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Part I
1. .......................................
1. Most residents decided to ______ the town following a recent spate of ethnic


2. Ten days after the disaster the rescue workers had to ______ any hope of finding
somebody alive.
3. It turned out the vessel had been badly damaged by the torpedo and the crew had no
other choice but to ______ ship.


2. .......................................

1. We ______ the idea of trying to find a hotel and decided to spend the night in the car.
2. Nigel‘s parents ______ him at a very early age and he was brought up by his uncle.
3. Motorists stranded in the snowstorm ______ their cars and tried to walk to the
nearest emergency phones.
3. .......................................

1. It is difficult to ______ all the information given in a lecture, so you should always
take notes.
2. We will coat the walls with sound-proof material so that they ______ most of the
noise coming from outside.
3. We would rather advertising did not ______ so much of the company‘s budget.


4. .......................................

1. His work ______ him so much that he forgot to eat dinner.


2. She had only ______ half of the information contained in the manual.
3. Many of the smaller colleges have been ______ into the main university.


5. .......................................
1. Many inside the prison were suffering constant ______ at the hands of the prison
2. Alcohol ______ is one of the serious social problems eroding this country. No
wonder life expectancy is so low.
3. The president‘s ______ of power and persecution of ethnic minorities made him a
pariah on the world scene.
6. .......................................

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

1. Samuel‘s not easily offended and if you say sorry to him, he will of course ______
your apologies.
2. For the time being, you need to ______ the fact that famine and wars are part of our
lives and there‘s little we can do about it.
3. They won‘t ______ you as one of their own unless you begin to talk, look and think
like them.


7. .......................................
1. The only ______ to the camp site is down a narrow country lane.

2. Only authorised personnel can gain ______ to classified information.
3. The press were denied ______ to the Prime Minister.


8. .......................................

1. The ramp at the entrance of the building has made it ______ to the disabled.
2. I kept my camera ______ in case I saw something that I wanted to capture on film.
3. Health care should be ______ to all people, regardless of financial status.

9. .......................................

1. The guest house can ______ about 50 people which is not enough for our large group.
2. You have no choice but to ______ to the new situation and make the most of it.
3. We‘ll do our best to ______ your needs and make your stay here as pleasant as
10. .....................................


1. There is no chance you can get the actor‘s autograph because he‘s always ______ by
his bodyguards.
2. In Oslo, a young budding violinist ______ the renowned pianist during his tour.


3. Of course, we require that your job application be ______ by your curriculum vitae.
11. .....................................


1. On no ______ should passengers leave their seats during take off.
2. Spanish population in the city may ______ for about 20 percent of all the city
3. Certainly, sir. You can charge all the drinks and food to your ______.
12. .....................................
1. Whenever our department receives a letter of application we always ______ it
expressing our gratitude for sending it to us.


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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

2. The two painters never failed to ______ their debt to the artistic movement that
emerged at the turn of the century.
3. Now some of these experts ______ that it was a mistake to condone sexual
13. .....................................
1. The museum has ______ an important collection of late Roman coins.

3. She ______ a taste for olives during her holiday in Greece.
14. .....................................


2. When her children had grown up and left home, Sandra went to secretarial school
and ______ new skills.


1. No matter how hard I try I can‘t seem to get the idea of uncountable and countable
nouns ______ to my students.
2. I came ______ a really strange web site when I was looking for some information on
the Internet last night.

3. The shrill sound of the school bell cut ______ the shouts and laughter in the
15. .....................................

1. He‘s always wanted to ______, but his father keeps telling him he‘s too young to join
the theatre company.
2. The police operation proved successful. The security guard was caught in the ______
of stealing classified information.


3. Trying to raise your kids, satisfying your partner and pursuing a professional career
seem to be a difficult juggling ______ for many burnt-out mothers.
16. .....................................


1. My computer is out of ______ at the moment so I can‘t e-mail you.


2. If he doesn‘t repay the loan they are threatening legal ______.
3. The police need to take ______ to deal with violent crimes.
17. .....................................
1. I wanted to ______ something to what she said but in the end kept quiet.
2. We were lost, and to ______ to our problems it was starting to get dark.
3. To work out the average, ______ up all the marks and divide by 20.
18. .....................................
1. The official had difficulty finding her because she didn‘t leave a forwarding ______.

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

2. Please don‘t make a social gaffe when you are introduced. You should ______ the
king as His Majesty.
3. If we don‘t ______ this problem now, it is bound to get worse sooner rather than later.
19. .....................................
1. In the first half of the book such important questions as the origin of the universe and
the meaning of life are ______.


2. There is a letter ______ to you on the kitchen table.
3. The chairman ______ the meeting, underlining the necessity for revaluation.
20. .....................................


1. In an emergency, there‘s no time to lose. You need to know how to ______ first aid
safely and effectively.
2. If victims of crime try to ______ punishment on their own, they risk becoming
______ law offenders themselves.
3. These units which ______ public funds should be systematically scrutinized by

independent organizations.
21. .....................................

1. The murderer‘s sudden ______of guilt surprised the police.

2. It is expected that the museum will make a financial loss this year unless prices for
______ are increased.
3. The government‘s reluctant ______ that the unemployment figures had risen was a
shock to everyone.


22. .....................................


1. The interrogation officer used less than typical techniques to crack him. Eventually,
the spy ______ he worked for the CIA.
2. He was ______ to hospital after an X-ray showed a huge brain tumor in his left


3. I‘m afraid, sir, you can‘t enter the place. Today only members are ______ to the Club.
23. .....................................
1. When they realised they couldn‘t have children, they decided to ______ a baby.
2. The government has decided to ______ a firm policy towards civil disobedience.
3. The local Conservative party is to ______ a recent recruit as its candidate to fight the
next election.
24. .....................................

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

1. Before you see the boss, I must warn you in ______ that he can be intimidating at
2. The invention of the machine was described as a major ______ in the field of
medical science.
3. In the morning, the French troops are expected to ______ on the insurgents‘ positions.
25. .....................................


1. The factory managers began to look worried as the crowd ______ shouting angrily.
2. Sheila‘s boss has kindly ______ her two month‘s salary so she will be able to pay the
deposit on her flat.
3. The new theory was ______ by two postgraduate research students in Cambridge.


26. .....................................

1. A person‘s age and background will always ______ their choice of friends.

2. The actress said that she was happiest performing in front of a large group of people,
so first-night nerves didn‘t ______ her greatly.
3. This disease is often difficult to identify as it doesn‘t ______ everyone in the same
27. .....................................

1. Funnily enough, with the advent of the computer ______ people began working more.
2. The day she came of ______ she left the nest and set up her own home.
3. Racism is still a problem in many civilized countries in this day and ______.
28. .....................................


1. In democratic countries people are supposed to be free moral ______. They can do
whatever they want unless they do no harm to other people.


2. The farm was immediately surrounded by dozens of law enforcement ______ after a
tip-off from a reliable source.


3. The writer‘s previous literary ______ were useless at getting his books published, so
he decided to go it alone.
29. .....................................
1. Our club welcomes new members of all ______.
2. Ewan is studying the history of the Middle ______ at university.
3. Renata always spends ______ preparing her speeches.
30. .....................................

1. Looking ______ to the future, what are you planning to do after you leave school?

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

2. My oral exam is looming ______, and I‘m really nervous about it.
3. If you want to get ______ in life, you really need good qualifications.
31. .....................................
1. Clients with no financial resources of their own qualify for legal ______.
2. The medical officers quickly came to the ______ of the wounded shop assistant.
3. It would be difficult to write this book without the ______ of a computer.


32. .....................................

1. We intend to ______ the magazine at older men, where we feel there is a gap in the


2. Some people appear to have no ______ in life and go from one job to another.
3. My ______ was bad and I missed the target by at least a metre.

33. .....................................

1. Everyone always said that Angela had a gentle ______ about her.
2. They travelled by ______ as it‘s a faster means of transport.

3. The foul smell of the polluted sea ______ could be noticed for kilometres.
34. .....................................

1. The captain sounded the ______ when the ship began swaying in the high seas.
2. The doctor said there was no cause for ______ as the pain would soon go away.
3. Jane felt a growing sense of ______ when the children hadn‘t returned from the
boating trip.


35. .....................................

1. Having been brought up in a city, Julie found the rural environment ______ to her.


2. The aim of the festival is to bring together people from ______ cultures, and enhance
understanding between them.


3. ―The message seems to be coming from an ______ spacecraft, Commander,‖ said the
36. .....................................
1. After a month‘s holiday, she seems more ______ and looks forward to life‘s

2. The government is fully ______ to any dangers the country might encounter in the
coming period.

The injured victim was still ______ when the ambulance brought her to hospital.

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

37. .....................................
1. Our new call centre will ______ for increased efficiency which, in turn, will
contribute to our clients‘ satisfaction.
2. Don‘t ______ others to patronize you or make you feel small.
3. ―______ me,‖ a man said to her, helping to pick up the items she had accidentally
dropped on the store‘s floor.
1. The scholarship includes an ______ of £100 for books.


38. .....................................
2. As a married man his tax ______ is higher than that of a single person.



3. The teacher made ______ for the fact that the student had been ill when she took the
39. .....................................

1. The building was leaning at a 30 degree ______.
2. ―It‘s hard to see his face from this ______.

3. We discussed the problem from every conceivable ______, but we just couldn‘t find
a solution.
40. .....................................

1. She showed me a computer which might ______ my particular needs.
2. Police are interviewing a man who is said to ______ the description of the attacker.
3. Does anyone ______ to the name of Devian?
41. .....................................


1. In a personal ______ for money for the victims of the disaster the President showed
great emotion.


2. Does the idea of working abroad ______ to you?
3. The accused intends to ______ against his ten-year prison sentence.


42. .....................................
1. The sudden ______ of the film star at the party caused a stir.
2. The modern extension did nothing to add to the ______ of the grand old house.
3. Fears are growing about a possible typhoid epidemic following the ______ of quite a
few cases in the village.
43. .....................................

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

1. Her visa ______ was systematically rejected by the embassy on the grounds of
insufficient financial means.
2. This simple, yet useful, software ______ frees computer users from having to recall
all those important arrangements they make.
3. The institute has great hopes about the ______ of this new device in medicine.
44. .....................................
2. A clean dressing should be ______ directly onto the wound.


1. James graduated in the summer and has already ______ for jobs abroad.
3. The new law ______ only to temporary residents of the country.
45. .....................................



1. To get a desirable effect you have to ______ the paint evenly over the whole surface.
2. At secondary school one of the teachers motivated him to run sprints and 2 years
later he decided to ______ himself to becoming a professional athlete.
3. I have some good news, Mr. Sanders. The new tax regulation doesn‘t ______ to
taxpayers who are self-employed.
46. .....................................

1. She never ______ the things he did for her.

2. He said that the value of the house had ______ considerably.

3. His employer ______ that he had been ill, and she did not penalise him for having
been absent.
47. .....................................


1. If this method fails to work, try adopting a more rigid ______ to your child‘s
upbringing. Some even suggest corporal punishment.


2. Just before the plane was about to ______ the airport, the pilot asked the passengers
to fasten their belts.


3. I don‘t think shouting and venting you anger on people is the right way to ______ the
problem. Why don‘t you have a heart-to-heart talk with them?
48. .....................................
1. Nobody can really ______ with his great talent as a musician, it‘s his honesty that‘s
in doubt.
2. You may disagree, but I would ______ that this is a cause worth supporting.
3. The children ______ about which TV channel to watch all the time. It‘s driving their
mother mad!

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

49. .....................................
1. A meal at the restaurant will cost you an ______ and a leg.
2. I‘ve got a list of people to phone as long as your ______!
3. If you keep jumping on the ______ of the chair like that, you‘ll break it.
50. .....................................


1. The duel was about to begin. Two knights in their massive suits of ______ faced each
other in the castle courtyard.
2. Brian seems invincible, but I know a chink in his ______ we can use against him.
3. The fatal incident could have been avoided if the policeman had worn body ______.



51. .....................................

1. When her smooth leg touched his under the table Brian felt instantly ______ and
2. The guest on the show certainly______ the interest of the host by giving some
snippets of her latest love affair with the footballer.
3. Surprisingly, one day John ______ from his deep sleep in a hospital ward. He saw his
wife holding his hand.
52. .....................................

1. When the TV set ______, the world began to shrink, turning itself into a global
2. The meeting paid off as the both parties had ______ at a compromise.


3. All the pain and suffering experienced in the hospital ward were gone the moment
Lucy‘s baby ______ in the morning.
53. .....................................


1. He was proud to see his short ______ in print.
2. Police found an ______ of clothing in the boot of the suspect‘s car.


3. There is an ______ in the constitution which states that human rights must be
54. .....................................
1. Parts of the vehicle are welded together on the ______ line.
2. A(n) ______ of important officials were present to welcome the Prime Minister.
3. The child got to school too late to join the morning ______.
55 ......................................

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

1. Upon seeing her daughter in a torn blouse and in tears after the date, she started to
______ the worst.
2. In his TV address, the president refused to ______ full responsibility for the disaster.
He put the blame on the intelligence he‘d got.
3. Looking at the excavated works of art from that period it is reasonable to ______ that
our ancestors were cultured individuals.


56. .....................................
1. General Santiago ______ power following a largely bloodless coup-d‘etat.

2. Since he was wearing a uniform, I ______ he was the doorman and gave him a
generous tip.


3. As she caught sight of her son, her face ______ an expression of sheer delight.
57. .....................................

1. I don‘t think we should ______ too much significance to her predictions. They hardly
ever come true.
2. If you want your money back, please ______ the document of purchase to your letter
and send it to us stating when and where you bought the product.
3. You cannot ______ labels to people after a five-minute conversation. Your attitude is
58. .....................................

1. We were unable to ______the wedding due to a prior engagement.

2. The minister left the meeting suddenly to ______ to some urgent business


3. Would you please ______ to your work and stop day-dreaming?
59. .....................................


1. Fiona had a free afternoon, so was able to give the problem her full ______ .
2. The new research has been the subject of considerable media ______ recently.


3. I think we should bring the problem to the ______ of the local council.
60. .....................................
1. Professor Carson is an ______ on mediaeval music.
2. The local planning ______ will take the final decision about the new shopping
3. Without being given ______ by the head of department, I cannot sanction your

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

1. .......................................
1. Marry felt emotionally abused when he announced he wanted to ______ out of his
promise to marry her.
2. I was truly pleased to see the ______ of him. In fact, he didn‘t fit in with us at all.


3. The pair chose to live in a ______ street away from the bustle of the city centre
enjoying peace and quiet.
2. .......................................

1. Invertebrate creatures such as the worm and octopus do not have a(n) ______.

2. The small businesses in this city are in fact its economic ______.


3. Dan doesn‘t have the ______ to tell his superior what he honestly believes.
3. .......................................

1. The Prime Minister has been fully ______ by the opposition on this issue.
2. Since it ______ onto a disused factory, I was reluctant to buy the house.
3. Simon put the car into reverse by mistake and ______ into the car behind.
4. .......................................

1. The discussions to find a peaceful solution to the uprising took place against a
______ of continuing violence.
2. You shouldn‘t be ashamed of your working-class ______.

3. The fabric she chose has got pink roses on a pale blue ______.
5. .......................................


1. Ever since John broke the window, he‘s been in the teacher's ______ books.
2. Rumour has it that he quit the country leaving nothing but ______ debts behind.


3. Poor Mark! I feel really ______ about his being laid off on his birthday.


6. .......................................
1. The seafront was ______ damaged in the aerial attack. Very few buildings remained
2. Nothing spelled the disaster. But things began to go ______ wrong when civilians got
caught up in the line of fire.
3. She has been ______ treated all her life. Even now, she‘s suffering from her violent

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

7. .......................................
1. The IMF is threatening to cut off its financial support if the government doesn‘t
______ the budget.
2. A sudden gust of wind blew the climber off his ______ and down the steep cliff.
3. The future of the tsunami survivors is still hanging in the ______ as relief efforts still
lack coordination.


8. .......................................
1. When she picked the rose, a thorn went into the ______ of her thumb, and she fell
into a deep sleep.


2. Can you look in the top drawer in the kitchen and see if you can find a ______ of
3. Her parents had arranged a formal ______ for her eighteenth birthday, although she‘d
have preferred to go to a club.
9. .......................................

1. In sunny weather ______ people are strongly advised to wear a hat.

2. If the tyres of a car are ______, there is an increased risk of slipping due to the
surfaces being worn down.
3. The company chairman‘s resignation come as a ______ statement during the monthly
sales meeting.
10. .....................................


1. The changes proposed by the government will definitely hit people in the highest
income ______.
2. A marauding ______ of soldiers was threatening the very existence of local peasants
and their families.


3. Analysts point out that small political factions need to ______ together to
successfully compete with large parties in the upcoming elections.


11. .....................................
1. Their house was situated near the river ______ on a small hill far away from the town.
2. Mike saw the plane ______ and turn round flying back to the airport. He had a
premonition that something horrible might have happed up there.
3. Tomorrow is a ______ holiday. So you‘d better contact the office today.
12. .....................................
1. Deborah‘s lack of a higher education is a ______ to her getting promotion.

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ThichTiengAnh.Com - Website học Tiếng Anh, tài liệu Tiếng Anh miễn phí

2. If you are going to have a shower, there‘s a new ______ of soap in the soap dish.
3. Oh look, there‘s a coffee ______ over there; let‘s pop in for something to eat.
13. .....................................
1. There she was. A small child ______ with feet begging for some money. She felt
sorry and handed some cash saying it was for shoes.


2. In this region farmers used to make do with ______ essentials. Now state subsidies
allow them to buy luxury items.
3. It‘s a grammar mistake. You should‘ve used the ______infinitive after would rather.

14. .....................................

1. The dog‘s ______ alerted the watchman that something was wrong in the backyard.


2. For centuries, the indigenous population have used the ______ of the tree to make
3. Our manager used to ______ at us when she felt we could be more efficient with our
15. .....................................

1. How he survived in these conditions will probably never be explained. He had only a
bottle of mineral water to drink and a few chocolate ______ to eat.
2. The hardened criminal is sure to spend the rest of his days behind ______. He will
not get away with the crime like this.
3. When a new team of town officials came to power, they immediately closed down all
the licensed ______ in the town to appease the moral majority.


16. .....................................

1. It is pitiful when people ______ their assumptions on prejudices, not facts.


2. The tourists finally made it to the lighthouse. Standing there, at the ______ of the tall
structure, they were a bit disappointed as it was closed for renovation.


3. It wasn‘t until the early years of the 20th century that the fishing port was turned into
a strategically important naval ______.
17. .....................................
1. The sight of ______ hens huddled in their small cages put him off eggs for a long
2. Understandably, pupils must feel frustrated and exhausted having to undergo a
______ of exams at the end of the school year.

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3. The community was relieved when the thug was finally convicted of assault and
18. .....................................
1. The figure was momentarily silhouetted in the ______ of his bike‘s headlight, and
then disappeared into the darkness.


2. This ______ seems to have been attacked by woodworm, so when you have the roof
redone, you had better make sure it is replaced.

3. She opened the door to her guests with a(n) ______ of pleasure on her face.
19. .....................................


1. The recent terrorist attacks on the country's embassies ______the hallmarks of a
radical group linked to Al Queda.
2. I don‘t ______ a grudge and I mean it. I understand it wasn‘t intentional.
3. The investment can be a bit risky and what‘s more, you have to ______ half of its
20. .....................................

1. The children looked up to see their father entering the room ______ gifts from
foreign countries.
2. Glancing in his rear-view mirror, the learner driver was horrified to see a large
articulated lorry ______ down on him.
3. ______ in mind everything you‘ve told me, I think we should postpone our trip until
later in the year.


21. .....................................

1. She felt there was some kind of ______ in her. On the surface she came across as
sweet and kind, but deep down her kinky desires sometimes grabbed hold of her.


2. The desert during the day seems devoid of life. But at night it is a very different


3. A few ducks and one ______ of burden was all that the poor farmer had on his farm.
22. .....................................
1. To appease the city dwellers, the council voted in favour of sending more police
officers on the ______.
2. So far nobody has managed to come close to his fantastic record let alone ______ it.
3. Add some sugar, a pinch of salt, two eggs, some flour and then ______ them together
until it‘s smooth.

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23. .....................................
1. His time for the 100 metres has yet to be ______.
2. Don‘t put the milk in until you‘ve ______ the eggs.
3. The Government were ______ in the election because they‘d put up taxes too much.
24. .....................................


1. I think Jim needed such a sobering experience. Maybe now he‘s going to get it that

life isn‘t always a ______ of roses.
2. Some marine creatures use camouflage to hide on the sea ______ waiting for their
prey to arrive.


3. Susan hated the loose atmosphere in the office, all those lecherous men who thought
she would go to ______ with them because they were her superiors.
25. .....................................

1. Once in front of the King, the messenger ______ double in respect and handed the
letter from the Prince.
2. It is obvious the gutter press has ______the truth slightly to sell the story. Otherwise,
it would be dull.
3. The father was so ______ on getting his kidnapped daughter back that he promised to
pay any ransom demanded.
26. .....................................

1. The funny thing about the wedding was the fact that the ______ was more nervous
than the bridegroom himself.


2. Roy enjoyed the ______ of both worlds. He could travel round the world and make
money at the same time.


3. To the ______ of my knowledge, he was at his office at the time of the murder.
27. .....................................


1. It took only 5 years for the mayor to change the town ______ recognition. Tourists
couldn‘t believe their eyes how it improved.
2. The thing he liked most about his log cabin was that it was situated in the back of
______ away from the slightest traces of modern civilization.
3. Mathematics has always been ______ me. Even today I have difficulty doing the
simplest calculations.
28. .....................................

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1. Those guys don‘t know what modesty means. They get too ______ for their boots
each time they‘re praised.
2. The tycoon considered it funny when insignificant businessmen began thinking
______ and drawing up grand plans.
3. Las Vegas has a reputation for attracting ______ spenders and the like who are
rolling in it.


29. .....................................
1. Most commentators were tempted to ______ the show as the worst they had ever


2. The spy was given a clean ______ of health as the preparations for the mission were
drawing to a close.
3. The bird‘s wings were not damaged, but its ______ was in a sorry state.
30. .....................................

1. The derelict edifice was falling to ______. Years of poor maintenance were to blame.
2. I was thrilled to ______ when I saw the pop star in the flesh.

3. I don‘t know what‘s wrong with this watch. I‘ve got to take it to ______ and see
what‘s inside.
31. .....................................

1. A ______ feeling of failure overcame the team after the final. They‘d lost the game
in the last minute.


2. The fact that Garry had to give way to a new breed of upwardly mobile executives
was a ______ pill to swallow.
3. The ______ irony is that as a doctor he killed more people than his brother who

serves in the army.


32. .....................................


1. Motorists are being warned that driving conditions might be dangerous due to
______ ice.
2. One of the boys gave me a ______ look when I identified him as the main culprit in
the mugging incident.
3. It‘s a great feeling to be in the ______ and not to owe any money to your bank, isn‘t
33. .....................................
1. Don‘t put the ______ on me for what happened!

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2. Where does the ______ for this tragedy lie?
3. We are prepared to accept some degree of ______ as regards the condition of the
National Health Service.
34. .....................................
1. In the examination room, his mind went ______ and he couldn‘t give a single answer
to the examiners‘ questions.


2. Fill in this ______ with only one word. Is that clear?
3. Her ______ eyes showed no interest in the subject, only impenetrable emptiness.
35. .....................................


1. In the winter, the hills opposite George‘s house were sometimes covered with a
gorgeous ______ of snow.
2. It‘s useless to ask Liam to take part in the game. He won‘t join in the fun as he‘s
always been a wet ______.
3. The Ministry of Health suggested a ______ ban on TV alcohol advertising. No
commercials should be allowed regardless of the time of their airing.
36. .....................................

1. A powerful bomb ______ rocked the area shattering all the windows within 200
2. Finding her small teddy bear proved to be a ______ from the past that brought back
hundreds of good memories from her childhood.


3. Each day politically charged lyrics with its pompous music would ______ from a
huge loudspeaker in the city square to remind its dwellers which country they lived in.
37. .....................................


1. The space shuttle ______ off successfully to the cheers of the people in the space


2. The solid rock wasn‘t an obstacle. The engineers simply ______ their way through
the mountain using explosives.
3. As expected, the press ______ the government for the lack of reforms and its
unwillingness to boost the economy.
38. .....................................
1. Living in a ______ family with her stepfather‘s daughters proved difficult for Jane
and caused much pain.
2. The agent‘s disguise was so perfect that he easily ______ in with the sect‘s members.

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3. Her fans couldn‘t understand why she ______ jazz with disco music and thought it
39. .....................................
1. Though blind, Amanda was richly ______ with incredible artistic skills that she
systematically developed.
2. Some of those pagan nations believed that the goddess ______their crops each spring
in return for bloody sacrifices.

40. .....................................


1. Sally ______ on her soup to cool it down.


3. You don‘t know how much I would give for a few moments of ______ silence in the

2. A sudden gust of wind ______ out the candle.

3. They were making counterfeit money, but somebody ______ the whistle on them,
and they got arrested.
41. .....................................

1. The genocide couldn‘t be explained rationally and has been described as being
motivated by ______ prejudice.
2. Jennifer‘s dazzling beauty always makes men ______ to her numerous quirks.
3. He slammed on the brakes bringing the car to a halt, realising he‘d found himself in a
______ alley.
42. .....................................


1. With the biggest stumbling ______ out of the way, the process could pick up the pace


2. Gary‘s a chip off the old ______. He certainly takes after his father in many respects.


3. Having their own detached house was always their dream, but for the time being they
had to make do with living in an apartment ______ in a poor district.
43. .....................................
1. I thought I had a good solution to the problem, but my plan was ______ by the
director, who said it would be too expensive.
2. In many parts of the country, black clouds completely ______ out the sun, and whole
towns were cast into semi-darkness.
3. Enrico had to take a different route home because the main road was ______ by a
lorry which had overturned.

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44. .....................................
1. The school staff needs new ______ in order to bring in novel ideas.
2. Having met his parents, I can see that generosity is in his ______.
3. The doctors said they would have to carry out a ______ test prior to the operation.

45. .....................................


1. It‘s disgusting when you keep sneezing all the time. Can‘t you just ______ your
2. The coach‘s resignation came as a further ______ to the club following the
disqualification of its two best players.


3. Don‘t be naive. If they lay their hands on the story, they‘ll ______ it out of all
proportion and tear you to shreds.
46. .....................................

1. Don‘t worry about the homework. The teacher checks it once in a ______ moon.
2. When you feel ______ and left out, put on some soothing music to calm you down.
3. By Jove! Where have you been? You‘re ______ with cold. I‘ll bring you a cup of hot
47. .....................................

1. Your idea might be revolutionary on paper, but it‘s the ______ of Directors that
makes the final decisions.
2. I‘m afraid the proposed changes will affect people right across the ______, young
and old, rich and poor.


3. Haven‘t you heard the announcement? You‘ve got to ______ the plane now as it
takes off in five minutes.


48. .....................................


1. The governing ______ didn‘t approve of his new strategy and ordered him to come
up with something more down to earth.
2. There‘s a growing ______ of evidence that points to him as the main suspect in the
3. What attracted her to the car was not its price or colour, but its ______ that looked so
slim, almost feminine.
49. .....................................
1. All his arguments ______ down to one thing - you need other people to feel happy.

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2. Most critics admit that the director has gone off the ______ after he made a movie
that attempted to please everybody.
3. Bring the sauce to the ______ and stir gently.
50. .....................................

1. What had started as a minor disagreement over the bar bill soon ______ over into a


2. By the time I got off the phone, the pan had ______ dry.
3. When the reasons for the conflict were analysed, they all ______ down to the
question of land ownership.
51. .....................................


1. You‘ve impressed me with your ______ move. I thought you were bluffing.

2. The dictionary is easy to use and, of course, all entries are in ______ type for clarity.
3. It‘s a popular misconception that only eccentrics and the like choose to wear ______
52. .....................................

1. The metal ______ on the door refused to give in to the burglars.

2. Russell became paralyzed from the waist down after being struck by a of lightning.
3. The kid used to ______ down his lunch and spend hours in front of the TV.
53. .....................................

1. Since the issue was first discussed in 1950, it has become a ______ of contention. It‘s

never failed to generate passionate reactions.


2. Kate has been burning the midnight oil recently as she has to ______ up on ancient
history for a big test next week.


3. The farm looked grim. The land was ______ dry with no vegetation as far as the eye
could see.


54. .....................................
1. Any breach of discipline in the army could result in you having the ______ thrown at
2. The experiment must be carried out by the ______, otherwise we may face
accusations of professional misconduct.
3. I think you should take a leaf out of Jim‘s ______ form of exercise.
55. .....................................
1. I‘ve been in my mother‘s bad ______ since I forgot her birthday this year.

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2. The company‘s ______ may show a profit, but it isn‘t reflected in their share price.

3. Petroleum engineers are currently in great demand so the recruitment agency has
only a few on its ______ at the moment.
56. .....................................
1. During the crash the front of the car ______ the burnt of the impact. Fortunately, the
driver suffered only a few minor injuries.


2. The coin they found at the excavation site ______ the name of the Roman Emperor.
The child ______ such a striking resemblance to Natasha that there was no doubt it
was hers.

57. .....................................


1. You may suffer psychological damage if you ______ up your emotions and feelings.
It‘s good to have somebody you can confide in.
2. When his family died in a car accident all his life collapsed. He tried to find
consolation by hitting the ______ and leading a reckless life.
3. The process of wine making must be closely supervised. Even the last stage when
you ______ the wine must be carried out in hygienic conditions.
58. .....................................

1. You should‘ve seen his face when the bank ______ the cheque and he was left with

no money to survive till the end of the month.
2. The light ______ off the mirror and into Karen face blinding her for a moment.


3. Nobody expected that Tim would recover from the illness. But against all the odds,
he ______ back and returned to acting.
59. .....................................


1. The book was a masterpiece in the art of printing. Richly encrusted in gold and
______ in leather it stood out among other publications.
2. Despite his frantic efforts, he is ______ to lose the game. It‘s inevitable.


3. A plane ______ for New York has been hijacked by a group of armed men. We‘ll
keep you updated as more news comes in.
60. .....................................
1. The Prime Minister said he would never ______ to the terrorists‖ demands even if it
would cost him the next elections.
2. When in front of the royal couple you should ______ low respectfully and remain

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3. The stem of the ship looked solid, but its ______ showed signs of rust and negligence.
61. .....................................
1. Could you help me ______ up these old toys? I want to give them to charity.
2. When the black ______ was finally found at the bottom of the sea it was immediately
transported to the base for examination.


3. We can be sure that voters will decide who they want as their leader at the ballot
62. .....................................

1. Encouraged by the enormous success locally, the language school made a bold move
to open its first ______ overseas.


2. The view was partially blocked by a huge ______ that stuck out from a massive tree
in the backyard.
3. Miriam became to feel uncomfortable when the conversation started to ______ off
into the areas that she knew very little about.
63. .....................................

1. What ______ of shampoo do you use?

2. I never buy clothes with ______ names.

3. The series launched an exciting new ______ of humour on British TV
64. .....................................

1. If you tell him you don‘t want to many him, you‘re very likely to ______ his heart.


2. This new model will satisfy the most demanding drivers and what‘s more, it won‘t
______ the bank.


3. It‘s hard to build trust between these two ethnic minorities. It will take generations to
______ down prejudices.
65. .....................................


1. We had a ______ in the middle of the Nevada desert and it took hours to get the bus
2. This sheet gives a ______ of the budgetary needs of our school.
3. Her poor mother had an emotional ______ following the death of her husband.
66. .....................................
1. Susan was born and ______ in the West Country.
2. Unemployment after the first World War ______ social unrest.
3. This particular kind of dog is ______ for its aggressive nature.


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67. .....................................
1. School officials have been making efforts to ______ the gap between teachers and
students, but with not much success so far.
2. The ______ of her glasses was broken. It snapped when her brother accidentally sat
on them.


3. Carl, would you like to join us? There are Just three of us and we need ______
another person to play ______.
68. .....................................

1. Morris was a man of few words. His ______ comments and laconic answers were


2. You can be sure you‘ll be kept fully informed about the situation. We‘ll ______ you
on the latest news as it comes in.
3. And now, other headlines in ______. The Prime Minister will visit Japan later today
on his three-day tour of Asian countries.

69. .....................................

1. Laura is a very ______ student who learns quickly and does all her course work very
2. Paul always looks on the ______ side of life, so you never find him getting really
3. We came out of the dark cinema and into the ______ sunshine.
70. .....................................


1. The aim of the campaign is to ______ an end to poverty in our inner cities.
2. The purpose of using old films in the classroom is to ______ history alive for the


3. The new water pump will ______ about a significant change in the lives of the local


71. .....................................
1. She has a gift for ______ out the best in people.
2. I don‘t like her high and mighty attitude: she needs ______ down a peg or two.
3. I hope you don‘t mind me ______ my mother here with me.
72. .....................................
1. This callous crime, perpetrated in ______ daylight, has caused widespread outrage
both in the country and abroad.

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2. The actor came into the cinema surrounded by a bunch of bodyguards hiding behind
their ______ shoulders.
3. With his ______ German accent, he was immediately spotted by the producer to play
a Nazi in a war film.
73. .....................................
1. I can‘t afford to go to the cinema. I‘m completely ______ at the moment.


2. Sally ______ her mother‘s favourite vase, so she bought her another one that was just
the same.
3. We ______ down on the motorway last week and had to wait ages before anybody


74. .....................................

1. In the late 1990s his groundbreaking book ______ about a revolution in academic

2. Seeing the hero die in the last scene ______ tears to her eyes. She thought it was
3. And this final argument has ______ our discussion to an end. That‘s all. Thank you
very much.
75. .....................................

1. The book shop was full of poor students who were ______ through magazines and
books unable to buy any of them.
2. Despite ______ the Internet for five days, the researchers still have very little
information on the issue in question.


3. The moment the farmer saw his neighbour‘s cows ______ peacefully in his field he
almost had a fit.


76. .....................................


1. His first and only ______ with the law happened at the age of 65 when he exceeded
the speed limit.
2. If you want to ______ up on your skills, our course is the thing for you. It‘s
affordable and extremely effective.
3. I use a special paste and ______ them regularly, but still there‘s that awful plaque
that troubles me.
77. .....................................
1. It was during my first flight in the balloon that I was instantly bitten by the flying


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2. Sh! Let‘s not talk in this room. They might have put a ______ to listen in on our
3. To stay home, little Mike pretended he had a nasty stomach ______, but his mother
didn‘t fall for that trick.
78. .....................................
1. The company was ______ on the principles of trust, integrity and reliability.


2. It was a good idea to have ______ Information Technology into the syllabus.
3. By working hard Bill ______ up his savings and managed to buy a car.
79. .....................................


1. The neighbourhood called on the council to install a speed ______ on the road after a
speeding car ran over an elderly woman.
2. You never know who you may ______ into on your holidays abroad. For instance,

Luke met his secondary school Geography teacher last year.
3. If the mafia finds out he is unwilling to give back the money, they‘ll ______ him off
and he‘ll end up in a mortuary.
80. .....................................

1. There are fears that more than 20 people have been ______ alive in the Russian coal
2. Once the two families ______ the hatchet and let bygones be bygones, life got back
to normal.


3. The professor struggled to find his mobile which was ______ somewhere under
heaps of books and encyclopedias on his desk.
81. .....................................


1. Brian Yarrow has got money to ______, that‘s his trouble.
2. For goodness sake, try not to ______ yourself out on this project!


3. Every night, the lights ______ in the window to guide the sailors home.
82. .....................................
1. His sudden ______ of anger took everybody by surprise. Nobody expected it from
the man who was supposed to teach self-control.
2. After a decisive victory, the whole army ______ into song to mark the occasion.
3. The services were immediately called in when the water pipe ______ in the city
centre causing havoc and panic among city dwellers.

83. .....................................

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