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Grade 11: (Unit 9 -> Unit 16)
1. Phonetics:
- Stress of words
- Pronunciation of vowels and consonants
2. Vocabulary:
- The post office
- Nature in danger
- Sources of energy
- The Asian Games
- Hobbies
- Space conquest
- The wonders of the world
3. Grammar:
- Relative clauses (defining / non-defining)
- Relative pronouns with prepositions
- Relative clauses replaced by participles and to-infinitive
- Cleft sentences
- Could / be able to
- People say that… / It is said that…
- Tag question
4. Practice tasks:
- Different stress & pronunciation
- Vocabulary & Grammar: sentence structures, word formation, connectors, subject & verb
agreement, closest meaning, opposite meaning, etc.
- Mistake identification
- Reading skill: (text-based)
+ Fill in the blanks
+ Answer questions

- Writing skill:
+ Sentence transformation
+ Sentence combination
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the underlined part that is pronounced
differently from others.
1. A. bother
B. thoughtful
C. geothermal
D. breakthrough
2. A. conquest
B. astronaut
C. Congress
D. psychological
3. A. digit
B. service
C. notify
D. gigantic
4. A. trained
B. watched
C. worked
D. stopped
5. A. effort
B. fencing
C. release
D. devastate
6. A. protect
B. ecologist
C. prohibit
D. potential

7. A. spacious
B. landscape
C. satisfaction
D. facsimile
8. A. exhausted
B. heat
C. prohibit
D. handicapped
9. A. alternative
B. aquatic
C. intercultural
D. fertilizer
10. A. gymnast
B. rugby
C. fly
D. variety
11. A. discarded
B. called
C. operated
D. needed
12. A. accompany
B. accomplish
C. wonder
D. come
13. A. discharge
B. service
C. limit
D. beside
14. A. swing
B. sweat

C. answer
D. swan
15. A. tanks
B. recipients
C. bookshops
D. belongings
Choose the correct anwser to complete to the following sentences.
16. Oil, coal and natural gas are (nuclear energy, fossil fuels, plentiful, infinite).
17. The house (which built, to build, built, building) 40 years ago is still in good condition.
18. I like the food (was cooked, cooked, which cooked, cooking) by my mother.
19. Vietnam is rich in (natural resources, seas, land, fish) such as coal, apatite…
20. Do you know the girl (wears, to wear, wear, wearing) a long white dress?
21. Linda was the last student (to be asked, asking, asks, to ask) at the oral exam.

22. The man (is entering, entering, to be entered, enters) the bank is a millionaire.
23. The singer was (served, accompanied, assisted, sounded) on the piano by her sister.
I didn’t really feel like going out, but I am glad I (did, made, tried, acted) my effort.
“Is this the address to (where, whom, which, that) you want the package sent?”
The chemistry book (that I bought it, what I bought, I bought that, I bought) was a little expensive.
“Have you ever met the man (stands, standing, who he is standing, is standing) over there?” – No. Who is
“Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, (who, whom, that, which) taught us English last year?
“Will you find the person (who, which, that his, whose) bike you found?”

The Vietnamese participants took (notice, notes, part, role) in the 14th Asian Games with great enthusiasm.
(Spectators, Athletes, Audience, Viewers) from several countries competed in many Asian Games.
How many sports were there (in, on, at, to) the 14th Asian Games?
The Olympic Games is one of the biggest sporting (problems, athletes, cultures, events) all over the world.
Swimming is one of the (mountainous, aquatic, racing, running) sports.
On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their (nation, event, culture,
Vietnam won 3 gold (degrees, medals, awards, boards) at the 15th Asian Games.
This is the novel (that, which, x, all are correct) I’ve been expecting.
He is very good at (making, getting, accompanying, having) people singing with his guitar.
My uncle is interested in (collect, collecting, collected, to collect) stamps.
I’m quite keen on my father’s valuable stamp (collect, collecting, collection, collector).
You should not indulge yourself (in, on, for, at) anything that can form a bad habit.
I really admire him, for his (succeed, success, successful, successfully).
She is the only student who is good (in, on, at, with) both maths and literature in my class.

(It was from this shop that, It was from this shop where, it was this shop which, It was this shop that) I
bought the golden fish.
It was Tom (comes, that comes, to come, who came) to help us.
(The baby, The baby that, It was the baby who, The baby whom) the police had rescued from the fires.
Now women work both before (or, also, nor, and) after having children.
She has neither read the book (or seen, nor see, or see, nor seen) the film.
We don’t have to repair the house as it is still (at, in, on, of) good condition.
(Both Tom and Ann, Either Tom or Ann, Neither Tom nor Ann, All of Tom and Ann) were punished because
they were late.
The film was …..boring…..long (either/or, neither/and, both/and, either/nor).
She neither talked nor (show, showed, showing, shown) her feelings
You must either go at once or (waiting, must wait, wait, to wait) till tomorrow.
It is the children (whom, which, x, that) were punished.
Either I or they (are, is, was, were) enjoying the party now.
56. Neither I nor she (has, have, was, were) seen the film before.
57. The spacecraft lifted (on, of, off, in) at 12 A.M
58. The spacecraft is already in (ring, flight, habit, orbit) round the moon.
59. Pham Tuan is the first Vietnamese (driver, sailor, spaceship, astronaut) to fly into space.
60. I am the only representative of Vietnam in this competition, (not I, amn’t I, isn’t I, aren’t I)?

61. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, (do they, does it, is it, isn’t it)?
62. You don’t need any more, (do I, don’t I, do you, don’t you)?
63. She can speak 6 languages, (can she, can’t she, cannot she, does she)?
64. Wind energy is ……..safe……unlimited. (not only/but also, neither/nor, not only/and, either/or).
65. Neil Armstrong is the first person (to set, to walk, to work, to do) foot on the moon.
66. The hotel staff is friendly and (unhelpful, courteous, discourteous, impolite)
67. All post offices in Viet Nam are equipped with advanced (knowledge, machines, science, technology).
68. You can choose to send your letters by air or (sea, land, surface, hand) mail.
69. How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space (lengthen, last, late, strengthen)? – Only 108 minutes.
70. When spacemen travel into space they have to face enormous (certainties, uncertainties, possibilities,
71. I was not appointed to be a tour guide because I (could, couldn’t, was able to, cannot) speak English at that
72. John doesn’t look well today, (isn’t he, does he, does him, will he)?
73. They used to work as astronauts, (don’t they, weren’t they, did they, didn’t they)?
74. They seemed to have a good time at the party, (hadn’t they, had they, did they, didn’t they)?
75. A pharaoh was a (king, queen, prince, princess) of ancient Egypt.
76. When a pharaoh was dead, he was (carried, hidden, dug, buried) in his pyramid.
77. The pharaohs built pyramids to prepare for their (die, death, dead, dying).
78. Sydney Opera House is widely regarded as a (heritage, wonder, belonging, possession) of the modern

79. Scientists have proposed many (miracles, theories, legends, mysteries) about the construction of the Great
Pyramid of Giza.
80. (Bill Gates, Bill Gates says, Bill Gates is, Bill Gates is said) to be the richest man in the USA.
81. Mr. Pike (says to be, is said to be, is said that, said to be) the most famous archaeologist in our city.
82. John (said to have been visited, is said to have visited, said to have visited, is said to have been visited)
The Great Egypt of Giza.
83. You have seen this film, (haven’t you, have you, do you, don’t you)?

84. It is collecting stamps that he is (concerned, interested, fond, keen) in.
85. Tom, (that, who, whom, whose) sits next to me, is from Canada.
86. The government sent money and food to the people (which, that, whom, whose) houses were destroyed by
the fire.
87. People are destroying the environment by adding (pollutes, pollutions, polluted, pollutants) to it.
88. Nowadays, people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (danger, threat, problem, vanishing) of
becoming extinct.
I’m not the man (that, x, whom, all are correct) you are looking for.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to find out one mistake in each sentence.
90. The waiter whom served us yesterday was impolite and rude.  who
91. This school is only for students who’s first language is not Chinese.  whose
92. This is the girl who father is working with my father. whose
93. He is moving to Lang Son, that is in the north-east of Viet Nam. which
94. The man to speak to me is John’s brother. speaking
95. He is the first person be killed in that way. to be killed
96. They work in a hospital building in 1980. built
97. The flight on it I wanted to travel was cancelled because of the bad weather. on which
98. It was at this shop where I bought this dictionary. that
99. It is my closest friend goes abroad to study next week. who goes
100. It was the cat who the boy hit.  that
101. Listen to music is my hobby. Listening
102. Both Tom with Ann were late for class yesterday. and
103. Mai is no only beautiful but also intelligent. not only
104. Both Lan and Minh is good students. are
105. Your grandfather could speak 3 languages, could he? couldn’t he
106. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it?  didn’t it
107. Neither they nor he are going to the play tonight. is
108. I believe either you or he know her secret. knows
109. We don’t have to repair the house as it is still on good condition. in

110. How many sports were there in the 15th Asian Games? at
111. The person sits next to me is someone I have never met. sitting
Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, without changing their original meaning.
112. It was my grandfather who taught me how to collect books
113. It was the new dictionary that I bought from this bookshop
114.  Both my father and I love watching football on TV
115. I like neither cigarettes nor beer.
116.  Neither Peter nor his brother knows how to drive.
117.  Neither John nor Tim came to the party.
118.  13 is believed to be an unlucky number.
119.  It was their dog that they found in the garden.
120. Neither Mary nor her children want to go
121.  Both swimming and listening to music are good for our health.
122.  She is not only smart but also helpful
123. Either Pike or you are keeping the keys.
Combine these pairs of sentences using relative pronouns
124. Do you know the girl who/whom/that Tom is talking to?
125. A lion is an animal that/which lives in Africa.
126. I have a class which/that begins at 4 p.m.
127. The soup which/that I had for lunch was too salty.
128. The lady who/that you met at the party last night is a famous writer..
129. Mr. Phong, who is supposed to be at the meeting, hasn’t come yet.
130. Lan, who forgot to turn off the faucet, went back home.
Reduce relative clauses or omit relative pronouns in these sentences.
131. The young man talking with our teacher is Ba’s brother.
132. The child enjoyed the chocolates her mother bought from France.

133. She is the only student to be selected after the examination.
134. Do you want to visit the castles built in the 14th century?

135. Thompson is the most famous actress to appear on stage here.
136. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship.
137. Students arriving late will not be permitted to enter the classroom.
138. Be sure to follow the instructions given at the top of the page.
139. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country.
135. Our solar system is in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
Choose the antonym of the underlined word
141. There are number of things I like to do in my free time.
a. pleasure
b. precious
c. busy
d. idle
142. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
a. unimpaired
b. unskilled
c. ill-educated
d. unqualified
143. Now I can play a few simple tune.
a. compound
b. plain
c. easy
d. complicated
144. He advised me to practise playing the guitar regularly.
a. unusually
b. commonly
c. freely
d. completely
145. I always remove the stamps before discarding the envelopes.
a. dispending
b. disposing

c. dumping
d. keeping
146. Another hobby of mine is keeping fish.
a. omitting
b. discharging
c. releasing
d. delivering
147. I usually throw away the common stamps.
a. distinctive
b. beautiful
c. unpopular
d. ordinary
Word form
148. Grass for animals is a renewable.resource (new)
149. The total energy consumption. in 2005 was over 150 million tons (consume)
150. Many ……ecologists are studying the effects of building dams on the local settlers’ life .(ecology)
151. Although there are some …disadvantages, solar energy is used in many parts of the world .(advantage)
152. Researchers.all over the world are trying to find other new sources of energy (research)
153. Unfortunately , if the wind does not blow , there is no wind energy (fortune)
154. Environmental pollution is a big problem in all countries on earth (environment)
155. Solar energy is not only unlimited but also clean and safe .(limit )
156. Minh’s brother is very …knowledgeable…about the Asian Games (know)
157. It’s an opportunity for young people to …deepen their understanding of the world (depth)
158. The number of participants .in the Asian Games has been increasing (participate)
159. Athletics is my sister’s favourite sports . (athlete)
160. We took part in the game with great ……………enthusiasm
161. It’s sure that Vietnam will receive more medals in a variety… of international sports events (vary)
162. …Traditional sports have been added to the Asian Games . (tradition)
163. He felt very happy after he finished his performance (perform)
164. We should provide special services for disabled athletes (able)

165. I classify the stamps into different categories . (class)
166. My uncle is a good …guitarist He learnt to play the guitar when he was very small . (guitar)
167. Books help us broaden our understanding ...around the world (understand)
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
168. A. knowledge
B. friendship
C. athlete
D. compete
169. A. appreciate
B. enthusiasm
C. participant
D. solidarity
170. A. aquatic
B. basketball
C. official
D. together
171. A. occasion
B. together
C. develop
D. volleyball
172. A. athletic
B. history
C. quality
D. bodybuilding
173. A. architect

B. attraction

C. museum

D. construct

174. A. heritage

B. artificial

C. satellite

D. ancient

175. A. propose

B. surpass

C. mysterious

D. spiral

176. A. pyramid

B. treasure

C. belongings

D. wonder


B. chamber
B. disappear
B. human
B. deliver

C. consist
C. prohibit
C. species
C. transfer

D. structure
D. destruction
D. planet
D. receive

A. theory
A. endanger
A. extinct
A. equip

Read the passage and choose the correct answers.
Scientists often divide resources into two groups: renewable and non– renewable. When a resource is used,
it takes some times to replace it. If the resource can be replaced quickly and easily, it is called renewable. If it
cannot be replaced quickly and easily, it is non-renewable. All fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. Solar
energy, air, and water are usually called renewable because there is an unlimited supply.
However, this definition may change if people are not careful with these resources. The amount of solar
energy that reaches the earth depends on the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is polluted, the solar energy that

reaches the earth may be dangerous. If humans continue to pollute the air, it will not contain the correct amounts
of these gases.
Many resources are limited and non- renewable, and many are in danger of pollution. As a consequence,
resources must be conserved and the environment protected. Conservation must become an important part of
everyone’s life.
1. How many kinds of resources are mentioned in the passage?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
2. Non-renewable resources are those which _______
A. are unlimited
B. can be replaced quickly and easily
C. take millions of the years to replace
D. are used every day such as solar energy and water
3. What will happen if the atmosphere is polluted?
A. The air won’t contain the correct amounts of natural gases B. Life won’t continue as it does
C. Renewable resources will soon become non- renewable
D. All are correct
4. The word conservation in the passage is opposite to _______
A. prevention
B. pollution
C. protection
D. preservation
5. Why do we have to conserve resources?
A. Because many resources are limited and non-renewable
B. Because conservation plays an important part in everyone’s life
C. To keep the air from being polluted
D. To make natural resources renewable
B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Up to now, Thailand (1)
the host country of the Asian Games four times. In 1966, Thailand held the
for the first time. It was the 5th Games with 18 countries (2) _____ . In 1970, South Korea dropped its plan to host
the games (3)
security threats from North Korea, and the (4)
host Thailand administered the Games
in Bangkok using the funds of South Korea. In 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games due to conflicts
with Bangladesh and Indian. Thailand (5)
to help and the Games were held in Bangkok. The 13th Asian
Games was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 6 to 20 December 1998.
1. A. is
B. will be
C. was
D. has been
2. A. to compete
B. competing
C. competed
D. compete
3. A. as
B. due to
C. because
D. despite
4. A. previous
B. advanced
C. old
D. before
5. A. suggested
B. advised
C. offered

D. made
C. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from
Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as envelopes or
packages with stamps on them. It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of
collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone.
Many casual collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the creation
of a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge. This is especially important
for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps.
Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries that create limited runs of
elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these countries far
exceed the postal needs of the countries.
Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic Investment.
Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are easy to store. They offer an attractive
alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals.
1. The estimated number of stamp collectors in the United States is _________
A. 30 million
B. 20 million
C. 10 million
D. 15 million
2. Philatelic knowledge is especially important for _________
A. many casual collectors enjoy
B. some small countries

C. those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps
D. the postal needs of the countries
3. Why have some collectors taken to Philatelic investment? – Because they ________
A. have observed the generally rising prices of stamps.
B. have observed the generally rising prices of rare stamps.

C. have observed the generally low prices of stamps.
D. haven’t observed the generally rising prices of stamps.
4. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to __________
A. Stamp collectors
B. Small countries
C. Rare stamps
D. The prices
of rare stamps
5. Which of the following is NOT true about rare stamps? - ___________
A. They are among the most portable of tangible investments. B. It’s easy for us to store rare stamps.
C. They are an important source of revenue.
D. They offer an attractive alternative to art.
D. Choose the word among A, B, C, D that best fits the blank in the following passage:
The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Agra, India.It was built under Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in (1)
________ of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
It is considered as the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian,
Turkish, Indian, and Islamic architectural styles. In 1983, Taj Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and
was cited as “the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world’s
The Taj Mahal (2)________ 2 to 3 million visitors every year , making it the most (3)________ tourist attraction
in India. Most tourists visit during the cooler months. Polluting traffic is not allowed near the complex and tourist
must either walk from the car parks (4)_________ catch an electric bus. The Khawasspuras are currently being
restored for use as a new visitors centre. The small town to the South of the Taj known as Taj Ganji or
Mumtazabad was originally constructed with caravanserais, bazaars and markets to serve the needs of visitors
and workmen. List of recommended travel destinations often feature Taj Mahal, which also (5)_______ in several
listings of seven wonders of the modern world, including the recently announced New Seven Wonders of the
World, a recent poll with 100 million votes.

A. remember

B. memory

C. reminder

D. respect


A. accepts

B. attracts

C. offers

D. invites


A. enormous

B. familiar

C. magnificent

D. popular


A. or

B. nor

C. and

D. then


A. reviews

B. opens

C. appears

D. shows

Good luck !

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