “evolved” in paragraph two is closest in meaning to______________
A. changed

B. turned back

C. diminished

D. became famous

Câu 2: All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the ne J literature
A. It was not highly regarded internationally

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B. It broke with many literary traditions of the past
C. It spoke to the issue of reform and change
D. It introduced new American themes, characters, and settings
Câu 3: The phrase “these years” in the third paragraph refers to ___________.
A. the early 1800s

B. 1850-1900

C. the 1900s

D. the present

Câu 4: The word “it” in the second paragraph refers to______________
A. the population

B. American literature

C. the energy

D. the manufacturing

Câu 5: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the previous passage probably
A. new developments in industrialization and population shifts
B. he importance of tradition to writers
C. the limitations of American literature to this time
D. the fashions and values of 19th century America
Câu 6: This passage would probably be read in which of the follow academic courses?
A. Current events

B. International affairs

C. American literature D. European history

Câu 7: The word “exotic" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to_________
A. unusual

B. old-fashioned

C. well-known

D. urban

Câu 8: The main idea of this passage is____________
A. that the new American literature was less provincial than the old
B. that most people were wary of the new literature
C. that World War I caused a dramatic change in America
D. that centers of culture shifted from East to West
Câu 9: The author uses the word “indeed” in the second paragraph for what purpose?
A. To show a favorable attitude to these forms of literature.
B. To emphasize the contrast he is making.
C. For variety in a lengthy paragraph.
D. To wind down his argument.
Câu 10: It can be inferred from the passage that Walt Whitman_____________
A. was disapproving of the new literature

B. disliked urban life

C. was an international diplomat

D. wrote Leaves of Grass

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

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Câu 11: A. vision

B. conclusion

Câu 12: A. solution B. could

C. division

D. comparison

C. pull

D. look

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Speech is one of the most important (13) ______ of communicating. It consists of far more
than just making noises. To talk and also to (14) ______ by other people, we have to speak a
language, that is, we have to use combinations of (15) ______ that everyone agrees to stand for a
particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own
Learning a language properly is very (16)______ . The basic (17) ______ of English is not
very large, and not only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (18)______. But the more
idea you can (19) ______ the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the (20) ______ thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way
we (21)______ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
(22) ______ whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
Câu 13: A. rules

B. reason

C. ways

D. tests

Câu 14: A. be understood

B. be spoken

C. be examined

D. be talked

Câu 15: A. sounds

B. languages

C. systems

D. talks

Câu 16: A. easy

B. expensive

C. simple

D. important

Câu 17: A. grammar

B. structure

C. vocabulary

D. word

Câu 18: A. perfect

B. good

C. well

D. fluent

Câu 19: A. need

B. grow

C. express

D. pass

Câu 20: A. most

B. main

C. certain

D. full

Câu 21: A. talk

B. send

C. pass

D. say

Câu 22: A. know

B. show

C. ask

D. understand

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 23: The visitors were complaining______in the rain.
A. for waiting

B. me about waiting

C. about having to wait

D. that they have to wait

Câu 24: Family_________later took on a much greater significance in his life.

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A. relatives

B. relationships

C. relation

D. relations

Câu 25: Joanne is criticising Alex for taking a late flight. Choose the most suitable response to fill
in the blank in the following exchange.
Joanne: “You should have flown with the earlier flight!”

Alex: “___________________”

A. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

B. Yes but It was fully booked.

C. Yes, I should

D. Why not?

Câu 26: Safety should take _________over all other matters in the workplace.
A. precede

B. precedent

C. preceding

D. precedence

Câu 27: We arranged to meet at the station, but she didn’t___________.
A. get through

B. turn up

C. walk out

D. wait on

Câu 28: Some sociologists believe that the______ family of parents and children is rapidly
becoming a thing of the past.
A. extended

B. joint

C. nuclear

D. closed

Câu 29: __________with your friends and give me your answer tomorrow.
A. Talk over it

B. Talk it over

C. Work it out

D. Look into it

Câu 30: In 1959 the political philosopher Hannah Arendt became the first woman _______a full
professor at Princeton University.
A. to appoint

B. was appointed

C. to be appointed

D. who be appointed as

Câu 31: They______ the job by this time tomorrow.
A. will be finishing

B. will finish

C. are finishing

D. will have finished

Câu 32: Mark first________ his wife three years ago when they _________at university.
A. met/ have studied B. met/ were studying C. has met/ studied

D. met/ had been studying

Câu 33: Mike asked Sarah how long______ English so far.
A. she had been learning B. she learned

C. she has been learning D. had she learned

Câu 34: In Britain, most pupils transfer from primary to________ school at the age of 11.
A. secondary

B. elementary

C. upper

D. middle

Câu 35: Any child has the right to an education ________of sex, creed, race or nationality.
A. regardless

B. providing

C. despite

D. because

Câu 36: _________, these students are among the best prepared who have been through this
A. On the whole

B. At the whole

C. In the general

D. In generally

Câu 37: Your car is too dirty! When did you have it___________?
A. to be washed

B. wash

C. washed

D. to wash

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Câu 38: ______her tears, she waved goodbye to her family from the station platform.
A. Filling out

B. Bringing in

C. Turning over

D. Fighting back

Câu 39: Paul is asking Joe for permission to play the guitar in the room. Choose the most suitable
response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Paul: “Is it all right if I play the guitar in here while you’re studying?”


A. Well, if only you didn’t.

B. Oh, I wish you wouldn’t.

C. Well, actually, I’d prefer it if you didn’t D. Well, I’d rather not.
Câu 40: She said she met you once at the Parade last week. _________since?
Câu 41: I am sorry I cannot hear what you________ because everybody ______so loudly.
A. were saying/ has talked

B. said/ was talking

C. have just said/ is talking




Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 42: The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. eliminate

B. protect

C. pollute

D. destroy

Câu 43: My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.

A. unqualified

B. ill-educated

C. unskilled

D. unimpaired

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 44: Every woman who had enough criteria can join the beauty contest irrespective of their
A. under guarantee

B. in consideration of C. regardless of

D. on account of

Câu 45: Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.
A. wanted to continue

B. felt sorry for us

C. refused to change his decision

D. changed his decision

Câu 46: I am concerned about my children.
A. angry

B. sad

C. happy

D. worried

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

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Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of
communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral
speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in
which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort
to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact
and can be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot.
Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or
unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod
signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.
Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read
with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also
guide, warn, and instruct people.
While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques
also express human thoughts and feelings.
Câu 47: Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly be the most commonly
used among blind people?
A. Signal flags

B. Picture signs

C. Body language

D. Braille

Câu 48: Which of the following best summarizes this passage?
A. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest.
B. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.
C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners.
D. Everybody uses only one form of communication.
Câu 49: Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally
EXCEPT for_____________
A. spelling

B. whole words

C. ideas

D. expressions

Câu 50: What would be MOST likely to use Morse code?
A. A scientist

B. A spy

C. An airline pilot

D. A telegrapher

Câu 51: The word "wink" in the second paragraph means most nearly the same
A. bob the head up and down

B. close one eye briefly

C. shake the head from side to side

D. close two eyes briefly

Câu 52: How many different forms of communication are mentioned here?
A. 7

B. 5

C. 11

D. 9

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Câu 53: People need to communicate in order to_____________.
A. keep from reading with their fingertips

B. be picturesque and exact

C. create language barriers

D. express thoughts and feelings

Câu 54: The word "these" in the first paragraph refers to___________
A. thoughts and feelings

B. tourists

C. sign language motions

D. the deaf and the mute

Câu 55: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______________
A. There are many forms of communication in existence today.
B. Verbalization is the most common form of communication.
C. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language.
D. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication.
Câu 56: What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Many Forms of Communication

B. Picturesque Symbols of Communication

C. Ways of Expressing Feelings

D. The Importance of Sign Language

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Câu 57: The woman accused to shoplift was found not guilty and was acquitted
A. accused

B. to shoplift

C. not guilty

D. was acquitted

Câu 58: Most college-age students today are interested in finding universities in which can pursue
both academic and athletic extra-cirricular activities. A. which can B. Most C. both D. interested in
Câu 59: While the teacher was explaining the some on the blackboard, the children threw paper
aeroplanes around the classroom.

A. around B. threw C. on the D. was explaining

Câu 60: The human brain is often comparing to a computer, but such an analogy can be misleading.
A. misleading B. The human

C. but such

D. comparing

Câu 61: You can apply for a better job when you will have had more experience.
A. when

B. will have had

C. apply for

D. more experience

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 62: A. certificate

B. compulsory

C. undergraduate

D. curriculum

Câu 63: A. accountancy

B. concentrate

C. allegedly

D. bewildered

Câu 64: A. marvellous

B. counterpart

C. compliment

D. determine

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Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in s uch a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.

Question 65: “I should say nothing about it if I were you” my brother said.
My brother advised ……………………………………………………………..
Question 66: The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
Plans ……………………………………………………………….
Question 67: Everybody has agreed that changes to the scheme are necessary.
Changes ………………………………………………………………..
Question 68: They are going to rebuild our kitchen next week.
We …………………………………………………………………..
Question 69: The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a
So many people turned ………………………………………………………….
Part II. In about 150 words, write a paragraph about the person in your family who you admire
The following prompts may be helpful to you:
+ Who is the person you admire most in your family?
+ What does he/she look like?
+ What are his/her personalities?
+ Why do you admire him/her most?
----------- HẾT --------

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PHẦN VIẾT (2 điểm)
I. (0,5 điểm)
Câu 65: My brother advised me not to say/ to say nothing about it.
Câu 66: Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect.
Câu 67: Changes to the scheme have been agreed to be necessary.
Câu 68: We are going to have our kitchen rebuilt next week.
Câu 69: So many people turned out to see the President that all traffic came to a standstill.
II. (1,5 điểm)
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá điểm tối đa:
1. Bố cục (0,40 điểm)
o Câu đề dẫn chủ đề mạch lạc
o Bố cục hợp lí rõ ràng phù hợp yêu cầu của đề bài
o Bố cục uyển chuyển từ mở bài đến kết luận

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

2. Phát triển ý (0,25 điểm)
o Phát triển ý có trình tự logic

o Có dẫn chứng, ví dụ, … đủ để bảo vệ ý kiến của mình
3. Sử dụng ngôn từ (0,30 điểm)
o Sử dụng ngôn từ phù hợp nội dung
o Sử dụng ngôn từ đúng văn phong/ thể loại
o Sử dụng từ nối các ý cho bài viết uyển chuyển
4. Nội dung (0,30 điểm)
o Đủ thuyết phục người đọc
o Đủ dẫn chứng, ví dụ, lập luận
o Độ dài: Số từ không nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn so với quy định 5%
5. Ngữ pháp, dấu câu, và chính tả: (0,25 điểm)
o Sử dụng đúng dấu câu
o Chính tả: Viết đúng chính tả. Lỗi chính tả gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị tính một lỗi (trừ 1%
điểm của bài viết). Cùng một lỗi chính tả lặp lại chỉ tính là một lỗi o Sử dụng đúng thời, thể, cấu
trúc câu đúng ngữ pháp.(Lỗi ngữ pháp gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị trừ 1% điểm bài viết.
