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International interviewing and counseling 9th ivey chapter 13

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Intentional Interviewing and Counseling:
Facilitating Client Development in a
Multicultural Society
9th Edition

Allen E. Ivey

Mary Bradford Ivey

Carlos P. Zalaquett

Copyright © 2018 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 13

Counseling Theory and Practice: How to Integrate the Microskills with Multiple

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Chapter Goals and Competency Objectives (slide 1 of 2)

▲Awareness and Knowledge
Review how the microskills framework is used across multiple theories of
counseling and psychotherapy.

Examine the background and practice of crisis counseling and cognitive
behavioral therapy.

Become aware of the realities of suicide.

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Chapter Goals and Competency Objectives (slide 2 of 2)

▲Skills and Action
 Read a transcript, practice, and engage in some of the basics of crisis counseling.
 Read a transcript, practice, and engage in some of the basics of a major approach to
counseling and psychotherapy: cognitive behavioral therapy.

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Crisis Counseling (slide 1 of 3)

▲ Crisis counseling is pragmatic and action oriented.
▲ All crisis counseling involves two phases:

Working through the initial trauma


Appropriate follow-up and further counseling

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Crisis Counseling (slide 2 of 3)
Key Methods

▲ Five stages and the microskills
▲ Normalizing
▲ Calming and caring
▲ Safety
▲ Action
▲ Debriefing the story
▲ Follow-up

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Crisis Counseling (slide 3 of 3)
Implications for Your Practice

▲ Counselors need to be ready to help in crisis situations.
▲ Establish trust and a working relationship.
▲ Basic listening skills and the five-stage structure of the session help.
▲ Vicarious traumatization.
▲ Each type of crisis is different.
▲ Adapt approach accordingly.

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Suicide Watch: Awareness and Knowledge (slide 1 of 2)

▲Review research literature to understand factors that might lead to a suicide

▲Maintain a watchful eye for suicide potential, providing immediate crisis support,
and ensuring a careful referral with client follow-up.

▲Look for strengths and resources to build on, both for the here and now of the
interview and for the long-term safety of the client.

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Suicide Watch: Awareness and Knowledge (slide 2 of 2)

▲Recognize the three key warning signs of impending suicide:

Actual threat to hurt or kill oneself;


Seeking access to pills, guns, or other routes;


Talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide.

▲Ask key questions and avoid asking the “why” question.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
(slide 1 of 2)


▲ CBT is an information processing system.
▲ Cognitive activity affects behavior.
▲ Cognitive activity may be monitored and altered.
▲ Desired behavior change may be effected through cognitive change.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (slide 2 of 2)


▲ Some specifics of CBT:

A base of cognitive response as being key to change.
Time limited with specific goals.
A sound relationship is needed but is not central.
A collaborative venture between counselor and client that uses a Socratic question-and-answer style
Based on aspects of Stoic philosophy (“It is not things, but what one thinks of things that counts.”).
Structured and directive.
Based on an educational model
Relies on induction.
Homework is essential.

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Summary: Counseling Theory and Practice

All therapy approaches can be explained and understood in terms of microskills.

The balance of the different skills and structure of the session vary.


Monitor suicide. Provide immediate crisis support if needed, offer an appropriate referral, and confirm that the client attends
that meeting. Look for strengths and resources to secure the client’s safety.

▲ Multicultural Issues

Each theory requires different adaptations to be meaningful in multicultural situations.

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Action: Key Points of Counseling Theory and Practice

▲Microskills and Multiple Approaches
▲Multicultural Issues

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