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unit 3 Bài giảng Writing 3 VB 1 Thư Viện Tài Liệu Tổng Hợp

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Lesson focuses:
 Identifying the general and specific ideas
 Kinds of supporting materials
 Patterns of organization
Time allocation table: 8 periods



Report on the home work of The Topic
Introduction to the supporting sentences
Identifying the general and specific ideas
Kinds of supports
Kinds of logical orders

1 and 2 period


3rd and 4th period
5th and 8th period

Introduction to the supporting sentences([2], p.17 &[3], pp.8)
Supporting sentences add information about the topic and the controlling idea.
Supporting sentences develop or explain the topic sentence by giving reasons,
examples, facts, statistics, and quotations.

Activity 1: Read each of the following paragraphs and say how the topic sentence is
Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold
has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry,
coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain
beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the
day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is
its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of
industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronaut
wears gold-plated heat shields for protection outside spaceships. In conclusion, gold is
treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.
Barefoot Boy
I had a scary experience when I was a young boy. One evening while my parents
were eating dinner, I was playing barefoot in the yard with my toys. Even now, I still

remember the perfume of the flowers and the moisture of the grass. While I was sitting
on the grass and playing with a truck, I looked up at the sky, and my attention was
distracted by the beauty of the stars. Then I felt something cold and smooth slide over my
feet. Then I saw a snake slowly slithering over my toes. I felt terrible and afraid, so my
heart beat very fast. After the snake moved away, I screamed to my parents for help, and
they captured the snake and took it away. The experience frightened me and I never went
outside barefoot again.


Identifying the general and specific ideas([1], pp.10-15),[2], p.22 &[3], pp.8-9)

Activity 2: Identify topic sentences and supporting sentences
For each set of sentences, write TS next to the topic sentence. Write SS next to the
supporting sentences
……. a Mosquitoes are attracted to heat.
……. b Mosquitoes will fly several miles to find food.
……. c Only the female mosquito bites.
……. d Mosquitoes are interesting insects.
…… a One of my hobbies is listening to international music.
…… b I have a large collection of world music recordings.
…… c My friends and I like to introduce each other to new international artists we
…… d I enjoy going to concerts by musicians from different countries.
…… a I like the way people decorate their homes and stores.
…… b I enjoy going shopping in cold weather.
…… c I enjoy the parties and celebrations of the winter holiday.
…… d I really like the winter holidays.
…… a My new apartment has big closets.
…… b My new apartment is perfect for my roommate and me.
…… c My new apartment is close to school and work.
…… d My new apartment is not too expensive for students.
Activity 3: The following sentences belong to 2 different paragraphs about San
Francisco. Identify the topic sentence and the supporting sentences of each

paragraph and put them in 2 groups. Write the number of the sentence only.
1. San Francisco is usually warm and pleasant during the day.
2. Some of the country’s most famous restaurants and hotels are in San Francisco.

3. There are many things to see and do in San Francisco.
4. The city has many interesting tourist attractions.
5. There are many excellent art galleries.
6. The weather in San Francisco is very pleasant.
7. It is never too hot, nor too cold.
8. The nightlife is exciting.
9. San Francisco has a ballet company, an opera house, and a symphony orchestra.
10. It is cool and breezy at night.
11. The winters are mild and it rarely snows.
Group 1

Group 2

Topic sentence:…………………………

Topic sentence:…………………………

Supporting sentences:

Supporting sentences:



Activity 4: Arrange the sentences in each group in a logical order to have a meaning
Activity 5: The following are the supporting sentences of these topic sentences. Read
the supporting sentences carefully and then decide among the supporting ideas,
which ones are general and which ones are specific. In given blanks, write GI for the
general ideas and SI for the specific ones.
1. An automated teller machine (ATM) is a convenient miniature bank.
……It enables customers to do several banking transactions twenty- four hour a day.
……In addition, a customer can transfer funds between accounts or get a cash advance
on a credit card.
……For example, a customer can use an ATM to deposit money and withdraw a limited
amount of cash.
2. Great whites do not usually attack humans, but when they do, they always cause
serious injury and even death.
……After an attack by a great white shark, 462 stiches were required to sew an
Australian scuba diver.
……Nevertheless, one did just that near a public beach in Australia in 1985.
……Even when they attack humans, however, great whites do not usually eat them.
……It bit in half and totally devoured a young female swimmer.
3. The automobile revolutionized the American way of life.
……Another important change was that people had the freedom to live and work
wherever they wanted.

……The earliest significant change was for farming families, who were no longer
……The final major change brought by the automobile was the buildings or
superhighways, suburbs, huge shopping centers, and many theme parks such as
Disney World in Florida.
……The automobile enabled them to drive to towns and cities comfortably and

…….In fact, people could work in a busy metropolitan city and drive home in the quiet
4. The formation of a volcano eruption is a dramatic series of events.
……In time, this melted part rises as magma.
……As the plate sinks, friction and the earth’s heat cause part of it to melt.
……The magma produces heat, steam, and pressure.
……First of all, most volcanoes are formed where two plates collide.
……Then, one of the plates is forced under the other and sinks.
……When the heat, steam, and pressure from the magma finally reach the surface of the
Earth, a volcanic eruption occurs.

Kinds of Supports([2], pp. 71-97)
In-concrete: Opinions or reasoning that are subjective statements based on a
person’s beliefs or attitudes.
Concrete: Specific or Factual details- examples, statistics, and quotations

Activity 6: The following are to support the idea about smoking. Decide which ones
are more persuasive. Say why.
1. Teenage smoking is on the rise.
2. In 1995, the US surgeon general reported that more than three million teenagers
smoked cigarettes.
3. Smoking can cause lung cancer.
4. The American Cancer Society reports that the number one cause of lung cancer
among men and women is smoking.
Activity 7: Decide whether each of the following statements is a Fact or an Opinion.
Write F for fact and O for opinion.
1. ……Smoking is relaxing and therefore enjoyable.
2. ……Dr. Kathleen Parker, a well-known cancer specialist, recently admitted in an

interview, “Although I see the harmful effects of smoking nearly every day
in my work, I still enjoy relaxing with a cigarette after dinner.
3. ……Early in the next decade, more women than men will die of lung cancer,
according to the American Cancer Society.
4. ……Smoking is attracting more and more adults.

5. ……According to a recent New York Times article, cigarette smoking is
increasing among adults in their forties as well as among the college
educated and those earning more than $ 35,000 annually.
6. ……Red-light runners must take a driver’s education class. Then they will become
safer drivers.
7. ……Red-light runners cause scores of accidents, including deaths and injuries as
well as millions of dollars in damages.
8. ……Nationwide, the number of red-light running accidents increased 18 percent
from 1991 through 1995. In 1991, 2.425 deaths resulted and in 1995, the
number rose to 2.866.
Activity 8: Discuss with your partner which statements need further supporting and
what specific supporting details you might use to support those statements.

1. What is the difference between Facts and Opinions?
2. Which one would be better to be used as supporting details-Facts or Opinions?
3. Which one is more likely to be used as the major supporting idea- Facts or
1.3.1. Examples and extended examples

Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication, or” body language”, is a

communication by facial expressions, head or eye movements,
hand signals, and body postures. It can be just as important to
understanding as words are. Misunderstandings-often amusing
but sometimes serious- can arise between people from different
cultures if they misinterpret nonverbal signals. Take, for
example, the differences in meaning of a gesture very common
in the United States: a circle made with thumb and index finger.
To can American, it means that everything is OK. To a



1) What is the difference between an example and an extended example?
1.3.2. Statistics
In business, engineering and the sciences, the statistics are often used for support.
Usually the statistics are got from charts and graphs

Billions of





1 A.D



1650 1900


World population growth.( Source: United States estimates)

World Population Growth
The World’s Population has been increasing dramatically. According to a United
Nations chart of world population growth, the world’s population suddenly multiplied in
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. At the beginning of the Christian era, the
estimated world population was 200 to 300 million. It took more than 1.800 years for the
population to reach one billion. Then in less than one hundred years, the figure doubled
to two billion by 1930. By 1975, when it reached four billion, it had doubled again in less
than fifty years. The United Nations has projected an increase to more than six billion by
the year 2000.
1.3.3. Quotations
There are two kinds of quotation: direct and indirect.

Direct quotation
Drugs and the Olympic Games
It is no secret that performance-enhancing drugs have been used by Olympic
athletes for decades. In 1993, the head of the International Olympic Committee’s medical
commission, Prince Alexandre de Merode of Belgium, stated,” I believe that as many as
10% of all Olympic athletes are regular users of performance-enhancing drugs”(qtd in
Bamberger and Yaeger 63). Despite rigorous drug testing of Olympic athletes, the use of
banned performance-enhancing substances has become more widespread than ever . It is
clear that if athletes want to win, they must consider using drugs. In a 1977 article in
Sports illustrated magazine, Dutch physician Michel Karsten is quoted as saying,” There
may be some sportsmen who can win gold medals without taking drugs, but there are
very few.” According to Dr. Karsten, who says he has prescribed anabolic steroids to
hundreds of world-class athletes over the last twenty-five years,” If you are especially
gifted, you may win once, but from your experience you cannot continue to win without
drugs. The field is just too filled with drug users”( qtd in Bamberger and Yaeger 62)
Indirect Quotations
Seeking a Spouse on the Web

The global reach of the Internet is helping expatriate citizens of India find marriage
partners. Most Indians prefer their partners to come from the same region of India as they
and to have similar religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. For young Indians who
live abroad, searching for a suitable wife or husband becomes quite difficult. They often
must depend on their families back home in India to find them mates. However, computer
scientist Raj Baronia, who lives and works in Sillicon Valley in California, has developed
a site on the World Wide Web to help called Indolink. In an interview, Baronia said that
he had developed Indolink to allow Indians living abroad to take responsibility for
finding their own marriage partners rather than having their parents do it for them. He
estimated that half of Indolink ads were placed by marriage seekers themselves rather

than by family. Baronica also said Indolink allowed them to search not only in India but
also in expatriate communities around the world( qtd in Banley). For example, Sandeep
Gupta, a young computer programmer from Toronto, is seeking a wife through Indolink.
He is looking for intellectual women and, according to Gupta, anyone he meets on the
Internet will probably be professional and educated. He revealed that he was planning to
fly to New York soon to meet a young woman he met through Indolink(qtd in Bentley)

1) What are the similarities and differences between direct and indirect quotation?
Changing a direct quotation to an indirect quotation
- Omit the quotation marks
- Add subordinator That if necessary
- Change the verb tense if necessary
- Change pronouns if necessary
Activity 9: Rewrite the following direct quotations as indirect quotations.
1. Television channel KSA General Manager Jim Burns said, “Not everyone can
attend college in the traditional way; therefore, taking courses via television will
offer many more students the chance to earn a college degree.”
2. Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said, “I miss being on campus, but I have to
work and take care of my family.”

3. Other students said, “Last year, we spent several hours a day commuting to and
from school. Now, we don’t have to do that.”

4. Computer engineering student Amir Mehdizadeh stated, “I can choose when to
study and how to study without pressure.” He also said, ”I will take two more
telecourses in the fall.”
1.3.4. Paraphrases
Paraphrasing is a writing skill in which you rephrase or rewrite the information from
an outside source is rephrased or rewritten in your own words without changing its
When paraphrasing, it is important to avoid plagiarizing; that is, the paraphrase is too
similar to the original.
Original passage
Language is the main means of communication between peoples. But so many
different languages have developed that language has often been a barrier rather than an
aid to understanding among peoples. For many years, people have dreamed of setting up
an international, universal language which all people could speak and understand. The
arguments in favor of a universal language are simple and obvious. If all people spoke the
same tongue, cultural and economic ties might be much closer, and good will might
increase between countries.(Kispert)
Unacceptable Paraphrase
Language is the principle means of communication between people. However,
because there are numerous languages, language itself has frequently been a barrier rather
than an aid to understanding among the world population. For many years, people have
envisioned a common universal language that everyone in the world could communicate
in. The reasons for having a universal language are clearly understandable. If the same

tongue was spoken by all countries, they would undoubtedly become closer culturally
and economically. It would probably also create good will among nations. (Kispert)
Acceptable Paraphrase

Humans communicate through language. However, because there are so many
languages in the world, language is an obstacle rather than an aid to communication. For
a long time, people have wished for an international language that speakers all over the
world could understand. A universal language would certainly build cultural and
economic bonds. It would also create better feelings among countries(Kispert)
Activity 10: Read the examples above carefully. Discuss with your partner what you
think are the reasons for a paraphrase to be unacceptable.
Steps to write a good paraphrase
- Step 1:
Read the original passage several times until you understand it fully. Look up
unfamiliar words and find synonyms for them. If you need to take notes, write
down only one or two words for each idea- not complete sentences. It may be
helpful to make a brief outline of the main points.
Language- main means of communication
 Too many languages- barrier to understanding
 Universal language needed
Reasons for a universal language
 Increase cultural economic bonds
 Increase good feelings between countries
- Step 2:
Write your paraphrase from memory. Include as much of the information as you
remember. Don’t look at the original while you are reading.
- Step 3:
Check your paraphrase against the original for accuracy and completeness.

- Step 4:
Name the source of the original passage in parentheses at the end of the
Activity 11: Work with your partners. Follow the same four steps and paraphrase
these passages.

Despite its ethnic diversity, the United States has managed to absorb bits and pieces
of many cultures and weave them into a unique culture that is strikingly consistent and
distinct. You can pick out Americans any place in the world, often very quickly, because
of their behavior. Among their most observable traits are openness, friendliness,
informality, optimism, creativity, loudness, and vitality.( Hall and Hall 140)
The Work Ethnic of Americans and Europeans

Europeans often observe that Americans schedule everything except time for
relaxation. This is particularly true of American executives, who drives themselves hard,
often at the expense of their families and their health. Americans have fewer holidays and
take shorter vacations than Europeans do. In the opinion of many German and French
executives, American executives are obsessed with work; they are workaholics. Most
Europeans do not accept working on weekends or holidays; they reserve these times for
themselves and their families ( Hall and Hall 145)
1.3.5. Summaries
Steps to write a good summary
- Step 1: the same as that of writing a paraphrase
- Step 2: Write your summary from memory, including the main points and
excluding the details.
- Step 3: Check the summary against the original for accuracy.

- Step 4: the same as that of writing a paraphrase
Original passage
Language is the main means of communication between peoples. But so many
different languages have developed that language has often been a barrier rather than an
aid to understanding among peoples. For many years, people have dreamed of setting up
an international, universal language which all people could speak and understand. The
arguments in favor of a universal language are simple and obvious. If all people spoke the
same tongue, cultural and economic ties might be much closer, and good will might
increase between countries.(Kispert)
People communicate mainly through language; however, having so many different
languages creates communication barriers. Some think that one universal language would
bring countries together culturally and economically and also increase good feelings
among them. (Kispert)
Activity 12: Read the example of acceptable paraphrase and the example of
summary. With your partners, list the similarities and differences between a
paraphrase and a summary.
Activity 13: Write a separate summary of each of the following paragraphs.
Owning a Car
Should a person own a car? This is an important question. In a large urban area,
there are some good reasons for owning a car. First, a car allows a person to move around
freely. With a car, there is no need to check a bus schedule or wait for a train. Second, a
car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the wintertime. In bad weather, the driver

stays warm and dry, while the poor bus or train rider might have to stand in the rain.
Finally, a driver is usually safe in a car at night. The rider might need to walk down a
dark street to get to a stop, or wait on a dark corner.
There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. First, it can

be very expensive. The price of fuel continues to rise and car insurance can cost three or
four hundred dollars a year. In addition, it is expensive to maintain and repair a car. A
simple tune-up can cost $ 50. In an urban area, it might also be expensive to park the car.
Second, owning a car can cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive in rush-hour
traffic, or to drive around and around looking for a parking space. If you leave your car
on the street, it might get stolen. That is something else to worry about. Finally, everyone
needs to think about pollution and energy problems. Air pollution and noise pollution
increase as more and more people drive cars. More and more cars also burn more and
more fuel. At present, drivers may have to wait in long lines at filling stations in order to
buy a couple of gallons of gasoline.
1.4. Kinds of logical orders ([1], pp.25-29& [2], pp.56-67)
1.4.1. Logical division of ideas/ Order of importance
In this order, the ideas related to each other are grouped and discussed one after
The order of the ideas is decided according the degree of impact on the readers or the
degree of importance to the subject.
The paragraphs might move from least to most or most to least important.
Common transitional signals
For logical division of ideas
Sentence connectors
First, second, third, etc
The first(+noun)
next, last, finally
The/ a second(+noun)
In addition, moreover, furthermore, also
For one thing
First of all

An additional(+noun)
For another thing
The next(+noun)
The final(+noun)
The other(+noun)
For order of importance
Sentence connectors
More importantly
A more important(+noun)
Most significantly
The most important(+noun)
Above all
The second most significant(+noun)
The primary(+noun)
The topic sentence of logical division and order of importance paragraphs often
indicates the number of groups the topic is divided into or what the groups are.

1. Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.
2. Inflation has three causes.
3. Gold, a precious metal, is a prized not only for its beauty but also for its utility.
4. Inflation has three causes: an increase in the supply of paper money, excessive
government spending, and unrestrained consumer borrowing.
Activity 14: Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Life in Space
Living aboard a space station in orbit around the Earth for months at a time poses
problems for astronauts’ bodies as well as for their minds. One major problem is

maintaining astronauts’ physical health. Medical treatment may be days or even weeks
away. As there may not be a doctor on board, illnesses such as appendicitis or ulcers,
routinely treated on Earth, could be fatal in space because of the delay in getting to a
doctor. Furthermore, surgery may be impossible because blood would float around inside
the operating room. Another health problem is the potential for bone deterioration. In a
weightless environment, the body produces less calcium. Astronauts must exercise at
least three hours a day to prevent bone loss. A second major problem is maintaining
astronauts’ metal health. Being confined for long period of time in dark and hostile space
undoubtedly produces anxiety. Loneliness and boredom are other psychological concerns.
Finally, how can astronauts” let off steam” when interpersonal conflicts develop? It is
clear that space station duty will requires astronauts who are not only physically but also
mentally strong.
1. How many groups is the topic of the paragraph divided into? What are they?
2. Do the topic sentence and the concluding sentence tell you main ideas to be
discussed in the paragraph?
3. What transition signals indicate the divisions?
4. Where else in the paragraph the transitional signals are used?
5. In your opinion, would it make any difference if mental health was discussed
before physical health? Do you think one is more important than the other or are
they approximately equal in importance?
Activity 15: Put a check () in the space to the left of every topic sentence that
suggest logical division as a method of organization. Put a double check () if the
sentence suggests order of importance. Some are neither, so leave these unchecked.
………1. My eighteenth birthday was a day I will never forget.
………2. On their eighteenth birthdays, Americans receive two important rights/
responsibilities: they can vote, and they can sign legal contracts.
………3. In the most occupations, women are still unequal to men in three areas: salary,
power and status.
………4. Living in the dormitory offers several advantages to the newly arrived
international student.

………5. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants manufacturer their own food.
………6. Television game shows are boring for the educated viewer because they are
poorly disguised commercials, but more importantly because they require such
a minimal level of knowledge.
………7. Earthquake prediction is still an inexact science although seismologists learn
more each time they monitor a quake.
………8. A computer is both faster and more accurate than a human.
………9. Teenagers demonstrate their independence in several ways.
………10.A college degree international business today requires first, a knowledge of
business procedures and second, a knowledge of cultural differences in business
1.4.2. Comparison/ contrast([1], pp.69-84 & [2], pp.65-67)
Comparison/ contrast involves analyzing the similarities and differences between
two or more items.
The content of a comparison/ contrast paragraph can vary. Some paragraphs
emphasize similarities; some emphasize differences; and some others discuss both
similarities and differences.
Common transitional signals
Comparison transition signals
Sentence connectors
Just like

Not only…but also..
Just as…
(be) similar
Similar to
The same(as)
Compare to/ with
Contrast transition signals
Sentence connectors
On the other hand
Differ from
On the contrary
(be) dissimilar
In contrast
Even though
Compare to/ with
In(by) comparison

Activity 16: Read the paragraphs and do the following:
1. Decide which of the following shows comparison and which of them shows
2. State the reason for your choice.

3. State on how many points are the two computers compared and on how many
they are contrasted
4. Underline all the transition signals used in the two paragraphs
PCs versus Macs
Para 1:
Between PCs and Mac, there are some basic similarities. First of all, both PCs and
Mars are composed of the same elements: a CPU, the electronic circuitry to run the
computer; memory(hard and/ or floppy disk drivers) for storing information; input
devices such as a keyboard or mouse for putting information into the computer; and
output devices such as a monitor, printer, and audio speakers for conveying information.
They also have the same uses: Pcs are used to communicate on computer networks, to
write (with the help of word processing and desktop publishing software), to track
finances, and to play games. Macs are likewise used to communicate, write, calculate,
and entertain.
Para 2:
There are some differences, however. Whereas you will find more Pcs in business
offices, you will find more Macs in classroom. Although Macs are the computers of
choice of people who do a lot of art and graphic design in their work, PCs seem to be the
choice of people who do a lot of” number crunching.” Finally, there is a difference in the
availability of software, vendors, and service for the two computers. Furthermore, for a
Mac, you must purchase your machine and get service from a Macintosh-authorized
dealer whereas many different computer stores sell and service Pcs.
1.4.3. Chronological(time) order([1], pp.16-21 & [2], pp.56-60)
Chronological order is a way of organizing the ideas in a paragraph in the order of

their occurrence in time.
Chronological order is used in narrative and process texts.
Common transition signals for chronological order
Transition words and phrases
first of all, soon,
after that,

as soon as when

In the first step…
In the second step…
On the third day…
During the night….

The topic sentence of a chronological paragraph in some way in some way indicates
the time order.
- The worst day in my life was the day I left my family and my friends to come to
the United States.
- You can avoid jet lag after a long flight if you follow these suggestions.

Activity 17: Read the paragraph and answer the questions
Cloning Technology
The cloning of Dolly involved several steps. First, cells that had previously been
taken from Dolly’s mother were starved for five days, which caused them to stop
dividing. This interruption of the cells’ division cycle made it easier for them to
reprogram themselves to start growing a new organism. After five days, the nuclei of
these cells were removed and transferred into unfertilized sheep egg, from which a
natural nucleus had been previously removed. In the next step, the egg was grown in the
laboratory for a period of time. Then the egg was implanted into a different sheep, where
it grew normally. When the sheep finally gave birth, the lamb was an exact genetic copy,
or clone, of the sheep that had provided the transferred nucleus, not of the sheep that had
provided the egg.
1. Which of the two uses of chronological order does the model paragraph
2. Which words or phrases in the topic sentence show the time?
3. What transitional words or phrases are used in the paragraph?
Activity 18: Put a check in the space to the left of every topic sentence suggesting
that a chronological paragraph will follow. Then, in the sentences you have checked,
circle the word or words that indicate the chronological order.
……….1. In the past sixty years, development in the field of electronics has
revolutionized the computer industry.

……….2. A person’s intelligence is the product of both heredity and environment.
……….3. The tensions that led to last year’s student riots had been building for several
……….4. The life cycle of the Pacific salmon is a fascinating phenomenon.
……….5. There are two main reasons I believe women in the army should not be
allowed in a war zone along with men.
……….6. Surviving a major earthquake is possible if you follow certain procedures.
……….7. American directness often conflicts with Asian modesty.
……….8. Every year, our family celebrates the Muslim holiday Ramadan in the same
……….9. The traditions of Christmas originated in several different countries.
……….10. The preparation of the poisonous puffer fish for eating is not for amateur
1.4.4. Spatial order([1], pp.22-24)
In a paragraph of spatial order, the details are organized according to where they are
located in space.
Spatial order is usually used in describing writings.

There are two ways to organize a paragraph using spatial order:
 To choose a starting point and give the locations of things in relation to that
 Or, to describe things in one area first, and then move on to the next area, and
so forth.
Activity 19: Below are two examples of spatial paragraphs. Read them and state of
which of the two mentioned ways of organization above each paragraph followed.
A poor room
The room is small, measuring 1.5 meters by 3 meters. There is only one small
window in the wall but the panes are all broken. The furniture is old and worm-eaten. The
carpet, which is made of cheap stuff, is torn and dirty. There is no running water. The

light is dim- a dim, yellow light that gives the bedspread a gray, mildewed look. I am sure
nobody would live happily in a room like that.
Laurie’s is a large department store that sells clothing for the whole family. As you
enter the store through the main entrance, the jewelry department is directly in front of
you in the middle of the store. On your left is the coat department, and the scarf
department is behind the coats. To the right of the jewelry department is the cosmetics
department. The elevators are on the east wall. In the northwest corner you will find the
women’s shoe department. Next to it, on the north wall, are hats and gloves. To the right
of the hat and glove department are the handbags and belts. The children clothes are
between the handbag and belt department and the elevators.
Activity 20: Use information from the paragraph about Laurie’s to fill in the plan of
the store below.



Main Entrance


Exercise 1: In the following paragraphs there were used the supports like extended
example, example, statistic and quotation. Find and locate them in the text.

Dad’s New Role
Dr. Elizabeth Lee is the medical director in charge of communicable diseases in the
country where she lives. She enjoys her challenging career and prefers it to staying at
home with her two young children. Both she and her husband, Jack, realize the
importance of parent’s active participation in their children’s lives. Therefore, they
decided that one of them should stay at home to be a full-time parent. Jack became the
primary caregiver because staying home would enable him to spend time developing his
graphic design business.
Jack Lee is one of a growing number of stay-at-home dads. According to a 1996
survey by the Los Angeles Times, 39 percent of the men who responded to the survey
indicated that they would be willing to quit their jobs to take care of their children while
their wives became the primary breadwinners. Furthermore, the U.S Census Bureau
reported in 1997 that approximately two million men across the United States have
primary responsibility for their children.
Other fathers are telecommuting or have part-time jobs that allow them to spend
more time with their kids. For example, telecommuting gives advertising executive Ron
Stemple time to take his children to school and pick them up. He can also give them to
their after-school activities. A 1997 study by job placement agency Executive Search,
Inc. reported that between 57 and 78 percent of men would be willing to reduce their
work hours and their salaries to spend more time with their children.
According to the experts, Dad does just as well as Mom at presenting. As Joan
Grant of the New York Department of Social Services stated, “Men are just as capable as

women of taking care of their children’s need, including preparing nutritious meals;
dispensing love, discipline, and Band-Aids; and providing a happy home environment.
Exercise 2: Read the following paragraphs and decide which kind of logical order is
used in each: comparison/contrast, chronological order, spatial order, or logical
division of ideas. Discuss the reasons for your choice.
Para 1

Powerful computers capable of translating documents from one language into
another have recently been developed in Japan. The process of machine translation is
complex. To translate a document from English into Japanese, for example, the computer
first analyzes an English sentence, determining its grammatical structure and identifying
the subject, verb, objects, and modifiers. Next, the words are translated by an EnglishJapanese dictionary. After that, another part of the computer program analyzes the
resulting awkward jumble of words and meanings and produces an intelligible sentence
based on the rules of Japanese syntax and how the machine understands what the original
English sentence meant. Finally, the computer-produced translation is polished by a
human bilingual editor.
Kind of logical order:…………………………………………………………..
Para 2
French and American business managers have decidedly different management
styles. French meetings, for example, are long and rambling and rarely end on time.
Furthermore, meetings often end without closure. Americans, on the other hand, make an
effort to start and stop a meeting on time, and American business meetings typically end
with decisions and action plans. Another difference involves documentation. Americans
adore documentation; they have a procedure manual for everything. The French, in
contrast, think this is childish. French managers find it difficult to stick to a schedule, but
American managers are intolerant of delays. In addition, the French prefers to work
alone, whereas Americans like to work in teams. Another major difference in
management style is that in French companies, authorities come from the top; French
managers do not share information with subordinates and make decisions with little
participation by employees beneath them. In American companies, however, top
managers share information and frequently solicit input from subordinates.
 Solicit: ask for
Kind of logical order:…………………………………………………………..
Para 3
The many different calendars used throughout the world are all based either on the
phrases of the moon, on the revolution of the Earth around the sun, or on a combination

of these. The first kind of calendar is the lunar calendar, which is based on the phrases of
the moon. A month is calculated as the time between two full moons, 29.5 days, and a
year has 345 days. The Islamic calendar used in Muslim countries is a lunar calendar. It
has twelve months and a cycle of thirty years in which the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th,
21st, 24th, 26th, and 29th years have 365 days, and the others 354 days. A second kind of
calendar is the solar calendar, which is based on the revolution of the Earth around the
sun. The ancient Egyptians used a solar calendar divided into twelve months of thirty
days each, which left five uncounted days at the end of each year. A very accurate
calendar developed by the Mayan Indians in North America was also a solar calendar. It
had 365 days, 364 of which were divided into 28 weeks of 13 days each. The New Year
began on the 365th day. Because the solar year is exactly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes,
and 46 seconds long, however, a solar calendar is not totally accurate, so many cultures
developed a third kind of calendar, the lunisolar calendar. In a lunisolar calendar extra
days are added every so often to reconcile the lunar months with the solar years. The
Chinese, Hebrew, and Gregorian calendar used today are lunisolar calendars.
 Reconcile: bring together
 Hebrew: ancient Jew
 Gregorian: belonging to popes Gregory
Para 4
Marie is as beautiful as any Hollywood starlet. Her thick, wavy, long black hair
gracefully falls down to her shoulders and surrounds exquisite, diamond-shaped face. A
golden suntan usually highlights her smooth, clear complexion. Her lightly arched
chestnut brown eyebrows draw attention to her deep blue eyes, which remind me of a
lake on a stormy day. Her eyes are large, but not too large, with thick eyelashes. Her nose
is straight and neither too neither long nor too short. A small black mole on the left side
of her mouth adds to her beauty. And her mouth! It is small mouth that looks delicate and
feminine. Her lips are rather thin, but not too thin; her light pink lipstick adds another
touch of feminine beauty. When she smiles, which is often, her well-formed and even,
white teeth brighten up her whole face. There is nothing but extraordinary beauty in the

face of Marie.
Kind of logical order:…………………………………………………………..
Exercise 3:
- Things to consider when choosing a university
- How to make an omelet
- Description of your house
- Life in the city versus life in the countryside
1. Decide which kind of logical orders should be used to write on each topic.
2. Choose one of the given topics and write the topic sentence

3. Develop the topic sentence with two main ideas supported by at least 1 specific
[1]Blanchard, K.& Root, C. Ready to Write.(2nded). Addition-Wesley Publishing
Company. 1994
[2]Oshima, A.&Hogue,A. Introduction to Academic Writing.(2nded). Longman. 1997
[3]Savage.A.& Shafield, M. Effective Academic Writing 1: The Paragraph. Oxford
University Press. 2007
