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Bài tập ngữ âm, ngữ pháp tiếng anh lớp 10

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Động từ có quy tắc thêm –ed được phát âm như sau:
1. /ɪd/ sau âm /t, d/
2. /t/ sau những phụ âm vô thanh (trừ âm /t/) : /p, k, f, ʃ, s, tʃ, θ/
3. /d/ sau những nguyên âm và phụ âm hữu thanh (trừ âm /d/) : / ð, b, v, z, ʒ, dʒ, g, m, n, ŋ, l,r,j,w/

EXERCISE 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. arrived

B. believed

C. received

2. A. opened

B. knocked

C. played

3. A. rubbed

B. tugged

4. A. dimmed

C. stopped

B. travelled

D. hoped
D. occurred

D. filled

C. passed

D. stirred

5. A. tipped

B. begged

C. quarrelled

6. A. tried

B. obeyed

C. cleaned

D. asked

7. A. packed

B. added

C. worked

D. pronounced

8. A. watched

B. phoned

C. referred
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D. carried

D. followed

9. A. agreed

B. succeeded

C. smiled

D. loved


A. laughed

B. washed

C. helped

D. weighed


A. walked

B. ended

C. started

D. wanted


A. killed

B. hurried

C. regretted

D. planned


A. visited

B. showed

C. wondered

D. studied


A. sacrificed


A. needed

B. booked

C. stopped

D. washed


A. loved

B. teased

C. washed

D. rained


A. packed

B. punched


A. filled

B. naked


A. caused

B. increased


A. washed

B. parted

C. passed

D. barked


A. killed

B. cured

C. crashed

D. waived


A. imagined


A. called

B. finished

B. released
B. passed

C. fixed

C. pleased
C. suited

D. seized

D. pushed
D. wicked

C. practised

C. rained
C. talked
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D. promised

D. followed
D. washed


A. landed

B. needed


A. cleaned

B. attended


A. talked

B. fished


A. wished

B. wrapped


A. considered

B. rescued


A. produced

B. arranged


A. caused


A. discovered

B. destroyed

C. developed

D. opened


A. repaired

B. invented

C. wounded

D. succeeded


A. improved

B. parked


A. delivered

B. organized


A. painted

B. provided


A. tested

B. marked

C. presented


A. used

B. finished

C. married

D. rained


A. allowed

B. dressed

C. flashed

D. mixed

B. examined

C. opened

D. wanted

C. visited
C. arrived

D. started
D. stepped

C. laughed

D. turned

C. pulled

D. roughed

C. checked

D. fixed

C. operated

D. advised

C. broadened

D. encouraged

C. replaced

D. obeyed

C. protected

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D. equipped
D. founded


A. switched

B. stayed

C. believed


A. recommended

B. waited

C. handed


A. annoyed

B. phoned

C. watched


A. hurried

B. decided

C. planned


A. posted

B. added

C. managed


A. dreamed

B. neglected


A. admitted

B. advanced


A. announced

B. apologized


A. complained

B. applied


A. declared

B. exchanged


A. contributed

B. jumped


A. whispered

B. wandered

D. cleared
D. designed
D. remembered

D. wondered

C. denied
C. appointed
C. answered
C. compared
C. excused
C. introduced
C. sympathized

------------  *  ----------PRONUNCIATION OF -s/-es

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D. arrested
D. admired
D. competed
D. argued
D. polished
D. joined
D. vanished
D. sentenced

Cách phát âm –s hoặc –es sau động từ hoặc danh từ phụ thuộc vào âm đứng phía trước nó. Động từ hoặc danh từ khi
thêm –s hoặc –es được phát âm như sau:
1. /ɪz/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng những âm /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/
2. /s/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng những âm vô thanh /p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/, /t/
3. /z/ sau động từ hoặc danh từ tận cùng bằng âm còn lại.
EXERCISE 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

1. A. skims

B. works

C. sits

2. A. fixes

B. pushes

C. misses

D. goes

3. A. cries

B. buzzes

C. studies

D. supplies

4. A. holds

B. notes

C. replies

D. sings

5. A. keeps

B. gives

C. cleans

D. prepares

6. A. runs

B. fills

D. laughs

C. draws

D. catches

7. A. drops

B. kicks

C. sees

8. A. types

B. knocks

C. changes

D. wants

9. A. drinks

B. rides

C. travels

D. leaves

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D. hopes


A. calls

B. glasses

C. smiles


A. schools

B. yards

C. labs


A. knives

B. trees

C. classes

D. agrees


A. buses

B. horses

C. causes

D. ties


A. garages

B. boats

C. bikes

D. roofs


A. ships

B. roads

C. streets

D. speaks


A. beliefs

B. cups

C. plates

D. apples


A. books

B. days

C. songs

D. erasers


A. houses

B. knives

C. clauses

D. changes


A. roofs

B. banks

C. hills

D. bats


A. hats

B. tables

C. tests

D. desks


A. gives

B. passes

C. dances

D. finishes


A. sees

B. sings

C. meets

D. needs


A. seeks

B. plays

C. gets


A. tries

B. receives

C. teaches
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D. learns
D. seats

D. looks
D. studies


A. says

B. pays

C. stays

D. boys


A. eyes

B. apples

C. tables

D. faces


A. posts

B. types

C. wives

D. keeps


A. beds


A. stools

B. cards

C. cabs


A. buses

B. crashes

C. bridges

B. pens

C. notebooks

D. rulers
D. fork
D. plate

A. to – infinitive
 Mợt số đợng từ nhất định đi kèm mợt số đợng từ ở dạng ngun mẫu có To như:
agree ( đồng ý,nhất trí), afford, aim, appear ( xuất hiện), arrange( sắp xếp,thu
xếp), attempt( cố gắng), ask ( đòi hỏi,yêu cầu), choose ( chọn, lựa), decide
( quyết đònh), deserve, demand ( ra lệnh), expect ( mong,trông ngóng), fail
( hỏng,không thành công,(thi) rớt), happen (xảy ra) , hope ( hy vọng), learn ( hay
tin), manage ( xoay sở, tự lo được), offer ( dâng ,tặng), plan ( kế hoạch, dự tính),

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pretend ( giả vờ), promise (hứa hẹn), refuse ( từ chối), seem ( có vẻ như,
dường như), threaten ( đe dọa), want, wait, wish ( ao ước), would like ( muốn),…etc.
Cấu trúc:

Verb + to-infinitive ( V+ to do

They decided to spend their holidays on HonTre island.
 Đứng ngay sau tân ngữ (object) của động từ như : tell, invite, remind, encourage, force, enable,teach,
order, warn, invite, pesuade, get( persuade, arrange for).......

Verb + object + to-infinitive ( V + Sb+
to do sth)
They advised me to wait until tomorrow.
The teacher tells her students to hand in their home exercise tomorrow.
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 Đứng sau tính từ (adjective)
We are happy to be home at last. // The student are certain to pass the exams.
 Chú ý: khi chuyển sang dạng phủ định (negative) em phải lưu ý: not + to-infinive
They decided not to spend their holiday in TL beach. /They advised me not to go out late at night.
– Làm bổ nghĩa để thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ ( As a modifier to replace a relative clause( after nouns or
Ex: I have a lot of work to do. ( which I have to do)
Hoặc sau các đại từ bất định( indefinite pronouns: anything, something, nothing, someone,....)
I don’t know anything to do next.
– Trong các cấu trúc ( idiomatic expressions):
* Too + adj ( for SO) + to-inf
Ex: The tea is hot for me to drink.
* Adj + enough + to-inf
Ex: He is clever enough to solve the problem.
– After Wh- words : Which, What, How,....
Ex: I don’t know what to say.
– To + V (inf)to indicate purpose ( chỉ mục đích)
Ex: I listen to music to feel relax.

I am buying paint. I want to paint my hall door.  I am buying paint to paint my hall door.
– Làm chủ ngữ của động từ ( As the subject of the verb) Ex: To know how to study English is useful.
B./ Bare infinitive
 Được dùng sau động từ make, have với nghĩ nguyên cớ (causative)
The Brown made their children clean their room. / The guest had the porters carry their luggage upstairs.
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 Được dùng sau động từ giác quan như see, hear, feel,notice, taste, smell, ....
We incidentally saw the plane crash into the moutain.
The man noticed his assistant leave work earlier than usual.
 Đuợc dùng sau động từ let và help.
My brother let me use computer. // The parents helped their children set up the tent.
 Khi chuyển sang câu bị động em phải thêm to vào giữa 2 động từ:
The Brown made their children clean their room.
-> The children were made to clean their room by the Brown.
* Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form: infinitive with to or infinitive without to. In some sentences,
both are correct.
1. I hope................................other people with their work. (help)
2. He promised............................. me soon (phone)
3. The studens are well- prepared ........................ the final exam. (take)
4. I’ll help you............................ the party if you like. (arrange)
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5. My uncle let me ............................... his motorcycle while he was is on holiday (borrow)
6. The police observed a man......................... the bank (enter)

7. Tuan is sure.......................... the English speaking contest (win)
8. Children should be let ..................... freely (play)
9. Did you hear him....................... out? (go)
10. The first man ........................... foot on the moon is Neil Armstrong (set)
11.We weren’t allowed....................... the restricted area. ( enter)
12. They didn’t let us......................... the restricted area. (enter)
13. I felt someone .......................... into the room (walk)
* The following sentences may contain some mistakes. Identify them (if there are) and suggest appropriate
1. She noticed him to leave the party without saying goodbye.
2. I made Steven to wait outside for half an hour.
3. Think we should let them to try again.
4. The director considered her to be the most appropriate person for the job.
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5. He was heard say that he hoped Charmaine would die.
6. Natalie watched the thief clime through the window, and then called the police.
7. I felt the snake biting me and saw it slither off.
8. The old woman said that she saw me to put the key in my pocket.
9. It was getting dark and I couldn’t see read
10. She made believe that she was about to marry a rich man.
* Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
1. They agreed ( be)……………………. present at the opening ceremony.
2. Let me( help)………………….you (get)…………………… it right.
3. I understand you want (borrow)……………………… my last volume of Harry Porter.
4. The manager let me ( watch) ……………… the actors and actresses (rehearse)……………….
5. They promised (help)……………. me (prepare)…………………….. for the party.
* Infinitives after Adjectives.
Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in the box.

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find out


Example: I’m eager to go on vacation soon.




1. I was glad .................... a present from my old closest friend.
2. I was relieved ................ that I had passed the exam.
3. The jet pilot was very lucky ..................... alive after the plane crash.
4. The children were anxious ......................... to the circus.

5. Dung didn’t feel like going anywhere. He was comtent ....................... at home and ................... a book.
6. The teacher is always willing ......................... the students.
7. The students are motivated ........................ English.
8. Thanh ws hesitant ............................. home alone on the dark street.
9. I was suprised .......................... Mr. Suzucho at the meeting.
10. We were very sorry .................................. the bad news about the collapse of the brigde.
I. Write complete sentences with the following clues
Ex: Ann/ have/ no one/ help.

-->Ann has no one to help her

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1. There/ lot/ food/ eat -->......................................................................................
2. You/ wrong/ treat her/ that


3. This/ the ideal place/ build/ our own house -->......................................................................................
4. What/ most interesting places/ visit/ your city? -->......................................................................................
5. Last night/ she /find / difficult/ say goodbye. -->......................................................................................
6. The children/not need/ have/ all these books/ start/ course. -->.............................................................................
8. My mother/ want/ me /stay/ home/after 9:00 pm -->......................................................................................


Choose the best answer for each sent
1. How are you feeling? I have been feeling better since the doctor…………

( has come / had come / comes / came )
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2. Water and oil …………….
( do not mix / does not mix / has not mix / is not mixing )
3. Playing computer games for 12 hours every day…………him exhausted.
( make / making / makes / made )
4. Linh’s house is near his school and it…………him only 15 minnutes yo go there on foot.
( takes / took / has taken / is taking )
5. It is ……….that every pupil will have to follow the school timetable strictly.
( certainly / surely / obviously / certain )
6. She was so surprised…………….the exam result that she could’t say anything.
( in / at / of / for )
7. ………..,Phuong gets up at 6 a.m, but today is Sunday so she gets up a bit late.
( Normal / Rarely / Normality / Normally )
8. Spain …………at one time a very powerful country.
( was / is / has been / was being )
9. Who ate all the cookies ?- Cuong…………………
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( has / ate / did / had )
10. Before electricity was discovered, oil lamps……………….
(used / has used / has been used / had used )
11. Almost every household………… a computer nowadays.
( have / has / has had / had )
12. Would you like………….with me tonight?
( going out / go out /to go out / to be going out )
13. ’’To take off” ……….to move off the ground.

( meant / means / is meaning / has meaning )
14.If I ………..much money, I would buy a big house.
( have / has / had had / had )
15.The earth………..round the sun once every 365 days.
( go / went / gone / goes )
16.They will certainly come………………….them.
( when calling / you are calling / if you call / do you call )
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You needn’t ………….the money back for a year.

( to pay / pay / paid / be paid )
18. ……………that reason, I don’t agree with you.
( Because / Instead / But / For )

…………………….don’t like English.

( Some student / Some of the students / Some of the student / Some of students )

If anybody……………question, please ask me after class.

( has / have / have a / has a )

What did you want to talk about, Mai? I am considering……….home.

( go / going / to / about going )

…………..did they arrive? Ten minutes ago

( How long / How much time / How many times / When )
22. You’d better……………early.
( to arrive / arriving / arrive / arrived )
23, Did you check your paper? No, I………….it
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( checking / am checking / check / checked )

If you keep………….that dog won’t hurt you.
(slowly a walk / a slow walk / walking slowly / to walking slowly )
25. It’s difficult…………….on time.

( get there / to get there / in getting there / for getting there )
26. I wouldn’t waste time……………that book if I were you.
( to reading / reading / read / to read )
27. I ……………….to visit Australia in the future.
(like / am liking / will like / would like )

Marie Curie was the first woman in France………….a university professor.

( was / to be / used to be / is )


In spite of…………..up late, She got up early the next morning.

( staying / to stay / Mary stayed / stay )

When he…………,everyone………………

A. arrived / had left

B. had arrived / left

C. would arrive / leaves
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D. arrived / hasleft

30. I suddenly remembered I……………..my wallet on the bus.
( leave / had left / have left / would leave )
31. I ……………the washing up before my father came home
( was doing / did / had done / must have done )
32. After her husband’s accident, she …………the sole breadwinner of the family.
( had become / became / would became / used to be )
33. The room smelled terrible. Someone…………before I came.
( had smoked / smoked / seemed to smoke / would smoke )
34. Celine Dion ………..to receive recognition fer her talent in 1982.
( had begun / began / probably begins / would have begun )
35. In 1994, Celine Dion and Rene Angelil………….in Basilica.

( had married / married / mary / have married )
36. I ………..as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002.
( had worked / would work / worked / get used to working )
37. His ambition is…………the richest the man in the world.
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( becomes / will become / became / to became )
38. Mary is a humorous girl. She always makes me………..
( laugh / laughing / to laugh / laughed )
39. Although his early education ………..,Peter is now the best clerk in our company.
( interrupted / had interrupted / was interrupted / interrupting )
40. By the time they came, we ………………our dinner.
( had finished / finished / would finish / were finishing )
41. Neil Amstrong was the ………..man to set foot on the moon.
( only / first / one / individual )
42 She studied hard ……….her parents’ expectation.
( meeting / to meet / meet / met )

Sally was disappointed with the exam result. She ……..a bark mark before.

( had got / had ever got / never had got / had never got )

It was impossible…………his room. the door was locked.

( to enter / entering / enters / entered )
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45. The thieves ran away ………..they could.
( quick / quickly so that / quicker as / as quickly as )
46. He said that no-one could love me……………..he did.
( so much like / as much like / as much as / that much )
Find mistakes and then correct them.
1. She had live in London for five years before she moved to New York.
2. Poor little Laura had always dreamt of have a new shirt on her birthday.
3. Jimmy is not so kindly as Geoge, but he is more handsome than Geoge.
4. Although being only 14, she was more mature than most of her classmates.
5. Lizzie told me that it was the loveliest gift she ever received.
6. Surprisingly, someone had changed the curtains before I had arrived.
7. I didn’t know how to get to Hang bong street, so I must ask a passer by.
8. Her father taught her science. She was received most of her scientific knowledge from
her father.

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9. This is not the first time we have talked to each other.I had met Geoge five years ago at
Jennifer’s party.

By the time they had come, the food had already got cold.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the verb in
1. Peter no longer phoned Marry. They ( say )………………..goodbye.
2. My neighbour didn’t have any money to buy food. He ( spend )………...
all his money gambling.

3. The girl’s arm was bleeding when she arrived at school. She ( fall over )…………
4. When I ( get )…………..home everyone ( have ) ………………..dinner.
5. I ( play )…………….a lot of piano recently.
6. We ( not see ) ……………..you for ages.
7. How long ( you learn ) …………………..Spanish?
8. I ( do )………………..housework yesterday.
9. I was disappointed when I didn’t see the dress I liked in the shop. I ( save ) ……….
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money to buy it for weeks.
10. He went to bed after he ( take ) …………………a bath.

Exercise 1: Make question for the following sentences:
1. They do their homework at night. (when)

2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who)

3. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which)

4. She felt better after she took a nap. (how)

5. She talked to him for an hour. (how long)

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6. My parents have two cars. (how many)

7. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why)

8. We have an English class every day. (how often)

9. They like to dance on weekends. (what)

10. The club is not far from their house. (where)

11. Their favourite kind of music is Latin Jazz. (what)

12. The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time)


They do their homework at night.
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Mr. Robertson came to the party alone.


I like the red blouse, not the blue one.


She felt better after she took a nap.


She talked to him for an hour.


My parents have two cars.


They are coming to visit tomorrow.


The with the white hat is my brother.

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