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Internet intrarnet CIS class 9

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Internet / Intranet

Class 9

Class 9 Agenda
Miscellaneous Topics

Plug-Ins, Multimedia
Development Environments

Registering a Domain Name
Contains or Resembles Well-Know Commercial Names or
Names of Individuals
With Intent to:
Prevent Others From Using the Name
Profit by Selling Domain Name to Trademark Owner or

Trademark Law
Legal Action Only if Domain Name is Used

Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
November 29, 1999
Civil Lawsuits May be Filed by Trademark Holder
Against anyone who Registers, Traffics In, or Uses

Domain Name Identical or Confusingly Similar to
Protected Trademark
Bad Faith Intent to Profit
“Confusingly Similar” to be Decided By Courts

Cybersquatting (2)

Reduce the Number of Domain Names
Legitimate Holders May Face Litigation
Bad Faith Factors:

Harm Goodwill of Trademark Holder
Offer to Sell Domain Without Actually Using it
in Bona Fide Offering of Goods and Services
(or past pattern of such conduct)
Obtained Under False Pretenses
Acquisition of Multiple Domain Names With
Knowledge That They are Similar to Protected

Cybersquatting (2)

Reduce the Number of Domain Names
Legitimate Holders May Face Litigation
Bad Faith Factors:

Harm Goodwill of Trademark Holder
Offer to Sell Domain Without Actually Using it
in Bona Fide Offering of Goods and Services
(or past pattern of such conduct)
Obtained Under False Pretenses
Acquisition of Multiple Domain Names With
Knowledge That They are Similar to Protected

Cybersquatting (3)
Absence of Bad Faith:
Domain Holder Has Legal Rights to It
Domain Name Commonly Used by Its Holder
Past Use of Name in Conjunction with Bona Fide Goods
or Services
Noncommercial or Fair-Use Purposes
Name Not Distinctive and Famous When Registered
Reasonable Grounds to Believe it was Lawful

Domain Name Cancelled or Forfeited to Rightful Owner
Damages Up to $100,000 per Domain Name

Court Where Domain Name Registrar is Located
Network Solutions Located in Virginia

Domain Name Registrars are Protected

ICANN Policies as a Result

Mandatory Arbitration
Most Registrars Expected to Adopt it
Some Ambiguities in the Law

Challenges Expected

A Quick Word About Java
JavaScript is Interpreted By the Browser

Run Within Browser Environment
Limited by Browser’s Capabilities
Source Code is Part of HTML Page
Java is a Completely Separate Language

Browser Transfers a Java Program (“Applet”) to
the Local Machine and Runs It
Output of Java Can Be Displayed Within the Browser
Designed to Be Safe For Web Use

Otherwise Similar to Transfering .exe Programs
Compiled Into .class Files

Pseudo-code: Requires a Java Virtual Machine to
Source Code Hidden From Users

Does Not Have Access to Page Internals (DOM)

Including a Java Applet in Your Page
CODE=“myapplet.class” HEIGHT=100
WIDTH=200 >
<PARAM Name=Whirl Value=“True”>
<PARAM Name=Title Value=“WhirlyDemo”>

Platform Specific Extensions to Web Browsers
Client Side Equivalent to Server Extensions

Associated With a File Extension
Similar to MS-Windows Associations
If Installed, Files With Extension Will Invoke Program on Browser

Including a Plug-In in HTML
Height, Width Where Data is to Be Displayed in Browser Window
Name/Value Pairs are Arguments to the Plug-In

<NOMBED> </NOEMBED> Used to Provide Alternative

Plug-In Must Be From a Trusted Source

Like Any Other Program. Has Full Access to Local Computer

Plug-In Development
Netscape, Microsoft Provide SDK’s

Active X
Microsoft Specific
“Plug-In” Technology That Allows Components to Run in Browser
Components are Accessible By Other Programs via OLE
Allows Developers to Develop Internal Controls That are Web
Key Advantage is Distribution
Active X Components Can Be Distributed via the Web
Automatically Downloaded As Part of Web Page (Unlike Plug-Ins)
Default Security Asks for Confirmation
Must Come From a Trusted Source
Typically Used For Intranet Type Applications
Or Large Commercial (“Trusted”) Organization
E.g. Microsoft
Certificates Verify Creator of Control
Third Party Verifies Sender is Who They Say They Are

OLE Documents Allow Including a Document in Another
E.g. Microsoft Office Applications Can Run Within Browser

Embed Into Web Page Using <CONTROL> Tag
Many Arguments. Typically Use ActiveX Control Pad to Insert Info

Internet Explorer Only
Can Appear Anywhere in <BODY>
Best to Place it Near End
Otherwise Graphics Won’t Load Until Sound is
Default: Loop = 1
Supports .wav, .au, .mid Formats

<EMBED src=“music.wav”>
Requires Sound Plug-In (e.g. Real Audio)

<EMBED src=“movie.mpg”>
Requires Plug-In (or Download and Play Separately)

WIDTH=“150” HEIGHT=“100” LOOP=“-1”>
START – indicates when video should play

Multimedia (2)
Shockwave / Flash
Development Environment Plus Plug-In Playback
Allows Development of Animations
User Interactivity

Audio Formats
.mid – Provides the Music “Score”
Algorithm Generates the Music
.wav – Microsoft Windows Sound File
.au, .aif – Sun, Apple Sound Files

.mp3 – Near CD-Quality Format. Great Compression.

Video Formats
.avi – Microsoft Windows Video File
.qt, .mov – Apple QuickTime Movie Format
.mpg, .mpeg – Current Internet Video Standard
.rm – Real Media. Proprietary Video Format

Streaming Multimedia
Problem: Audio/Video Take a Long Time To
Technologies Require File to Be Downloaded Before
Client Pull: Poor Solution
Requires Breaking Up the A/V into Small Files
Choppy Results

Solution: Stream the Transmission : Play in
Near Real Time
Play the A/V as It’s Being Sent
Requires a Session to Be Efficient
HTTP is Stateless (No Sessions)

Plug-Ins Don’t Have to Use HTTP
Can Use TCP/IP Directly

Streaming (2)
Streaming Issues
Broadcast vs. PlayBack
Coordination of Video/Sound is Non Trivial
Require Significant Compression (Scalable)
Lower Resolution as Bandwidth Degrades
Many Compression Algorithms Don’t Work in Real Time

Must Deal With Differing Bandwidths
Server Performance

Internet Issues
Packet Based
Can’t Rely on Consistent Bandwidth
Packets May Arrive in Different Order
Errors Require Retransmission
“Human Processing”
Video Can Become Choppy With Minor Inconvenience
Lost Packets Can Be Skipped
Choppy Audio is Unintelligible
Lost Packets Can Not Be Skipped

Streaming Tricks
Continued Improvements Expected

Compression (Hardware and Software)
Buffered Transmission Can Cover Glitches

Faster Than TCP
Doesn’t Resend Packets in Error

New Real Time Control Protocols
Developing New Internet Protocols

Use Multicasting

Packet Transmission
Humans Can Deal With 1ms Loss, So:
Break Audio Into 1 ms Chunks
Packets Too Small to Efficiently Send as 1ms
Send ms: 1, 4, 7, 10 in First Packet. 2, 5, 8, 11 in Second, etc.
If One Packet Is Lost
Lose 1ms Every 4, Instead of a Contiguous 4 ms Chunk

Streaming Multimedia Plug-Ins
Server Push (Data)
Server Updates HTML Page as Needed
Sports Scores, etc.

Almost There

Phone Quality Audio: 64kbps, 5 kbps Compressed
CD Quality Audio: 700kbps, 64kbps Compressed

Broadcast – AM Radio Quality
mp3 – Downloads of CD Quality Audio

Bandwidth Still an Issue
320x240x256 = 2.5 MB
Video Refreshes at 30 times per Second
75 Mbps Required for Video
Still Pretty Crude
Compression Improving All the Time
Current: About 100x

Other Common Plug-Ins
Adobe Acrobat
PDF Files – Portable Document Format
Portable Distribution of “Printed” Documents
Allows Links, Some Text Search Capabilities
Viewable/Printable on Multiple Platforms
Author Can Restrict Access (e.g. Restrict Printing)
Proprietary Format
Viewers are Freeware

Virtual Reality Modeling Language

3-D “Equivalent” of HTML
Standalone Browsers or Plug-Ins
Netscape, IE Make Plug-Ins Available

.wrl Extension. MIME type: x-world/x-vrml
Web 3D Consortium

Development Environments
Target Customer
Novice – (Hide HTML From User)
Experienced Developer – Make Process More Efficient

HTML Editors
Tag Editors
Graphical WYSIWYG Editors

Site Management
Shorthand For More Complex Tags
Typically Use Custom Tags

GUI Development Environment
Conversion Tools
Convert Pages Designed in Other Environment Into
E.g. Microsoft Office

Common Development Environments
Microsoft Frontpage
Novice Target
Hides Internals From User

Netscape Navigator Gold
Adobe PageMill
Macromedia Flash

Cookies Revisited
Cookies Are Name Value Pairs
Passed in the HTTP Header
Cookies Have Associated Expiration

Session (Default)
Date / Time
Associated With a URL Path, Not a Page!

Allows Passing Parameters Between Web
Thus Cookies are Used to Provide State Information to a Stateless

Cookie Jar
Cookie Storage
Internet Explorer

Each Has its Own File
Netscape Navigator
cookies.txt (all kept in the file)
20 Cookies
4K Per Name/Value Pair

More Cookies
Cookies are Traditionally Set By Server

Browser is Responsible For Maintaining Them
Stored On Client’s Computer
Passed to Server When Web Site is Revisited

Cookie Attributes
Name – The Name of the Cookie
Subsequent References to Same Name Overwrites
Cookie Attributes
Value – The Value of the Cookie Identified by Name
Expiration – When the Cookie Expires
No Date Specified – Cookie Expires at End of Session
Past Date/Time – Delete the Cookie
Future Date/Time – Delete the Cookie After This Date

Cookie Bits
Example Cookie

tollhouse=favorite;expires=Thursday, 16-Mar2000 00:00:00 GMT;path=“”
Note That Date Must Follow This Format:


RFCs specify GMT as the mechanism for
handling time problems on the Internet
HTTP-Cookie Only Sends Name/Value Pair

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