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core java 2 volume i fundamentals

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Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Cay S. Horstmann
Gary Cornell
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Fifth Edition December 01, 2000
ISBN: 0-13-089468-0, 832 pages

Ask any experienced Java programmer, Core Java delivers the real-world guidance you need
to accomplish even the most challenging tasks That’s why it’s been an international best seller
for five straight years. Core Java 2, Volume 1-Fundamentals covers the fundamentals of
Java 2 Platform Standard Edition, Version 1.3 and includes completely revised discussions of
object-oriented Java development, enhanced coverage of Swing user interface components,
and much more.
The fifth edition delivers even more of the robust, real-world programs previous editions are
famous for- updated to reflect JDK 1.3 deployment and performance enhancements.
Volume 1 includes thorough explanations of inner classes, dynamic proxy classes, exception
handling, debugging, the Java event model, Input/Output, and file management. For
experienced programmers, Core Java 2, Volume 1-Fundamentals sets the standard-again!

Table of Contents
List of Tables, Code Examples and Figures....................................................................... 1
Tables ................................................................................................................................. 1
Code Examples................................................................................................................... 1
Figures................................................................................................................................ 3
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 7
To the Reader ..................................................................................................................... 7
About This Book ................................................................................................................ 8
Conventions...................................................................................................................... 10

CD-ROM .......................................................................................................................... 11
Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Java ................................................................................. 13
Java as a Programming Tool ............................................................................................ 13
Advantages of Java........................................................................................................... 14
The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords ................................................................................ 15
Java and the Internet......................................................................................................... 22
A Short History of Java.................................................................................................... 24
Common Misconceptions About Java.............................................................................. 26
Chapter 2. The Java Programming Environment .......................................................... 30
Installing the Java Software Development Kit................................................................. 30
Development Environments............................................................................................. 34
Using the Command Line Tools ...................................................................................... 35
Using an Integrated Development Environment .............................................................. 38
Compiling and Running Programs from a Text Editor .................................................... 42
Graphical Applications..................................................................................................... 46
Applets ............................................................................................................................. 49
Chapter 3. Fundamental Programming Structures in Java .......................................... 54
A Simple Java Program.................................................................................................... 54
Comments......................................................................................................................... 57
Data Types........................................................................................................................ 58
Variables........................................................................................................................... 62
Assignments and Initializations ....................................................................................... 63
Operators .......................................................................................................................... 65
Strings............................................................................................................................... 73
Control Flow .................................................................................................................... 87
Big Numbers .................................................................................................................. 106
Arrays ............................................................................................................................. 108
Chapter 4. Objects and Classes....................................................................................... 123
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming .............................................................. 123

Using Existing Classes ................................................................................................... 131
Building Your Own Classes........................................................................................... 143
Static Fields and Methods .............................................................................................. 155
Method Parameters......................................................................................................... 161
Object Construction........................................................................................................ 168
Packages ......................................................................................................................... 177
Documentation Comments............................................................................................. 187
Class Design Hints ......................................................................................................... 192
Chapter 5. Inheritance..................................................................................................... 195
Extending Classes .......................................................................................................... 195

Object: The Cosmic Superclass ................................................................................... 216
The Class Class ............................................................................................................. 240

Reflection ....................................................................................................................... 244
Design Hints for Inheritance .......................................................................................... 262
Chapter 6. Interfaces and Inner Classes ........................................................................ 265
Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 265
Object Cloning ............................................................................................................... 276
Inner Classes .................................................................................................................. 282
Proxies............................................................................................................................ 299
Chapter 7. Graphics Programming................................................................................ 306
Introduction to Swing..................................................................................................... 306
Creating a Frame ............................................................................................................ 310
Frame Positioning .......................................................................................................... 314
Displaying Information in a Panel ................................................................................. 319
2D Shapes....................................................................................................................... 326
Colors ............................................................................................................................. 335
Text and Fonts................................................................................................................ 340

Images ............................................................................................................................ 351
Chapter 8. Event Handling.............................................................................................. 358
Basics of Event Handling............................................................................................... 358
The AWT Event Hierarchy ............................................................................................ 378
Semantic and Low-Level Events in the AWT ............................................................... 380
Low-Level Event Types ................................................................................................. 384
Actions ........................................................................................................................... 402
Multicasting.................................................................................................................... 411
The Event Queue............................................................................................................ 414
Chapter 9. User Interface Components with Swing...................................................... 424
The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern.................................................................. 424
An Introduction to Layout Management........................................................................ 430
Text Input ....................................................................................................................... 437
Making Choices.............................................................................................................. 464
Menus ............................................................................................................................. 488
Sophisticated Layout Management ................................................................................ 512
Dialog Boxes .................................................................................................................. 540
Chapter 10. Applets.......................................................................................................... 582
Applet Basics.................................................................................................................. 582
The Applet HTML Tags and Attributes ......................................................................... 600
Multimedia ..................................................................................................................... 614
The Applet Context ........................................................................................................ 617
JAR Files ........................................................................................................................ 628
Chapter 11. Exceptions and Debugging ......................................................................... 640
Dealing with Errors ........................................................................................................ 640
Catching Exceptions....................................................................................................... 648
Some Tips on Using Exceptions .................................................................................... 658
Debugging Techniques................................................................................................... 661
Using a Debugger........................................................................................................... 684
Chapter 12. Streams and Files ........................................................................................ 693

Streams ........................................................................................................................... 693
The Complete Stream Zoo ............................................................................................. 696
ZIP File Streams............................................................................................................. 718

Putting Streams to Use ................................................................................................... 727
Object Streams ............................................................................................................... 741
File Management............................................................................................................ 768
Appendix Java Keywords................................................................................................ 776

Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

List of Tables, Code Examples and Figures
Table 2-1: Java directory tree
Table 3-1: Java integer types
Table 3-2: Floating-point types
Table 3-3: Special characters
Table 3-4: Operator precedence
Table 3-5: Growth of an investment at different interest rates
Table 4-1: UML notation for class relationships
Table 7-1: Standard colors
Table 7-2: System colors
Table 8-1: Event handling summary
Table 8-2: Sample cursor shapes
Table 8-3: Predefined action table names
Table 8-4: Input map conditions
Table 9-1: The accessor methods of the ButtonModel interface
Table 10-1: Applet positioning attributes

Table 10-2: Translating between APPLET and OBJECT attributes
Table 10-3: showDocument arguments
Table 10-4: jar program options
Table 11-1: Timing data
Table 11-2: HPROF options
Table 11-3: Debugging commands
Table 12-1: Basic character encodings (in rt.jar)
Table 12-2: Extended Character Encodings (in i18n.jar)

Code Examples
Example 2-1: Welcome.java
Example 2-2: ImageViewer.java
Example 2-3: WelcomeApplet.html
Example 2-4: WelcomeAppletPlugin.html
Example 2-5: WelcomeApplet.java
Example 3-1: FirstSample.java
Example 3-2: InputTest.java
Example 3-3: Retirement.java
Example 3-4: Retirement2.java
Example 3-5: LotteryOdds.java
Example 3-6: BigIntegerTest.java
Example 3-7: LotteryDrawing.java
Example 3-8: CompoundInterest.java
Example 3-9: LotteryArray.java
Example 4-1: CalendarTest.java
Example 4-2: EmployeeTest.java
Example 4-3: StaticTest.java
Example 4-4: ParamTest.java
Example 4-5: ConstructorTest.java


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Example 4-6: PackageTest.java
Example 4-7: Employee.java
Example 5-1: ManagerTest.java
Example 5-2: PersonTest.java
Example 5-3: EqualsTest.java
Example 5-4: ArrayListTest.java
Example 5-5: ReflectionTest.java
Example 5-6: ObjectAnalyzerTest.java
Example 5-7: ArrayGrowTest.java
Example 5-8: MethodPointerTest.java
Example 6-1: EmployeeSortTest.java
Example 6-2: TimerTest.java
Example 6-3: CloneTest.java
Example 6-4: InnerClassTest.java
Example 6-5: AnonymousInnerClassTest.java
Example 6-6: StaticInnerClassTest.java
Example 6-7: ProxyTest.java
Example 7-1: SimpleFrameTest.java
Example 7-2: CenteredFrameTest.java
Example 7-3: NotHelloWorld.java
Example 7-4: DrawTest.java
Example 7-5: FillTest.java
Example 7-6: FontTest.java
Example 7-7: ImageTest.java
Example 8-1: ButtonTest.java

Example 8-2: PlafTest.java
Example 8-3: Sketch.java
Example 8-4: MouseTest.java
Example 8-5: ActionTest.java
Example 8-6: MulticastTest.java
Example 8-7: CustomEventTest.java
Example 9-1: TextTest.java
Example 9-2: ValidationTest.java
Example 9-3: TextAreaTest.java
Example 9-4: TextEditTest.java
Example 9-5: CheckBoxTest.java
Example 9-6: RadioButtonTest.java
Example 9-7: BorderTest.java
Example 9-8: ComboBoxTest.java
Example 9-9: SliderTest.java
Example 9-10: MenuTest.java
Example 9-11: ToolBarTest.java
Example 9-12: Calculator.java
Example 9-13: BoxLayoutTest.java
Example 9-14: FontDialog.java
Example 9-15: CircleLayoutTest.java
Example 9-16: OptionDialogTest.java
Example 9-17: DialogTest.java
Example 9-18: DataExchangeTest.java
Example 9-19: FileChooserTest.java


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Example 9-20: ColorChooserTest.java
Example 10-1: NotHelloWorldApplet.java
Example 10-2: NotHelloWorldAppletPlugin.html
Example 10-3: Calculator.html (before processing with the HTML converter)
Example 10-4: CalculatorApplet.java
Example 10-5: PopupCalculatorApplet.java
Example 10-6: Chart.java
Example 10-7: Bookmark.html
Example 10-8: Left.html (before processing with the HTML converter)
Example 10-9: Right.html
Example 10-10: Bookmark.java
Example 10-11: AppletFrame.java
Example 10-12: CalculatorAppletApplication.java
Example 10-13: ResourceTest.html
Example 10-14: ResourceTest.java
Example 11-1: ExceptTest.java
Example 11-2: ExceptionalTest.java
Example 11-3: ConsoleWindow.java
Example 11-4: EventTracer.java
Example 11-5: EventTracerTest.java
Example 11-6: RobotTest.java
Example 11-7: WordCount.java
Example 11-8: BuggyButtonTest.java
Example 11-9: BuggyButtonFrame.java
Example 11-10: BuggyButtonPanel.java
Example 12-1: ZipTest.java
Example 12-2: DataFileTest.java
Example 12-3: RandomFileTest.java
Example 12-4: ObjectFileTest.java

Example 12-5: ObjectRefTest.java
Example 12-6: SerialCloneTest.java
Example 12-7: FindDirectories.java

Figure 1-1: The Jmol applet
Figure 2-1: Compiling and running Welcome.java
Figure 2-2: Starting Forte
Figure 2-3: The edit window of Forte
Figure 2-4: The output window of Forte
Figure 2-5: Error messages in Forte
Figure 2-6: Starting a new program in Forte
Figure 2-7: Compiling a program with Xemacs
Figure 2-8: Running a program from within Xemacs
Figure 2-9: Locating compilation errors in TextPad
Figure 2-10: Running a Java program from TextPad
Figure 2-11: Running the ImageViewer application
Figure 2-12: The WelcomeApplet applet as viewed by the applet viewer
Figure 2-13: Running the WelcomeApplet applet in a browser
Figure 3-1: Legal conversions between numeric types


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Figure 3-2: The three panes of the API documentation
Figure 3-3: Class description for the String class
Figure 3-4: Method summary of the String class
Figure 3-5: Detailed description of a String method

Figure 3-6: An input dialog
Figure 3-7: Flowchart for the if statement
Figure 3-8: Flowchart for the if/else statement
Figure 3-9: Flowchart for the if/else if (multiple branches)
Figure 3-10: Flowchart for the while statement
Figure 3-11: Flowchart for the do/while statement
Figure 3-12: Flowchart for the for statement
Figure 3-13: Flowchart for the switch statement
Figure 3-14: Copying an array variable
Figure 3-15: Copying values between arrays
Figure 3-16: A two-dimensional array
Figure 4-1: A class diagram
Figure 4-2: Procedural vs. OO programming
Figure 4-3: Creating a new object
Figure 4-4: Object variables that refer to the same object
Figure 4-5: Returning a reference to a mutable data field
Figure 4-6: Modifying a numeric parameter has no lasting effect
Figure 4-7: Modifying an object parameter has a lasting effect
Figure 4-8: Swapping object parameters has no lasting effect
Figure 4-9: Changing the warning string in an applet window
Figure 5-1: Employee inheritance hierarchy
Figure 5-2: Inheritance diagram for Person and its subclasses
Figure 6-1: Copying and cloning
Figure 6-2: A shallow copy
Figure 6-3: An inner class object has a reference to an outer class object
Figure 7-1: The Windows look and feel of Swing
Figure 7-2: The Motif look and feel of Swing
Figure 7-3: The Metal look and feel of Swing
Figure 7-4: The simplest visible frame
Figure 7-5: Inheritance hierarchy for the JFrame and JPanel classes

Figure 7-6: A simple graphical program
Figure 7-7: The internal structure of a Jframe
Figure 7-8: 2D rectangle classes
Figure 7-9: The bounding rectangle of an ellipse
Figure 7-10: Relationships between the shape classes
Figure 7-11: Rectangles and ellipses
Figure 7-12: Filled rectangles and ellipses
Figure 7-13: Typesetting terms illustrated
Figure 7-14: Drawing the baseline and string bounds
Figure 7-15: Window with tiled graphics image
Figure 8-1: Event notification
Figure 8-2: A panel filled with buttons
Figure 8-3: Switching the Look and Feel
Figure 8-4: A window listener
Figure 8-5: Inheritance diagram of the AWT event classes
Figure 8-6: Relationship between event sources and listeners


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Figure 8-7: A sketch program
Figure 8-8: A mouse test program
Figure 8-9: Buttons display the icons from the Action objects
Figure 8-10: All frames listen to the Close all command
Figure 8-11: Using custom timer events to simulate rainfall
Figure 9-1: Model and view of a text field
Figure 9-2: Two separate views of the same model
Figure 9-3: A window place

Figure 9-4: Interactions between model, view, and controller objects
Figure 9-5: A panel with three buttons
Figure 9-6: A panel with six buttons managed by a flow layout
Figure 9-7: Changing the panel size rearranges the buttons automatically
Figure 9-8: Border layout
Figure 9-9: A single button managed by a border layout
Figure 9-10: A panel placed at the south end of the frame
Figure 9-11: Text field example
Figure 9-12: A text area
Figure 9-13: Testing text editing
Figure 9-14: Check boxes
Figure 9-15: A radio button group
Figure 9-16: Testing border types
Figure 9-17: A combo box
Figure 9-18: Sliders
Figure 9-19: A menu with a submenu
Figure 9-20: Icons in menu items
Figure 9-21: A checked menu item and menu items with radio buttons
Figure 9-22: A pop-up menu
Figure 9-23: Keyboard mnemonics
Figure 9-24: Accelerators
Figure 9-25: Disabled menu items
Figure 9-26: A tool bar
Figure 9-27: Dragging the tool bar
Figure 9-28: Dragging the tool bar to another border
Figure 9-29: Detaching the tool bar
Figure 9-30: A tool tip
Figure 9-31: Inheritance hierarchy for the Component class
Figure 9-32: A calculator
Figure 9-33: Box layouts

Figure 9-34: Font dialog box
Figure 9-35: Dialog box grid used in design
Figure 9-36: Circle layout
Figure 9-37: Geometric traversal order
Figure 9-38: An option dialog
Figure 9-39: The OptionDialogTest program
Figure 9-40: An About dialog box
Figure 9-41: Password dialog box
Figure 9-42: File chooser dialog box
Figure 9-43: A file dialog with a preview accessory
Figure 9-44: The “swatches” pane of color chooser
Figure 9-45: The HSB pane of a color chooser


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Figure 9-46: The RGB pane of a color chooser
Figure 10-1: Selecting the Java Virtual Machine in the Java Plug-In
Figure 10-2: Applet inheritance hierarchy
Figure 10-3: Viewing an applet in the applet viewer
Figure 10-4: The Java Plug-In Control Panel
Figure 10-5: The Java Console
Figure 10-6: The Java Plug-In HTML converter
Figure 10-7: Viewing an applet in a browser
Figure 10-8: A calculator applet
Figure 10-9: A pop-up window inside a browser
Figure 10-10: Applet alignment
Figure 10-11: A chart applet

Figure 10-12: A bookmark applet
Figure 10-13: The calculator as an application
Figure 10-14: The calculator as an applet
Figure 10-15: Displaying a resource from a JAR file
Figure 11-1: Exception hierarchy in Java
Figure 11-2: A program that generates exceptions
Figure 11-3: The console window
Figure 11-4: The EventTracer class at work
Figure 11-5: A breakpoint in the Forte debugger
Figure 11-6: The breakpoint list
Figure 11-7: The Forte watch window
Figure 12-1: Input and Output stream hierarchy
Figure 12-2: Reader and Writer hierarchy
Figure 12-3: A sequence of filtered stream
Figure 12-4: The ZipTest program
Figure 12-5: Two managers can share a mutual employee
Figure 12-6: Here, Harry is saved three times
Figure 12-7: An example of object serialization
Figure 12-8: Objects saved in random order
Figure 12-9: The graphical version of the serialver program
Figure 12-10: Reading an object with fewer data fields
Figure 12-11: Reading an object with more data fields


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

To the Reader

In late 1995, the Java programming language burst onto the Internet scene and gained instant
celebrity status. The promise of Java is that it will become the universal glue that connects
users with information, whether that information comes from Web servers, databases,
information providers, and any other imaginable source. Indeed Java is in a unique position to
fulfill this promise. It is an extremely solidly engineered language that has gained acceptance
by all major vendors, except for Microsoft. Its built-in security and safety features are
reassuring both to programmers and to the users of Java programs. Java even has built-in
support that makes advanced programming tasks, such as network programming, database
connectivity, and multithreading, straightforward.
Since then, Sun Microsystems has released four major revisions of the Java Software
Development Kit. Version 1.02, released in 1996, supported database connectivity and
distributed objects. Version 1.1, released in 1997, added a robust event model,
internationalization, and the Java Beans component model. Version 1.2, released at the end of
1998, has numerous enhancements, but one major improvement stands out: the “Swing” user
interface toolkit that finally allows programmers to write truly portable GUI applications.
Version 1.3, released in the spring of 2000, delivered many incremental improvements.
The book you have in your hand is the first volume of the fifth edition of the Core Java book.
Each time, the book followed the release of the Java development kit as quickly as possible,
and each time, we rewrote the book to take advantage of the newest Java features.
As with the previous editions of this book, we still target serious programmers who want to
put Java to work on real projects. We still guarantee no nervous text or dancing tooth-shaped
characters. We think of you, our reader, as a programmer with a solid background in a
programming language. But you do not need to know C++ or object-oriented programming.
Based on the responses we have received to the earlier editions of this book, we remain
confident that experienced Visual Basic, C, or COBOL programmers will have no trouble
with this book. (You don't even need any experience in building graphical user interfaces in
Windows, Unix, or the Macintosh.)
What we do is assume you want to:

Write real code to solve real problems

Don't like books filled with toy examples (such as kitchen appliances or fruit trees).


You will find lots of sample code on the accompanying CD that demonstrates almost every
language and library feature that we discuss. We kept the sample programs purposefully
simple to focus on the major points, but, for the most part, they aren't fake and they don't cut
corners. They should make good starting points for your own code.


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

We assume you are willing, even eager, to learn about all the advanced features that Java puts
at your disposal. For example, we give you a detailed treatment of:

Object-oriented programming
Reflection and proxies

Interfaces and inner classes
The event listener model
Graphical user interface design with the Swing UI toolkit
Exception handling
Stream input/output and object serialization

We still don't spend much time on the fun but less serious kind of Java programs whose sole
purpose is to liven up your Web page. There are quite a few sources for this kind of material
already—we recommend John Pew's book Instant Java, also published by Sun Microsystems
Press/Prentice Hall.
Finally, with the explosive growth of the Java class library, a one-volume treatment of all the
features of Java that serious programmers need to know is no longer possible. Hence, we
decided to break the book up into two volumes. The first volume, which you hold in your
hands, concentrates on the fundamental concepts of the Java language, along with the basics
of user-interface programming. The second volume goes further into the enterprise features
and advanced user-interface programming. It includes detailed discussions of:

Network programming
Distributed objects

Collection classes
Advanced graphics
Advanced GUI components
Native methods

When writing a book, errors and inaccuracies are inevitable. We'd very much like to know
about them. But, of course, we'd prefer to learn about each of them only once. We have put up
a list of frequently asked questions, bugs fixes, and workarounds in a Web page at
Strategically placed at the end of the FAQ (to
encourage you to read through it first) is a form you can use to report bugs and suggest
improvements. Please don't be disappointed if we don't answer every query or if we don't get
back to you immediately. We do read all e-mail and appreciate your input to make future
editions of this book clearer and more informative.
We hope that you find this book enjoyable and helpful in your Java programming.

About This Book
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the capabilities of Java that set it apart from other
programming languages. We explain what the designers of the language set out to do and to


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

what extent they succeeded. Then, we give a short history of how Java came into being and
how it has evolved.
In Chapter 2, we tell you how to install Java and the companion software for this book from

the CD-ROM onto your computer. Then we guide you through compiling and running three
typical Java programs, a console application, a graphical application, and an applet.
Chapter 3 starts the discussion of the Java language. In this chapter, we cover the basics:
variables, loops, and simple functions. If you are a C or C++ programmer, this is smooth
sailing because the syntax for these language features is essentially the same as in C. If you
come from a non-C background such as Visual Basic or COBOL, you will want to read this
chapter carefully.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is now in the mainstream of programming practice, and
Java is completely object oriented. Chapter 4 introduces encapsulation, the first of two
fundamental building blocks of object orientation, and the Java language mechanism to
implement it, that is, classes and methods. In addition to the rules of the Java language, we
also give advice on sound OOP design. Finally, we cover the marvelous javadoc tool that
formats your code comments as a set of hyperlinked web pages. If you are familiar with C++,
then you can browse through this chapter quickly. Programmers coming from a non-objectoriented background should expect to spend some time mastering OOP concepts before going
further with Java.
Classes and encapsulation are only one part of the OOP story, and Chapter 5 introduces the
other, namely, inheritance. Inheritance lets you take an existing class and modify it according
to your needs. This is a fundamental technique for programming in Java. The inheritance
mechanism in Java is quite similar to that in C++. Once again, C++ programmers can focus
on the differences between the languages.
Chapter 6 shows you how to use Java's notion of an interface. Interfaces let you go beyond
the simple inheritance model of Chapter 5. Mastering interfaces allows you full access to the
power of Java's completely object-oriented approach to programming. We also cover a useful
technical feature of Java here. These are called inner classes. Inner classes help make your
code cleaner and more concise.
In Chapter 7, we begin application programming in earnest. We show how you can make
windows, how to paint on them, how to draw with geometric shapes, how to format text in
multiple fonts, and how to display images.
Chapter 8 is a detailed discussion of the event model of the AWT, the abstract windows
toolkit. (We discuss the event model that was added to Java 1.1, not the obsolete and

simplistic 1.0 event model.) You'll see how to write the code that responds to events like
mouse clicks or key presses. Along the way you'll see how to handle basic GUI elements like
buttons and panels.
Chapter 9 discusses the Swing GUI toolkit in great detail. The Swing toolkit is how you can
use Java to build a cross-platform graphical user interface. You'll learn all about the various
kinds of buttons, text components, borders, sliders, list boxes, menus, and dialog boxes.
However, some of the more advanced components are discussed in Volume 2.


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

After you finish Chapter 9, you finally have all mechanisms in place to write applets, those
mini-programs that can live inside a Web page, and so applets are the topic of Chapter 10. We
show you a number of useful and fun applets, but more importantly, we show you what goes
on behind the scenes. And we show you how to use the Java Plug-in that enables you to roll
out applets that take advantage of all the newest Java features, even if your users use old
browsers or browsers made by hostile vendors.
Chapter 11 discusses exception handling, Java's robust mechanism to deal with the fact that
bad things can happen to good programs. For example, a network connection can become
unavailable in the middle of a file download, a disk can fill up, and so on. Exceptions give
you an efficient way of separating the normal processing code from the error handling. Of
course, even after hardening your program by handling all exceptional conditions, it still
might fail to work as expected. In the second half of this chapter, we give you a large number
of useful debugging tips. Finally, we guide you through sample sessions with various tools:
the JDB debugger, the debugger of the Forte development environment, a profiler, a code
coverage testing tool and the AWT robot.
We finish the book with input and output handling. In Java, all I/O is handled through socalled streams. Streams let you deal in a uniform manner with communicating with any
source of data, such as files, network connections, or memory blocks. We include detailed

coverage of the reader and writer classes, which make it easy to deal with Unicode; and we
show you what goes on under the hood when you use object serialization mechanism, which
makes saving and loading objects easy and convenient.
An appendix lists the Java language keywords.

As is common in many computer books, we use courier type to represent computer code.
There are many C++ notes that explain the difference between Java and
C++. You can skip over them if you don't have a background in C++ or if
you consider your experience with that language a bad dream of which
you'd rather not be reminded.

Notes and tips are tagged with “note” and “tip” icons that look like these.


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

When there is danger ahead, we warn you with a “Caution” icon.

Java comes with a large programming library or Application
Programming Interface (API). When using an API call for the first time,
we add a short summary description tagged with an API icon at the end of
the section. These descriptions are a bit more informal, but we hope also
a little more informative than those in the official on-line API
Programs whose source code is on the CD-ROM are listed as examples, for instance
Example 2-5: WelcomeApplet.java.

The CD-ROM on the back of the book contains the latest version of the Java Software
Development Kit. At the time we are writing this, these materials are available only for
Windows 95/NT or Solaris 2.
Of course, the CD-ROM contains all sample code from the book, in compressed form. You
can expand the file either with one of the familiar unzipping programs or simply with the jar
utility that is part of the Java Software Development Kit.
The CD-ROM also contains a small selection of “best of breed” programs that you may find
helpful for your development. Generally, these programs require that you pay the vendors
some amount of money if you use them beyond a trial period. We have no connection with
the vendors, except as satisfied users of their products. Please contact the vendors directly
with any questions you may have about the programs.
People have often asked what the licensing requirements for using the
sample code in a commercial situation are. You can freely use any code
from this book for non-commercial use. However, if you do want to use
the code as a basis for a commercial product, we simply require that
every Java programmer on the development team for that project own a
copy of Core Java.


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Writing a book is always a monumental effort, and rewriting doesn't seem to be much easier,
especially with continuous change in Java technology. Making a book a reality takes many
dedicated people, and it is my great pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of the entire
Core Java team.

A large number of individuals at Prentice-Hall PTR, Sun Microsystems Press and Navta Inc.
provided valuable assistance, but they managed to stay behind the scenes. I'd like them all to
know how much I appreciate their efforts. As always, my warm thanks go to my editor, Greg
Doench of Prentice-Hall PTR, and his assistant, Mary Treacy, for steering the book through
the writing and production process, and for allowing me to be blissfully unaware of the
existence of all those folks behind the scenes. My thanks also to my co-author of earlier
editions, Gary Cornell, who has since moved on to other ventures.
Thanks to the many readers of earlier editions who reported many embarrassing errors and
made lots of thoughtful suggestions for improvement. I am particularly grateful to the
excellent reviewing team that went over the manuscript with an amazing eye for detail and
saved me from many more embarrassing errors. The reviewers are: Bob Lynch, Bradley A.
Smith, Paul E. Sevinc from Teamup AG, Mark Morrissey from the Oregon Graduate Institute,
Peter Sander from ESSI University, Nice, France, and Chuck Allison, Contributing Editor,
C/C++ Users Journal.
Most importantly, my love, gratitude, and apologies go to my wife Hui-Chen and my children
Thomas and Nina for their continuing support of this never-ending project.
Cay Horstmann
Cupertino, November 2000


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Chapter 1. An Introduction to Java

Java as a Programming Tool
Advantages of Java
The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords
Java and the Internet
A Short History of Java
Common Misconceptions about Java

For a long time, to open a computer magazine that did not have a feature article on Java
seemed impossible. Even mainstream newspapers and magazines like The New York Times,
The Washington Post, and Business Week have run numerous articles on Java. It gets better
(or worse, depending on your perspective): can you remember the last time National Public
Radio ran a 10-minute story on a computer language? Or a $100,000,000 venture capital fund
was set up solely for products produced using a specific computer language? CNN, CNBC,
you name the mass medium, it seems everyone was, and to a certain extent still is, talking
about how Java will do this or Java will do that.
However, we decided to write this book for serious programmers, and because Java is a
serious programming language, there's a lot to tell. So, rather than immediately getting caught
up in an analysis of the Java hype and trying to deal with the limited (if still interesting) truth
behind the hype, we will write in some detail about Java as a programming language
(including, of course, the features added for its use on the Internet that started the hype). After
that, we will try to separate current fact from fancy by explaining what Java can and cannot
In the early days of Java, there was a huge disconnect between the hype and the actual
abilities of Java. As Java is maturing, the technology is becoming a lot more stable and
reliable, and expectations are coming down to reasonable levels. As we write this, Java is
being increasingly used for “middleware” to communicate between clients and server
resources such as databases. While not glitzy, this is an important area where Java, primarily
due to its portability and multithreading and networking capabilities, can add real value. Java

is making great inroads in embedded systems, where it is well positioned to become
a standard for hand-held devices, Internet kiosks, car computers, and so on. However, early
attempts to rewrite familiar PC programs in Java were not encouraging—the applications
were underpowered and slow. With the current version of Java, some of these problems have
been overcome, but still, users don't generally care what programming language was used to
write their applications. We think that the benefits of Java will come from new kinds of
devices and applications, not from rewriting existing ones.

Java as a Programming Tool
As a computer language, Java's hype is overdone: Java is certainly a good programming
language. There is no doubt that it is one of the better languages available to serious
programmers. We think it could potentially have been a great programming language, but it is
probably too late for that. Once a language is out in the field, the ugly reality of compatibility
with existing code sets in. Moreover, even in cases where changes are possible without
breaking existing code, it is hard for the creators of a language as acclaimed as Java to sit
back and say, “Well, maybe we were wrong about X, and Y would be better.” In sum, while


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

we expect there to be some improvements over time, basically, the structure of the Java
language tomorrow will be much the same as it is today.
Having said that, the obvious question is, Where did the dramatic improvements of Java come
from? The answer is that they didn't come from changes to the underlying Java programming
language, they came from major changes in the Java libraries. Over time, Sun Microsystems
changed everything from the names of many of the library functions (to make them more
consistent), to how graphics works (by changing the event handling model and rewriting parts
from scratch), to adding important features like printing that were not part of Java 1.0.

The result is a far more useful programming platform that has become enormously more
capable and useful than early versions of Java.
Microsoft has released a product called J++ that shares a family
relationship with Java. Like Java, J++ is interpreted by a virtual machine
that is compatible with the Java Virtual Machine for executing Java
bytecodes, but there are substantial differences when interfacing with
external code. The basic language syntax is almost identical to Java.
However, Microsoft added language constructs that are of doubtful
utility except for interfacing with the Windows API. In addition to Java
and J++ sharing a common syntax, their foundational libraries (strings,
utilities, networking, multithreading, math, and so on) are essentially
identical. However, the libraries for graphics, user interfaces, and remote
object access are completely different. At this point, Microsoft is no
longer supporting J++ but has instead introduced another language called
C# that also has many similarities with Java but uses a different virtual
machine. We do not cover J++ or C# in this book.

Advantages of Java
One obvious advantage is a runtime environment that provides platform independence: you
can use the same code on Windows, Solaris, Linux, Macintosh, and so on. This is certainly
necessary when programs are downloaded over the Internet to run on a variety of platforms.
Another programming advantage is that Java has a syntax similar to that of C++, making it
easy for C and C++ programmers to learn. Then again, Visual Basic programmers will
probably find the syntax annoying.
If you are coming from a language other than C++, some of the terms
used in this section will be less familiar—just skip those sections. You
will be comfortable with all of these terms by the end of Chapter 6.


Core Java™ 2: Volume I–Fundamentals

Java is also fully object oriented—even more so than C++. Everything in Java, except for a
few basic types like numbers, is an object. (Object-oriented programming has replaced earlier
structured techniques because it has many advantages for dealing with sophisticated projects.
If you are not familiar with Object-oriented programming, Chapters 3 through 6 provide what
you need to know.)
However, having yet another, somewhat improved, dialect of C++ would not be enough. The
key point is this: It is far easier to turn out bug-free code using Java than using C++.
Why? The designers of Java thought hard about what makes C++ code so buggy. They added
features to Java that eliminate the possibility of creating code with the most common kinds of

The Java designers eliminated manual memory allocation and deallocation.
Memory in Java is automatically garbage collected. You never have to worry about
memory corruption.

They introduced true arrays and eliminated pointer arithmetic.
You never have to worry about overwriting an area of memory because of an off-byone error when working with a pointer.

They eliminated the possibility of confusing an assignment with a test for equality in a
conditional statement.

You cannot even compile if (ntries = 3). . . . (Visual Basic programmers may
not see the problem, but, trust us, this is a common source of confusion in C/C++

They eliminated multiple inheritance, replacing it with a new notion of interface that
they derived from Objective C.
Interfaces give you most of what you want from multiple inheritance, without the
complexity that comes with managing multiple inheritance hierarchies. (If inheritance
is a new concept for you, Chapter 5 will explain it.)

The Java language specification is public. You can find it on the Web at
The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords
The authors of Java have written an influential White Paper that explains their design goals
and accomplishments. Their paper is organized along the following eleven buzzwords:

