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extra class - E.9

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Lieng Trang Junior School – Extra class of English 9 (2010 – 2011)
Week : 1 Date of preparing: 11/ 14/ 2010
Period: 1 Date of teaching: 11/ 16/ 2010
1. Form :
a, S + asked + O ng + WH-word + S + V ......
→ Reported WH-questions.
b, S + asked + O ng +IF/WHETHER+S+V ......
→ Reported Yes/No questions.
c, S + said + (that) + S + V ......
→ Reported statements
a, “Where do you come from?”
→The examiner asked Lan where she came from.
b, “Do you speak any other languages?”
→The examiner asked Lan if she spoke any other languages.
c, “I’m studying English here.”
→Lan said she was studying English there.
2. Changes: When we change a direct into reported speech, we must change:
a. Tenses:
1.Present simple → past simple
2.Present progressive → past progressive
3.Future simple → would + V (bare)
4.can/may → could/would
5.must → had to
b. Pronouns :
I → She/He ...
my → her/ him ....
we → they ...
c, Adverbs of time and place :

this/these → that/those
here → there
now → then
today → that day
tomorrow → the next/following day
1“There are flights from Nha Trang to Ha Noi twice a week.” they said to me
They told me there were flights from Nha Trang to Ha Noi twice a week.
2 “Don’t interrupt me while I am speaking.” Nam said to Hoa
Nam told Hoa not interrupt her while she is speaking.
3“What is your name?” Mr. Brown asked me
Mr. Brown asked me what my name was.
4 . “I must go to Ha Noi tomorrow.” said Nam
Nam said I had to go to Ha Noi the following day.
5.“ Can you play the piano?” he asked the girl
Created by Kim Sen
Lieng Trang Junior School – Extra class of English 9 (2010 – 2011)
He asked the girl if they could play the piano.
6. “Do you like learning English?”, she asked me
She asked me if I liked learning English.
7. Lan said “ I live here with my aunt and uncle.”
Lan said that she lived there with her aunt and uncle.
8. “ Are you late today?”, my teacher asked me
My teacher asked me if I was late that day.
9. “ I sometimes go to the library in my free time.”, Nam said
Nam said he sometimes went to the library in his free time.
10. “ How can you get there?”, he asked me
He asked me how I could get there.
Created by Kim Sen

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