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I. Fill in gaps with missing letters to make meaningful words and
then put them into the sentences below.
a . — N —TY.......................................................................
b. R —C —CL—


c.FU —DS..........................................................................


e. I—T—R— ST.................................................................
1. The government wants everyone to ................... 25% of
their household waste.
2.....................is very important in any team game.
3.1 have to see my....................about my essay.

He takes much....................in his stamp collection.


The hospital is trying to raise....................for a new kidney machine.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
1. I'll lend you the book when I've finished (read)................it.
2. Do you ever go (swim)....................in the sea?
3. They suggested (have)....................dinner in an Indian restaurant.

4. Would you like (go).....................out for a drink with me?
5. Would you mind (close)....................the window?
6. I nearly missed (catch)....................the bus.
7. Lan wants (become)....................a teacher.
8. I normally try to avoid (borrow)...................money.
9. Robert gave up (play)....................football years ago.
10. I didn't feel like (go)....................out last night, so I stayed at home.

III. Match a line in A with a line in B.



1. Could you help me to carry

a.Is that better? '

this suitcase?
2. Could you do me a favour?
3. Could you speak louder?
4. Let me hold the torch.
5. Can I drive you back home?
6. I'll post that letter for you.
7. May I go out?
8. Could you lend me $ 5?

'b.Certainly, I'll help you.
c. Great. Thanks.

d.Thank you but I can do it on
the way home.
e.Yes, go ahead.
f.I'm afraid I can't.
g- It's very good of you to offer
but I'm expecting my brother.
h. Sure. What can I do for you?

IV. Make offers in these situations, using the words in the box.
Shall I turn off

you an umbrella if you like.

I'll help

your coat?

Would you like me to phone
Can I take
Could I carry
I can lend

the lights?
some bags for you?
for the doctor?
you do the washing-up.


E.g. Would you like something to drink?

E.g. Would you like something to drink?

V. Complete the following sentences by choosing the better one
in brackets for each sentence.

The game {starts / starting) at one tomorrow afternoon.
2. We {are going to have / have) chicken and pasta for dinner tonight.
3. The bus {leaves / will leave) at 8:15 tomorrow morning.
1. Have you heard the news? Laura and Jason {are getting married /
married) in August.
4. There {is going to be / is) a flight to Dallas at 7:02 tomorrow
6. Tom {plans / is going to plan) to buy a new red bicycle
7.1 {hope /will hope) to get a good job after I graduate.
8. Tomorrow the museum {opens /will open) at 10:00 and {closes I
will close) at 5:00. Let's go around 2:30, OK?
9. My plane (arrives / will arrive) at 7:30 tomorrow.
10. I'll buy a present for my mother when I (get/will get) my first salary.

VI. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. We are waiting....................the bus stop.
2. I'll wait.....................you ape ready.
3. They came to visit me.....................my birthday.
4. We arranged to meet you.....................seven......................the
5. Susan can come and see you.....................lunch time.

6. The conference is.....................July.
7. Did you have a good time.....................Christmas?
8. I'm enrolling..................... the activities.
VII. Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or
must in the positive or negative.
1. Richard's only three but he can swim very well.
2. You've had a headache for two days. I think you ............go to

3.1 lived in Germany as a child so I.....................speak German then
I.....................speak it now.
4......................you close the door, please?
5. The letter.....................arrive tomorrow.
6......................I make a phone call?
7. In many countries, you.....................wear a seat belt in the car - it's the
8......................you hold this for me?

VIII*. Make a complete letter.
Dear Tan,
I / be / happy / tell / you /1 / able /join / the Green Group / my school
The G.G / be / holding / one-environment month plan. We / going /
clean / banks / lakes / every weekend. We / going / plant / trees / flowers /
parks and / water / every afternoon / after class.
I / hope / we / can / give / green colour / city / and / earn / more mone\
The program / be / interesting / and / useful. I / be still / good health.

I / tell / you / more / the G.G 's activities.
