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Mức độ nhận thức

Chuyên đề
Ngữ âm

Nhận biết
Câu 2

Thông hiểu

Vận dụng

Câu 1+3

Câu 4

Tìm lỗi sai

Câu 6

Câu 5+7

Ngữ pháp

Câu 8+9+10

Câu 11+12+16

Câu 13+14+15+19

Câu 17+18

Từ đồng nghĩa

Câu 23

Câu 22

Từ trái nghĩa

Câu 24+25

Câu đồng nghĩa

Câu 26+27

Nối câu

Câu 29+30

Điền từ

Câu 32+33+34+35

Đọc hiểu


Phân tích

Từ vựng
Câu giao tiếp

Câu 20+21

Cau 28
Câu 31
Câu 36+37+41+42+48


Câu 43


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is
pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 1:

A. stopped

B. cooked

C. crooked

D. pushed

Question 2:

A. misses

B. goes

C. leaves

D. potatoes

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following word.
Question 3:

A. lemon

B. physics

C. decay

D. decade

Question 4:

A. satisfactory

B. alternative

C. evaluate

D. generously

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that
needs correction.
Question 5: We got used to travel on the left hand side after a year or so.
A. to travel

B. on

C. side

D. or so

Question 6: There were too many books on the shelves that I didn’t know which one to choose.
A. there were

B. too

C. that

D. to choose

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Question 7: Ann finds her present job really boring. She wants to look for something more
A. finds

B. boring

C. look for

D. challenge

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions
Question 8. My teacher arrived after I ____________ for him for ten minutes
A. was waiting

B. have waited

C. had been waiting

D. waited

Question 9: This picture book, the few pages _______ are missing, is my favourite one.
A. for which

B. to which

C. in which

D. of which

Question 10: The salary of a computer programmer is ________ a teacher.
A. as twice much as

C. twice as higher as that

B. as much as twice of D. twice as high as that of
Question 11: About 20 percent of U.S electricity currently _________ nuclear power plants.
A. come from

B. coming to

C. comes from

D. came from

Question 12: It is imperative that your face book password ________ confidential.
A. need keeping

B. need to keep

C. needs to be kept

D. needed keeping

Question 13: It is ______ that changes women's lives and the perception of women's roles.
A. educate

B. education

C. educational

D. educated

Question 14: Toxic chemicals in the air and land have driven many species to the _______ of

A. tip

B. edge

C. verge

D. border

Question 15: It is true, then, that a great many people-and a great many people are _____ in the
use of English.
A. contained

B. taken

C. included

D. involved

Question 16: ________, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Difficult as the homework was

B. Despite the homework was difficult

C. Thanks to the difficult homework

D. As though the homework was difficult

Question 17: After a good night’s sleep I woke up feeling as fresh as ______and eager to start a
new day.

A. a fruit

B. a daisy

C. a flower

D. a maiden

Question 18: The headmistress is very competent. All the teaching staff look ________
A. up to her

B. her up to

C. at her up

D. for her up

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Question 19: The fact is, doctor, I just cannot _______ this dreadful cough.
A. get down to

B. get rid of

C. get out of

D. get round to

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to

complete each of the following questions.
Question 20: John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. He asked a local
passer-by the way to the post-office. Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the
following exchange.
- John: “Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?”
- Passer-by: “_______”
A. Not way, sorry.

B. Just round the corner over there.

C. Look it up in a dictionary!

D. There’s no traffic near here.

Question 21: Lora has just bought a new skirt that she likes very much. Choose the most
suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
- Jane: “You look great in that red skirt, Lora!”
- Lora: “_______”
A. No, I don't think so.

B. Oh, you don't like it, do you?

C. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s.

D. Thanks, my mum bought it.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 22: Unless I miss my guess, your computer needs a new hard drive.
A. I break the soft drive

B. you lack money

C. you are my guess

D. I make a mistake

Question 23: They are going to undergo a lot of criticism for increasing bus fare by so much.
A. suffer

B. get out

C. go for

D. take

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 24: I’d like to pay some money into my bank account.
A. put some money into

B. withdraw some money from

C. give some money out

D. leave some money aside

Question 25: Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year's harvest.
A. hungry

B. poor

C. full

D. rich

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 26: Mr. Smith is very interested in our plan. I spoke to him on the phone last night.
A. Mr. Smith is very interested in our plan to whom I spoke on the phone last night.
B. Mr. Smith, who is very interested in our plan, I spoke to on the phone last night.
C. Mr. Smith, who I spoke on the phone last night, is very interested in our plan.
D. Mr. Smith, to whom I spoke on the phone last night, is very interested in our plan.
Question 27: When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.
A. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
B. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
C. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.
Question 28: "It can't be Mike who leaked the document, it might be Tom." said our manager.
A. Our manager made it clear that Tom was the one who leaked the document, not Mike.
B. Our manager blamed Tom for having leaked the document instead of Mike.
C. Our manager showed his uncertainty about who leaked the document: Mike or Tom.
D. Our manager suspected Tom of having leaked the document, not Mike.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines of each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot.
A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot.

B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot.
C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot.
D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot.
Question 30: You’d better take the keys. It’s possible I’ll come home late.
A. You’d better take the keys as I possibly come home late.
B. If I come home late, you’d better take the keys.
C. I’ll probably come home late so that you’d better take the keys.
D. You’d better take the keys in case I come home late.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 31 to 35

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Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are
(31)________ more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but forcing a
child could be counter-productive if she isn't ready. Wise parents will have a (32)
________attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a selection of
stimulating toys, books and other activities. Nowadays there is plenty of good (33)
________available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the
house will also (34) ________them to read.
Of course, books are no longer the only source of stories and information. There is also a huge
range (35)_______ videos, which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book
and are equally valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a
bad review as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time
watching programmes not intended for their age group.
Question 31:

A. scarcely

B. rarely

C. slightly

D. really

Question 32:

A. cheerful

B. contented

C. relaxed

D. hopeful

Question 33:

A. material

B. sense

C. produce

D. amusement

Question 34:

A. provoke

B. encourage

C. provide

D. attract

Question 35:

A. in

B. on

C. among

D. of

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42
There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greek. The one most widely
accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for
this view goes as follows. In the beginning human beings viewed the natural forces of the
world, even the seasonal changes, as unpredictable, and they sought, through various means,
to control these unknown and feared powers. Those measures which appeared to bring the
desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals.
Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed
some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided
material for art and drama.
Those who believed that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the
seed of theatre because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used.
Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances, and when the entire

community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the “acting area”

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Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />and “auditorium”. In addition, there were performers, and since considerable importance was
attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites. Religious leaders usually assumed
that task. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or
supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect- success in hunt or battle, the coming rain,
the revival of the Sun-as an actor might. Eventually such dramatic representations were
separated from religious activities.
Another theory traces the theatre’s origin from the human interest in storytelling. According
to this view, tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first
through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through the
assumption of each of the roles by a different person. A closely related theory traces theatre
to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal
movements and sound.
Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The origins of theatre

B. The variety of early religious activities.

C. the role of ritual in modern dance

D. The importance of storytelling

Question 37: What aspect of drama does the author discuss in the first paragraph?
A. The connection between myths and dramatic plots
B. The seasons in which dramas were performed
C. The importance of costumes in early drama
D. The reason drama is often unpredictable

Question 38: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common element of theatre and
A. music

B. dance

C. magic

D. costumes

Question 39: The word “considerable” in line 11 is closest in meaning to_____________.
A. relational

B. thoughtful

C. substantial

D. ceremonial

Question 40: The word “they” in line 13 refers to_____________.
A. mistakes

B. performers

C. animals

D. costumes

Question 41: According to the passage, what is the main difference between ritual and drama?
A. Ritual requires fewer performers than drama.

B. Ritual use music whereas drama does not.
C. Ritual is shorter than drama.
D. Ritual has a religious purpose and drama does not.

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Question 42: The passage supports which of the following statements?
A. Myths are longer represented dramatically.
B. No one really knows how the theatre began.
C. Storytelling is an important part of dance.
D. Dramatic activities require the use of costume.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43-50.
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done with care.
View a career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as a way to earn a living.
Investing the time and effort to thoroughly explore your options can mean the difference
between finding a stimulating and rewarding career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an
attempt to find the right one. Work influences virtually every aspect of your life, from your
choice of friends to where you live. Here are just a few of the factors to consider.
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may want to
begin by assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about the classes,
hobbies, and surroundings that you find most appealing. Ask yourself questions, such as “Would
you like to travel? Do you want to work with children? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work?” There are no right or wrong answers; only you know what is important to you.
Determine which job features you require, which ones you would prefer, and which ones you
cannot accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.
The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not want to sit at a desk all day.
If not, there are diversity occupations – building inspector, supervisor, real estate agent – that
involve a great deal of time away from the office. Geographical location may be a concern, and
employment in some fields is concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be

found only in large cities. On the other hand, many industries such as hospitality, law education,
and retail sales are found in all regions of the country. If a high salary is important to you, do not
judge a career by its starting wages. Many jobs, such as insurance sales, offers relatively low
starting salaries; however, pay substantially increases along with your experience, additional
training, promotions and commission.
Don’t rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some industries evoke positive or
negative associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant appears glamorous, while that of a
plumber does not. Remember that many jobs are not what they appear to be at first, and may

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have merits or demerits that are less obvious. Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours
without sleeps, whereas plumbers can be as highly paid as some doctors. Another point to
consider is that as you get mature, you will likely to develop new interests and skills that may
point the way to new opportunities. The choice you make today need not be your final one.
Question 43: The author states that “There are no right or wrong answers” in order to _______.
A. emphasize that each person’s answers will be different.
B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.
D. indicate that each person’s answers may change over time.
Question 44: The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. questions

B. answers

C. features

D. jobs

Question 45: The word “assessing” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by _______.
A. discovering

B. considering

C. measuring

D. disposing

Question 46: According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for a
person who does not want to live in a big city?
A. plumbing

B. law

C. retail sales

D. advertising

Question 47: Those are all the factors you should take into account when choosing a job EXCEPT.
A.Your likes and your dislikes

B. The atmosphere at work

C. Geographical location

D. Your strengths and weaknesses

Question 48: In paragraph 5, the author suggests that .
A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.

B. as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling.
C. you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully.
D. you will probably jobless at some time in the future.
Question 49: Why does the author mention “long, grueling hours without sleeps” in paragraph 4?
A. To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber.
B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendant’s job with most people’s perception.
C. To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen.
D. To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant.
Question 50: According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. To make a lot of money, you should not take a job with a low starting salary.
B. To make lots of money, you should rule out all factory jobs.

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C. If you want an easy and glamorous lifestyle, you should consider becoming flight
D. Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate.

Question 1: Đáp án C
stopped /stɑpt/
cooked /kʊkt/
crooked /krʊkid/
pushed /pʊʃt/
Question 2: Đáp án A
misses /ˈmɪsiz/


leaves /livz/
potatoes /pəˈteɪtoʊz/
Question 3: Đáp án B
lemon /ˈlɛmən/
physics /ˈfɪzɪks/
decay /dəˈkeɪ/
decade /dɛˈkeɪd/
Question 4: Đáp án








Question 5: Đáp án A
To travel => traveling
Get used to doing sth: tạo thói quen làm việc gì
Question 6: Đáp án B

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Too => so
So… that… : đến nỗi mà
Question 7: Đáp án D
Challenge => challenging
Question 8: Đáp án B
Question 9: Đáp án D
Question 10: Đáp án D
Question 11: Đáp án C
Question 12: Đáp án C
Need to be PII = need V_ing = cần được làm gì
Question 13: Đáp án B
Question 14: Đáp án C
Question 15: Đáp án D
Involve in: liên quan đến
Question 16: Đáp án A
Question 17: Đáp án B
As fresh as a daisy: tràn đầy năng lượng
Question 18: Đáp án A
Look up to sb: tôn trọng ai
Question 19: Đáp án C
Get down to sth: tập trung cho cái gì
Get rid of sth: vứt bỏ cái gì
Get out of sth: tránh né cái gì
Get round to sth: làm cái gì được dự định trước
Question 20: Đáp án B

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Question 21: Đáp án D
Question 22: Đáp án D
Question 23: Đáp án A
Question 24: Đáp án B
Question 25: Đáp án C
Question 26: Đáp án C
Ông Smith rất quan tâm đến kế hoạch của chúng tôi. Tôi đã nói chuyện với anh ấy qua điện
thoại tối qua.
Question 27: Đáp án C
Khi tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao, tỷ lệ tội phạm thường cao.
A. Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao như tỷ lệ tội phạm.
B. Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp và tỷ lệ tội phạm đều ngày càng cao hơn.
C. Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp càng cao, tỷ lệ tội phạm càng cao.
D. Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao phụ thuộc vào tỷ lệ tội phạm.
Question 28: Đáp án D
"Không thể nào Mike bị rò rỉ tài liệu, có thể là Tom." người quản lý của chúng tôi nói.
A. Quản lý của chúng tôi đã nói rõ rằng Tom là người đã rò rỉ tài liệu, chứ không phải Mike.
B. Quản lý của chúng tôi đổ lỗi cho Tom vì đã bị rò rỉ tài liệu thay vì Mike.
C. Quản lý của chúng tôi đã cho thấy sự không chắc chắn của anh về việc ai đã rò rỉ tài liệu:
Mike hoặc Tom.
D. Quản lý của chúng tôi nghi ngờ Tom đã bị rò rỉ tài liệu, không phải Mike
Question 29: Đáp án A
Question 30: Đáp án D
Question 31: Đáp án A

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A. chỉ vừa mới
B. hiếm khi
C. hơi
D. thực sự
Question 32: Đáp án A
A. vui vẻ
B. mãn nguyện
C. thư giãn
D. hy vọng
Question 33: Đáp án A
A. công cụ
B. cảm giác
C. sản xuất
D. vui chơi giải trí
Question 34: Đáp án B
A. kích động
B. khuyến khích
C. cung cấp
D. thu hút
Question 35: Đáp án D
Question 36: Đáp án A
Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận là gì?
A. Nguồn gốc của nhà hát
B. Sự đa dạng của các hoạt động tôn giáo ban đầu.
C. vai trò của nghi lễ trong điệu nhảy hiện đại
D. Tầm quan trọng của kể chuyện
Question 37: Đáp án A
Tác giả nói về khía cạnh nào của bộ phim trong đoạn đầu tiên?
A. Sự kết nối giữa những truyền thuyết và những cốt truyện đầy kịch tính
B. Các mùa phim được công chiếu

C. Tầm quan trọng của trang phục trong bộ phim

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Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />D. Lý do bộ phim thường không thể đoán trước
Question 38: Đáp án C
Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG được đề cập như một yếu tố chung của nhà hát và nghi thức?
A. âm nhạc
B. khiêu vũ
C. ma thuật
D. trang phục
Question 39: Đáp án C
Từ “considerable” trong dòng 11 gần nghĩa______________.
A. quan hệ
B. chu đáo
C. đáng kể
D. nghi lễ
Question 40: Đáp án B
Từ “họ” trong dòng 13 đề cập đến ______________.
A. sai lầm
B. người biểu diễn
C. động vật
D. trang phục
Question 41: Đáp án B
Theo đoạn văn, sự khác biệt chính giữa nghi lễ và phim truyền hình là gì?
A. Nghi lễ đòi hỏi ít người biểu diễn hơn là kịch.
B. Nghi thức sử dụng âm nhạc trong khi phim truyền hình thì không.
C. Nghi lễ ngắn hơn kịch.
D. Nghi lễ có mục đích tôn giáo và kịch tính thì không.
Question 42: Đáp án B

Những câu nào sau đây được nhắc tới trong đoạn văn?
A. Thần thoại được đại diện lâu hơn.
B. Không ai thực sự biết làm thế nào nhà hát bắt đầu.
C. Kể chuyện là một phần quan trọng của khiêu vũ.
D. Các hoạt động kịch tính yêu cầu sử dụng trang phục.
Question 43: Đáp án A

Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Tác giả nói rằng "Không có câu trả lời đúng hay sai" để _______.
There are no right or wrong answers; only you know what is important to you.
A. nhấn mạnh rằng câu trả lời của mỗi người sẽ khác nhau.
B. cho thấy việc trả lời các câu hỏi là một quá trình lâu dài và khó khăn.
C. chỉ ra rằng các câu trả lời không thực sự quan trọng.
D. cho biết câu trả lời của mỗi người có thể thay đổi theo thời gian.
Question 44: Đáp án C
Từ “họ” trong đoạn 2 đề cập đến _______.
A. câu hỏi
B. câu trả lời
C. tính năng
D. công việc
Question 45: Đáp án B
Từ “assessing” trong đoạn 2 tốt nhất có thể được thay thế bằng _______.
A. khám phá
B. xem xét
C. đo
D. xử lý
Question 46: Đáp án D
Theo đoạn 3, những lĩnh vực nào sau đây KHÔNG phù hợp với một người không muốn sống
trong một thành phố lớn?

Advertising job can generally be found only in large cities.
A. thợ sửa ống nước
B. luật
C. bán hàng
D. nhà quảng cáo
Question 47: Đáp án B
Đó là tất cả các yếu tố bạn nên tính đến khi chọn một công việc NGOẠI TRỪ.
A. Sở thích và ghét của bạn
B. Bầu không khí tại nơi làm việc
C. Vị trí địa lý
D. Điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của bạn

Đặt mua file word soạn tin “Tôi muốn mua đề Tiếng Anh Anh 2018 file word” gửi đến 0982.563.365
Hoặc vào link sau để đăng ký />Question 48: Đáp án A
Trong đoạn 5, tác giả gợi ý điều đó.
The choice you make today need not be your final one.
A. bạn có thể muốn thay đổi nghề nghiệp tại một thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai.
B. khi bạn già đi, sự nghiệp của bạn có thể sẽ kém hiệu quả hơn.
C. bạn sẽ ở công việc của bạn suốt đời, vì vậy hãy chọn cẩn thận.
D. bạn có thể sẽ thất nghiệp vào một thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai.
Question 49: Đáp án B
Tại sao tác giả đề cập đến “hàng giờ mệt mỏi, không ngủ” trong đoạn 4?
A. Để nhấn mạnh sự khó khăn của việc làm thợ sửa ống nước.
B. Để đối chiếu thực tế của công việc của một tiếp viên hàng không với hầu hết nhận thức
của mọi người.
C. Để cho thấy rằng mọi người phải làm việc chăm chỉ cho sự nghiệp mà họ đã chọn.
D. Để ngăn cản người đọc lựa chọn nghề nghiệp làm tiếp viên hàng không.
Question 50: Đáp án D
Theo đoạn văn, điều nào sau đây là đúng?

A. Để kiếm được nhiều tiền, bạn không nên làm một công việc với mức lương khởi điểm
B. Để kiếm được nhiều tiền, bạn nên loại trừ tất cả các công việc nhà máy.
C. Nếu bạn muốn có một lối sống dễ dàng và quyến rũ, bạn nên xem xét trở thành tiếp viên
hàng không.
D. Quan điểm ban đầu về sự nghiệp nhất định của bạn có thể không chính xác.
